Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 170: Impetuous shortcomings! The Axe-toothed Dragon is in an awkward situation

Originally, the Mount Goat felt nervous when being approached and facing the danger of attacking its weak abdomen. After discovering that the vine whip could effectively restrict the Axe Tooth Dragon, the Mount Goat gradually relaxed a lot.

Whenever the Axe Tooth Dragon wanted to get close to the Mount Goat's abdomen, its two vine whips could attack the Axe Tooth Dragon at the same time, forcing it to retreat.

And only when the Axe Tooth Dragon attacked the side of the Mount Goat's body, only one of the Mount Goat's vine whips could be used for effective attack.

Although it was a bit frustrating, the Axe Tooth Dragon still looked for opportunities to cut into the vital points when attacking the Mount Goat's legs and body.

But the Mount Goat's vine whip was really a bit rogue. The physical damage made the Axe Tooth Dragon unable to be reduced by attributes, and even the Axe Tooth Dragon could not withstand the heavy attack.

After a while of entanglement, the Mount Goat found that it didn't have to worry too much, so it became bolder. The Axe Tooth Dragon did not actively attack it, but it took the initiative to harass the Axe Tooth Dragon with the vine whip.

After finally being unable to bear it any longer, the Axe-toothed Dragon used the Dragon Wave to force back the Whip, and then tried to rush over to attack the Goat.

However, the Goat stomped hard on the ground, and a burst of impact force was fed back to the Axe-toothed Dragon and the Goat. Because of its size and weight, the Goat was not affected much, but the Axe-toothed Dragon was shocked into the air by this attack.

The Axe-toothed Dragon, who was unable to adjust his position in the air, was attacked three times by the Goat with Whip, and was hit by several Flying Leaf Knives, and his physical strength gradually ran out.

The Axe-toothed Dragon gritted his teeth, his eyes were sharp, and he burst out at a very high speed at the moment of landing, and rushed to the position under the belly of the Goat when it was not paying attention.

But what's the use of this?

The Goat shouted confidently, and then the Whip started again. The Whip on the right side of the body bent down and hit the Axe-toothed Dragon under its belly at a tricky angle. At the same time, he also stepped on his hooves to change his position to prevent being hit by the Axe-toothed Dragon.

Everything was just as the mount goat had imagined. The axe-toothed dragon could not attack its weak point in the abdomen at all, and was severely whipped by the vine whip.

When Qiu Yuan saw this scene, he also felt that the axe-toothed dragon was in danger, but unexpectedly, the axe-toothed dragon actually hugged the vine whip when the vine whip hit it!

Due to inertia, the vine whip flew to the abdomen of the mount goat after hitting the axe-toothed dragon. When the position reached the best, the hard and sharp fangs of the axe-toothed dragon scratched the soft belly of the mount goat, causing it a huge injury!

When falling, the axe-toothed dragon retracted its claws into fists, condensed its whole body's strength, and vented it all at once, directly flipping the huge mount goat from bottom to top!

A series of changes happened in an instant. When his vine whip was hugged, the mount goat quickly thought of the axe-toothed dragon's intention, but he had no way to stop it. He could only run quickly, trying to shake off the axe-toothed dragon, but was finally successfully hit by the axe-toothed dragon.

The mount goat fell to the ground again, and this time the Axetooth Dragon did not continue to attack.

The mount goat admitted defeat.

It knew that if the Axetooth Dragon had used its claws for the last attack, it would most likely have its stomach cut, but in the end the Axetooth Dragon chose to attack with its fists.

Knowing that it was not as skilled as the other player in this battle, the mount goat did not play any rogue and admitted defeat directly.

"A very exciting battle! Let's applaud them! The winner of this battle is contestant No. 19 Axetooth Dragon, and it will compete with contestant No. 27 Gardevoir in the final!"

"Two hours of halftime break, and the final will be held in two hours!"

Akimoto looked at the time. It was just over 8:20 in the morning. Two hours was enough for the Axetooth Dragon to have a good rest, not to mention that there were more than a dozen pink "little nurses" in the breeding house.

After several games, many problems were revealed. The biggest problem of the mount goat was its personality.

Even though its personality became much calmer after evolution, it was still easy to be complacent after gaining an advantage, thus neglecting many details and putting itself in a dangerous situation.

This was seen when it fought against Frog and Forest Lizard. At that time, due to the difference in the opponent's hard power, this defect was not very fatal.

But when facing Axe Tooth Dragon, it was very obvious.

This is inevitable. The age of the mount goat is still too young. It is only two years old and will soon enter the master level of strength. It is inevitable that there will be shortcomings of arrogance in the mentality.

Compared with the impetuous mount goat, Axe Tooth Dragon seems very experienced and calm, but it is the blood of the dragon family that makes it easy to fall into a state of rage.

But this has been greatly weakened by the efforts of Axe Tooth Dragon.

In view of the impetuous nature of the mount goat, Akimoto felt that he needed to take it to fight against the Pokémon in the middle range of the southern forest to hone it.

With the high qualifications and racial characteristics of the mount goat, it can fully cope with some Pokémon that have just entered the master level.

Even the Axe Tooth Dragon, which has been in the master level for a long time, almost overturned, which shows that the strength of the mount goat is still considerable.

The reason why Axetooth is weak against the Goat is that its racial value is weak.

Axetooth is strong when it just evolves into Axetooth. When facing Pokémon of the same evolutionary stage, it can basically beat them.

However, when it faces a Pokémon of the same level that has already reached the final stage of evolution, it seems a little powerless, because its racial value cannot keep up.

Dragon Pokémon are strong in the early stage, weak in the middle stage, and can only play its due strength again when it reaches the quasi-king level.

The level of evolution requirement of 48 is really high. Even the dragon Pokémon with generally superior qualifications can hardly reach this level of strength in a short time.

Starting from level 36, that is, after entering the master level, the speed of strength improvement will be greatly reduced.

It will take at least three years for a wild blue-qualified Axetooth Dragon to grow from level 36 to level 48, which is a very difficult period.

Once this difficult period is survived, the evolution of the accumulated strength, such as the Double Axe War Dragon and the Biting Land Shark, will gain a great improvement in strength, and can completely fight against the king Pokémon with quasi-king strength.

Of course, that's if the opponent is not an ice or fairy type Pokémon...

If the opponent is an ice or fairy type Pokémon, then just ignore what Akimoto said. Dragon type Pokémon of the same strength level are still weaker than these two dragon killer types.

Not to mention the challenge of surpassing the strength level, it's good enough if you don't get surpassed.

Good morning, brothers! I have to install a new computer today, so I posted the chapter in the morning. If I have time in the evening, I may update one or two more chapters.

Do you have any recommendation tickets or monthly tickets? Let me feel that thing again.

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