Ash's opponent is called Masamune, who is also from Zhenxin Town, and is estimated to be one of the three newcomers who traveled a week earlier than Zhou Xin.

"Nice to meet you, Masamune, let's fight with all our might." Ash said with a smile.

"Ash, let's have a 6v6 battle." Masamune said confidently.

"6v6, isn't the competition rule 3v3?" Ash said suspiciously.

"We applied to the alliance together, and the alliance would agree, there have been examples of this before." Masamune said.

"Okay, I don't care." Ash said.

So Masamune applied for 6v6 with the referee on the spot, the referee asked Ash's opinion, Ash agreed, and the referee applied to the superior, and soon the news came and the superior approved.

Now that there are so many spectators in the event, 6v6 is much better than 3v3, and since the players proposed it themselves, why not the league.

"Then, the game officially begins." The referee blows the whistle.

Ash's first Pokémon was Bada Butterfly (leftovers), the first Pokémon he received.

The authentic first Pokémon is Rumble Rock (Hard Rock).

"Ba Da butter, hypnotic powder." Ash's Bada Butterfly is the first to attack, and Pokémon with compound eye characteristics will increase their skill hit rate by 30%.

Rumble Rock does not have any preemptive skills and is hypnotized by Ba Da Butterfly.

"Ba Da Butterfly, stand-in." Butterfly consumed 25% of his stamina to create a stand-in.

Rumble rock, still sleeping.

Butterfly's leftovers regained 6% of its strength.

"Butterfly, butterfly dance." Butterfly uses the Butterfly Dance, which increases the speed of special attack power and special defense by 50%.

Rumble Rock woke up.

"Rumble Rock, Invisible Rock." Rumble Rock laid the invisible rock on Ash's battlefield.

Butterfly's leftovers regained 6% of its strength.

"Bada butterfly, insect song."

"Rumble rock, rock crit."

I have to say that Ash's luck is indeed good, the insect song of the big butterfly hit the point, and Longlongyan just smashed the double of the big butterfly.

Butterfly's leftovers regained 6% of its strength.

"Rumble Rock, lose the ability to fight, Ba Da Butterfly wins, the authentic player please send a second Pokémon, and the Ash player can switch Pokémon freely." The referee said.

"Go, lava snails (charcoal)." Masamon sent a fire Pokémon that restrained Ba Da Butterfly.

"Ba Da butter, hypnotic powder." Ash commanded.

"Lava snails, turbid fog."

Authentic lava snails blow out a toxic thick mist that counteracts the hypnotic powder of the butterflies.

Butterfly's leftovers regained 6% of his strength.

"Bada butterfly, insect song." The Worm skill is not effective against the Lava Snails of the Fire System, although the blessing of a butterfly dance only consumes 20% of the Lava Snail's physical strength.

"Lava snails, smoke." Masamune seized the opportunity, and in order to increase the power of the insect sound, Ba Da Butterfly got closer and just entered the range of the smoke attack.

The big butterfly is hit, and this smoke spray (attribute restraint 100% bonus, this system 50% bonus, charcoal 20% bonus) is powerful, directly consuming 70% of the physical strength of the big butterfly (special defense increased by 50%).

Leftovers restore 6% of stamina.

"Ba Da Butterfly, fly higher, use butterfly dance." Ash directs Ba Da Butterfly to continue to strengthen himself.

"Lava snail, shoot down." Although this move is not very powerful, it can shoot down Pokémon in the air and consume 20% of Bata Butterfly's physical strength.

Leftovers restore 6% of stamina.

"Ba Da butter, hypnotic powder." The butterfly that landed on the ground could not take off, so he landed next to the lava snail, and with his speed (butterfly dance increased by 100%), he quickly used hypnotic powder.

"Lava snails..." Masamune fell asleep before he could direct the lava snail to counteract the hypnotic powder with turbid mist.

Leftovers restore 6% of stamina, and Butterfly has 28% of remaining stamina.

However, this is only the data that Zhou Xin saw with the Master Identification Technique, Xiao Zhi does not know the detailed data, if Zhou Xin commands, he will use the avatar skill again.

"Bada butterfly, insect song." This insect insect caused 30% physical exertion.

The lava snail finally woke up.

Leftovers restore 6% of stamina.

"Ba Da butterfly, use the insect song again." The butterfly was injured in its wings, could not fly, and consumed 30% of the lava snail's physical strength.

"Lava snails, smoke." The smoke hit the butterfly.

Lava snails have 20% of their stamina left.

"Ba Da Butterfly loses the ability to fight, Ash player please send a second Pokémon, authentic players can switch Pokémon freely." The referee said.

"Come back, Bada Butterfly, go, stinky mud."

Seeing that Ash chose stinky mud, Masamune did not take back the lava snail.


piglet Pokémon class has begun, today I want to talk about the Tutu dog


Ma Huateng

Painting Dog in the PM world is quite a special PM, which has the lowest fully evolved race except for weak chickens and weak dingfish (defeating fierce enemies such as monsters and unknown totems) and has fairly mediocre characteristics (in the case of unsure of being BAN), but has gained the favor of a large number of opponents, and has a good appearance rate and topics, Stealing any skills other than chatter and sketching itself, while Black Hole and Interdimensional Onslaught are after the seventh generation: they can't use what they learn, which makes the Tutu dog have one of the deepest skill pools in the whole PM, and has earned the honorific title of the father of the land group....

Cough, basically the conceivable skill set can be brought to the Tutu dog, of course, whether it is easy to use or not is another matter, because painting dogs is still subject to racial restrictions after all, and the distribution of the race of drawing dogs in the case of the upper limit is already quite reasonable, do not believe that all doubled to 500 to try, speed 75, very praise,

At least after drawing the dog at extreme speed, you can basically get the first hand in the face of the shield, which is the biggest advantage for the crispy and low-attack painting dog, and other races are more floating clouds, but painting dogs is not the kind of ghost cicada that can be knocked down with one blow, such as nanny fish super bad star boiling water, which is a weak chicken everywhere, even 2HKO impatient painting dogs can not do it

Therefore, although most of the painting dogs are the first two lives of the gas waist, if it is too contemptuous, it will become three lives, and if the characteristics are too serious, it is too buggy to draw the dog, because the painting dog is the only one in the PM with this feature that has a baton, and the painting dog also has fancy protection such as needle prick defense, pillboxes, etc., rubbing the cheek substitute what fancy consumption round, see if you are lucky to take it away, and the face will be black and start over again - of course, in fact, painting a dog cannot be used so smoothly, but this feature looks at the face is inevitable,

The problem is that drawing a dog's mind is uncertain once the face is good is to directly end the rhythm of the game, so the mind is unstable and is BAN, and the other two characteristics can only be said to be of little significance, the technician, a feature that many PMs dream of, is actually not as good as me going my own way, because drawing dogs belongs to the kind with skills and no strength... For painting dogs, perhaps hard is the best fit for it.

Although the skill is the core as mentioned earlier, but people can not move just with the heart and no muscles, drawing the race of dogs is an inevitable weakness, but the diversity of skills makes there a way to mitigate this negative impact, ignoring the use of the race The most common is the first to send death and relay two, which is reflected in many low-race PMs before, such as messenger birds and ladybugs, but drawing dogs will be much more gorgeous, and the use of first cannon fodder can find the corresponding skills in drawing dogs

First of all, nails, drawing dogs with four nails will be, and is the only non-insect PM that can learn the insect web, which makes many medium-speed blasting teams use the drawing dog as the flag bearer to put the insect web blasting - not that the spider rain wing moth is not easy to use, in fact, they basically have limited things to do in addition to a worm web, such as electric spiders prefer output to auxiliaries, and sometimes it is better to let its glasses thunder all the way

And although the drawing dog is not good at attack, the speed is not fast, but in addition to the insect net scattered, the dog can often do one more round of work, and the painting dog in two rounds can choose to sprinkle another rock spike - two nails are basically M Hera M Kairojin This kind can prepare a sword dance to push a team;

It is also good to choose to rub the cheeks and break the waist, basically scrapping one, this skill is higher than electromagnetic waves, not afraid to provoke the demon to break the waist; It is also good that a wave of opponents of the demon rebellion starts to pick nails, although sometimes it will be painful to draw a dog and a speedy di to watch the demon anti-demon for several rounds;

Of course, the most commonly used is to urge one, put the opposite side to sleep their own can get - the opportunity to do things safely in the round, if the attack power of their own team is enough, it is likely that the opponent will not wake up, in the past, the hypnosis black hole and spores each accounted for half of the river, now there is no choice, although the spores still can't urge the grass system, but the black hole is completely useless, other gas waist counterattack with the same travel reckless parting gifts are commonly used starting routines

, drawing dogs can naturally also be used, And because there are so many things that the first person who can draw a dog, the success rate of this skill will be higher than that of other professionals

Besides, the relay, the relay actually has lower requirements for race than the starter, at least the first cannon fodder flow actually has a certain expectation of speed, and the relay, especially the long connection, really only depends on the skill, the drawing dog has all the strengthening skills, it is completely at the discretion of the king, what shell butterfly dance divination is not a word, whether it is a long connection or a short connection, the explosive strengthening of the drawing dog is quite an attractive piece

And in the long connection, there are more things that the dog can do, rooting the anti-roar, the water flow ring further replenishing the recovery, sealing the black fog of the song extinguishing song, etc. are all important means of protecting the results of the long connection, in contrast, the strengthening step does not require the painting dog to participate too much, however... The baton clause pressed this kind of painting dog to death in the black room, as for the sword dance firefly this ... It seems

that it is not the turn to draw the dog to appear Drawing

a dog is the PM, which means that it can put a variety of BUFFs after fancy exits, such as space, such as tailwind, painting dogs can take advantage of these BUFFs in the next round to release space or tailwind to use reckless collision with the travel sandstorm parting gift to heal the wish to either replace one or create opportunities for the back row thugs

Compared with PM that sometimes can't get off the stage such as downwind and disgusting clouds (of course, painting dogs is provoked GG) Some people may feel that 75 speed release space may not be able to start first, but what if it is a first-level painting dog? Although painting a dog can basically take one away as little Pippi in the snowy space, it is still very crisp to put a space saving round and leave.

Painting dogs is also one of the anti-strengthening masters, not to mention the black fog roar, the upside-down transformation of the squid king can also be painted dog copycats, so if you are crazy and anti-strengthening, painting dogs is actually ... Or rely on the belt, stable or not as stable as the little crow.

In addition to changing skills, drawing dogs has the ultimate moves of various attributes, and there are extreme strengthening skills such as watching abdominal drums, fireflies, and shell breaking, so in theory, it is also feasible to draw dogs to attack themselves, and the most classic nature is the configuration of the abdominal drum, but the problem is....

The attack of the painting dog is too low, after the limit object attacks the belly drum, it is also a physical attack in the early 600s, which is not comparable to a sword dance of the 90s or so race, this strength can not expect anything, and the risk after leaving the belt is too great, basically can only be regarded as entertainment use, as for creating exclusive tricks such as the victory finishing touch, it can be combined with the eccentric cat hand shaking spots;

Flying sky, diving, digging, jumping, shadow escape and other charging skills, can cooperate with disgusting tail attack cat hand highly toxic cool leopard disgusting people, in short, drawing a dog is a dog-type self-propelled skill library, you can completely need what to match, let go of creativity!

The painting dog in the doubles is suddenly not so hot after leaving the black hole, in other words, the original black hole is too buggy in more hits, it is time to cut, just a single painting dog and nightmare lying gun, but after leaving the black hole, the painting dog is still a god-level assistant, and the quick defense space helper comes with me to feint a reckless collision with Ma Wei and even set off the tatami order position exchange is

everything The real machine can also use the mind to exchange degrees for companions to play with teammates, not so much that cutting the black hole hits the painting dog, but rather that the painting dog stuck in the black hole frame is rescued, and gives everyone the opportunity to be creative again.

Match the

first series (heavy Hp speed +): sticky net + mushroom spores + hidden gravel / provocation / magic costume reflex / rub cheeks / counterattack / fellow traveler / mirror reflection / metal blasting / reckless collision / parting gift / etc. pick a few

field series (heavy Hp speed + tailwind) heavy Hp - defense + (space): trick space / tailwind + parting gift / Wish to Heal (Crescent Moon

Dance) + Mushroom Spores + Pick a few enhancement series

(heavy Hp speed +) among a large number of change skills above): Break Out of the Shell / Divination / Fresh Dance / Belly Drum / Firefly, etc. + Relay Baton + Mushroom Spores / Provoke / Substitute

Other Free Thinking!

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