Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 437, Gym Battle

The sixth day to the Kanto region was cloudy.

Yuhai got up early today, and Xia Bo couldn't sleep early either.

As for Xiao Ai?

Xiao Ai is still sleeping in. Yesterday, Xiao Ai was afraid of sleeping alone, so she took Yu Hai and Xia Bo to accompany her.

Many Japanese-style beds are laid on the floor. Last night they made a bed on the floor, with one quilt for each person, and found a place in the room to make a bed and sleep all night.

After getting up early, Yuhai collected water from the open-air hot spring and brushed his teeth. After they finished brushing their teeth, Xiao Ai also got up in a daze, without opening his eyes, and rubbing his eyes with his fingers.

"Brother Hai, Grandpa Xia," Xiao Ai didn't know what to do. She seemed to have forgotten how to brush her teeth.

"Old man, you teach yourself. You need to find a maid to take charge of Xiao Ai's life. We have many inconveniences in life." Ukai spat out the mouthwash and put the toothbrush and water glass back into his backpack.

"Yes," Xia Bo brought a smaller toothbrush to Xiao Ai and taught Xiao Ai how to brush her teeth again. He really needed to find a nanny to take care of Xiao Ai's daily life. Today was just the beginning, and he also felt inconvenient.

"Xiao Ai, let's go have breakfast after brushing your teeth," Xia Bo taught Xiao Ai to finish brushing his teeth and took Xiao Ai to have breakfast, with Yu Hai following behind.

After the three of them finished breakfast, the gym battle that Xia Bo mentioned was about to begin. This time the gym battle was not in the battle field inside the volcano, because that battle field was unsafe and was built on magma. He I don’t want to take Xiao Ai there.

They changed to a safer place to fight, in the backyard of the B\u0026B. There was a large piece of grass there. Xiao Ai was also sitting on the back of Feng Su Dog. Feng Su Dog protected Xiao Ai and would not be affected by the aftermath of the battle. It affects Xiao Ai.

"Young man, the gym battle in Red Lotus Gym is a three-on-three battle. The first elf I use is Kati Dog. Please send out your elf..."

"Kadi dog?" Yu Hai thought for a while. It seemed that Xia Bo really didn't bully him and didn't use his main elf. However, Kadi dog was also an elf cultivated by Xia Bo. It was probably the cub of the King of Wind Speed ​​Dog. The cub should not be underestimated.

So, how about using this big guy...

"Ho, ho, ho, ho," Gyarados just came out, still as irritable as ever, roaring at Kati Dog, instantly triggering the intimidation characteristic, as well as the scary face and glare, which reduced Kati Dog's basic attack and speed. , basic defense.

"Hey, to deal with the fire-type Kati Dog, we must definitely use the water-type Gyarados. I'm sure of this crimson badge," Ukai's Gyarados just came out and gave Kati Dog a punch.

With the reduction of Kati Dog's first level attack, first level defense, and two levels of speed, his dirty tricks are about to come into full force. He wants to see how Uncle Xia plays...

"Oh? Really? Young man, attributes alone cannot determine victory or defeat. You can attack first," Xia Bo knew the intimidation characteristics, and it was not just intimidation.

He found that there were also scary faces and glares among them. Unexpectedly, this kid actually integrated other moves with characteristics. It had an effect on the opponent's elves as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he got the initiative in the first battle.

In this case, changing the spirit is the best choice, but they are fighting a gym battle, and the gym leader cannot change the spirit. No matter how uncomfortable he is, he can only hold it in.

"Gyarados, Dragon Dance," Yuhai got the first attack. Of course he would not miss letting Gyarados strengthen himself. This is the advantage of first attack. Don't waste it.

"Roar," Gyarados heard the dragon dance, flew into the air and swung its body violently, thereby increasing its attack and speed.

"Dragon dance?" Xia Bo did not take the opportunity to attack, but touched his chin and pondered. A Gyarados actually has dragon-type moves. It seems that this Gyarados is not simple. It must have some dragon-type blood.

"Carty dog, spray flames..." Xia Bo planned to test the strength of this Gyarados. It had to be said that this was the first time he had seen the huge size of this Gyarados.

"Ouch," Kati Dog heard the trainer's words, and immediately opened its mouth and sprayed out a large column of flames, attacking the huge Gyarados.

"Gyarados, water cannon," Ukai naturally used water-based moves to offset Kati Dog's jet flames.

"Roar," Gyarados sprayed a large jet of water from its mouth and met Kati Dog's jet of flames.

One water and one fire collided in the middle, instantly producing a large stream of water vapor, which obscured the view of the entire battlefield. The attacks of the two were equally matched, and no one was able to overwhelm the other.

However, as the water vapor in the field rose, this was what Xia Bo wanted.

"Kadi Dog, move at high speed and rush over, Thunder Fang..."

"Gyarados, calm down," Yukai saw Gyarados looking around, looking panicked as if he had lost his target. He immediately calmed down Gyarados, and then shouted: "Use the storm..."

"Roar," Gyarados blew out a strong storm of wind from its mouth, sweeping in all directions, instantly blowing away the white steam it had just created.

"Woof," the Kati dog fell on all fours and grabbed the ground hard. If it didn't do this, it might be blown away by the strong wind.

"Gyarados, pray for rain." This was the first time Yukai asked Gyarados to use a rain-praying move. Judging from the scale of rain-praying on Sweet Orange Island, Gyarados could summon light rain.

"Roar," Gyarados ignored the kadi dog lying on the ground and roared upwards, attracting a large dark cloud and started to rain lightly.

According to Gyarados's proficiency, it shouldn't be able to attract light rain so quickly, but the water vapor just now increased the humidity of the air here, making it easy to ask for rain.

"Wow," Katigou looked at the light rain falling from the sky and shook his body subconsciously, feeling uncomfortable all over.

"Carty Dog, continue to rush over and use Thunder Fangs," Xia Bo has no good way to break the situation. The thick fog just now was originally intended to confuse Gyarados's sight, but the home field advantage he just created was instantly destroyed. Carp Dragon cracked.

In the situation just now, the Gyarados that lost its vision was like a headless fly. The Kati Dog could search for the Gyarados through its sense of smell, which was already the Kati Dog's best opportunity to attack.

Now that the home field advantage was gone, it was raining lightly, and the power of Kati Dog's fire-based moves was greatly reduced. If he used fire-based moves again, there would be no damage.

However, Feng Su Gou took Xiao Ai back to the roof to take shelter from the rain, and he felt relieved.

"Gyarados, water cannon..."

"Roar, puff puff, puff." When Gyarados saw Katy Dog continuing to charge, he immediately opened his mouth and spit out water cannon bombs at Katy Dog. Without exception, they all exploded around Katy Dog and could not be hit at all. Speeded-up Cady Dog.

It seems that Kati Dog's dodge is very flexible. Ukai immediately changed his offensive tactics and shouted to Gyarados, "Gyarados, use the dragon tail to knock Kati Dog away..."

"Roar," Gyarados's tail lit up with blue light, and he whipped his tail towards the Kati dog that was approaching him quickly.

"Get away, Kati dog," Xia Bo's shout was also timely. If he was hit by that huge tail, the Kati dog would be useless.


Gyarados dropped its tail, water splashed on the ground, and the earth cracked inch by inch, but it still didn't hit the dog...

"Gyarados, scary face..."

"Roar," Gyarados instantly twisted its body and raised its ferocious mouth high to intimidate Kati Dog who had just jumped away.

"Aww...wow," the Kati dog saw such a huge thing at close range, and instantly felt the pressure of the food chain. It lowered its limbs to the ground and let out a low growl.

"Kadi Dog, Thunder Fang, now is the best opportunity..."

"Gyarados, jump," Ukai would not give Xia Bo this chance. The electric type has four times the restraint on Gyarados. If Gyarados is bitten and paralyzed, it will be in trouble.

"Roar," Gyarados slammed its tail onto the ground and instantly jumped into the air. This was the second flying move that Gyarados had mastered. However, Gyarados still couldn't fly and could only jump into the air briefly.

"Gyarados, thunder..."

"Roar," the moment Gyarados flew into the air, Ukai's shout followed closely. Gyarados looked up to the sky and roared again, and the lightning sprayed from its mouth fell downwards indiscriminately, causing the kadi dog to jump continuously.

Even if the Kati dog dodges the thunder and lightning falling from the sky, every time the Kati dog lands on the ground, the water on the muddy ground is conductive, and he will still be electrocuted.

Until Kati Dog was paralyzed by electric current and could no longer avoid the thunder in the sky. He was hit by a thunderbolt and fainted in the mud.

"Not bad, young man," Xia Bo saw Cady Dog unconscious and quickly used the Poké Ball to take back Cady Dog. He lost the first gym battle.

It seems that this young man's commanding ability is not bad, and the elves have also trained him well, otherwise Gyarados would not have grown so big.

"Master Xia Bo, attribute restraint is the foundation of trainers and the most basic tactics among trainers." Yuhai did not take back Gyarados. He was not surprised at all that he would win this battle.

If he suppressed so much when he came out, he would be embarrassed to say that he was an experienced player if he still lost.

"Oh? Really?" Xia Bo smiled and did not object to Yu Hai's words, because what Yu Hai said was the truth.

As for those who can't beat attribute restraint?

That only shows that you are good at it, and you have to practice it more. People with reverse attributes can crush you, so what else can you say.

"So what about this one?" Xia Bo sent out the second elf, the lava snail.

"You also want to restrain the lava snail of fire and rock elements?" Yuhai smiled. Is this old guy's brain rusty or there are no more available elves?

Compared to Gyarados, which is twice as weak as the rock element, the Lava Snail is four times as weak as the water element, not to mention it's still raining...

But just as Ukai finished speaking, he found that the light rain in the sky stopped, which meant that Gyarados's prayer for rain was over, and Gyarados needed to pray for rain again before it would rain.

"Come on, you should attack first, and both of us have restraint," Xia Bo smiled and gave up the first attack again. This is the fire element gym, and he is a fire element trainer. Isn't it normal to be restrained by the water element!

"Gyarados, water cannon..." Yuhai has no doubt that he has him. No matter whether Xia Bo really has no elves or just wants to use fire elves, he still uses the same water-based moves to serve him.

"Roar," Gyarados looked at the flaming snail in the distance and opened his mouth again to spit out water cannonballs.

The previous Kati dog ran very fast, but it couldn't beat the Kati dog. This snail can't be faster than a dog!

"Lava snail, shrink the shell, break the shell," Xia Bo saw another water cannon, smiled helplessly, and quickly told the lava snail to shrink its shell to defend.

"Mahu," the lava snail shrank its shell the moment it saw the water cannon.

After shrinking its shell, the soil under the lava snail's feet exploded, and a white light lit up on the lava snail's shell. It was the lava snail that used the shell to break its shell, lowering its double defense and increasing its double attack and speed.

"Oh, you are playing this trick with me!" Yuhai almost couldn't hold back his laughter when he heard the shell breaking. He finally realized what Uncle Xia had planned by using this lava snail.

It turned out that Xia Bo didn't want to play attribute restraint, and didn't even plan to use fire-type moves, but wanted to play dirty tricks with him.

"Gyarados, Dragon Dance..." Yuhai thought to himself, "If you strengthen it, then I will also strengthen it..."

As Gyarados twists and dances, strengthening its attack and speed, the surface of the lava snail becomes metallic again.

"Lava snail, iron wall..."

"Mo Dan, the lowered defense has been restored again," Yuhai saw this scene and realized that he was at a loss. Long Wu could only add one level of attack and one level of speed.

Breaking the Shell reduces the dual defense by one level, upgrades the dual attack by two levels, and has two levels of speed. Iron Wall adds two more levels of defense, which adds more than it subtracts. As he continues to strengthen, he will suffer even more losses. Gyarados cannot continue. strengthen.

"Gyarados, blast it with water cannon. I want to see how many times the snail shell can withstand the water cannon." The reason why Ukai wants to use water cannon is because water cannon is a special attack and has nothing to do with the physical defense added by the iron wall.

"Roar, puff puff, puff puff," Gyarados heard Ukai's words and immediately launched a water cannon bombardment at the lava snail. The water cannons fell on the lava snail one after another, denting the lava snail in the mud.

"Lava snail, use the gyro ball to roll out, surround Gyarados and release poison." After Xia Bo saw through his intention, he did not dare to continue to strengthen the lava snail. After all, it is a water cannon that is four times more powerful. Use the water cannon a few more times. Even a snail shell can't hold it.

"Mahu," when the lava snail heard Xia Bo's words, it immediately rolled out of the mud pit and began to circle around the Gyarados, and emitted thick black and red smoke from the fire holes in the snail's shell.

It seems that it is still fire poison, with the burning effect of fire attribute and the poisoning effect of poison attribute. If it is inhaled, it will be two abnormal states.

"Gyarados, hold your breath and use tornado," Yuhai heard that Xia Bo was about to release poison. This bad old man was very bad.

"Roar," Gyarados' tail glowed again, slamming the ground, creating a tornado, rolling up the thick smoke emitted by the lava snail, and controlling it within the tornado.

"Gyarados, slap the ground with its iron tail and attack the lava snail..."

"Roar, bang, bang, bang," Gyarados used a tornado to sweep away the smoke, and then began to attack the ground randomly, not giving the lava snail a chance to poison, but Gyarados never hit the lava snail even once.

"It's useless. The rolling lava snail is very fast and its tail can't be hit." Xia Bo wanted to know why Yuhai made such a meaningless attack and how Yuhai could break the situation this time!

In fact, the battle between the elves is very similar to showing off tricks. Ukai not only cracked his own moves, but also defeated the Kati dog. Ukai's command and prediction are very good, and he is a young trainer with great potential...

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