"Zhao Xu! Confidence is a good thing, but blind confidence is arrogance...Um? Ugly Fish." Ye Fang checked the initial elf column in Zhao Xu's message and was shocked."Your initial elf is Ugly Fish?"


Zhao Xu nodded and admitted.

"Are you kidding your sister?"

Ye Fang originally thought that Zhao Xu dared to apply because the initial elf was very powerful, but when he clicked on it, he saw that it was an ugly fish.

As we all know, the ugly fish cannot evolve and its combat ability is also very weak. It is a useless elf. Once The elf summoned by the initial elf is an ugly fish, so the trainer can only find a job. A professional trainer is just dreaming. Unless the family is rich enough to buy him an elf, relying on the ugly fish is just a dream.

"Of course not. Miss, please hurry up and give me the application form for upgrading." Zhao Xu was not surprised at all that Ye Fang knew that his initial elf was Ugly Fish. When applying for a trainer's ID card, the information of the initial elf It will be filled in

"Okay, since you have decided to take the test, go ahead and pay 500 yuan first." Seeing Zhao Xu insisting on this, Ye Fang didn't want to persuade him anymore. Anyway, applying for the trainer level test requires money, and the other party wanted to give money, so Ye Fang naturally There was no reason to refuse.

Zhao Xu took the initiative to scan the QR code and pay 500 yuan!

After confirming that the money had arrived, Ye Fang handed the upgrade application form to Zhao Xu to fill out.

After filling it out, Ye Fang took Zhao Xu to the back of the alliance center. There is an indoor battle venue with these three power-testing props and a 100-meter-long track.

It is now 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and the venue is empty!

Wuxian is just a county town, and trainers come out every year The number is very small, and the number of people who are willing to be professional trainers is even less. If two or three people apply for trainer level improvement every week, it is considered good.

"The rules of the test are strength and speed. The power of a punch must exceed 200, and the speed of running 100 meters must be within 10 seconds." Even if he didn't think Zhao Xu could pass the test, Ye Fang still explained the rules very responsibly.

After the explanation , Ye Fang walked to a strength testing machine, turned on the switch of the machine and said,"Test your strength first. You have a total of 3 chances. You have ten minutes to warm up.""

"There's no need to warm up, just come here." When Zhao Xu came back, he got off the bus one stop earlier and jogged to the alliance center. He had already warmed up.

"Okay, let’s start, attack and practice with all our strength"



As soon as Ye Fang finished speaking, Zhao Xu let out a groan and punched out.

The numbers on the screen were moving rapidly!






The last number stopped at 305!

"305 pounds!"

Ye Fang's eyes widened with a look of disbelief. She didn't dare to be careful that Zhao Xu's small body could explode with such great power.

"The strength is over 300, so I passed it."

Before punching, Zhao Xu was also a little nervous. He only used about 70% of his strength, but his strength was up to standard.

"You still have two chances, why don’t you continue testing?"Ye Fang asked

"Do I need to use up all 3 opportunities?"Zhao Xu asked

"This is not necessary, but your information will record the highest data, so it looks better," Ye Fang said

"Forget it, let's measure the 100-meter run." Zhao Xu doesn't care about data at all. Pursuing superficial perfection is not Zhao Xu's preference.

"Just go and run, and the track will automatically record the data for you." Ye Fang originally didn't believe that Zhao Xu could pass the test, but now seeing the strength of 305 pounds, Ye Fang felt that Zhao Xu might be able to pass.

""Yeah." Zhao Xu nodded, walked to the starting point of the track, and took the starting action.

Although he has never learned running professionally, he has seen the starting action and learned it well.

"If you feel able to run, just run. The track has a sensor device that will help you time it, and you will get the same three chances."


After adjusting his breathing, Zhao Xu rushed forward in one stride!

"So fast!"

In Ye Fang's eyes, Zhao Xu's speed was quite fast. In almost three breaths, Zhao Xu ran to the finish line.


When Zhao Xu ran to the finish line, the track made a sound and the numbers on the finish timer stopped..

9.64 seconds!

Successfully broke into 10 seconds!


Ye Fang was speechless. Has Chou Chou Yu's strength improved so quickly?


Zhao Xu took a deep breath and slowed down his rapid heartbeat.

"So have I passed the assessment now?"Zhao Xu asked


Ye Fang is also speechless. The Silver Trainer's assessment is not difficult, but for a trainer whose initial elf is an ugly fish, it is a hellish level of difficulty."

"what else?"

Zhao Xu read it online, it was a test of strength and speed.

""Release your initial elves."

Because most elves will evolve, trainers with initial elves need to go to the nearest alliance center to update the status of their elves every three years.

Similarly, in addition to upgrading the trainer level, In addition to testing the strength and speed, you should also test whether the trainer's initial elf has evolved.

After all, the elf is too powerful, and it is normal to train the initial elf at home to kill people, so update the initial elf information in a timely manner.

It will help the police To determine what type of elf is killing the person, compare the database to find out which trainers own those elf. The same is true for professional trainers. Every three years, they must report to the alliance their newly conquered elf and the elf they have conquered. Elf's state

""Come out."

Zhao Xu didn't expect this to happen, but the other party said it, and it won't work if Zhao Xu doesn't let him go.


LV17 Menas/♂


Seeing Menas, Ye Fang felt relieved. The elf written in the information was clearly an ugly fish.

"Zhao Xu, why did you let Menas go?"

Ye Fang was confused, but her eyes were fixed on Menas. The beauty of Menas was so eye-catching.

"Menas is my initial elf," Zhao Xu said

"Who are you lying to? Your information says Chou Chou Fish." Ye Fang felt that Zhao Xu was treating him as a fool.

"My initial elf was indeed an ugly fish, but it evolved into Menas." As he spoke, Zhao Xu had already taken out his mobile phone.

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