The moment Chu Lang saw this naughty bomb, his face turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

The fight between the two teachers had already caused his farm to suffer heavy losses. If the naughty bomb exploded again, wouldn't the farm be completely destroyed?

""Don't be impulsive, sir!"

Both teachers were awakened from their anger by the sirens and the naughty thunder bomb. Although they were really angry, they were still within the controllable range.

The loss was only some property, and Chu Lang did not suffer any harm.

If this naughty thunder bomb, which was obviously of a high level, exploded here...What are they fighting over for students? They can just fight over ashes!

Laba Ya gave Chu Lang a reassuring look, stared at Chu An'an and Zhou Qiang with a bad face, pointed at the fruit tree they had damaged with his left hand, and then pointed in the direction of the door, signaling them to pay compensation and leave. The naughty bomb in his right hand also gradually released light, as if it was about to explode at any time.

"Are you with Chu Lang?"Chu Anan saw what Laba Ya meant and asked tentatively.

Laba Ya nodded and repeated the action just now, indicating that they should do it quickly.

"Trumpet Bud, Naughty Thunder, you misunderstood. We are here to invite Chu Lang to study at our place."

"We are admissions teachers at two universities. Now we both want Chu Lang to go to school with us, so we are fighting. Can you understand what I am saying?"

Chu Anan tried to make her words as clear as possible so that Laba Ya could understand.

"We are not bad people, and we have brought benefits to Chu Lang. With our help, Chu Lang's strength will improve quickly."

Ba Ya did not trust Chu An'an's words, and still held the naughty thunder bomb in his hand.

He had just been out for a short time, and his home was almost stolen.

It was so irritating!

Chu Lang hid Young Kiras and walked carefully to Ba Ya.

Over the years, he and Ba Ya did not have much contact, and basically communicated with each other through eye contact.

This guy should be able to listen to himself, right?

"Laba Ya, what Teacher Chu said is true. They have given very generous conditions. They did not threaten me, nor did they intend to destroy the farm."

After hearing Chu Lang say this, Laba Ya's expression eased a lot.

He was very sure that no one could threaten Chu Lang. Since Chu Lang said it was okay, then it was okay.

Zhou Qiang quickly took the opportunity to express his position,"Little Laba Ya, and classmate Chu Lang, no matter which of us Chu Lang follows back to school, that person will bear the losses of the farm."


The bell-shaped bud took a look at the hiding young Kiras, put away the naughty bomb with some regret, and left the farm.

What a pity, it was a wasted trip!...

Chu Anan and Zhou Qiang breathed a sigh of relief after watching the trumpet buds and the naughty thunder bombs go away.

If they ended up demolishing the students' homes while robbing them, it would be big news, and they would be embarrassed for the rest of their lives!

"Classmate, let's have a good chat."

Zhou Qiang was much older after all. Seeing that he couldn't win by force, he immediately changed his plan.

"Although the combat power of my Pokémon and that of Mr. Chu is comparable, the overall combat power of our Magic University is much stronger."

Chu Anan responded,"Student Chu, the combat power of their Magic University is indeed strong, but their strength lies in the mechanical transformation of steel Pokémon, not the level of trainers."

"None of your elves are steel-type, so our Dragon City University is more suitable for you."

"I can raise the conditions I just mentioned. In addition to providing the resources for your elves' growth, I can also add some other conditions."

"for example...Breakthrough Resources"

"Breakthrough resources?"

This time it was Chu Lang's turn to be confused. Does the elf also need resources to break through?

"Yes, breakthrough resources."Chu Anan nodded,"It is true that the elf's qualifications are a hard condition for breakthrough, but it is not the only condition."

"The difference between two Gardevoirs with the same king-level qualifications after their breakthrough is not only due to the level of their trainers, but also the resources of their trainers."

"This is also a topic that all our universities are studying now. We can use Taijing ore or treasures of various attributes to improve the energy quality and total amount of the elves, so that the combat effectiveness of the elves can be greatly enhanced!"

Zhou Qiang sneered at Chu Anan's words.

"You also said that it is just a research topic. There is no experiment to prove that this is correct."

"Besides, how many Taijing mines do you have in Longcheng University? Are they as many as we have in Mo?"

"I'm putting my words here. No matter what conditions you Longcheng University offers, I will add the conditions based on your practice and the diamond-horned rhinoceros just now!"

Hearing Zhou Qiang's conditions, Chu Lang subconsciously glanced at Chu Anan.

Good sister, the opponent is close to the face and output, you should add conditions quickly!

Chu Anan:"......"

The devil has said so, what else can she say?

Things have come to this point, in fact, it is almost done, if she continues to promise, she can only promise her body.

"Um, can you two let me have a word?"

The director of the Xihai City Education Bureau humbly popped his head out from the gate and said,"Orange University has already sent an admission letter to Chu Lang, but we haven't found Chu Lang yet, so we haven't sent it to him yet.""

"You two should be quite clear about this year's enrollment policy. Everything is based on Orange University. Is that right? We need to ensure the normal operation of Orange University."

"If you two want to compete for students, you can..."

"Next year, shit!"Facing the Director of Education of Xihai, Zhou Qiang was far from being as polite as he was to Chu Anan.

Their Demon University has always been synonymous with being powerful and domineering, and the old principal is now the only person in the Dragon Country Alliance who can be on an equal footing with the Chief Education Director Wang Teng.

The Director of Education of a small city is not worthy of his face.

"As long as Chu Lang hasn't signed the admission letter, he has not agreed to Orange University."

"Why should we be responsible for your mistakes at work?"

"Teacher Xiao Chu and I have traveled all the way to Xihai City, and we are going back just because of your words?"

"What's more, Orange University doesn't even send a teacher, nor does it provide any scholarship. It has no sincerity at all. I think our Magic University is more suitable for Chu Lang!"

"Yes, yes, you are right, but..."

"No buts!" Zhou Qiang glanced coldly at the Director of Education of Xihai City.

"You have said that what I said makes sense, so what else do you want?"

Director of Education:"......"

Just kill me!

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