
The self-destructing magnet monster also retreated a distance in pain, and then immediately rose into the sky to avoid being attacked by the flaming monkey.

"Flame vortex!"


The Flame Monkey spits out a vortex of flames, which surrounds the self-destructing magnet like a net, preventing it from escaping.

"Use discharge!"


The self-destructing magnet monster releases electric waves, dispelling the flame vortex that trapped it.

"Jet flames!"Zhao Xu also chose this moment to attack, and was unprepared for the attack.


The flaming monkey took advantage of the self-destructing magnet monster and just released its move. It needed a slow time to attack.


The jet of flames successfully hit the self-destructing magnet monster and caused some damage to it.

"Use electromagnetic waves!"Hiro plans to limit the flexibility of the flaming monkey. As long as the flaming monkey is paralyzed, it can still be slaughtered by the self-destructing magnet monster.


The self-destructing magnet monster sends out a weak electric wave to attack the flaming monkey.

"Get out of the way and use wave missiles!"Zhao Xu immediately shouted


The Blazing Monkey concentrated his eyes and ran quickly to one side to avoid the attack of the radio wave.

"This can be done...See."

Electromagnetic waves are very weak currents that can't be caught with the eyes, so the hit rate is very high.

But Zhao Xu's flaming monkey is not an ordinary flaming monkey. It can sense energy through waveguides, and can even read self-destruction magnetism through waveguides. The monster's movements determine when the self-destructing magnet monster will attack.

To fight Zhao Xu's flaming monkey, the elf sent must crush the flaming monkey in speed, or use a sure-hit move. Otherwise, if you want to defeat Zhao Xu's flaming monkey, will be very difficult


After dodging the electromagnetic waves, the Blazing Monkey condensed two wave missiles on its palms and threw them one to the left and one to the right.

"What!"Hiro was shocked again. She didn't expect that the Blazing Monkey could condense two wave missiles at the same time, and attack one on the left and one on the right, making it impossible for the self-destructing magnet monster to resist at the same time.

"Waiting for the wave missile to approach and attack with discharge!."Hiro can only command like this.

【Hum. 】Zhao Xu sneered in his heart, watching the self-destructing magnet monster use electric discharge to stop the wave missile, and immediately ordered,"Spray flames!"


The flaming monkey sprayed flames from the front to attack. The self-destructing magnet monster that had just released the move had no way to fight back and was directly hit by the flames. The humanoid elf is good at this. It can release moves quickly and can release moves at the same time. Like the self-destructing magnet monster, only one move can be released at the same time. It's very slow to cast a single move...!

"Explosive flames!"

After continuously consuming several waves, the Flame Monkey released the fire-type heavy attack ultimate move to explode with flames, directly defeating the self-destructing magnet monster.

Ding! The Flame Monkey's level +1!

After a battle, the Flame Monkey rose to level 1, which is great very nice

"......!"Shiloh gritted her silver teeth with a look of reluctance, but as she said in front of the station, it would be useless to be unwilling.

"Hello! If I give this Bangela to you, how much will you pay?"The battle is over, so it's time to talk about the issue of Bandila.

Zhao Xu already has Bandila. This Bandila is just an experience pack. Zhao Xu will not conquer it. After all, the intimacy level is so low. , it takes time to cultivate, so it’s better to be a favor and sell it to Shiloh

"Don’t you want Bangela?"Xi Luo was very confused. Since you don't want Banjira, why did you fight with yourself before? You just said you wanted money. Now you beat me and talk about money. Isn't it a bit too bullying?

"No, if you don’t want it, I’ll sell it to someone else."Zhao Xu said deliberately

"I want! 1000w!"Hiro directly offered a high price.

"Can I transfer money now?"

Although Banjila is a quasi-god, it is not very valuable. 10 million is far more than its value. If it is Yukila's elf egg, it will only exceed the price of 1000w.

So as long as you can transfer it, you can buy a Banjira for 1000w. Gila is still worth it


Xi Luo took out her mobile phone, asked for her bank card number, and then transferred 1,000,000 to Zhao Xu.

Ding! Soon, the World Bank sent a text message with the amount of exactly 1,000,000.

"Take it!"

Zhao Xu threw the elf ball in his hand to Xi Luo.

Xi Luo was startled, carefully took it in her hand, and looked at Zhao Xu dissatisfied.

This is a quasi-god elf, how can he throw it around so casually?

"Where are you going?"Seeing Zhao Xu jump on the back of the Tyrannosaurus, Xi Luo couldn't help but ask.

"Miss, you don’t need to worry about this. See you again when we are destined."Zhao Xu said goodbye to Xi Luo and led his elf to the distance.

"What is this guy doing in the green fields all day?"

Zhao Xu often has to pass through the city wall, and he is recognized by others over time, so Xiluo also knows that Zhao Xu often comes here, but she doesn't know why Zhao Xu always comes here.

And Zhao Xu is just practicing leveling, and he doesn't When subduing elves and picking supplies, the trainers who come in will not disturb Zhao Xu for no reason.......!

After staying in the green leafy area for more than a month, Zhao Xu left here and returned to Peking University.

It's already July, and the graduation exam will be held in more than ten days. Zhao Xu also has to rush back for his graduation certificate.

"Stinky Zhao Xu, you still know how to come back."Zhao Xu returned to the Mercury House and was caught by Zhou Sisi, who had been waiting for a long time. He was scolded when he came up.

"Don't I miss you?"Zhao Xu walked over and wanted to give Zhou Sisi a big hug, but unfortunately Zhou Sisi pushed him away.

"Go away, do you miss me? If it weren't for the graduation exam approaching, I don't think you would come back."Zhou Sisi put her hands on her hips. She was not as gentle and pleasant as before. She looked like she was training her husband. This look has a different flavor.

"right! right! right! It's my fault, don't be angry."For a woman who is in a troublesome state, you must go along with it and wait until her anger subsides before you can reason with her.

"You still know you are wrong, how many times have you done this?......!"Zhou Sisi continues to ramble...!......!

"Why are not you talking."Zhou Sisi talked for a long time, and she vented all her dissatisfaction during this period.

"Don't I dare to say this after Miss Zhou has vented her anger?"Zhao Xu pretended to be submissive.

"Let’s not talk about this anymore. Where have you been during this time? If I ask you, you won’t tell me."Zhou Sisi asked

"I went to the Ouhuang area to challenge the gym."Zhao Xu will not say that he went to the green field to practice leveling. After all, the green field is very dangerous. Saying so will only increase Zhou Sisi's worries.

"It won’t take long for you to collect badges. Where were you from April to July?"Zhou Sisi knows Zhao Xu's strength very well, and can be sure that Zhao Xu has collected all the badges before the registration deadline.

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