Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 14: Innate Ability

At night, the train was like a lonely dragon, passing through the mountains and forests.

Hosono Yumo was sleeping on the small table of the train, hugging a Bulbasaur-shaped pillow. She looked very beautiful and quiet, and she was completely different from the crazy girl just now.

Akimoto leaned against the back of the seat, took out the Pokémon balls of Ninetail and Little Fortune, and placed them on the table.

The detection function can be used across the Pokémon ball, which he discovered by accident.

The qualification of Ninetail was transformed by the top-grade fire stone and reached blue. Ninetail's skill comprehension has no evolutionary restrictions, that is, what can be learned before evolution, can also be learned after evolution.

Ninetail is not a mythical beast, but it often appears in various legendary Pokémon, and the racial memory inheritance is very powerful.

For Ninetail, skill comprehension is like a seal engraved in the mind. When the power is strong, the seal can be removed step by step, and the skills can be learned naturally.

Regarding the fact that premature evolution will cause Pokémon to develop poorly, Akimoto asked the system and learned that the top-grade fire stone can solve this problem, so he didn't think about it anymore.

But the lively and cute little Fudan who is very popular these days is only of yellow qualification. Although she is heartless and always looks carefree, the gap between her and her close friend Jiuwei will definitely become larger in the future.

"Oh, I'll think of a way later!"



Lv: 15

Intimacy: 255 (Unwavering)

Attribute: Fire

Qualification: Blue

Personality: Calm

Gender: Female

Feature: Fire-starting

Innate Ability: Divine Power, Telepathy

Inherited Skills: Divine Power, Strange Light

Taught Skills: Sparks, Flash of Lightning, Resentment, Flame Vortex

Disc Skills: None

Carried Items: None


Little Lucky Egg

Lv: 12

Intimacy: 127 (Friendly)

Attribute: General

Qualification: Yellow

Personality: Innocent

Gender: Female

Features: Heaven's Grace

Innate Ability: None

Inherited Skills: Imitate

Taught Skills: Slap, Become Round

Disc Skills: None

Carried Items: Round Stone


In addition to the marked rewards, the recently completed random tasks also have hidden rewards, which is the improvement of the exploration function. This time, there is another innate ability.

Nine-tail's innate ability, telepathy, is similar to Kirlia's telepathy.

But the difference is that the Nine-Tail can only clearly understand what others say and perceive their emotions and thoughts, while Kirlia can communicate with people directly through telepathy.

Putting away the Pokémon Ball, Akimoto closed his eyes and immersed his mind in the system warehouse.

The cross crystal flashing with colorful light was suspended in the air of the system warehouse without external force. Akimoto just took a look and felt an extremely longing emotion in his heart.

Thinking of the conversation with the system last night.

"System, what is this life core? It's pretty good."

[Ding! ]

[The life core is a host-exclusive item that can activate the host's innate ability. ]

"Me? Innate ability? Am I some kind of chosen child?" Akimoto laughed.

"This thing is colorful, why is it only blue?"

[The host can understand that this life core is a low-end version, which can only guide the host to activate the innate abilities it has]

"??? I already have it myself?"

[Yes, and the life core was originally meant for the host, but I forgot it before]


After a few days, Qiu Yuan slowly typed a question mark again.

"It was originally meant for me? You treat it as a task reward? That's a bit too much!"


[The task compensation has been issued, please check it for the host]

[The system is on standby...]

The system dropped a small gift package and immediately used the escape technique to get away.

Qiu Yuan rubbed his hands and opened the small gift package.

[Item information]

Name: Ordinary fishing rod

Quality: Green

Purpose: Fishing for Pokémon living in the water

Introduction: System product, the probability of Pokémon taking the bait is 70%, the probability of precious Pokémon taking the bait is 30%, and it comes with bait.

Qiu Yuan is not greedy, he is very happy to get something from the system, it is very good. If I have nothing to do in the future, I will go fishing.

Freed from memories, Akimoto sighed silently: "My innate ability, I am looking forward to it. It's a pity that I haven't had the opportunity to use it recently. If I make a big noise, I'm afraid I will be caught and sliced ​​for research."

Falling into a deep sleep, only the dim indicator lights were left in the train, and the breathing of people was extremely clear at this moment.

In the morning, Akimoto and Yumo Hosono woke up one after another.

Rubbing the dirt from the corners of his eyes, Akimoto blinked his eyes, and he had not yet recovered from the dream.

Yumo Hosono let Chuchu out, took out the Eevee-exclusive Pokémon food that Akimoto made a few days ago, and flew his little hands over Chuchu's head, teasing it.

Akimoto only called Kirlia and Xiaofudan out for breakfast. Before getting on the train, he gave the Pokémon food to the other Pokémon and put it into the Poké Ball.

Out of consideration for the poor Akimoto, Yumo Hosono bought an ordinary ticket for 3,000 yen with him, which included a chair and a small table.

Special tickets can provide a separate room. Although the space is not large, it can protect the privacy of passengers. Unfortunately, the ticket price is too expensive, just a little cheaper than the air ticket.

"Bo Ke Bo Ke!"

Little Fudan just came out of the Pokémon ball and saw Akimoto. He jumped to Akimoto, hugged his neck, and scratched Akimoto's chest with his two little feet.

Akimoto smiled, held the little cute butt, took out a pink puff-like Pokémon food, and put it into Little Fudan's mouth.

Little Fudan ate one in a few bites and called for more.

"Bo Ke Bo Ke~"

"Do you want more?" Akimoto smiled.

Little Fudan nodded, and then nodded again.

"But there is no more. You have eaten it all."

Little Fudan was shocked, with an unbelievable look on his face. He hugged Akimoto's neck tightly, and his little head shook around Akimoto's chin, making him itchy.

Akimoto laughed, took out a small jar from his pocket, and poured out a few special foods for Little Lucky Egg.

When Little Lucky Egg saw that there were still so many of his favorite snacks, he immediately abandoned Akimoto, jumped onto the table, and ate his breakfast happily.

Akimoto patted Little Lucky Egg's head in dissatisfaction, unhappy.

Kirlia sat elegantly on the edge of the table, holding a plate in her hand. The purple Pokémon food on the plate flew in front of her out of thin air, and she ate it in one bite.

Chuchu, who finished breakfast quickly, jumped from Hosono Yumo's table to Akimoto's side, curiously looking at Little Lucky Egg who was eating with relish.

"Eevee Eevee? (Why does she eat differently from me?)" Chuchu's little head was full of doubts.

Little Lucky Egg looked up at Chuchu, and then lowered her head again to enjoy the food.

Seeing her starving appearance, Chuchu couldn't help wondering how delicious this food was. The Pokémon food that had just made her particularly satisfied was no longer fragrant.

Carefully stretching out its little paw, Jiujiu seized the opportunity when Xiaofudan squinted his eyes, and quickly took away a pink ball.

What? You said this was stealing?

No, no, no, how could it be stealing? Can it be called stealing when it comes to Pokémon?

Looking at the pink Pokémon food in his hand happily, Jiujiu was about to eat it, but suddenly someone locked his throat... It was really locked.

Qiu Yuan grabbed Jiujiu's neck, lifted Jiujiu up, and leaned over with a big face, looking at it and said, "Are you stealing food?"

Jiujiu quickly put his hands behind his back, shook his head, and denied it.

At this moment, Xiaofudan, who had eaten the food on the plate clean, was immediately angry when he saw Jiujiu holding his food in his hands behind his back.

What's wrong with you, little brother! You dare to touch my things? No wonder I said I wasn't full? !

Xiao Fudan smacked his lips, and with an indignant look on his face, he walked to Qiu Yuan with his round belly, and pointed at Jiujiu who was lifted up by Qiu Yuan.

"Bo Ke! Bo Ke Bo Ke! (Master! It's him that made me not full!)"

Qiu Yuan looked at Xiao Fudan with a smile, and flicked her head with his right hand, and Xiao Fudan fell on the table and rolled a few times.

"You are so full, don't join in the fun, or I won't give you food in the future."

Xiao Fudan lying on the table waved his hands quickly, indicating that he didn't want to eat anymore.


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PS: Today's chapter is a bit watery, no, it's more entertaining, how can the author's work be called watery?

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