Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 114 Advanced Testing

After having fun with his Pokémon for a while, Akimoto took Starfish to the studio.

The things that need to be sorted out currently include the problem of starfish and the experiment of Tears of the Ocean. Akimoto plans to solve the problem of starfish first.

The reason why he dared to say that he had a solution to Starfish's problem was that his biggest reliance was the system. Although the Tsundere System was usually not talkative, Akimoto would not forget that this guy had the ability to detect the body information of Pokémon.

The probing function given to Akimoto by the system is just a simplified model of the system's detection capabilities. Compared with the rigid interface information given by probing, a relatively smart system can explain the underlying causes of some problems in more detail, just like the previous Kyuubi's The thing was told to Qiu Yuan after the system detected it.

"Wai Wai Wai Wai? Is the system here?"

【What's up? 】

Hearing the sound of the system, Qiu Yuan grinned: "Well, can you help me find out what's wrong with this starfish?"

[Active advanced detection requires payment of points]

"Ah?" Qiu Yuan was stunned, "Didn't you want it before?"

【Who told you not to? 100 points for one advanced test, give it to you or not]


Qiu Yuan dutifully paid 100 points, and saw that the 140 points he had saved in the past few days suddenly shrank to 40...

[100 points have been deducted and advanced testing is in progress...]

[Advanced testing completed...]

[The test results are as follows...]

As the sound of the system fell, a more detailed list of information than what Akimoto had previously obtained by using the detection function to detect starfish appeared in front of Akimoto.

Akimoto read the information list carefully and found that the qualification column of this starfish was actually different.

The starfish qualifications seen by Akimoto in the previous exploration were light green, but in the new exploration data, the starfish had two qualification information.


Level: 6

Intimacy: 50 (cold)

Properties: water

Qualification: Green (Blue)

Personality: reserved

Gender: None

Features: Natural reply

Natural abilities: superpowers

Genetic Skills: (Psychic Power)

Skills taught: None

Disc skills: none

Carrying props: Zuna Stone (cannot be replaced)

Physique: white

Physical strength: Yellow (physical strength)

Physical Strength: Yellow (physical strength)

Spirituality and Sexuality: Blue

Mental Resistance: Yellow

Speed: green

Current physical condition: Mental strength is too strong, physical constitution cannot bear it, and intelligence is blocked.

Solution: Use an evolution stone greater than or equal to its mental and sexual qualities to evolve, or use the corresponding origin to strengthen your physique.

After reading the entire information list, Qiu Yuan's head was buzzing and his face was full of question marks.

After carefully sorting out this information, Qiu Yuan still couldn't help but be surprised.

The first is that the two qualifications are similar to explicit and recessive in biology, but the two concepts cannot be confused. Let's use explicit and recessive to distinguish them.

Starfish's explicit qualification is green, which is what Akimoto sees after using the exploration function. In the qualification column of the exploration results, Akimoto sees light green qualifications.

However, in the advanced detection results, Starfish has a hidden blue qualification, which is related to another new function of advanced detection.

The six detection items correspond one-to-one to the HP, attack, defense, special attack, special defense, and speed that Akimoto knows. However, the system defines the special attack as mental and sexual, and the special defense as mental resistance.

This is easy to understand. A Pokmon with strong special attack will definitely not be that bad in mental strength.

Mentality and sex are almost equivalent to the mental strength of a Pokmon. The stronger the mental strength, the higher the affinity to the elemental power of its attribute, and the stronger the special attack skills it uses.

Mental resistance is the ability to resist special attacks of corresponding elements, which explains special defense vividly.

In the end, the test results obtained by the system informed Akimoto that Starfish's mental strength greatly exceeded the physical endurance of his white aptitude, oppressing Starfish's brain, and Starfish's body had to actively block part of his mental power.

This resulted in it becoming unresponsive, losing part of its sense of taste, losing interest in the nutritional solution that originally suited its taste, and losing its appetite.

But the solution to the starfish problem seems a bit too extravagant...

"Are these really the only two ways to use it?"

Qiu Yuan asked speechlessly.

【Yes, there is no other way】

"All right……"

Qiu Yuan grabbed a corner of the starfish, lifted it up, and spun it twice in the air.

"Why are you so awesome? A good starfish actually has such strong mental power. He also inherited telekinesis that was impossible for starfish to learn. Could it be that your parents are also mythical beasts?"

Starfish was being carried around in circles in the air by Qiu Yuan with no expression on his face, which was not right, Starfish had no expression at all.

The devil knows why it can see the road clearly even though it has no eyes.

There is another special thing, which is the Zuna Stone carried by Haixingxing himself. This is the second Pokémon that Akimoto has seen with its own props.

The first one is Xiaoli, and Qiu Yuan still doesn’t understand why there is such a weird super marker on it.

Qiu Yuan searched for a long time on Hai Xingxing, and finally only the red gem in the middle of its body was more in line with the description of Zuna Stone. But hasn't the gem in the middle of Hai Xingxing's body been proven to be a part of its body? Why did the system still judge that it was Hai Xingxing's carrying prop?

With a puzzled look on his face, Qiu Yuan used the detection on the red gem on Hai Xingxing's chest.

The result surprised Qiu Yuan again. He actually found out the prop information, and it was the first time to find a prop without quality.

[Item Information]

Name: Zuna Stone

Quality: None

Purpose: Enhance the spiritual power of the Hai Xingxing clan several times

Introduction: The companion prop of the Hai Xingxing clan, which is embedded in the gem in the center of Hai Xingxing's chest for life, has the ability to enhance spiritual power, and only one in ten thousand Hai Xingxing will have a companion Zuna Stone.

Seeing the detection information, Qiu Yuan curiously approached the gem on Hai Xingxing's chest, and indeed found a purple cross gem in the bright red gem.

"Sure, that's a good idea. You have your premium water stone!"

Qi Yuan patted the sharp corner of Starfish, and took it to the Dragon Bone Spring with satisfaction, and temporarily placed it in the Dragon Bone Spring.

Since it is a physical problem, let Starfish strengthen its physical fitness in the Dragon Bone Spring first, and then evolve it when you find the premium water stone. By then, it may be a purple Pokémon.

After all, Starfish originally has the hidden blue qualification, and the premium water stone has the ability to evolve the qualifications of Pokémon. The combination of the two may really make Starfish's qualification become purple.

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