Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 115 Qiao Yijing calls

If you want to buy a blue quality Water Stone, you can buy it in the system store, but it is a bit expensive. It requires 2,000 points. At present, Akimoto can only get points by signing in every day to get 20 points. It will take more than three months to buy a blue quality Water Stone for Starfish to evolve.

However, you can try to let Gardevoir condense the green quality Water Stone fragments to see if you can make a blue quality Ocean Tear. This effect is even better than using the top-quality Water Stone directly.

If Gardevoir cannot reach this level of ability in the short term, Akimoto plans to go to Miare City to see if there is a top-quality Water Stone auction. The appearance of this thing in the Pokémon world can only rely on luck. There may be only one or two top-quality evolution stones in a year, and the properties are still uncertain.

Starfish's symptoms are actually very similar to those of Psyduck. Psyduck is also stupid because of its extraordinary mental talent. After evolution, it can perfectly control mental power and restore normal consciousness.

While walking on the road, Akimoto was thinking about how to make Gardevoir extract green-quality Water Stone fragments and condense them into blue-quality Ocean Tears as soon as possible when a phone call came in.

Akimoto took out his pager, glanced at the call notification, and then answered it.

"Hello? Is this Aunt Jing?"

"Ah, little Akimoto, how did you guess?"

Akimoto looked at the screen and rolled his eyes: "There is a note."

"Hehe, I forgot~"

Joey was sitting in the alliance office and calling Akimoto, while he laughed movingly.

If Akimoto didn't know her age, he might think the person on the other end of the phone was a young girl, not a woman who was almost 40 years old...

"Aunt Jing, what's the matter?"

"It's a big deal! Let me tell you, the alliance is planning to hold a breeding house breeding ability competition recently, divided into three groups: elementary, intermediate, and advanced. The champion of each group will have a very generous reward!"

Akimoto's hand shaking as he held the phone, he asked in surprise: "Is it a new project? I haven't heard of it before."

"Yes, it's because of you that the alliance has this proposal."

"Because of me?" Akimoto was stunned.

Joey Jing half-lay down on the cushion of the soft chair, with one of her long white legs raised. The young man working next to her couldn't help but glance at her, and happened to meet Joey Jing's half-smiley eyes, and quickly straightened his sitting posture and put his head in front of the computer screen.

"The grandson of a big boss in the alliance was supposed to participate in this junior breeder assessment, but he missed the assessment due to an accident on the way."

"After learning that you broke the assessment record and stole the show, the little brat thought he was good enough and no worse than you, so he pestered his grandfather to open a backdoor for him and give him a special assessment."

"Hehe, in the end he only scored 99 points. If it weren't for his grandfather's face, the examiner might not have given him such a high score."

Akimoto was puzzled: "Then what does this have to do with me?"

"It has a big relationship. He got 99 points and was still not convinced. He said you must have cheated and wanted to compete with you in a fair competition." Qiao Yijing twisted her fingertips and laughed, "If you ask me, that old guy is also a fool. He is alive. After more than 70 years, he actually listened to a little brat and proposed to the alliance to hold a primary breeding house competition. "

"The alliance had to pay attention to this proposal. After all, this old guy had also contributed a lot to the alliance and was considered a veteran. The alliance simply held a meeting to discuss this matter, and finally passed the proposal to add intermediate and advanced breeding house competitions. "

"For his stupid grandson, the old fool was willing to give up. The champion of a primary breeding house competition was actually 30 adult milk tanks! Do you think he is crazy?"

Joey Jing's words were full of resentment towards the alliance elder she mentioned. Such a big melon, several staff members sitting next to Joey Jing looked straight ahead, as if they had not heard anything.

They, the ordinary people, can't afford this melon. Only Joey Jing, who is a member of the Joey clan, dared to call the big guy an old thing and an old fool in front of others.

Akimoto listened to Joey Jing's story and learned the reason for the initiation of this breeding house competition. He couldn't help but laugh and cry.

What the hell is this? I have encountered such a ridiculous thing. I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Aunt Jing, is the reward for the junior group really 30 big milk cans?"

"It has been confirmed. The final reward will only be more generous and will not be reduced. The 30 big milk cans were bought by the old fool at the Asagi City Ranch in Chengdu. It cost a lot of money." Qiao Yijing gritted her teeth and then smiled very proudly, "But in the end, it will all be for you. You will definitely win the championship, right? Akimoto boy."

"Uh... Aunt Jing, do you really believe that I can beat that... uh, old..."

"Old fool!"

"..." Akimoto pulled the corner of his mouth, his face a little stiff, "What a big grudge, Aunt Jing, after all, I am an old man in my seventies."

"What a big grudge you said! I get angry when I think about it!"

Hearing Akimoto's words, Qiao Yijing sat up suddenly and slammed the table heavily. The huge noise scared the staff in the office into silence.

"Fuck that old idiot. He was the one who suggested to the Alliance that our Joey family should hand over the secret recipe for raising the Geely Eggs to the Alliance. If the Junsha family hadn't come forward in the end, maybe we would have had to hand over the Geely Eggs' secret recipe to the Alliance. The secret of breeding is handed over!”

Qiuyuan could feel the freezing temperature around Qiu Jing on the other end of the phone. When he heard her voice, a picture of Qiu Jing gritting her teeth suddenly appeared in his mind.

But the veteran of the alliance was so involved in the Joey family affairs, no wonder Joey Jing hated him so much. If this happened to Qiuyuan, it is estimated that Qiuyuan would exchange a bunch of highly concentrated C4 explosives from the system the next day to kill him. My hometown was destroyed by the bombing.

So Qiu Yuan solemnly said: "Aunt Jing, don't worry, Qiu Yuan will definitely beat the shit out of the old idiot's grandson, the little idiot, and leave an indelible shadow in his heart, making their whole family live in the shadow of the Joey family!"

Joy Jing chuckled, and Qiu Yuan was amused again by the anger she had just mentioned about the old fool.

"What does it mean to live in the shadow of the Joey family? Are you a member of our Joey family? Or do you have a crush on some Joey and want to marry into our family?"


Although all the members of the Joey family are beauties, they all look too alike. Qiuyuan sometimes wonders if the men who marry into the Joey family can't tell which wife they are.

What's more, Qiu Yuan has no intention of getting married!

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