Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 13 Bring the villain, Akimoto!

The store manager and Uncle Hosono, who had just returned from visiting their friends, were very happy at first when they learned that Akimoto had captured a cute Eevee for Yumo Hosono.

But when Yumo Hosono later shouted out his high-spirited vow, their faces fell.

"Mom and Dad, I've decided! I will be responsible for this child and train it into a super, super, super powerful Pokémon!"

"So please allow me to travel! Together with my Chuchu, I will become a Pokémon trainer who is more powerful than my sister!"

"Brother Akimoto will definitely support me."

Akimoto looked at the gradually gloomy expressions of the store manager and Uncle Hosono, and when he heard the little girl mention him again, he felt bad...

"Oh? Really? That's really, great, huh?!" The store manager said paused, gnashing her teeth and looking at Akimoto.

"Did Akimoto encourage you to become a trainer?"

The little girl didn't realize that if she continued to talk, Akimoto would be doomed, and she still said in a daze: "Yes! Brother Akimoto, thank you!"

Thank me? I really thank you, little girl... Akimoto suddenly felt that it was so dark at noon...

"Then, Akimoto-chan, please come with me."

Although it was a very kind word, coupled with the manager's fake smile, Akimoto had a bad premonition.

He followed the manager to the living room with his head held high, holding the hot teacup in his hand, he just didn't dare to let go...

"Akimoto, are we good to you?" The manager said in a flat tone.

"Good...good, very good..." Akimoto was terrified.

"Then why did you let Youmo become a trainer?" The manager's eyes were oppressive.

"I...I...that..." Qiu Yuan didn't know how to answer. Damn, we are just a courier, oh no, a Pokémon deliveryman, how can we be the one who persuaded her to become a trainer...

"Speak?" The store manager aunt continued to look at her with pressure.

"I..." Qiu Yuan still hesitated.

The store manager aunt couldn't bear it anymore, pulled Qiu Yuan's ear and yelled:

"You Mo told you about her sister, right?! Do you want her to become like her sister?! Let us two husbands and wives stay alone at home in our old age?!"

The fatal three consecutive shouts with a super loud voice were not over yet.

"Damn stinky brat, if it wasn't for that Kirlia who coaxed me, I wouldn't let you work in my house!"

"Is this how you repay our kindness?!"

Qi Yuan's ears were pulled red, and he didn't dare to say a word. He didn't feel anything at first, but now that he was said like this, he seemed to have become a vicious and evil person...

"Hmph!" The store manager aunt scolded Qiu Yuan and his anger subsided.

"Here, this is 20,000 yuan for your flight, and this is another 30,000 yuan for you. I ask you to take my daughter to that Miare City. If you don't take good care of my daughter, I will chase you and beat you up!"

"You heard it, too. If this kid doesn't do it, we will beat him up and make him cry!"

The store manager, whose anger gradually subsided, took out the 50,000 yuan she had just prepared, put it on the coffee table, and said to the back.

A fat purple Pokémon slowly appeared behind the empty store manager.

"Is this, Gengar?" Akimoto was shocked. He felt that the Hosono family was not simple before, but he didn't expect that the store manager actually had a super rare and difficult-to-capture Pokémon like Gengar!

"Hehe, hehe." Gengar laughed twice and looked at Akimoto with ill intentions.

"Did you hear that? You won't refuse, will you?"

Akimoto shook his head like a drum: "No, no, no, I will take good care of Youmo!"

The store manager nodded with satisfaction: "Youmo is a kind-hearted child. In fact, she has always envied her sister who travels abroad, but she doesn't want us to be too lonely, so she chooses to stay with us."

"She is still young, you have to take good care of her and don't let her be bullied!"

She is still young, she is already twelve years old, Xiaozhi is always ten years old, and has traveled all over the country! Akimoto complained in his heart.

"She treats you as her brother, so you have to fulfill the responsibility of a brother!"

The store manager paused.

"Don't live up to the 30,000 yuan!"

"..."30,000 yuan... Can I say that I don't care about it...

"Okay, take the money and get out, wait at the door, and go to Jinhuang City to buy a plane ticket later. There is no airport in Nibi City." After sending Akimoto away, the store manager went out to bring Hosono Youmo in.

After collecting a total of 50,000 yuan, Akimoto walked out of the living room silently and squatted at the door...

After waiting for a long time, Hosono Yumo came out with a backpack on his back. Seeing Akimoto squatting at the door, he smiled and greeted him.

"Brother Akimoto, I've been waiting for a long time. I'll be counting on you in the future~!" The little girl said with a smile, and handed a pink backpack to Akimoto, "This backpack is for you."

"......?" Akimoto looked at the pink backpack with a confused face, and there was a pink bow hanging on the zipper.

I'm a tough guy, and you want me to carry this on the road? ?

Twisting the corners of his mouth, Akimoto silently took the backpack and held it in his hand.

In fact, it's not unacceptable to say...

"Thank you Yumo, thank you store manager aunt and uncle." After thanking Hosono Yumo for the backpack, Akimoto turned around and thanked the store manager aunt and the stern-faced uncle Hosono.

"Mom and Dad, goodbye!"

The little girl smiled and said goodbye to her parents. At least Akimoto could not see any sadness of parting in her. She only loved the little Eevee in her arms.

The store manager's eyes were a little moist at this time. It is not reasonable for a Pokémon trainer to go home every few months. It will take a long time for Hosono Yumo to come back this time.

And her eldest daughter, who only has Pokémon in her eyes, may not come back next year.

There are only two of us at home, and there is no point in making this money...

Watching Akimoto and Hosono Yumo leave and go to Nibi City Station, the store manager closed the door a little lonely and locked it.

And Uncle Hosono outside the door was still exuding his temperament, squinting his eyes and looking at the other end of the road, unaware that he had been locked out of the house...

When a few white clouds floated in the sky, Uncle Hosono looked at the sun that was about to set, sighed sadly, and turned his head to turn the doorknob.

"Hey! Wife! Why did you lock the door? I'm still outside!"

"Open the door!!"

"I'm still outside..."


At the same time, Akimoto had already arrived at the Nibi City Station and successfully boarded the train to Golden City.

Akimoto, who was riding the Pokémon train for the first time, looked left and right, and finally found that it was actually similar to the train he had taken before.

It's just that the fat body and the orange paint color add a bit of fun to this bulky train, which makes it look a bit cute.

Hosono Yumo, who has been staying at home, either helping out at the barbecue restaurant or playing with his mother's Pokémon, rarely has the opportunity to travel far, and is very excited.

The little girl sat by the window, her little face almost sticking to the glass. Sometimes she pointed at the clouds of various shapes in the sky, and sometimes she pulled Akimoto to look at the passing village.

"You've been looking at clouds for twelve years, Youmo, haven't you seen enough?"

"Oh, it's different! The clouds here are the clouds here, and the clouds in Nibe City are the clouds in Nibe City!"

Akimoto was confused by this sentence, and before he could reply, Hosono Youmo started shouting again.

"Akimoto-nii! Look, it's Beedrill! They're chasing Rattata!"

"Akimoto-nii! It's Smellybum! They're dancing in circles! So cute!"

"Wow! That's Geodude! The post on the Doctor's Forum said that Geodudes would wrestle with each other, and it turns out to be true!"

"Kentaro, Kentaro, someone is riding on it, it looks so fun!"

"Akimoto-nii, Akimoto-nii?"

Akimoto rolled his eyes at her: "Your Akimoto-nii is dead!"


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PS: Celebrating today's collection of over 100, no matter how many robots there are, aren't robots human? !

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