Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 101 Arrival at the Undersea Cave


The knife of the alley weed stabbed into Vaporeon's forehead, and also scratched the azure crystal. The majestic energy rushed into Vaporeon's mind, waking it up from its deep sleep and making it scream in pain.

The scream spread far out of the stone cave, passed through the barrier of the water layer, and fell clearly into the ears of Akimoto, Jiang Liye and Laplace.

Akimoto's face changed. He felt the wail of the fairy essence and life force in his body, as if he was sad for this scream.

At the same time, Laplace was also in great pain, and not only it, but also the dozen Laplaces resting in the inner sea lake also showed symptoms of pain. They ignored the order of the old man with the pipe and dived into the water with all their efforts to endure the pain and rushed to the Waveless Sea.

Although Vaporeon's scream was heard very far away, there was no one on the White Tide Beach at this time, so naturally only a few people heard its scream.

Laplace led Akimoto and Jiang Liye to the direction where the sound came from. Not long after they left, more than ten Laplaces also arrived at the Waveless Sea. After determining the direction, they also swam quickly to the place where Vaporeon made the call.

Carrying Akimoto and Jiang Liye, Laplace dived into the water again.

It followed the telepathy in the dark and swam to the place that called it.

When Laplace led Akimoto and Jiang Liye to the underwater cave, the Flare Team had already fought with other Pokémon that came like Laplace. At the same time, the cave was destroyed beyond recognition. After the energy crystal was destroyed, Vaporeon had a short burst and was now weak and protected by a group of Pokémon.

As soon as Laplace entered the cave, it let out a long cry and wanted to join the battle and protect Vaporeon together with other Pokémon.

Akimoto had no way to stop it, so he had to take Jiang Liye off its back first, find a corner to hide, and observe the situation in the field.

Since Jiang Liye is not in good health now, Akimoto can't leave her alone, so he can only let her hide in the corner and be protected by Gardevoir.

Now in the cave, various Pokémon's special moves are flying around, and a group of people wearing the same uniform, who look like Team Flare, are confronting Pokémon in the ocean, and they are holding guns in their hands.

Although human technology bullets cannot cause great damage to Pokémon, multiple hits of high-speed impact bullets can still make Pokémon lose some of their resistance.

Fortunately, the lowest Pokémon have the strength of masters, and many quasi-king Pokémon appeared here at once. Even Akimoto found a king-level Pokémon.

The king-level Pokémon is a blue-qualified steel cannon arm shrimp, which continuously ejects powerful water cannonballs from its mouth, breaking up the Pokémon formation of the opposite group of members of Team Flare.

Pokémon are not fools, and the current situation is not a friendly battle. Vaporeon, the god who has always protected the peace of the Waveless Sea, was seriously injured in his sleep, which made them determined to tear the group of people in front of them to pieces.

So the Pokémon attacked without hesitation. In addition to repelling the Pokémon of those people, they directly attacked the bodies of the group of people whenever they had the chance.

After accidentally destroying Vaporeon's energy crystal, Alley Weed was directly hit seriously by the angry attack of Vaporeon who woke up. Fortunately, the destruction of the energy crystal caused Vaporeon's whole body energy to be lost very quickly, and he entered a weak state all of a sudden, otherwise Vaporeon's next small water cannon would have killed him.

But before he could be thankful for his good fortune, the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp led dozens of aggressive Pokémon to rush in.

Feeling the breath of the god on Alley Weed, they instantly became ferocious and launched attacks one after another, aiming at Alley Weed.

Poor Xiang Jianyu had no time to release the quasi-king Thunder Beast given to him by his mistress, the Enforcer, before he was hit by a water jet from the Cannon Arm Shrimp, breaking his whole body into pieces. He lay on the side, barely breathing.

Xiang Jianyu's loyal dog, Gao Qishan, saw that Xiang Jianyu was seriously injured, and immediately released the master-level Spoon Snake he had cultivated with great effort, blocking Xiang Jianyu in front of him and bearing the angry Dragon Wave from the Cannon Arm Shrimp. He was beaten to near death just after coming out of the Poké Ball and was automatically retracted into the Poké Ball.

Gao Qishan, who saw that the situation was not good, hurriedly dragged Xiang Jianyu behind Cao Chi Wuzhong and picked up the pager to call the Enforcer of the Shirashio City Flash Team.

Before Cao Chi Wuzhong had time to evacuate with his subordinates, the pager in his pocket rang.

As soon as she saw Gao Qishan, she knew what was going on, and for a moment she wanted to just pretend that she didn't hear it. But in the end, she sighed and answered the phone.

If Xiang Jianyu died in an accident, then the law enforcement officer would have no way to deal with her, but now Xiang Jianyu is not dead, and Gao Qishan has reported the matter to the law enforcement officer. If she does not save Xiang Jianyu and causes Xiang Jianyu's death, then she will face punishment from the organization.

Helplessly, Cao Chi Wuzhong answered the phone. As soon as the phone was connected, an anxious voice came from the other end, ordering her to ensure Xiang Jianyu's life safety. Even if they all died, Xiang Jianyu must not die.

Hearing such an order, Cao Chi Wuzhong was really annoyed, but there was no way. The higher the official, the more powerful he was. She could only do her best to save Xiang Jianyu, this disgusting guy.

So then, Kusachi Gotsuka led his subordinates to fight with the Pokémon that came, trying to break through the formation of the Pokémon that blocked the only exit and escape.

The team she led was also at the top level in the Flash Team, but it was not enough in front of these Pokémon that had experienced countless battles. They could only retreat step by step, watching more and more Pokémon gathered at the cave entrance.

She and her subordinates were almost at the cave entrance. If it weren't for the waste of Xiangjianyou, Kusachi Gotsuka could have taken the opportunity to escape quickly with her subordinates.

The Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp led two Quasi-King Stinging Jellyfish to rescue Vaporeon, covered behind them, and then launched a fierce attack on the Flash Team.

Akimoto arrived at this time.

After his observation, he found that the leader of this Flash Team should be the beautiful woman at the head, and her strength was also very good. There was a blue qualification Dragon King Scorpion that had just entered the Quasi-King level and a master-level Aber monster.

Every time he saw a Pokémon, Akimoto would subconsciously use the detection skill to detect it. This has almost become an occupational disease.

So this time Akimoto's occupational disease came back again. After quickly detecting the information of several very powerful Pokémon present, he looked at the unusually tall Vaporeon that was protected by the Pokémon behind him.

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