Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 100 Hermaphrodite

Originally, Kusachi Gotsuka had planned to capture the sleeping Vaporeon with a precious heavy ball she had obtained some time ago.

But who knew that her secret pager would ring next. The law enforcement officer in charge of the Baichao City Organization Branch ordered her to stay on standby and wait for the organization to send someone to assist.

Although it was said to be assistance, Kusachi Gotsuka already knew that the greatest credit for this mission had nothing to do with him.

This Xiangjianyu is a rubbish person who got to the top by selling his ass. Although Kusachi Gotsuka was indignant, she could not show any dissatisfaction. Instead, she had to be respectful and thank Xiangjianyu for his assistance, which made her sick.

But what could she do? Xiangjianyu's biggest patron is the law enforcement officer of the Baichao City Flare Team, an old man in his fifties. He has such a strong backing that Kusachi Gotsuka has no way to resist.

When he thought of Xiang Jianyu, a hermaphrodite with thick powder on his face, PKing with a fifty-year-old man in real life on the bed, Caochi Wuzhong almost vomited everything in his stomach.

Thinking of this, Caochi Wuzhong couldn't help but change his expression slightly, which was noticed by Xiang Jianyu.

"Miss Wuzhong, are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to take a leave for you?"

He got a huge advantage, which can be said to be obtained by just stretching out his hand. Xiangjianyu was naturally in a good mood, and even the Samsara Eye that was still aching from being hurt in the bed just now was relieved a lot.

Hearing Xiang Jianyu's words of pretending to care, Caochi Wuzhong felt sick again.

She resisted the urge to slap the bitch in the ear, and smiled and thanked him: "Thank you for your concern, Lord Xiangjian, I have no problem."

"In that case, let's execute the plan."

Xiangjian Yu walked to the sleeping Ancient Vaporeon in his high-heeled leather boots, showing a feminine smile. The contraction of his facial muscles shook off a little of the thick white powder on his face, which fell on the shoulder straps of his orange uniform, where a layer of powder had accumulated...

The matter of taming the Ancient Vaporeon and handing it over to the organization had nothing to do with her. Kusachi Gotsuka stood aside with his arms folded, cursing Xiangjian Yu and that old gay in his heart.

"That person, you, you, you, that's you, come here."

When Gao Qishan saw Xiangjian Yu pointing at him, he immediately showed a flattering smile on his face, and ran to Xiangjian Yu like a pug.

"What do you want, sir?"

"What's your name?"

"My name is Gao Qishan, and I'm from Tangao Village in the east of Kalos..."

"Okay, stop talking. I want to ask you, what are you going to do next?" Xiang Jianyu interrupted Gao Qishan impatiently and asked.

You are a core cadre, but you still ask me such trivial matters. You are not the one who sells your ass to get promoted.

After complaining in his heart for a while, Gao Qishan smiled and said, "You just need to use the Poké Ball to subdue the Vaporeon. We have deeply anesthetized it and it won't resist."

"Really? You did a good job." Xiang Jianyu said with satisfaction and touched Gao Qishan's head. Gao Qishan immediately lowered his head so that Xiang Jianyu could touch his head more easily.

Everyone knows that the Flash Team has a weird cadre who specializes in selling his ass to those high-level people with strange habits in the organization. He is stingy, stupid, and loves to act. He also likes to touch the heads of his subordinates like touching a dog.

Once, a peripheral team member performed well in a mission and was appreciated by Xiang Jianyu. Xiang Jianyu habitually reached out to touch his head, but he subconsciously dodged.

The next day, the peripheral team member who performed well was thrown into the laboratory to feed the brutal Pokémon transformed by scientists.

Seeing Gao Qishan cooperate so well, Xiang Jianyu felt more comfortable, and his hand holding the Poké Ball couldn't help shaking.

Kusachi Gotsuka watched this scene of harmony between man and dog, and the loving father and filial son, and his internal organs were almost vomited out of his body.

Xiang Jianyu had a smile on his face like a tsubaki, twisted the Poké Ball with his fingertips, and pretended to be elegant and aimed the Poké Ball at the sleeping Vaporeon.

But just as he was about to activate the Pokémon Ball to capture Vaporeon, he suddenly saw a piece of azure crystal covered with misty white on Vaporeon's forehead. He liked it and reached out his hand to Vaporeon's forehead, caressing the crystal wantonly.

Just as Xiang Jianyu was admiring the blue crystal on Vaporeon's head, Caochi Wuzhong's face changed, and the other team members present also changed their faces.

Caochi Wuzhong clearly saw that Vaporeon's tail moved slightly, but the amplitude was not large. The other team members also saw this scene, but no one dared to urge Xiang Jianyu, no one wanted to die.

If they reminded Xiang Jianyu and nothing happened, Xiang Jianyu would most likely be angry with them for being interrupted rashly.

They dared not bear the anger of this neurotic hermaphrodite.

The most suitable person to remind Xiang Jianyu was the senior deacon Caochi Wuzhong, but how could she remind the hermaphrodite? She wished that Vaporeon would wake up right now and kill the bitch. She was not afraid even if the old man from Baichao City's law enforcement officer came after her.

Anyway, her mission had been completed. After returning to the organization's base, she could be promoted to a core cadre.

Kusachi Gotsuka moved inconspicuously towards the cave entrance, and at the same time made a retreat gesture to her trusted subordinates.

Several of Caochi Wuzhong's confidants saw the gesture from the eldest sister, and without thinking, they slowly started to move towards Caochi Wuzhong. As for the remaining dozens of 25 boys, they would not care about them if something happened. thing.

Over there in the alley, Chi also touched the crystal on the head of Eevee for a long time. The more he looked at it, the more he fell in love with it. He felt that it was a waste to have such a perfect gem embedded in the head of a lowly and ugly Pokémon, so he got excited and did Made a very crazy decision.

"That high mountain or something, are you sure the anesthesia effect will prevent it from waking up?"

Gao Qishan was stunned. He had just been watching the movements of the alley and didn't notice the strange movements of Shui Yibu. Therefore, he didn't know that Shui Yibu was about to wake up. He just thought that the alley was timid and afraid of Shui Yi. Boo wakes up suddenly.

"Sir, the anesthesia effect has been tested by Akebi, and there is absolutely no problem!"

After hearing Gao Qishan's assurance, Xiang Jianxi turned around with satisfaction, took out a combat knife from his pocket and plunged it into Shui Yibu's forehead.

The whole movement was done in one go, as if it had been rehearsed long ago. Not to mention Kusachi Gozuka, who was slowly moving towards the entrance of the cave, even Mount Takasaki who was close to him didn't have time to react, and the knife of the alley bug had already penetrated. .

"Sir, this is not good!!"

Gao Qishan's pupils shrank uncontrollably, and a great fear suddenly hit his heart, which made him run away almost instinctively, but before escaping, he still fulfilled the duties of a dog and warned him loudly. There are weeds in the alley.


PS: Brothers, there are two chapters left that I haven’t written yet. I’ll post the photos of washing my hair upside down in my book circle tomorrow.

The recent plot has been a bit stuck, and the progress is very slow. Let me re-imagine how to develop it. The current plan is to temporarily shelve the love line. There will be no Jiang Liye plot for a period of time after the plot in Shirahoshio City ends. of.

So the two prepared chapters needed to be revised again, which was a bit fiddly.

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