Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 12: Conquer Eevee!

On the lawn outside the cave, a female Eevee brought three Eevee babies to cheer for their father.

Little Fudan sat on Jiuwei's back, hugging her Pebbles, squirming around excitedly, not knowing which side she was cheering for.

"Okay! On one side is Ibrahimovic, and on the other side is Kirulian sent by Akimoto!" Hosono Yumo got addicted to refereeing and looked serious.

"The battle begins!"

Chirulian looked calm and calm, waiting quietly for Qiu Yuan's command. Anyway, it was just a show of fighting, and no need to use much force.

In Akimoto's opinion, the general type is really useless. It cannot restrain any type, and the damage effect will be significantly reduced when facing rock and steel type Pokémon.

However, the advantage of the general types is that only the fighting type can restrain them. This is more popular among many trainers, because the requirements for the trainer's ability are not so high.

If Ibrahimovic wants to have strong combat power, the best and only way is to evolve through intimacy evolution or evolution stone.

Before evolution, Ibrahimovic's race was ranked at the bottom of the echelon, but after evolution, it can rival the three families carefully cultivated by the alliance!

This can be regarded as the compensation from the Creator God to their clan.

Returning to the battle, Akimoto checked in detail the information about the big Eevee on the other side. Before, he only had a rough look at his qualifications.


Level: 20


Properties: General

Qualification: Green

Personality: Steady

Gender: Male

Traits: Adaptability

Genetic Skills: Help

Skills taught: shout, impact, sand splash, round pupils, lightning flash

Disc skills: none

Items to carry: Blue Orange Fruit

(Some skills in the game may not be used here. I really can’t think of how skills like tail wagging can have an effect.)

Ibrahimovic shouted loudly, his eyes lit up with a hidden light, a spiritual power acted on Chirulian, and he used two weakening skills at the beginning of the battle.

Unfortunately, for Kirulian, who is more proficient in spiritual power, the general Eevee cannot cause any trouble to her. The horns on her head light up slightly, and the power dissipates.

"Kirulian, use elemental impact!"

Elemental Impact is a non-existent move that Akimoto came up with after coming to the real Pokémon world and seeing many world rules that were different from the game animation settings.

All special skills are used by Pokémon's control over the power of corresponding attribute elements. Kirulian, who is proficient in superpowers, has very strong mental power!

So Akimoto told Chirulian his thoughts and asked her to use her mental power to sense the elemental power around her, gather it through her own ability, and launch it like a cannonball.

Since it was the first experiment, Chirulian only condensed a small part of the elemental power, and finally condensed it into a visible black ball the size of a marble.

The elemental power was given physical form by Kirulian, and could be pushed through the power of telepathy. With the addition of telepathy, the ball exploded at a huge speed, directly exploding a pit with a radius of fifty centimeters in the backyard of Hosono's house!

You need to know that this is just an elemental ball the size of a marble, but it has such power. If it were bigger, tsk tsk, we could blow up the school...

He happily gave the move he created a name. The elemental ball was too simple and not fancy at all, so Akimoto called it elemental impact!

At this time, Chirulian was fighting, her horns lit up, and a black elemental ball in front of her slowly expanded until it became the size of a baseball, then stopped.

"Chirrut! (Be careful!)"

Warning Ibrahimovic, Chirulian released the elemental ball, and it landed in front of the big Eevee. There was a loud noise like thunder, and the ground was filled with smoke and sand.

"Ibrahimovic! Ibrahimovic!!"

The little Eevees were spinning around in panic, shouting into the smoke screen.

Kyuubi, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, was startled. He suddenly stood up and forgot that the little lucky egg was still on his back. Now the little lucky egg rolled around on the ground holding pebbles.

After calling out to Little Fudan apologetically, Kyuubi observed the situation in the field solemnly.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the stone dust and dust that filled the air dispersed, and the figure of Big Eevee reappeared in front of everyone.

Even after receiving Kirulian's reminder, Big Eevee still underestimated the power of this blow. He was still hit by the flying gravel while hurriedly dodging, and suffered many injuries on his body.

Even the aftermath made Big Ibrahimovic's upright body shaky. This elemental impact has infinite possibilities!

Big Ibrahimovic walked up to Akimoto with difficulty, raised his head and shouted: "Ibrahimovic, Ibrahimovic!"

The conscientious Kirulian acted as a translator in time.

"It said it is willing to follow you with its family, Master."

Akimoto was overjoyed. Originally, he had already planned to take one away and give it to Hosono Yumo, but now the Ibrahimovic family is willing to follow him, which is much beyond his expectations!

Ask the little girl to take out the small wound medicine from her backpack and spray it on the injured area of ​​Big Eevee. This kind of skin trauma can be cured with the medicine prepared by the little girl.

"Are you willing to go with me?" Qiu Yuan asked the remaining Ibu.

The head of the family has decided, so they naturally have no objection.

Akimoto walked to the little Eevee with green qualifications, squatted down, touched its head, and whispered: "Although this request is unfair to you, I want you to follow her and grow up together. I wonder if you are willing."

Although he didn't know what Akimoto's intention was, Big Eevee still chose to believe the person who was about to become his master.

Wild Pokémon have strong independence. Although they are reluctant to be separated from their families, this is also a necessary part of growth.

Little Eevee blinked his eyes in ignorance and looked at his father who was walking towards him.

Big Eevee touched Little Eevee's forehead with his head lovingly, and Little Eevee also licked its neck with his tongue.

"Eevee, Eevee."

"Eevee?" Little Eevee was puzzled.

Big Eevee was serious: "Eevee!"

At this time, Little Eevee finally understood what his father wanted him to do, and shook his head quickly: "Eevee, Eevee!"

Big Eevee was also reluctant, gritted his teeth, tightened his muscles, and shouted loudly with all his strength.


"Eevee..." The little Eevee's ears drooped, and he cried pitifully.

Akimoto looked at Kirlia beside him and asked, "What did they say? Can you translate it for me?"

"The big Eevee said, 'If you want to be able to protect your family like him, you must learn to be strong and grow up with your trainer.'"

Akimoto nodded and said nothing.

In the end, it walked to Yumo Hosono in small steps and bit the little girl's shoelaces aggrievedly.

Yumo Hosono felt like a sinner who had caused them to be separated at this moment, and his nose was sour: "Brother Akimoto, why don't you take it away too, so that it won't be separated from its family."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you feel guilty, work hard to train it into a powerful Pokémon!" Akimoto comforted.

If I take it away, what about the mission? Where can I find another Eevee for you in the remaining day!

After hearing what Akimoto said, the little girl still felt guilty.

But the love for Eevee finally prevailed, and the little girl said to Eevee solemnly: "I will definitely train you into a powerful Pokémon, please grow up with me!"

Akimoto didn't know that what he did prompted this weak girl to embark on the same trainer path as her sister. For this reason, the store manager aunt and Uncle Hosono teamed up to beat him up.

Eevee felt the heart conveyed by Hosono Yumo's firm words and called out in response.

"Eevee Eevee!"

Hosono Yumo took out a luxury ball, captured Eevee, and said softly to the Eevee in the luxury ball: "I will call you Chuchu from now on, please give me more advice~"

The luxury ball shook as if in response.

Akimoto's eyes twitched as he watched from the side. Where did the luxury ball come from? Why didn't I see it when I was sorting the box...

It's almost two hundred thousand... The luxury ball for the rich nicknamed Pokémon Villa Ball...

He put the four Eevee away with the ordinary Pokémon Ball in his waist bag, shrunk it and put it back in his waist bag. Akimoto couldn't help but sigh at the gap between himself and the rich woman...

The boy and the girl walked in the sunset, followed by a majestic Ninetales. Little Fukudan rode on the Ninetales and walked out of the forest...


Book recommendation: "I was ganked by my girlfriend"

A new book by a friend, highly recommended!

~~Daily dog ​​food article, good writing, if you are interested, you can support it, and eating some candy is also very good.

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