"Then Sister Xin, just buy another housekeeping elf."

Zhang Xin is not short of money anyway, so just buy another housekeeping elf.

"No, my Tussy has a glassy heart. If it knew that I had another housekeeping elf, it would probably cry to death." Zhang Xin looked like she had a headache when she thought of her Tussy.

""Sister Xin, I plan to go to Magic City tomorrow."

The meeting and chatting were almost over, and Zhao Xu also brought up the matter of leaving.

It is already January 18th, and the official start time of the Magic City competition is February 2nd. There are trials before the official competition starts.

The trials usually start one week before the official competition, so the trials start on January 25th. The registration deadline will definitely be two days earlier, so there are only 5 days left to register, Zhao Xu doesn't have time to stay in Mishan City anymore.

"Got it, you can go tomorrow, I won't stop you."

Before coming, Zhao Xu told Zhang Xin about this. Zhang Xin's attitude towards this matter was casual. Zhao Xu's elf state had not been adjusted anyway. Okay, Zhao Xu himself is the one who suffers. The worst he can do is to be eliminated.

Zhang Xin also came here in the same way back then. It is also beneficial to participate in more competitions and gain more experience in competitions.

"It’s nothing for me to worry about, Sister Xin, you can’t bear to leave me," Zhao Xu said

"Stop putting money on your face, you are just a little kid, who would be reluctant to let you go?" Zhang Xin complained.

Zhao Xu...!

Although Zhao Xu wanted to refute, Zhao Xu's current appearance was indeed a little kid in front of Zhang Xin

"Good night, Sister Xin."

Zhao Xu has already bought a ticket to Magic City tomorrow morning and will leave early in the morning.

"So anxious to sleep? Don't you want to ask for my advice?"Zhang Xin felt that Zhao Xu should ask her for suggestions about the Golden Conference.

"So what suggestions does Sister Xin have?"

Zhang Xin said so proactively, and it was hard for Zhao Xu to refute Zhang Xin's face.

"Can you first tell me which elves you plan to use to compete in this Golden Conference?"Zhang Xin always needs to know which elves Zhao Xu plans to use in the competition before he can give suggestions.

"Menus, Gotha Duck, Aluredo, Mosquito Frog King, Lucario, Flame Monkey, Snorkeling Weasel, Hyperactive Ape...."


Zhang Xin suddenly stopped.

"What about Sister Xin?"

Zhao Xu hasn't realized his problem yet.

"When did you subdue the animal again?"Zhang Xin asked

"I met a merchant who had returned from other areas at the trading market in Beiping City and bought a hyperkinetic ape from him," said Zhao Xu.

"You don’t know that the Hyperactive Ape will become lazy after evolving into the Leave King." Zhang Xin thought that Zhao Xu probably didn’t know this before he bought the Hyperactive Ape.

"I know"

"Do you know and still buy it? Do you know what it’s like to be too lazy to ask for leave?"Zhang Xin has no idea what Zhao Xu is thinking and why he keeps breeding elves indiscriminately.

"I know, but I've already bought it, what do you want me to do?" Zhao Xu said.

Zhang Xin held her forehead, indicating that she had a headache, and said,"Forget it, you go and rest."

Zhang Xin was too lazy to do this to Zhao Xu. Any suggestions? Anyway, Zhao Xu has also participated in the Winter Games, so he has some experience. The only difference between the Golden Conference and the Winter Games is that there will be a 6V6 duel in the semi-finals, and a 3V3 duel in the top 16. If you don't prepare enough elves, you will suffer a loss.

However, because most trainers only have three or four main elves in their gold-level period, and one-third of them are reserve elves, which are basically used. Just a few words, not much fighting power


"What happened to Sister Xin?"

Zhao Xugang just walked to the door and was stopped by Zhang Xin again.

"Where did you tame the Flame Monkey and Elledor?"Zhang Xin has seen Zhao Xu's performance in the Winter Games.

Because of so many things, Zhang Xin forgot to ask. Suddenly she thought of the number of elves in Zhao Xu's hands before she remembered it.

"Conquered in the mountains," Zhao Xu said

"You kid is very lucky, you go to bed."

Zhang Xin said casually and didn't ask any more questions.

"Sister Xin, are you sure everything is okay?"

Zhao Xu asked, lest he be called back again.

"It's okay, you go to bed."

Zhang Xin was really okay this time, and Zhao Xu also successfully returned to his room to rest....!

At 7 o'clock in the morning the next day, before Zhang Xin woke up, Zhao Xu took his luggage and left.

After getting on the high-speed train, Zhao Xu opened the Q letter and sent a message to Zhou Sisi.

The school had promised Zhou Sisi before that she would chat with Zhou Sisi every night.

Zhao Xu has always kept his promise, but because he went to Lingbao County two days ago, Zhao Xu did not post the Q letter. Zhao Xu spent two hours last night to calm Zhou Sisi's temper.

Magic City is a metropolis in the Longxia region. It is very prosperous. Its area is not as large as that of Beiping City, but its level of luxury is higher than that of Beiping City.

In short, the outsiders who can settle down in Magic City are basically the leaders in the industry.

After riding for more than 2 hours, the train finally arrived in Magic City.

"Where are people?"

After getting off the train, he came to the door he had agreed with Zhou Sisi, but he didn't see Zhou Sisi.

Zhao Xu opened the Q letter and sent a message to Zhou Sisi.

However ,...!

After waiting for 10 minutes, Zhou Sisi did not reply to her message.

"Sure enough, girls' nature of being late for dates will never change no matter where they are." Zhao Xu was not too upset. He knew that girls tend to be late, so he could only wait here.

Fortunately, there are public seats next to the exit, otherwise he would be fined at the door. It was a bit awkward to stand there.

Time passed slowly, twenty minutes passed, and Zhou Sisi's shadow still remained undiminished. The Q letter did not wait for Zhou Sisi's reply.

"Could it be that something happened to this girl on the road?"

Zhao Xu is now a little worried that something happened to Zhou Sisi on the road.

But Zhao Xu doesn't know where Zhou Sisi lives, let alone which way Zhou Sisi will come here, so he can only wait.

"Zhao Xu!"

Just when Zhao Xu was about to go online to see if there had been any car accidents in Magic City, he heard someone calling his name.

"Dai Xue?"

Zhao Xu raised his head and saw Dai Xue

"Why is she here? Where is Zhou Sisi?"

Zhao Xu looked around Dai Xue but didn't find Zhou Sisi.

"Zhou Sisi has something to do and can't come, so let me come to you."

Seeing that Zhao Xu was indifferent, Dai Xue walked over quickly and explained why he came.

"No, I made an appointment with Sisi last night." Zhao Xu was a little confused in his heart. Even if something happened, he should tell himself in the Q letter and let Dai Xue figure out what happened.

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