""The money has been transferred, have you received it?"

Although the intimacy level is low, Zhao Xu doesn't care. After he hatches 6 dig rabbits, he will exchange the dig rabbit for racially valuable candy.

After confirming that the money has arrived, Cheng Cheng Wu smiled and said,"Let me remind you one thing. My relatives live in the Olia region. There are too many digger rabbits in the Olia region. The alliance allows locals to hunt them, so the digger rabbits in the Olia region are very important to them." Total disfavor of human beings"

"If you want to tame it, you'd better be careful, it's very hostile to humans."

Cheng Wu is quite cautious. He won't say anything until the money arrives. He doesn't know how to say he has some conscience. , still clever

"I know, thank you for reminding me."

Zhao Xu politely thanked him. Anyway, it is impossible for Zhao Xu to cultivate this Dig Dig Rabbit. The intimacy level of 0 is a problem, and he cannot be included in the picking team.

"The system changed the positions of the Carp Rabbit and the Carp King in the hatching orchid.

After putting the Carp Rabbit in his pocket in the room, Zhao Xu immediately communicated with the system. It would take a week to prepare six Carp Rabbits.

"Ding! The egg group has been successfully matched, the gender has been successfully matched, and egg laying has begun. One elf egg will be laid every 24 hours."

The matter of the picking team has been solved, and Zhao Xu has completely let go of the problem in his heart.

Now only the picking team is left. What else can I do next except for the cats? After spending half a year with Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu couldn’t bear to exchange them for candies.

"By the way, if you want elves from the Olia area, you can tell me. They are mainly the elves that are more common in Olia. My relatives can basically get them." Cheng Wu also tasted the benefits and felt that Zhao Xu was A good trading partner

"Thank you, I don't need it for now."

Zhao Xu is not stupid. Buying a Dig Dig rabbit for 3W is definitely a loss of blood. If it were not for the picking brigade, Zhao Xu would not buy it.

"I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave. I'll fight again when I have the chance."

Zhao Xu said goodbye and left quickly.

It was almost 12 o'clock, and Zhao Xu also rushed back to prepare food for his elf, and also brought it to Zhang. Xin's elf prepared feed.

After returning to Zhang Xin's house, Zhao Xu used all his strength to prepare food for his elf.

After that, he began to let his elf train independently in the afternoon. At the same time, Zhao Xu also sorted out the things picked up by the number team.

In the past six months, the Meow Team has picked up a lot of things, but there are a few strange sweets that are of practical use. Currently, there are only 17 strange sweets in total.

"well! It is still too difficult to pick up strange sweets, and I have only picked up less than 10 in the past six months." In the past six months, Zhao Xu has been deeply aware of the difficulty of raising the level of the elves. After all his elves reach level 40, Zhao Xu He felt that it would take him at least 2 years to become a platinum-level trainer.

Two years to become a platinum-level trainer was enough for this person to hear, but Zhao Xu was still dissatisfied in his heart.

This was also because Zhao Xu had watched the animation Because of the relationship, the descendant became the champion of the Fengyuan League at the age of 16. Zhao Xu often compared himself with the descendant unconsciously.

But Zhao Xu never thought that the world where the descendant lived did not have the original elf. The elf can be cultivated when he is a baby, and the family is rich, so there is still a chance of becoming the champion after ten years of hard work.

At night, Zhang Xin came home from get off work on time.

Zhao Xu and Zhili also took the elf's Dinner was ready, and with the addition of Wrist, Zhao Xu was really relaxed.

The circle bear was placed in the breeding room at home. He thought that there would be a lack of serious training in the backyard, but Wrist completely replaced the role of the circle bear..

In addition to cooking, whenever there is free time, Wrist will go to train.

Zhao Xu is very satisfied with this. It would be great if his other elves can be as conscious as Wrist. Currently, Zhao Xu has half of the elves in his hands. You need to supervise them yourself, otherwise they will not consciously train them.

These are basically elves who are just a few months old. They are too playful and cannot relax enough to train.

"After you left, I was really not used to it." Zhang Xin saw her elf eating, recalling the period when Zhao Xu lived here for a month. When she goes home every day, not only her elf's rations are ready , even the meals were ready.

It took Zhang Xin a month to develop the habit of opening her mouth after eating. As a result, Zhao Xu suddenly went to Peking University, but it took Zhang Xin a week to adapt and return to the previous track. superior

"Sister Xin, you can hire a housekeeping elf to help." Zhao Xu also knows that Zhang Xin is relatively lazy in life, but Zhang Xin is so rich that she can hire a housekeeping elf.

In addition to taking care of the elves, the housekeeping elf also There are also caregivers, and the prices between the two are similar.

"Do you think I don’t have a housekeeping elf?"Zhang Xin asked back.

"oh? Sister Xin, do you have a housekeeping elf? When did you buy it?"Zhang Xu looked stunned.

He had lived in Zhang Xin's house for a month. Except for Bi Diao, he had seen all of Zhang Xin's elves. Even if there was a housekeeping elf, he should have bought it after Zhao Xu left.

"I bought it five years after I debuted. It's a housekeeping elf." Zhang Xin said the name of her housekeeping elf, and at the same time asked in surprise,"Haven't you seen it?"

"I have seen it, but I have never seen Sister Xin’s Guanshi."

Zhao Xu knew that Guanshi, the elf, has super power + normal attributes. This elf is very special and is the representative of housekeeping elves. He is born to love cleaning and taking care of people.

Among the housekeeping elves, the Tubekeeper is definitely the top one, and the price is also quite expensive. Because it has super powers, it can use telekinesis to control cleaning tools to clean any corner.

And the Tubekeeper male Unlike females, males are very suitable to be housekeepers, while females are very suitable to take care of women, children and the elderly.

"Didn’t you go home? I gave my love escort to my sister, didn’t you see?"Zhang Xin also looked confused.

"No, I've been helping out in the breeding house for three days, and I haven't seen Ai Guansi." Zhao Xu was also surprised. Ai Guanshi is such a good housekeeping elf, Zhang Qian should have put it in the cultivation house.

"Yeah? Then I don't know." Zhang Qian didn't care. Anyway, her sister would definitely not hurt her Guanshi. It was probably for other reasons that Zhang Qian didn't put Guanshi in the incubation house.

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