Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 15: Speculations triggered by a piece of food

Jiujiu was held in the air by Akimoto, and his two legs were shaking wildly, trying to break free.

This scene made Yumo Hosono's heart melt, and he couldn't suppress the smile on his lips.

Finally, under Jiujiu's unyielding struggle, Akimoto put it down and stuffed the small lucky egg food picked from its little claws into its mouth.

"I told you, this is not for you, you may not like this taste."

As soon as Akimoto finished speaking, Jiujiu ate the small ball cleanly, and a humanized expression of enjoyment appeared on her little face.


Akimoto looked at the soothing bell on Jiujiu's neck in surprise, and thought of a possibility.

This Pokémon food was configured by Akimoto based on the introduction of various tree fruits in his mind, which can improve the sensitivity of the small lucky egg to the fairy element.

The small lucky egg has poor qualifications, which is why she obviously has the round stone but has not evolved into a lucky egg.

But this Eevee is obviously more compatible with the fairy element, so it is more likely to evolve into a fairy elf, and it just so happens that Youmo also likes fairy elves.

Thinking this in his heart, Qiu Yuan plans to make some improvements to the Pokémon food he made when he has time, and perhaps it can be perfected to the point where it can be put on the market.

The reason why Eevee can and can only evolve through various evolution stones is not only because of their own diverse evolution factors, but also because the evolution stones contain rich elemental power, so that Eevee does not have to absorb elemental power through its own induction.

Similarly, the same is true for other Pokémon that need evolution stones to evolve.

The elemental power contained in evolution stones of different qualities is naturally different, and the Pokémon that use evolution stones to evolve will also have different induction abilities to elemental power in the future.

Qiu Yuan has a bold guess about this.

If some methods can be used to improve the Pokémon's induction of elemental power and increase the elemental power that can be accumulated in the body, then it is possible to evolve without evolution stones!

Even some Pokémon that are naturally gifted in sensing elemental power can guide elemental power to condense into a solid state and create artificial evolution stones!

Many Pokémon have intimacy requirements for evolution, which may be the influence of bond power. In a sense, intimacy can increase the bond strength between Pokémon and Pokémon, and Pokémon and trainers.

In Akimoto's understanding, the role of bond power may be to improve Pokémon's ability to sense elemental power.

When intimacy reaches a certain level, the influence of bond power on Pokémon reaches the level required for evolution, and Pokémon's ability to sense elemental power is sufficient to support it to accumulate elemental power required for evolution, and Pokémon can successfully evolve.

If Akimoto can cultivate a Pokémon that can guide elemental power into liquid or solid, then the intimacy, that is, the bond power requirement of this type of Pokémon will be reduced, and it will become relatively easier to evolve!

It must be said that the most unique advantage of the traverser is vision. Akimoto thinks about many problems from a perspective outside the Pokémon world, and is often more creative than the locals.

As for whether the above conjecture can be established, Akimoto needs to experiment again and again in the future.

Looking at Chuchu with a smile, Akimoto poured out a plate of food for Xiaofudan in front of it.

Little Fudan watched angrily, with his hands on his hips, super, super angry.

Perhaps it was because Akimoto's sudden weird smile was really scary, Jiujiu took a few steps back, looked at Akimoto warily, and then looked at the food on the plate.

Akimoto still smiled: "Come on, since you like it, then eat whatever you want."

At this time, Hosono Yumo, who had been watching, picked up Jiujiu: "Okay, don't tease Jiujiu! You want it to get fat, but I don't want it!"

Seeing Jiujiu being taken away by Hosono Yumo, Little Fudan immediately ran over, formed a circle with her little hands, circled her exclusive snacks on the plate, put them back into the jar one by one, and then covered the lid and hid aside.

"Passengers, this train has arrived at the final stop of Huangjin City, please get off from the right door in an orderly manner."

"Passengers, this train has arrived at the final stop of Huangjin City, please get off from the right door in an orderly manner."

The train arrival reminder sounded twice, and the passengers got up and packed their luggage and lined up to get off the train.

Akimoto also put the little lucky egg and Kirlia into the Pokémon Ball, but the little lucky egg was put in with the can.

"Youmo, follow me closely, don't get lost, there are a lot of people."


Akimoto followed the crowd out of the station, and Hosono Yumo was pushed out by the crowd...

"What? Just now, a few people kept squeezing me, and my hair was messed up!"

Muttering with dissatisfaction, Hosono Yumo took out a comb to comb his hair.

"Okay, lend me the pager, I'll look at the map."

Borrowing Hosono Yumo's pager, Akimoto opened the electronic map of Jinhuang City and looked for the local airport.

At this time, a middle-aged man in simple clothes came over and asked Akimoto and the others, "Where are you going? Do you need a ride? The price is very affordable."

Akimoto put down the pager, and sure enough, no matter which transportation station, there are generally car drivers soliciting passengers.

"We are going to Jinhuang City Airport. How much does it cost for two people?"

Akimoto just saw on his pager that the taxi price for two people was 800 yuan, and he was about to go to the taxi stand to take a taxi.

The uncle said: "For two people, seven hundred yuan is okay?"

It was only a hundred yuan less than the taxi price, but Qiu Yuan didn't care about the money. It was just that the exit they were at was still some distance from the taxi pick-up point, and Qiu Yuan was too lazy to walk over.

"Are you okay, Youmo? Let's take this uncle's car to the airport?"

"Come here, where is the car?"

Hosono Yumo put away the comb, touched his hair beautifully, and followed.

Follow the uncle out of the exit and get into an old-fashioned red car.

Qiu Yuan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, fastened his seat belt and joked: "Uncle, this car is quite collectible."

The uncle put the car into gear, started the car, and responded with a smile: "Yes, I bought this car when my wife and I got married. Even though it is older, I have taken good care of it."

Along the way, Qiu Yuan chatted with his uncle, which was very lively.

Hosono Yumo released Ji Ji Ji, held its two small paws and shook it from side to side, as if it was dancing.

When we arrived at the airport far away from the city, it was almost noon. After paying the fare, Akimoto took Hosono Yumo straight to the ticket gate.

"Please book two tickets to the nearest city of Miare! Just a regular seat!"

Qiu Yuan hurried to the ticket booth where the "Interregional Flight" sign was displayed and said to the lady at the counter.

"Miare City, please wait a moment." The lady at the counter checked on the computer and continued,

"There happens to be a flight that will leave for Miare City in half an hour. Because it spans multiple regions, this flight takes off once a week."

"Huh? Doesn't that mean we can't have lunch?" Qiu Yuan said with a bitter face.

Yumo Hosono said at the right time: "Can I still buy tickets for this flight?"

The lady at the counter smiled and said: "You can still buy tickets now. After buying the tickets, you can go directly to check in and board the plane. There are three luxury tickets left. Do you want to buy tickets? Each one is 50,000 yuan."

Qiu Yuan was confused: What a coincidence? It’s about to take off, are there only luxury tickets left? And the luxury ticket is exactly 50,000?

Painfully, Qiu Yuan spent all the 50,000 yuan he got from the store manager's aunt.

Compared to Qiu Yuan who was doing the job, Yumo Hosono, a young rich woman, paid 50,000 yuan directly using a pager without blinking an eye.

After getting their tickets and catching up with the last train for check-in, Qiuyuan and the little girl successfully passed the check-in and boarded the plane.

The two of them each found the room corresponding to the luxury ticket and tidied it up.

Hosono Yumo threw his backpack on the bed and hurriedly ran to knock on Akimoto's door.

Qiu Yuan opened the door and saw the little girl excitedly holding Jiu Jiu and looking left and right nearby. She was so excited that she didn't know when it would stop.

Seeing Akimoto open the door, Hosono Yumo rushed to the window and looked at the scenery outside the window - although he hadn't taken off yet...

"Brother Akimoto! Look, look, there are several planes over there!"

"Whoa! Take off, take off, take off~! It's so fun!"

"Cloud! It's a cloud! Wow ~ colorful clouds, I'm as high as the clouds in the sky now!"

"Brother Akimoto, look at that mountain! Below is the forest and above is the snow! It's so strange!"

Just like when he first got on the train, Hosono Yumo stood in front of the window, keeping his eyes fixed on the window, dancing and chirping from time to time.

Akimoto, who was tired from traveling and traveling, just wanted to have a good sleep and not live up to the 50,000 yuan "rented" bed, but he couldn't fall asleep with Hosono Yumo next to him.

"Okay, okay, go to your room and look at the scenery. Let me take a nap. Go quickly."

Qiu Yuan felt that if he didn't get a good sleep, he would die, so he pushed the little girl away.

After driving Hosono Yumo back to his room, Akimoto closed the door, went to bed and fell asleep without taking off his shoes.


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