Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 11 Welcome to the new life! Vulpix!

"If the Lucky Egg evolves into a Glitter Egg, there is still hope for now, but now, alas..."

Sighing silently, Akimoto's joy at finding Eevee disappeared, and he felt a little heavy.

Akimoto took a step forward, wanting to take a closer look at Vulpix.

The leading Eevee immediately growled twice, stretched out its claws and scratched a few marks on the ground, signaling Akimoto not to get close.

Akimoto was helpless and said to Kirlia: "Kirlia, please help me convey to Eevee and the others that I want to see Vulpix's injuries and try to help it."

Kirlia nodded and flew in front of Eevee.

"Chirr, Chirr. (Hello, Eevee)"

Eevee still looked fierce: "Eevee! Eevee! (Go away! Don't come over!)"

Chirrlia waved her hand: "Chirr! (We won't hurt you!)"

Eevee asked: "Eevee? Eevee? (Really? What are you doing here?)"

"Chirr Chirr! (The master can heal Vulpix's injury!)" Chirrlia patted her chest with her little hand and promised.

"Eevee? Eevee! (Really? I don't believe in humans!)" Eevee shook her head violently.

"Chirr, Chirr! (Please believe us, its situation is very bad!)"

For Eevee, who was so wary, Chirrlia was helpless and had to use her ability to calm its emotions and convey kindness to them.

Feeling the power from Chirrlia's heart, the pure and peaceful feeling made the Eevees calm down one after another.

The leading Eevee finally moved aside. Seeing this, Akimoto hurried to Vulpix, squatted down, and carefully checked its wound.

The weak Vulpix didn't even have the strength to resist, and could only look at Akimoto with dim eyes.

Xiao Fudan stepped aside, looking worried.

Akimoto gently touched Vulpix's forelimbs and rubbed them very carefully. Vulpix immediately cried out in pain.

[Remind the host that you can exchange items that can save Vulpix in the system store]

Upon hearing this, Akimoto immediately asked the system in his mind: "Items that can save Vulpix? What are they?"

Because Akimoto had not found any potion items in the list of blue exchange coupons, the reason given by the system was that the highest level of healing potions was green.

And resurrection grass and vitality blocks are among the higher-level purple items.

(The explanation of potions such as full recovery potion in this article is that they can restore physical strength. Here, Vulpix is ​​injured and can only be treated by the Pokémon Center or legendary items such as resurrection grass and vitality blocks)

To be honest, when Akimoto saw this scene, his heart was moved. The system told him that he could exchange for items that could cure Vulpix, and he exchanged without hesitation.

In the past, he often rescued some stray cats and dogs, and he also experienced an abused puppy that died on the way he took it to the pet hospital, so he never wanted to experience such a thing again.

[The blue quality Fire Stone can make Vulpix evolve into Ninetails and improve its life level to the highest level below Quasi-God. The evolution process will automatically restore injuries]

The system's plain voice made Akimoto very excited.

He hurriedly opened the exchange list and found the Fire Stone. Akimoto used the exchange voucher without hesitation and exchanged the Fire Stone.

[Ding! Successfully exchanged for Fire Stone (Blue) Consumable Item Exchange Voucher (Blue)]

The translucent yellow gem lay quietly in the corner of the system warehouse, and a bright red spark danced in the gem.

Akimoto put his hand in his pocket and took out the Fire Stone, pretending to take it out of his pocket.

The Fire Stone was exposed to the air, emitting pure fire elemental power. Feeling this power, Vulpix, whose eyelids were drooping, opened his eyes with force.

"Vulpix." Akimoto looked at it sincerely and placed the Fire Stone next to its forelimbs. "You will get better, welcome your new life!"

"Awoo~" Vulpix whispered, looking at Akimoto gratefully, as if to engrave Akimoto's appearance in his mind.

"Go, come on!"

Akimoto gently took the round stone from Vulpix, exchanged it for Xiaofudan, and asked everyone to step aside.

Although he felt a little sad that his blue item exchange voucher was used up like this, he didn't feel sorry as long as Vulpix could recover.

Vulpix slowly raised its front limbs, and its scarred claws gently rested on the Fire Stone.

The seven-color evolutionary light lit up, hiding Vulpix under the light.

Akimoto suddenly realized the last level of the system's level classification, "Seven Colors", which represents the miracle of life.

After a long time, the dazzling evolutionary light dissipated, and a tall, majestic Nine-Tailed Fox appeared in front of everyone.

The noble yellow hair without a trace of mixed colors, the nine tails are soft and beautiful, and the red highlights at the end add a touch of charm.

Its red eyes calmly stared at Akimoto.

[Ding! ]

[Random task: Rescue the injured Vulpix (completed)]

[Task reward has been issued]

Ignoring the system's prompt sound, Akimoto excitedly looked at the reborn Vulpix in front of him - now it is a Nine-Tailed Fox.

The Nine-Tailed Fox suddenly jumped lightly, threw Akimoto to the ground, rubbed his cheek affectionately, and stretched out its tongue to lick Akimoto's palm like a pet.

The Nine-Tailed Fox has always been known as a Pokémon that brings bad luck, and most of the rumors about the Nine-Tailed Fox are about its revenge on humans.

This pet-like appearance proves that it completely agrees with Akimoto in its heart.

Touching the soft fur of Ninetail, Akimoto felt extremely happy at this moment.

Ninetail used its head to push Akimoto's right hand away and bit a Poké Ball hanging on his waist. This was a Poké Ball given by the system. Akimoto took six and hung them on his waist. Kirlia's Poké Ball had been replaced.


It put the Poké Ball on the ground, called Akimoto softly, touched the button of the Poké Ball with its claws, and turned into red light and was collected into the Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball shook on the ground for a while, and then calmed down.

Akimoto picked up the Poké Ball and released Ninetail.

As a good friend who followed Ninetail all the way here, Xiaofudan had been watching it and Akimoto being intimate, and he had been envious for a long time.

Seeing Ninetails being captured by Akimoto, Little Fukudan looked anxious, and his timid nature suddenly became brave. He staggered a few steps to Akimoto's side, stood on tiptoe, took a Poké Ball from Akimoto's waist with his little hand, pressed the button, and successfully helped Akimoto capture himself.

This made Akimoto laugh and cry. He originally came here with the purpose of capturing Eevee, but who knew that he used the exchange voucher to save Vulpix and captured Vulpix.

Forget about Vulpix, he also saved its life, but what about Little Fukudan?

Akimoto smiled bitterly, and he was still ungrateful.

Not only did he capture the mysterious Ninetails, but he also captured Little Fukudan, who was raised by the Joy family!

For other trainers, the rarity of these two Pokémon is no less than that of Kirlia!

After releasing the little lucky egg, she held her little pebble and bowed to Akimoto in a naive manner to express her gratitude, and then pulled the Ninetails aside to chat.

Seeing the little lucky egg like this, Akimoto let them chat. The little friend finally recovered and must have a lot to say.

Then looking at the five Eevees, Akimoto wanted to solve his original purpose today.

Using the detection skill to sweep, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The leading Eevee should be a male, the father of the three little Eevees, and surprisingly has a green qualification!

The other larger Eevee should be the mother of the little Eevee, but it has a yellow qualification.

Two of the three little Eevees are yellow, and the remaining one has actually reached the green qualification, successfully inheriting its father's excellent genes.

"Eevee, I want to capture one of your three children as her Pokémon, is that okay?" Akimoto tried to make his tone a little kinder and more friendly, and said to the big Eevee (hereinafter referred to as the big Eevee).

"Please agree to our request, I will definitely take good care of this child!" Hosono Yumo also folded his hands and said sincerely, she really likes these cute little guys.

"Ibrahimovic!" Big Ibrahimovic shook his head and called Akimoto twice.

"No..." The little girl said dejectedly.

Kirulian's voice sounded in Akimoto's mind: "It said that if you want to conquer them, you must defeat it."

Akimoto nodded: "In this case, in order to show respect, I will defeat you openly!"


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