Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 119 The First Akiba Breeding House Pokémon Competition

After dinner, Qiu Yuan played with his Pokémon all night and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, the mount lamb came to wake Qiu Yuan as usual.

Yawning and washing his face and mouth, Qiu Yuan slowly changed into sportswear and prepared to leave. Xiao Xian Nai, who had been in Qiu Yuan's room last night, also woke up at this time.

The first thing Xiao Xian Nai did when she woke up was to fly to Qiu Yuan's head, then rubbed her eyes with her soft hands and continued to sleep.

Since Qiu Yuan used the qualification improvement reagent on the mount lamb, its size has become much larger in just a few days, as if it had improved the previous qualifications due to qualification restrictions.

Of course, all these changes cannot be attributed to the qualification improvement reagent. A large part of it is due to the efforts of the mount lamb itself.

After waking up from the light cocoon, the mount lamb felt that its affinity with the grass element had increased a lot, and even its strength had increased a lot. Although it learned from Xiao Li that Qiu Yuan had gone out after turning around for a long time, it also knew that everything was brought by Qiu Yuan.

In order to live up to Akimoto's trust and expectations, the mount lamb trained frantically during the days when Akimoto was away. He ran around the entire ecological park for more than ten laps every day, and joined the daily battles with the frog and the forest lizard.

The mount lamb's crazy training scared the Pokémon in the entire ecological park. Seeing its appearance, Jigglypuff thought it was heartbroken, so he caught the mount lamb and comforted it. After a long time, he realized that it wanted to train hard to improve its strength to repay Akimoto.

This answer made Jigglypuff and a group of Pokémon laugh and cry.

The devil training of the mount lamb even made the Axetooth Dragon, who usually worked the hardest, have to admit defeat. Under the influence of the spirit of the mount lamb, it also joined the battle with the forest lizard and the frog.

At that time, Kodora, who had already had a secret affection for the Axetooth Dragon, saw it and immediately admired it more. Every time the Axetooth Dragon defeated the forest lizard, Kodora would cheer for it.

As the highest-level Pokémon in the breeding house, and a dragon-type Pokémon, Axe-Tooth has never lost in the battles in the past few days.

(Geng Gui does not count)

However, Axe-Tooth did not become arrogant because of this. It always knew how powerful its enemies were, so after defeating the Forest Lizard, Frog and Mount Lamb, it would discuss the mistakes in the battle with them and tell them how to attack it effectively.

The Pokémon in the Akiba Breeding House who would tell their opponents how to beat them are probably the Pokémon in the Akiba Breeding House.

In the continuous battles, the level of Mount Lamb has successfully reached level 31, and it is only one step away from evolution.

But this final step has never been taken.

The levels of the Forest Lizards and Frogs in the Akiba Breeding House are mostly between level 28 and 32, and their qualifications are all green.

The most frustrated ones in the battle are the Frogs, who are restrained by the Forest Lizards and Frogs, and always feel that they can't do anything when fighting Axe-Tooth.

The forest lizards were not feeling well either. They also felt powerless when facing the Axetooth Dragon. On the one hand, they were suppressed by the strength, and on the other hand, the grass type was weak against the dragon type.

Unable to beat the Axetooth Dragon, the forest lizards also could not beat the Mount Lamb.

Although the Mount Lamb had not evolved yet, the genes of the race destined it to be tough and difficult to be defeated. Only three of the five forest lizards mastered the powerful physical attack leaf blade, but the Mount Lamb could always dodge the key attack by its own reaction, and the remaining leaf blades could also withstand it.

Once the forest lizards used the special attack of the grass type, the Mount Lamb's attack power would increase instead, and a backhand slam could knock them dizzy and unconscious.

Today, the Mount Lamb excitedly woke up Akimoto, not because he wanted Akimoto to accompany it for a morning run, but because he wanted Akimoto to be the referee.

Yesterday, after Akimoto came back, the Mount Lamb and the Axetooth Dragon called on all the Pokémon in the breeding house to participate in a breeding house competition.

They asked Jigglypuff and Xiaoli to be the assistant referees, and specially asked Xiaoli to find dozens of blank cards in the warehouse and write numbers on them, so that the participating Pokémon could draw numbers and fight.

They were quite interesting. Last night, when Akimoto fell asleep, Xiaoli and Jigglypuff secretly ran to the living room to use the computer to check the information of those large-scale competitions, and vividly drew the opponents of each participating Pokémon.

The participating Pokémon included five forest lizards, five frogs, a mount lamb, axe-tooth dragon, circle, round, blasting monkey, six Jigglypuffs, three Squirtles, and even the big sister Gardevoir and the cold nine-tails were dragged to participate in the competition!

When Akimoto was dragged to the grassland by the mount lamb, all the contestants had already hung their number plates on their bodies and were eager to try.

Akimoto didn't understand what was going on at first, until Gardevoir explained the cause and process of the incident to him, then he took the whistle that Xiaoli found in his drawer and put it on as a referee's whistle.

What made him laugh the most were the three young Squirtles. Although they had a little fighting ability, except for the level 6 ones, the lowest level of the two, Circle and Yuanyuan, were all level 14.

Last night, when Akimoto was shopping in a store, he happened to see that the store was selling Pokémon sunglasses. For some reason, he thought of the social turtle wearing sunglasses in the original anime Xiaozhi. Under some strange circumstances, he spent 150 coins to buy three pairs of sunglasses in the system store.

As a result, after getting the sunglasses, Squirtle refused to take them off. The three brothers walked along the sea road in the ecological park with their arms around each other. Their temperament came out immediately, bringing another joy to the ecological park.

Perhaps the three Squirtle put on the sunglasses, which triggered the characteristics of the Squirtle race, courage +1+1+1+1, and made them feel proud to fight those tall and big toads.

For some reason, when they saw those frogs, they had the idea of ​​defeating frogs, and they couldn't stop.

There were 27 contestants in total. According to Xiaoli's draw, the first group to fight was contestant No. 1, the mount lamb, and contestant No. 26, the forest lizard!


The mount lamb shouted with full momentum to cheer himself up.

But when it turned back to look at Akimoto confidently, it found that Akimoto was looking at it with a frown on his face and a speechless expression...

"Brother...how come your voice is different after a few days of separation..."

Akimoto thought speechlessly, how could this strange voice come out! !

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