Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 438, don’t talk about martial ethics

"That's not necessarily the case," Ukai smiled. He was waiting for an opportunity. When Gyarados slapped the ground into uneven spots, the speed of the lava snail was slowed down.

The result was even better than expected. Because the lava snail was so fast, it rolled up the slope of a mud pit and flew into the air.

"Now, Gyarados, use the water tail to whip it away..."

"Roar," Gyarados saw the lava snail flying in the air and unable to use its strength. The end of its tail was instantly wrapped in the water flow, and then it swung its tail hard to hit the lava snail.


The lava snail couldn't rely on its strength in the air, so it was whipped away by the tail and hit the tree trunk and fainted.

"Bah bang bang, wow, Brother Hai is so awesome," Xiao Ai immediately clapped when she saw that Yuhai had won two games in a row.

"Woof, woof woof," the wind speed dog saw Xia Bo's defeat and roared at Yu Hai, complaining about his trainer.

"Big dog, don't be mean, Brother Hai," Xiao Ai grabbed Fengsu Dog's ears. Fengsu Dog didn't dare to bark anymore, so he lowered his head and whimpered softly.

"Bah bang bang," Xia Bo took back the fainted lava snail and also clapped his hands to praise this wonderful battle.

In fact, he was the one who confused Ukai about attribute restraint. Even if he wanted attribute restraint, he couldn't send out the lava snail, but the lava snail still lost.

“Mr. Totally ineffective.

As a result, everyone saw that the lava snail, which had been hit many times by water cannons and whipped away by its tail, finally burped.

"You brat, you have some skills," Xia Bo smiled. The first two warm-up tests were over, and now he was about to get serious. He threw away the last elf ball in his hand.

"Roar," the armored Tyrannosaurus roared like a Gyarados as soon as it appeared. Even without the intimidation characteristic, the Gyarados was frightened.

"Old man, you don't talk about martial ethics..." Yuhai saw that Gyarados was suppressed by the momentum of the armored tyrannosaurus, but he didn't know that the armored tyrannosaurus was Xia Bo's main elf, the king-level armored tyrannosaurus.

The coercion exuded by the armored tyrannosaurus is almost the same as the overlord aura of the armored tyrannosaurus on the desert island. It even has a violent and hot aura than the armored tyrannosaurus on the desert island.

It should have something to do with Xia Bo's cultivation method. After all, Xia Bo is a fire trainer and lives near a volcano. It is normal for the armored tyrannosaurus to set off a billowing heat wave.

"You brat, what do you mean by not practicing martial ethics? The armored tyrannosaurus was restrained four times by the water element. This is the basic tactic you mentioned. What? Your tactics are not working." Xia Bo put his hands on his hips and almost laughed. , in fact, the smile on his face couldn’t be hidden at all.

"Hey, you stinky old man, you are so shameless," Ukai's fingers trembled in anger, and he was so angry that he didn't know how to curse.

It is true that attribute restraint is a basic tactic, but when the gap is too large, it can make up for the gap in attributes.

In other words, in the face of absolute strength, all attribute restraint and skills are useless. Without the support of strength, everything is empty talk.

"Gyarados, water cannon," Yuhai was very angry at Uncle Xia. Since the old guy didn't respect martial ethics, he didn't respect the elderly and favored the young, so he just started the war without declaring it and let Gyarados attack directly.

"Roar," besides being frightened at first, Gyarados was also a little afraid of the pressure of the king on the armored tyrannosaurus. But after hearing the trainer's words, he still opened his mouth and spit out a water cannon at the armored tyrannosaurus.

"It's useless, young man." After Xia Bo was happy, he remained calm and looked at how Yuhai and Gyarados were still trying to struggle.

Yes, it was a struggle. Although the armored tyrannosaurus was restrained four times by the water system, the water cannon hit the armored tyrannosaurus and there was no reaction at all, as if it was being scratched.

Some armored tyrannosaurs who were tired of being harassed by water cannons directly raised their hands to swat Gyarados's water cannon away, as if they were swatting a fly.

"Roar," Gyarados was so frightened that he was sweating profusely when he saw the armored tyrannosaurus lightly swatting the water cannon. Ever since it was beaten up by the mosquito-repellent frog, it had never encountered a second opponent that put so much pressure on itself.

"Gyarados, calm down, don't panic," Ukai told Gyarados not to panic, but it was a lie to not panic. Even he almost couldn't hold back. This was also the first time he faced a king-level elf.

One is over 30 levels, and the other is at least over 60 levels. This gap is a gap that cannot be bridged by any skills. He will definitely lose this battle. He has no chance of winning, even if he uses Dragon Dance to neutralize Gyarados's attack. The speed is not enough.

Even the water cannon with four times the resistance has no effect at all on the armored tyrannosaurus, not to mention that other moves will only be worse than the water cannon.

"Young man, if you don't come over, I will." Xia Bo saw that Yuhai and Gyarados were too frightened to move. After teasing him, he shouted to the Armored Tyrannosaurus: "Armored Tyrannosaurus, Thunder Fist... …”

"Gyarados, use Waterfall Charge, Iron Tail," Ukai gritted his teeth secretly. Facing this king-level armored tyrannosaurus, Gyarados only had one chance to attack and only one chance to explode, "Gyarados, Fight with it, the most powerful Iron Tail..."

"Roar," Gyarados was awakened by Ukai's roar. Looking at the ferocious beast charging towards him, he felt so small, but he still obeyed the trainer's words and quickly twisted his body and rushed towards the armored tyrannosaurus.

After Gyarados approached the Armored Tyrannosaurus, the muscles on its tail condensed, and the strong tail glowed with metallic luster. Gyarados used all its strength to swing its iron tail, and hit the Armored Tyrannosaurus' thunder fist hard.

Stab, boom boom boom...

The moment the Gyarados and the Armored Tyrannosaurus collided, the Gyarados flew back without any surprise, breaking several big trees before stopping, and passed out immediately.

"Come back, Gyarados," Ukai used the Poké Ball to retrieve Gyarados. The reason why the water tail was not used in the final blow was because water can conduct electricity and will cause damage back.

Even with Iron Tail, the armored tyrannosaurus is doubled, but it turns out that attribute restraint is useless in the face of absolute strength.

Gyarados had just faced off against the armored tyrannosaurus when it was knocked away by the armored tyrannosaurus, and it knocked out the gyradosaurus with one punch, which was more ferocious than the mosquito-repellent frog.

It was impossible for him to defeat this armored tyrannosaurus, but he would not admit defeat either. This was the first time he faced the King of Heaven. He wanted to test his own limits and the limits of the elves...

But next, who should be used among the big-billed gull, mosquito-repellent frog, giant claw crab, armored rhinoceros, and flying mantis?

"Mosquito-repellent frog, come on," Yuhai pondered for a moment, then turned to look at the mosquito-repellent frog standing next to him. The mosquito-repellent scented frog was his strongest elf. He knew that the mosquito-repellent scented frog couldn't defeat it, but he had to try, right? He wanted to know how different mosquito-repellent incense frogs were?

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog has been standing next to Yuhai. When the armored tyrannosaurus came out, it reminded him of the life on the desert island, where there was also an equally ferocious and equally violent armored tyrannosaurus.

However, it had already experienced the aura of the Overlord and the pressure of the King on the desert island, so it was only shocked for a moment and quickly recovered because it was not afraid of the Overlord, and it had the courage to punch the King...

"Mosquito-repellent frog, we only have one chance to punch, don't hold back, use all your strength, remember to defend yourself," Yuhai planned to use Mosquito-repellent frog's strongest move to see if it would be effective against a king-level elf.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog knew what to use. He slowly walked forward and faced the armored tyrannosaurus. He clenched his hands into fists and bumped them together hard.

"The eyes are very firm," Xia Bo didn't think there would be any miracle. After all, as a person who has experienced the gap between heavenly kings and non-kings, he understands it better than anyone else and knows how big the gap is.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, abdominal bulge," Yuhai didn't care what Uncle Xia said, he just wanted to prepare the mosquito-repellent frog's most terrifying blow.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog heard its belly bulging. Even if it had to consume half of its physical strength, it would increase its attack power to the fullest.

"It's useless, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Thunder Fist..."

"Whoa," thunder and lightning flashed across the armored Tyrannosaurus's fists again, and its feet could shake the earth when it ran, and it rushed directly towards the mosquito-repellent frog...

"Mosquito-repellent frog, explode with all your strength, freeze fist," Yuhai stared at the charging armored tyrannosaurus, planning to determine the outcome with one move.

"Yobo," ice crystals appeared on the mosquito-repellent frog's fists. He took a deep breath towards the charging armored tyrannosaurus, then smashed the ground with his feet and charged away.

Abdominal drum, add climbing waterfall, add freezing fist, add double ice restraint, plus ice...


The moment the Thunder Fist and the Ice Fist collided, the middle of the battlefield exploded instantly, and a mushroom cloud rose from it and spread in all directions. The air waves from the two elves hitting each other caused the treetops to fall back.

Even Yuhai himself had to lower his body to resist the impact...

Click, click——

The clicking sound coming from outside the venue was the sound of branches breaking as the big tree could not withstand the continuously spreading shock wave, and the wooden pillars of Xiabo B\u0026B could not withstand the impact and cracked...

"Yo, boo," the mosquito-repellent frog also flew back under the impact, so fast that it flashed past, leaving only a blue afterimage.

Yuhai only saw a flash of blue light beside him. When he looked carefully, he realized that it was a mosquito-repellent frog flying back. He quickly ran over and saw that the mosquito-repellent frog had knocked down a tree trunk and stopped, but it was not injured at all.

The mosquito-repellent frog used the ice-blasting fist without any problem, and even the body that hit the tree trunk was fine. You must know that the tree trunk was broken.

Seeing that the mosquito-repellent frog was fine, he was relieved. It seemed that his idea was successful. He used the defense to resist the repercussions of the ice blast, and then wrapped himself in a water ball made by playing with water, which could also reduce the repercussions of the impact.

The mosquito-repellent frog on Yuhai's side was fine, but it was just too much physical exertion. The armored tyrannosaurus on Xia Bo's side completely withstood double the restrained ice blast damage, and also withstood all the explosion damage.

The moment the armored tyrannosaurus was facing off against the mosquito-repellent frog again, it felt a huge force coming from it, followed by an explosion, causing it to retreat continuously until it retreated in front of Xia Bo and then collapsed on Xia Bo. In front of him, his charred arms hung limply.

The front of the armored tyrannosaurus was covered in explosion damage, and there were also some fine ice shards. Even the arms seemed to be scorched and turned black, making it impossible to lift them.

"Armored Tyrannosaurus," Xia Bo looked at such a tragic armored tyrannosaurus. Although they were all flesh wounds, which just broke through the cuticle of the armored tyrannosaurus, it was still too miserable. The arm was also injured. Is it still possible? See some extruded flesh and blood.

"Whoa," the armored tyrannosaurus raised its arm, which was burnt black after fighting with the mosquito-repellent frog, and planned to rub it on the grass, but as soon as the arm touched the grass, a heartbreaking pain rushed straight to his forehead, and the armor burst out in pain. The dragon bared its teeth.

"You're injured, it's that mosquito-repellent frog," Xia Bo saw the injured arm of the armored tyrannosaurus, and then looked at the mosquito-repellent frog on the other side of Ukai, only to see that the mosquito-repellent frog was just panting, with no trace of injury on his hands or body. .

"How is it possible, such a violent collision, how can there be no injuries at all," Xia Bo muttered to himself, unable to understand what happened just now. He suddenly realized that the mosquito-repellent frog was not injured, which seemed not to be the point.

The point is, it was just a mosquito-repellent frog, but it actually hurt his armored tyrannosaurus, and he was not hurt at all. How did the other party do it?


The current mosquito-repellent frog is just at the end of its strength, and half of its physical strength has been lost. Later, it uses defense and water balls to weaken the impact of the explosion and consumes the remaining physical strength. The mosquito-repellent frog no longer has the strength to fight.

The mosquito-repellent frog was able to walk over on his own, and he took a few breaths there. He also fed an energy cube and regained some strength before he could walk over.

"Fight, why not fight?" How could Xia Bo admit defeat? The armored tyrannosaurus was the last elf. If he gave up, Yuhai could get the crimson badge.

But that mosquito-repellent frog obviously doesn't have the strength of the King of Heaven. How did it explode with such destructive power? Even if it uses its abdominal drum to strengthen itself, it only has more than 200 basic attacks. How can it have such destructive power?

Xia Bo still didn't know that the belly drum was just one of many increases. What was really important about the mosquito-repellent frog was the power brought by the waterfall climbing explosion, as well as the ice attribute restraint, plus the ice explosion to achieve the current result.

The mosquito-repellent frog's basic attack is only sixty-five points. Adding the enhanced attack of six, it is multiplied by 400%, which is more than two hundred points.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, are you okay?" Yuhai looked at the mosquito-repellent frog, but the mosquito-repellent frog smiled at him and walked towards the battle site step by step.

When the armored tyrannosaurus saw the mosquito-repellent frog on the stage, it stopped sitting and stood up to walk towards the battle site. It was still in the body of a non-king, with such a strong fighting spirit. It was really incredible. It had not been so enthusiastic for a long time.

"Hey," the armored rhinoceros roared at the mosquito-repellent frog with one arm hanging down.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog was not to be outdone and raised his fist.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, absorb punch," Yuhai planned to let the mosquito-repellent frog regain some of its strength before speaking.

"Iron-armored tyrannosaurus, rock blockade," Xia Bo also started to get serious, preparing to command the armored tyrannosaurus to fight instead of letting the armored tyrannosaurus perform freely.

If the mosquito-repellent frog can still perform like that just now, he has to take it seriously. If the armored tyrannosaurus is allowed to perform freely, he may really lose.

This brat actually has something hidden. This inconspicuous mosquito-repellent frog should be the opponent's strongest elf. It's not bad...

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