"I used Pippi to detoxify the circle bear. After that, the circle bear didn't bother me when he woke up, and he quite obeyed me. Otherwise, I would dare to ask dad to prepare an extra ration."

Zhao Xu didn't know what to do. How to explain it? I just found a random reason and dealt with it first.

"So simple?"

The reasons Zhao Xu gave before were just words, but the reasons given this time are simply an insult to Zhao Fang's intelligence.

"This is the fact. What can I do?"

Zhao Xu couldn't find an explanation, but the fact was that the circle bear was still so obedient after being subdued by him.

"Did your kid use the money I gave you to buy a ring bear outside?" Zhao Fang asked

"well~!"Zhao Xu shook his head helplessly, turned on his mobile phone, sent the word balance to the bank APP, and showed the received information to Zhao Fang.

The balance of XXX1587 account: 528845!

Zhao Fang transferred 500,000 yuan to Zhao Xu at the beginning, and the remaining 28,000 yuan was Zhao Xu's own accumulated pocket money.

"Did you take out a loan?"Zhao Fang still doesn't believe it.

"dad! I am not yet 18 this year. Who is willing to lend me money?"

The market value of a circle bear is four to five million, and there is an age limit for loans in this world. Only those who are 18 years old can get a loan. Otherwise, it is illegal for a lending company to lend money to a person under the age of 18. Not only can the other party refuse to repay the money, but the lending company will also have to accept a fine.

"you...This is so lucky."

Zhao Fang wanted to find out the flaws, but couldn't find any. In the end, he could only blame it on Zhao Xu's luck.

"Aren't you lucky?"Zhao Xu asked

"Forget it, I won't talk about you anymore." Zhao Fang was completely defeated by Zhao Xu's luck. He waved his hand and said,"Your food is in the kitchen. I have to leave beforehand."

"Dad, it’s only 11 o’clock, what do you want? It seems that your time to go to work in the afternoon is around 2:30," Zhao Xu asked.

"Children, please don't interfere in adult matters. Go home early after training in the afternoon and don't wait until six or seven o'clock every time." Zhao Fang told him and hurried out.


"Alas ~ big milk jug!"

The moment he heard the door being closed, Zhao Xu remembered the big milk jug.

"Forget it, let's talk about it tonight."Don't worry about the big milk tank. I have to deal with the trainer level promotion in the afternoon. This is a matter of welfare. Especially there are more than a week left and the month is over. It can be done as soon as possible. Receive one more month of benefits.

After waiting for the circle bear to have dinner, Zhao Xu looked at the circle bear's intimacy with him. It actually increased by 3 points. It looked pretty good. It is estimated that it will reach 70 tomorrow.

Pack it up After a while, Zhao Xu hurried out and headed to the alliance center in the county.

Trainers who want to improve their trainer level must apply to the alliance. The alliance will send people to test, but it is not a test of the elves, but a test of the trainer himself.

Identification of trainers The level depends on the level of the elf, but it is difficult to check the level of the elf. Testing the strength of the elf also requires professional equipment, which is time-consuming, laborious and a waste of money. So people put the test method on the trainer, and with the initial Elf, the trainer's physique will be strengthened. With the same physical fitness, the trainer's strength, speed, and endurance will far exceed that of normal humans.

The power of a normal person's punch will not exceed 100 kilograms, but after summoning the initial elf , the strength can easily exceed 100 kilograms.

Therefore, the strength requirement for silver-level trainers is to exceed 200 kilograms. Of course, ordinary people can also achieve it after years of training, but currently the maximum punch strength among ordinary people is only 500 kilograms. That’s it, there’s no comparison with trainers.

If a black iron trainer regularly exercises boxing, he can easily make his strength exceed 500 kilograms.

In terms of speed, he can run 100 meters in 9 seconds.

In terms of strength , Ordinary people still have a chance to be as good as ordinary trainers, but speed is difficult. So far, no ordinary person in this world has ever run within 10 seconds in the 100-meter run. When he came to the alliance center, Zhao Xu saw that he was helping to collect the money that day. Ye Fang, the girl at the Elf Egg counter

"Miss sister, we meet again."

Because of their familiarity, Zhao Xu decisively continued to ask Ye Fang to help him handle the upgrade business.

"Who are you...Zhao Xu!"

Because we just met yesterday, and Zhao Xu's choice of elf is also very strange, Ye Fang still has fresh memories of Zhao Xu, and he immediately remembered Zhao Xu's name.

"That's right."

Zhao Xu nodded with a smile and took out his trainer ID card.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Fang has been working in the alliance for many years, so she is naturally familiar with the services provided by the front desk of the alliance center. She usually applies for trainer benefits, receives insurance benefits, and improves the trainer level. Zhao Xu has also received elf eggs, and Zhao Xu has also received elf eggs. He is only 15 years old, so he has just become a trainer. It is impossible to upgrade his trainer level. Obviously, he has nothing else to do.

""I want to upgrade the trainer level." Although Zhao Xu found some information about upgrading the trainer level on the Internet, after all, he only read it and never experienced it personally, so he felt a little nervous.

"you sure? Increase trainer level?"Ye Fang was surprised and at the same time, he entered the number on Zhao Xu's trainer ID card into the computer.

It will be applied on August 15, 2122!

When he saw the ID card application time, Ye Fang was confused and looked at it unconsciously. The time in the lower right corner of the computer screen, this year is 2122, it is still August, it is August 19th

"Are you joking with your sister? It has only been four days since you summoned the initial elf, and you have to apply to upgrade your trainer level?"Ye Fang thought Zhao Xu was weird enough before, but she didn't expect that Zhao Xu could do even weirder things.

"Right, isn’t it possible?"

Zhao Xu also knows that it is very high-profile, but because of the benefits of being a silver trainer for an extra month, Zhao Xu also has to be high-profile.

""Zhao Xu, don't joke with your sister. Do you know that it takes at least half a year for a trainer, even a genius? You have only been a trainer for four days, how can you become a silver trainer?" Ye Fang persuaded. While checking whether I saw it wrong

"Sister, you will tell me whether I can apply or not." Zhao Xu knew that no matter how he explained, Ye Fang would not believe it, so it was better to be more direct.

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