"This is the municipal building of the Dark City?"

Looking at the two-story wooden bungalow in front of him, Hisoka shook his head with a wry smile. The economy of Dark City is indeed quite backward, and he has never seen a house with more than three floors all the way from the side of the street.

The architectural style is uniformly wooden, and the exterior walls are whitewashed with lime. However, the economy is backward, and it is also a fourth-tier city, and if it becomes the official gym here, it can get 5% of the city's tax revenue every year, not to mention the batch of funds allocated by the alliance every year.

There was not even a security guard at the entrance of the municipal building, and Hisoka could be said to have walked into this so-called "building" unimpeded


Shi long office!

An old man in his old age, with thinning hair and glasses as thick as a beer cap, was sitting on a wooden chair with a large porcelain steel water cup in his hand.

Helping the reading glasses that seemed to fall off at any time, the old man 29 asked slowly in a slow tone: "You mean the avenue in the south of the city!"

"Hmm!" Siso, who was sitting in the chair opposite, nodded.

"Oh, by the way, there is indeed a dojo where the host moved to the big city ten years ago, and when they left, it seemed that they had given the dojo to the city...... I don't remember very well, but wait a minute, and I'll go through the archives of the year. "

The old man got up from his chair, trembled to the bookcase at the back, and pulled out a pile of dusty yellow-colored archival documents from the bottom drawer.

"Ahem~" The old man blew it, and he coughed again and again from the dust on the papers. Hisoka wanted to come forward to help find it, but was waved and refused by the old man.

"Don't worry, lad. Although the old man is old, his memory is not very good. But not even a single document could not be found. The old man glanced at Hisoka with satisfaction, and said in a low voice: "You are much more polite than those bastards who do things every day outside, if you want to open a gym in this city, please don't harass innocent residents like Kaz Dao and Yas Dao Pavilion, their lives are already very difficult." "

The corners of Siso's mouth hooked up with a smile, and he asked softly, "Old man, how do you know that I will open a gym in Dark City?"

"Haha......" The old man smiled heartily when he heard this: "Don't look at me wearing such a thick pair of reading glasses, the old man's eyes are very accurate." Our dark city is not economically developed, and there are no famous specialties, and very few outsiders will buy a house in our side, let alone that kind of avenue, so you want to open a gym on our side. "

"I do want to open one here." Xisoo didn't go to sell anything, and directly agreed, and said: "The competition between the Kaz Gym and the Yas Daoist Pavilion has seriously affected the normal development of the city, even if either of them wins, with all the bad deeds before, the alliance will definitely not take the official Daoist Hall." "

Listening to Hisoka's answer, the old man Shi Chang couldn't help but sigh: "Even such a young child understands the truth, why don't those two bastards understand." The official gym is there to protect the city, to protect the innocent citizens, not to destroy them, to harm them. "

The old man shook his head in disappointment, then buried his head and searched through the many documents for the place that had been in place.

"Found it!"

The old man stood up from the ground, probably because he had been squatting for a long time, his body was low blood sugar, and his legs did not stand firmly, so he stumbled and fell to the ground......

"Be careful!"

Hisoka's eyes were quick, and he put one hand on the desk, and his body immediately jumped over. At the moment when the old man was about to fall to the ground, he held his shoulder in time.

The old man who sat on the wooden chair again rubbed his temples and said with a smile: "It seems that people can't accept the old age, and the body can't stand it after squatting for a while, young man, thank you so much......" Speaking of this, the old man threw the folder in his hand in front of Xisuo: "This is the land left by the owner of the dojo back then, you take a look, if you are willing to take over, I will sell it to you at the price of the year." "

Hisoka opened the file bag, and in addition to a thin yellowed title deed, there was a letter to the effect that the son of the owner of the dojo had made a fortune outside, so he had taken the family to live in the big city.

The owner of the dojo has lived in the dark city all his life, and he is reluctant to resell the dojo to others, so he decided to give the ownership of the dojo to the city, thinking that he would make some final contribution to his hometown.

This dojo is a typical martial arts dojo, the kind of place that specializes in teaching people or fighting Pokémon techniques. It covers an area of five acres, that is, more than 3,000 square meters, and has three courtyards in the front, middle and back.

If the dojo covering an area of five acres is placed in Jinhuang City or Rainbow City, even if it is located in the suburbs, then you don't have more than a billion dollars in housing prices, don't even think about it.

Economically backward places have the advantage of economic backwardness, and the price of land is simply for nothing compared with big cities.

Ten years ago, the price of this martial arts dojo was 80W, and the transfer contract was clearly written. But you have to consider the problem of 280 inflation and currency depreciation, even if the dark market is poor, such a large piece of land will be at least 150W or more.

Sisoka didn't take advantage of this, and if he wanted to run this gym well, he had to have a good relationship with the local residents and government officials, so he couldn't save it when he shouldn't.

Even though the old man Shi refuses to refuse, Hisoka still wants to buy this dojo at the current price. The old man had a very good impression of this polite young man, and he didn't want the other party to spend so much unjust money.

In desperation, the two of them took a step back, and Hisoka finally bought the land for 100W and became the new owner of the dojo that had been abandoned for ten years.

Standing at the gate, looking at the back that was gradually moving away, the old man sighed a little, and at the same time felt that the money in his hand was a little hot. Once this young man really opens a gym, then he will inevitably become a thorn in the side of the Kaz Gym and the Yas Gym.

The two gyms have been competing with each other for so long, and suddenly a third party who grabs food will definitely find trouble with each other with the enemy.

The old man was worried, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly. The young man is so young, how can a fifteen-year-old baby be the opponent of those two bastards!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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