That year, the Pokémon trait theory that made Dr. Odamaki famous all over the world was still in the project stage.

That year, Dr. Fa Tong, who discovered the MEGA transformation, was just a young man who was just excited to have an independent laboratory.

That year, the fairy attribute only hid the recessive genes in the bodies of several Pokémon.


That year, Hisoka came to the first dojo in his life, the dojo that belonged to him!

Withered vines and old trees, faint crows, small bridges and flowing water!

Walking through a bamboo forest, an ancient dojo with an architectural style from the Pingchang era is already faintly visible.

A small river that meanders through it, and an arched round bridge made of bluestone.

Standing on the bluestone arch bridge, looking at the ancient dojo not far away, the breeze was blowing, and for the first time, Hisoka had an extremely peaceful state of mind. It was as if the heavens and the earth were completely still at this moment.

Before he came, this dojo in Sisoka's imagination might be dilapidated, but he didn't expect that just the outside environment was so leisurely and beautiful, just like a paradise 280 source.

"This 100W is really not a loss. "

After a moment of sighing on the arched bridge, Hisoka began to stride towards the dojo that was close in front of him.

The door of the dojo was closed, and the original plaque had not been taken care of for a long time, and under the wind and sun, the paint on it peeled off very badly, and a nail had burst open, and as soon as the wind blew, the plaque made a squeaky sound that made people's teeth ache.

Hisoka took out the key that Elder Shi had given him, and stepped forward to open the large iron lock on the door. With a slight strain of his arms, the two doors that had turned white emitted a squeak and began to slowly open to both sides.

As soon as Hisoka was about to step through the door, he seemed to have thought of something, and a small smile crossed his lips. He immediately retreated to the gate, looking at the crumbling plaque overhead.

"Now that I've become the new owner of this dojo, it's time for the door card to change. As he spoke, Xisuo's knees were slightly bent, his legs and waist suddenly jumped upward, his right hand grabbed the top of the plaque, and with a force, he only heard a click, and the old black plaque was directly forcibly broken off by him.

Placing the plaque in the corner of the doorway for the time being, Hisoka put his hands behind his back and walked slowly into the dojo.

The first thing that catches your eye when you enter the dojo is the large school field of more than 500 square meters, which is square as a whole and is paved with green bricks, and there are many ancient exercise equipment placed on the edge of the school field. For example, some stone locks, stone piers, stone dumbbells.

"This should be the place where the disciples of the dojo used to exercise together. "

Hisoka walked through this bluestone step by step, and Hai could imagine that there must have been many disciples and fighting Pokémon wearing practice uniforms at the peak/peak of this martial arts dojo sweating in this school field.

Walking through the front yard, the middle courtyard is the children's accommodation and the dojo kitchen area. Due to the decade-long abandonment, the yard is now overgrown with weeds, and all the original trees and fruits have died because no one takes care of them.

The backyard has the largest area of 1,330 square meters. This data is in line with what is written above, the front yard area is 800 square meters, the middle courtyard is 1200 square meters, adding up to an area of five acres.

According to the old man Shi, this ancient martial arts fight has a history of more than a hundred years. At that time, there was still a class of nobles, and the predecessor of this martial arts gym was the mansion of a small nobleman.

Sisoka liked the backyard very much, a large main room in the style of an ancient palace, with a garden on the right and a wooden corridor on the left with a straight (cjaj) pavilion.

In addition, there is a rockery pond with an area of more than 300 square meters, although the water in the pool has long since dried up, and the pool is also overgrown with weeds.

This building, which resembles the Chinese garden style of the previous life, is very satisfying to Sisoka.

"This will be my second home!"

Hisoka couldn't contain his excitement, and he wanted to share it with his Pokémon. This will be not only his home, but also the home of the Pokémon.

"Come out and see our new home, Lulu, Matula, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, and Gilly Egg. Hisoka threw all four Pokéballs around his waist.

Of course, because the pool dried up, Hisoka didn't release the ugly fish for the time being, and after cleaning up the rockery pool, refilling it with water, and then putting the ugly ugly fish in.

Water-type Pokémon are actually uncomfortable for them to stay in Pokéballs for a long time, and the fish naturally want to swim in the water.

"Hisoka, is this our new home?" Lulu's ethereal voice rang in her head again.

"yes, new home!"

Hisoka smiled and nodded, and at the same time introduced Mahula, the ironclad tyrannosaurus, and the new Gilly Egg to the team: "We will live here for a while, as you can see, the house was just bought, and it hasn't been inhabited for ten years, and now it's a mess, so the top priority is to clean up." "

"Ma Tan~"




The sun is shining! Sisoka and the four pets in the dojo don't feel too much heat. This dojo is surrounded by the sea of bamboo outside, and a gentle breeze crosses the plains and forests, filtered by the bamboo forest, and blows into the dojo with the unique fragrance of bamboo.

Lulu used her telekinesis to make herself stand in the air, and her two small white hands reached forward, and pieces of purple energy leaves began to gradually take shape in the air......


Lu Lujiao snorted, and her hands slammed to both sides, and with the sound of breaking the sky, twelve purple magic leaves flew out like a sharp sword.

The magic leaves kept fluttering in the most weedy part of the courtyard, and for a moment only the buzzing sound of cutting could be heard, and the weeds, which were more than half a man tall, immediately fell in pieces......

The seemingly tough rhizomes of the weeds were as fragile as white paper in front of the razor-sharp magic leaves.

Under Lulu's subtle mind control, each magic leaf became the most flexible weeding machine, and in less than a quarter of an hour, the weeds in the entire backyard, including the weeds in the rockery pool, were all cleared by Lulu.

Even the rhizomes and seeds buried deep in the ground were dug out of the ground by Lulu's telekinesis!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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