When Chu Anan said this, he made a great determination.

In the battle of the elves, Tai Crystallization is a kind of turning point, but it is also a method that no one is willing to use first.

The reason is simple. The current rulers of the Dragon Kingdom care about equality very much, and put such a powerful thing as Tai Crystallization directly into compulsory education....

In other words, this thing is not someone's advantage, but something that everyone has.

The person who first uses the Crystallization often means that he/she is at a disadvantage.

But Chu Anan understands that Gardevoir can no longer afford to delay.

If she doesn't use Crystallization again, her Gardevoir can only be dragged to death by the technologically modified Rhinoceros! She must use the powerful moves after Crystallization to smash the Rhinoceros half to death!

"Gardevoir, be too crystallized!"

A round bead appeared in Chu Anan's hand, and he threw it gently to Gardevoir.

At the same time, a strong evolutionary light burst out from Gardevoir, especially the light on its head, which was so bright that Chu Lang could hardly open his eyes.

When the white light faded, a huge red fist crown appeared on Gardevoir's head.

Although Gardevoir in this state does not look beautiful, it has a unique heroic beauty.

After seeing the Taicrystal Crown on Gardevoir's head, Teacher Zhou Qiang's face was obviously a little unnatural.

This is fucking restrained!

I should have used the Giant Claw Mantis earlier. This Gardevoir is actually a fighting-type Taicrystal attribute, which is outrageous!

Although the Diamond Horned Rhinoceros he brought is powerful, it also has a fatal flaw, that is, there is no way to evolve too much.

After all, he is not essentially a life....It's just that the Rotom inside is controlling an empty shell.

Zhou Qiang's face changed, and then he said something to the diamond-horned rhinoceros that made Chu Anan and Chu Lang both feel confused.

"Rhino, transform!"......

At the foot of Chulangjia Mountain, Xihaichang Education Director and a group of staff swarmed in

"Are you sure this is the place? Don't make any mistake. We can't waste any time now."

"You are used to being local emperors, now you need to remember one thing"

"From now on, the most powerful people in the education sector of Xihai City will not be us, but people from Orange University."

"If we can't deliver the Orange University admission letter to Chu Lang today, no one will have a good life in the future!"

His subordinates nodded repeatedly and climbed to the top of the mountain.

After searching for so many days, they couldn't eat well or sleep well. Now they finally found the real culprit.

Victory is at hand!

In front of the leader, these people ran faster than each other, all wanting to be the first to help the leader knock on the door of Chu Lang's house.

But halfway through, some people gradually found something wrong.

" Lao Li, is there a fight going on up there? Why is there such a strong energy fluctuation?";

"There should be. My Flame Ace looks nervous. He hasn't felt this way for a long time."

The two looked at each other and felt as if they were involved in some incredible conspiracy.

All the high-level people they could contact disappeared, and now even the champion's family has this level of fighting.... hiss!

"Lao Li, let's walk faster, we may be able to make a contribution today!"

Such situations frequently occurred on the entire mountain road. All the employees of the Education Bureau were full of fighting spirit, summoned their own spirits, and rushed towards Chu Lang's house impatiently.

Especially the Director of the Education Bureau, he seemed to have seen the scene of himself entering Orange University!

"Come on, brothers, get promoted and make fortune right now!"

"Go, go, go!"

"The rumbling stone will roll first, and when it reaches the top, it will subdue the criminals in one fell swoop."

"Beedrill, use Swords Dance, a fight is about to begin, your body will surely last until the end of the battle"

"Come on, Stinky Flower, as long as we do something good today, I will have enough money to buy you the Sun Stone!"

"Damn it, stinky mud, please walk a little faster. Look, Lao Liu’s elf is almost reaching the farm!"...

Although they were not well-trained military personnel, as government personnel and the second combat reserve force of the Dragon Alliance, they immediately and clearly opened the battle line.

The melee Pokémon stood in the front, and the ranged Pokémon were slightly behind, blocking the door of Chu Lang's house. The leading Pokémon was a level 39 Dodoli, which was the Pokémon of the Director of Education.

His position was not particularly important, so he himself was not a gym leader-level trainer.

The Director of Education walked to the door excitedly,"The criminals inside, give up resistance immediately and do not endanger the safety of the hostages. You have been surrounded!"

"We know you are strong, but we are officials of the Xihai City Education Bureau. If you kill us all, there will be no place for you in this big world."


Chu Anan and Zhou Qiang were fighting fiercely when they were suddenly interrupted by the voice outside. They both had bad looks on their faces.

As the director of the admissions office of the university, their rank was much higher than that of the director of the Education Department of Xihai City.

This guy dared to disturb their enrollment. He simply wanted to die!

"I am Zhou Qiang, the director of the Admissions Office of the University of Magic. I am doing something very important right now. Please leave immediately, or I will be rude."

"I am Chu An'an, the director of the admissions office of Longcheng University. Those who are not related to the outside please leave immediately."

Hearing the identities of the two people, the director of the Education Department outside the door could not help but shudder.

It's bad!

The admission letter from Orange University was in his hand, why did people from other university admissions offices come too?

As a veteran who has been in the officialdom for many years, the director of the Education Department knew one thing very well: the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. Their Xihai City is next to Orange University. If they mess up the Orange University, their lives will probably be difficult in the future....

Thinking of this, the Director of Education gritted his teeth and knocked on Chu Lang's door again.

""Well, two leaders, Chu Lang's home is not a place for fighting. Why don't you stop and let me go in to talk?"

In the yard, Chu Lang, who was hiding in the corner, nodded repeatedly, agreeing with the words of the Director of Education.

At the beginning, the two people were relatively restrained in fighting, but later they became more and more unscrupulous.

If the two people continued to fight like this, his farm might be demolished....

Fortunately , with the interruption of the Director of Education, Chu Lang felt that the two people should be more rational, and it was time to go out and persuade them....

A trumpet sprout suddenly appeared, climbed over the wall, and landed between Gardevoir and Rhydon, looking at the two powerful Pokémon with a bad face.

More importantly, he was holding a familiar naughty thunder bomb in his hand!...

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