After severely teaching the Director of Xihaichang Education Bureau a lesson, Zhou Qiang walked to Chu Lang with a smile.

"Classmates, do you think our Magic University is sincere enough?"

"If you have no objection, then according to our agreement, we will take care of all your elves' growth materials."

"And if the clinical experiment that Teacher Xiao Chu just mentioned comes true, we will also provide all your elves' breakthrough materials."

"Can't we take care of everything?" Chu Lang struggled a little.

If he didn't know about the breakthrough resources, it would be fine. Now that he knew, he would definitely arrange for all his elves.

His elves are likely to have 6V qualifications in the future. According to Chu Lang's guess, the higher the breakthrough, the more breakthrough materials they will need.

Even if there is no waste at all, the value of this material should be an astronomical figure on his elves.

Zhou Qiang's face darkened and he explained,"Classmate, this thing is a bottomless pit. We can't take care of it all, otherwise the entire Demon University may be taken away by you. You have to bear at least part of it."

Hearing Zhou Qiang's words, Chu Anan, who had given up, felt that she had hope again.

Their Longcheng University has even taken out the position of the candidate for the president. What else can't they give?

"Tap, tap, tap~"

Chu Anan stepped on her high heels and moved closer to Chu Lang, and whispered into Chu Lang's ear,"I thought Teacher Zhou was really going to put forward all the conditions just now, but I didn't expect your school to be so insincere."

"We at Longcheng University can agree to this condition!"

Seeing Chu Anan's physical and mental double attack, Zhou Qiang clenched his fists tightly.

This goblin has no moral principles!

He came to recruit people on behalf of the Demon University, but this guy came directly to send people to Longcheng University.

"Teacher Xiao Chu, are you sure you can be such a big shot?"

"I'm afraid the president and teachers of your Longcheng University won't let you do this, right?"

Chu Anan smiled softly,"Our Longcheng is a private university, opened by my father. Is it a problem to pay a little more to impact the position of a top university?"

Zhou Qiang:"%^*)^&^%$&(%*&)^*&)^%*()&)......"

Chu Anan didn't expect Chu Lang to take a random topic so seriously, but it's always good to turn the tide.

This year is different from previous years. Most of the top students will gather at Orange University. The eight top universities in the past will definitely suffer a heavy blow in enrollment resources.

At this time, if their Longcheng University wins the national champion, it is very likely to get a lot of points in the college competition and enter the ranks of top universities in one fell swoop!

"Chu Lang, if you have no objection, shall we sign the contract?"

Chu Anan rubbed Chu Lang's body a few more times, making Chu Lang want to find Qi Shu....

Teacher Chu’s socks are too white and his legs are too slippery, so his attack speed is almost maxed out!

"Teacher Chu, this is really not possible...."

For his own bright future, the director of education still wanted to struggle a little more.

Chu Anan said nothing, and continued to move closer to Chu Lang with the contract.

Gardevoir beside her flashed in front of the director of education and his group, looking at them with a smile, making them dare not speak anymore.

Creatures like elves are not as easy to talk to as humans!

Chu Lang couldn't wait to take the newly revised contract from Chu Anan's hand and wanted to sign it quickly.

At this moment, the sky in the distance suddenly turned dark red, and the Spearows patrolling in the sky above Chu Lang and the large-billed gulls that were besieging the tearful lizards all scattered.

Chu Anan thought to herself that this was not good, and used the same trick again to block Chu Lang's sight.

"Students, please sign quickly and ignore them!"

"Forehead...Put my head out and I'll sign it"

"Hehe, Chu Anan, you always say that people do things by any means necessary, but now it seems that you are not glorious either."

A string of silver bell-like laughter came from the sky, and Chu Lang only felt a bloody breath coming towards him.


Gulden stood up straight, opened his vertical pupils, and looked wildly in the direction of the sky.

Ten meters in the sky, a violent flying dragon was hovering in the air!

There was an endless bloody smell around the violent flying dragon. Just stopping there made people feel violent, ominous, and fearful.

Complete quasi-god!

Chu Lang looked along the back of the violent flying dragon, and a character who seemed to have walked out of an anime was standing there quietly.

She had a pair of red ponytails, and her red tights had a jelly texture. Her tender white feet were stepping on a pair of red high heels.

Chu Anan looked at the owner of the violent flying dragon with an unhappy expression,"Ren Lele, why are you here too? Your northwest is so desolate and barren, and classmate Chu will not follow you."

Ren Lele laughed softly,"But I look good." Chu Lang nodded secretly. It was indeed good-looking. If the blessing of strength and temperament was counted, it was almost at the same level as Qi Shu.

"But you, Chu Anan, are not good-looking enough, and Longcheng University is not a top university. What are you doing here?"

"Bao Feilong, let me down."

The bloody aura on Bao Feilong condensed into a nearly materialized staircase in the sky. Ren Lele stepped on the stairs and appeared in front of Chu Lang and Chu Anan.

"Little brother, have you come in with me to Daxing Northwest? I am still single."

Chu Lang took a step back and said,"Well, sister, I sell my art but not my body...."

Ren Lele was stunned, not knowing how to answer.

She spent so much effort to create such a strong atmosphere, but this little guy said something like this.

Could it be that this little guy doesn't like women?

Ren Lele looked down at Chu Lang's brothers and threw out this thought.

If he is interested in Chu Anan, it is impossible that he doesn't like women.

Ren Lele moved closer to Chu Lang to prevent Chu Lang from only looking at the bowl and not the pot.

"Chu Lang, our Northwest University can also offer you the conditions for admission to Longcheng University, and I will also be your private tutor and train you well."

"Longcheng University was founded by a former vice president of Northwest University. Their teaching ability is definitely not as good as our Northwest University."

Chu Lang looked at the red twin ponytails that were within reach, and wanted to sign the contract quickly and then go find Qi Shu....

This time the critical hit was also full!

Seeing that Chu Lang was a little panicked, Chu Anan and Ren Lele stopped pressing

""Student, please think about it carefully and see which one is more suitable for you."

Zhou Qiang felt extremely aggrieved. When he returned, he must train a beautiful woman to be the deputy director of the admissions office.

Although he couldn't let Mo Da Shao provide materials, they had too much advantage when the materials were the same!

The director of the Education Bureau on the side was even more devastated. These admissions office teachers who competed with him for people were all strong and beautiful. How could he compare?

It seemed that he couldn't escape the punishment this time....

Oh, that's not right!

Since he couldn't get Chu Lang for Ju Zi, and couldn't contact Ju Zi's people, he could tell Ji Da about this matter!

Ji Da was so close, he could come quickly.

With Ji Da's protection, he wouldn't be so afraid of Ju Zi's punishment!

Thinking of this, the Director of Education took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, is this the Admissions Office of Jida University?"

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