
"Bullet punch!"

On a dry rocky ground, a red figure swept across the rocky ground and quickly approached a Banjira.

Bah! Bah! Bah!...!

The owner of the red figure swung his fists wildly, beating Bangila back step by step.


But Bangila didn't fall down even if he was restrained by the move. He waved his tail to knock away the attacking elf.

"Such a strong wild Banjila, I must conquer you, the giant pincer mantis uses alloy claws."Not far from the battle between the two elves, a woman was giving orders to the giant pincer mantis.


The giant-clawed mantis quickly rushed towards Banjira and attacked with its giant pincers.


Banjira punched out, but this time there was flame on the fist.


The claw fists clashed, and the giant claw mantis was directly knocked away. He was severely injured. Although he did not fall down, he was about to die. He stood up. There are some difficulties

"He actually knows how to use fire fist!"The woman also had a look of shock on her face. She didn't expect that the wild Bangira could actually use the flame fist, and it took such a long time to fight before using this move. It was obviously a deliberate feint to paralyze herself so that the giant pincer mantis could get closer, and then strike again. killer move

"Is this Bangela so smart?"

There are indeed smart elves in the wild, but Bangira is not one of them. Although he is a quasi-god, he has a bad temper. Such elves will use their proud moves to attack their opponents. The

Giant Pincer Mantis is not afraid of the rock attribute. , that’s why the woman dared to let the giant pincer mantis fight Bangila in close combat.


Banjira suddenly yelled at the woman, and a black light condensed in his mouth.

"Boss Cordora uses guard!"The woman hurriedly threw the elf ball.


There was an explosion, and a cloud of black smoke rose from where the woman was.

The black smoke disappeared, and the woman and a Boscodora stood there safe and sound.

"This Bangela actually knows how to attack trainers."The woman was shocked in her heart. Although Bangila defeated the giant claw mantis, the giant claw mantis was not completely defeated.

Normally, wild elves would continue to attack the giant claw mantis. How could they suddenly attack the trainer? This Bangila actually Knowing that to capture the thief first, capture the king is simply too abnormal.


And at this moment, Bangila suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky


Seeing Bangila suddenly looking towards the sky, the woman also looked up at the sky and found several elves flying in the sky, as many as seven or eight in number.

"How come these elves are together?"The woman looked confused. Each of the elves in the sky has a bad temper. It's fine if they are put together without fighting. How can they fly together?


Banjira saw the elves in the sky, his eyes were full of anger, and large stone blades appeared around him and shot into the air.

"He is quite proactive, and he is worthy of being a tyrant."Looking at Bangila who was actively attacking below, Zhao Xu calmly ordered,"Gather and attack!""



Seven or eight elves simultaneously sprayed out their special long-range attack moves. boom!

Bangila's sharp stone attack was dispersed without any resistance, and all other attacks hit Bangila.


Banjira refused to fall.


The woman looked confused and dumbfounded.

Zhao Xu also saw the woman below, but ignored him and ordered the Tyrannosaurus to land.

"Zhao Xu!"The woman exclaimed after seeing the person and the elf clearly.


Originally, Zhao Xu didn't want to pay attention to this woman, but when he heard the woman call out his name, Zhao Xu was a little surprised. He had dressed up in disguise, and most people wouldn't recognize her.

"Who are you...!"Zhao Xuzheng looked at the woman and thought she looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"About four months ago, I met you in the west forest in the green field area, and I even offered to buy your aluminum steel dragon."The woman reminded

"It is you!"

Zhao Xu suddenly remembered, because the conditions offered by this woman were relatively high, which still left a deep impression on Zhao Xu.

"I discovered this Bangela first. Isn't it appropriate for you to take action?"It was okay to be robbed of the aluminum steel dragon, but this time Shiloh was already fighting Bangila.

"Didn't you see Bangira attack me?"Zhao Xu didn't attack randomly. He originally planned to watch Xi Luo and Bangila fight. But now Bangila found that he was still attacking, so Zhao Xu couldn't remain indifferent.

"That's also because you disturbed Banjira by passing here."Hiro retorted

"This is not your home. Do I need your permission whether I pass by here?"Zhao Xu asked back

"you..., but I also consumed Bangira's physical strength before, and I have half of the credit for defeating Bangira."The Aluminum Steel Dragon gave in before, and Shiloh had nothing to say, but this time Bangila must not give in again.

"So what do you say?"Actually, it's okay to give up this Bangela, but without this Bangela, Zhao Xu will lose an experience pack when he comes here in the future. This Bangela has level 60

"Use the trainer's method to solve it. Whoever wins will conquer Bangila. The outcome will be determined in one round."Xi Luo said.

Zhao Xu immediately looked at Sirona's elf.

LV54 Giant Pincer Mantis/♂

LV55 Boss Cordora/♀

【Platinum level trainer. ] Seeing the levels of the two elves, you can determine Shiloh’s strength.

"OK."Zhao Xu agreed and took out an elf ball to subdue Bangila first.

"Back to the city?"Hiro asked

"If I don't have that time, I'll be competing here. As long as my elf is here, the wild elf won't dare to come near here."Zhao Xu said

"good! Just compare here."After that, Shiro took out a high-end ball from her bag.

【This girl is really rich. It seems that this elf was not raised since childhood. 】The elves that can be conquered with high-end balls must have been conquered in the wild. The elves raised since childhood can only use red and white balls.

Of course, it would be another matter if Shiloh likes to show off her wealth, but normal people rarely do this.

"Then let’s get started."

Zhao Xu also took out a red and white ball from his pocket and threw it directly.


LV58 Blazing Monkey/♂

"Flame monkey!"

Seeing the flaming monkey, Shiloh frowned and threw the high-level ball in her hand.


LV50 self-destructing magnet monster/genderless

"Jet flames!"

"One hundred thousand volts!"

The flames and thunder and lightning clashed, causing an explosion. The moves made by both sides were equally powerful.

"Sonic punch!"


The flaming monkey's muscular body galloped forward, rushing towards the self-destructing magnet monster with lightning speed, and knocked the self-destructing magnet monster away with one punch.

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