Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 118 Ibrahimovic Egg

Although the alliance wanted to make up for the loss and try its best to restore the environment of the Moonlight Forest after waking up, it seemed to be cursed.

All the moonlight grass and full moon flowers that were taken away can survive in other places, except that their magical effects are much inferior to those in the Moonlight Forest, but they survive anyway.

However, what surprised the alliance was that moonlight grass and full moon flowers can be planted and survived anywhere, but they can never survive again in the Moonlight Forest.

As if it was a silent protest against human destruction, the Moonlight Forest did not accept this kind of afterthought remedy, and would rather lose its former beauty forever than accept human apology.

After Akimoto learned the story behind the moonlight grass, he was also very sorry.

If he could meet Celebi and let it help Akimoto fulfill a wish, Akimoto would choose to let Celebi take him back to the time when the Moonlight Forest was still beautiful and noble, to witness the mysterious magnificence of the Moonlight Forest.

But that is all in the future.

Moonlight grass has four crescent-shaped leaves, which will be closed during the day. When night falls and the moon rises, the leaves will be unfolded, emitting white light, shining with the moon in the distance.

Moonlight grass has the ability to absorb and store the power of the moon, and is a rare food material for some Pokémon that need moonstones to evolve.

And because the planting conditions are not harsh, many people like to plant moonlight grass on a large scale. On the one hand, the scenery of moonlight grass is beautiful, and on the other hand, it can be sold for profit.

The price of moonlight grass on the market is very expensive, but it is not cheap. It takes half a year for a moonlight grass to grow to maturity, but it takes a year to reach the energy saturation period that can be put on the market.

Therefore, the price of a saturated and mature moonlight grass is about 10,000 yuan. The price will fluctuate according to the market, but the fluctuation will not be large.

Adding a moonlight grass can make enough jasmine balls for Pipi to eat for a week, so Qiu Yuan also generously used special jasmine balls for Pipi.

With the newly made Jasmine Balls, Qiu Yuan installed a new feeding trough for Pipi under the ancient tree, and then poured the Jasmine Balls into the feeding trough.

Looking at the time, it was quite early, just after four o'clock.

Qiu Yuan walked towards the grassland area while teasing the little fairy milk on his head.

I haven't visited the Eevee couple for a long time recently, and I rarely go to the grassland area. In addition to the daily morning run, Qiu Yuan goes to the flower sea the most.

Thinking about it, I seem to be a little biased. It seems that I have to try to walk in the other three areas in the future, otherwise I don't know what new situation the Pokémon have.

Thinking about it, Qiu Yuan walked to the small nest built for the Eevee couple, looked inside, but only saw the male Eevee.

Seeing Aki Yuan coming, the male Eevee called out and hurried to the nest.

After a while, another female Eevee also came out, but she looked a little weak.

Akimoto was wondering when he suddenly saw a brown-patterned Pokémon egg from the gap between them.

This discovery made Akimoto very happy. He looked at the female Eevee happily and said, "Did you lay an egg?"

The female Eevee nodded and let her husband take the egg out.

Taking the Pokémon egg, Akimoto gently wiped it. This was the first Pokémon egg in the breeding house. The others were either bought or picked up.

Ahem, of course I'm not talking about Hanhan. Hanhan would be unhappy if he heard it.

Throwing a probe over, Akimoto found that it was still a female little guy, which made Akimoto very happy.

The gender ratio of Eevee is 1:7 for females to males. Except for Yuanyuan, which is a female, the other two Eevee babies born by the Eevee couple are males, including the male Eevee that was taken away by Hosono Yumo and may evolve into Sylveon.

There was another female Eevee, which made Akimoto's mind active. Maybe he could make another sign in the future, and use Eevee as this sign.

Who can refuse the cute Eevee?

But it still needs to be hatched first.

Akimoto talked with the Eevee couple and asked if he could take the Eevee egg to hatch.

Although the female Eevee was reluctant to give up her child who had just been born a few days ago, she still thought that Akimoto could better hatch her child, so she finally agreed.

Putting the Eevee egg into the incubator, Akimoto suddenly felt like a bad guy, so ruthlessly snatching the Eevee egg from its mother who had just given birth to it.

He felt a little guilty. When Akimoto captured the Eevee couple, he wanted them to breed a few Eevee for the breeding house. There was nothing wrong with this idea. Every owner of the breeding house captured wild Pokémon with this idea.

But Akimoto always felt that he had gone too far in treating the Eevee couple as breeding machines. Perhaps he should spend more time with them in the future, at least to let them evolve into the evolutionary forms he wanted, which could be considered as compensation.

Originally, Akimoto arranged the incubator in the houses outside, but in order to make it easier for him to observe their hatching, Akimoto moved the incubator to the tree house and specially vacated a space.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement: the new generation of the breeding house (obtain a Pokémon egg born in the breeding house)]

[Reward: Pokémon egg culture medium (green) x10]

The sudden system prompt startled Akimoto, and the Eevee egg incubator in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Carefully placing the incubator on the shelf in the incubator room, Akimoto closed the door, and then checked the system prompt information.

I remember that there was information about Pokémon culture fluid before, but that time it was blue quality, and the material made Akimoto angry.

Opening the system warehouse, Akimoto glanced inside and saw ten neatly arranged green culture fluids.

[Item Information]

Name: Pokémon Culture Fluid

Quality: Green

Purpose: Improve the qualifications of unhatched Pokémon

Introduction: Pour the culture fluid into a certain proportion of water to dilute it, and put the Pokémon egg into the diluted culture fluid. The Pokémon has a certain chance to improve its qualifications by one level, and the white one improves the yellow one by 100%, and the yellow one improves the green one by 30%.

It looks like a diluted version of the previous blue quality culture fluid, but it happened that there were a few Pokémon eggs with yellow qualifications in the batch of Pokémon eggs that Akimoto bought, so it can be used now.

It's just that the probability is a bit bluffing. How come the success rate is 100% when the white qualification is upgraded to yellow, but it drops to 30% when the yellow qualification is upgraded to green!

PS: I have posted a free chapter about some Pokémon, Pokémon eggs, props, tasks, etc. If you want to read it, you can take a look.

Two more chapters will be posted in the evening, around 9 o'clock.

(PS, it is free if it does not exceed 200.)

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