Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 171 Thesis Sensation

Just when Akimoto was about to go back to the tree house, Serena came.

After entering the ecological park, Serena saw Akimoto walking with his head down, thinking. She went up to greet him, but found that Akimoto did not respond to her.


"Oh my god, you scared me. It turned out to be you. What's the matter?"

Akimoto rolled his eyes at Serena unhappily.

Serena didn't care. She smiled and said, "What are you thinking about, brother Akimoto? Are you thinking about how to ask your beloved girl for a date?"

"Yes, yes, I still need to think about it. Go and have fun by yourself."

Hearing Akimoto's words, Serena widened her eyes, and then with a gossipy smile, she jumped around Akimoto for a few circles.

"Stop! Stop spinning, it makes me dizzy."

"Hehehe, I'm an expert on this kind of thing! Brother Akimoto, tell me, let's think about countermeasures together~!"

Akimoto rolled his eyes again: "No need, go play somewhere else."

Serena: "No, no, tell me, what's the name of that girl?"

Akimoto was speechless. Is it human nature to gossip?

Besides, he didn't really think about such a thing.

Isn't it good to live happily in life? Why do many people spend so much time worrying about this and that in their relationships?

I don't understand.

In his opinion, love is just a seasoning of life. It doesn't matter if there is no love, so he doesn't think about these things.

But Serena is different.

Akimoto glanced at her sideways, and the teasing in his eyes was self-evident.

"Do you want me to tell you?"

"Yeah!" Serena pecked at the rice.

Akimoto looked around mysteriously, as if he was about to reveal some very incredible secret.

"I'll tell you, that person's name is..."



After hearing Akimoto's answer, Serena's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief, almost dazed.

"No, it's impossible..."

"You also know it's impossible, don't block me, the Pokémon in the breeding house are over there, if you want to go, go by yourself, go quickly."

Akimoto knocked on her white and smooth forehead unhappily, and then urged her to go quickly like chasing away flies.

Although this description is a bit inappropriate, Akimoto's expression at that time was indeed so annoying.

So Serena just came to her senses and was deeply hurt by Akimoto again.

Scumbag! ...




Back in the tree house, Akimoto turned on the laptop on the bedside table and habitually browsed a few commonly used websites.

Pokémon Breeding Network, Pokémon Alliance Forum, Pokémon Doctor Forum.

These three websites are frequently used by Akimoto. Breeding Network is usually used to view some information and shared experiences released by breeding houses, learn some new things, and enrich oneself.

Pokémon Doctor Forum is also used for almost the same purpose, all of which are used to find some useful information for learning, while the Alliance Forum has all kinds of people. In addition to official announcements, reading the Alliance Forum is also for fun.

There is another reason why Akimoto often opens the Doctor Forum, that is, the doctoral thesis competition he has been thinking about, and the problem of the review of the thesis he published.

What makes Akimoto very speechless is that it has been almost two months since he uploaded the first thesis, but there is no news of the review, and it has been stuck in the "under review" state.

The first article: Proof of the existence of elemental power

The second article: Hidden factors of Eevee's evolution

The third article, which is the most recently uploaded article: Elemental power phenotype

These three articles are all stuck in the review stage without exception. Akimoto will open the computer to take a look every morning after getting up and washing up, but there is no status update every day.

It was really depressing.

Seeing that the deadline for the paper competition was approaching, Akimoto still failed to pass the review and successfully publish his paper.

If Akimoto's paper had not passed the review by the time the paper competition registration was closed, he would not know where to cry.

Surprises always come suddenly and violently, but when surprises burst out in a short period of time, it is a shock.

Akimoto was almost scared. When he got up this morning and logged into the doctoral forum, he didn't believe it at all. As soon as he logged in, the background directly popped up a 999+ message prompt!

He quickly turned off the message prompt sound. Akimoto temporarily ignored the comments, likes, and voting information, and looked at the system message in the background.

Oh my God!

Finally passed the review!

When Akimoto saw the three review messages, he was almost excited, as if he had cured his infertility for many years!

No, Akimoto was not infertile.

Anyway, it means the same thing. When people are happy, it doesn't matter if they use the wrong words.

The important thing is that it has passed the review, which is great!

The next step is to look at the message in the message icon that is still flashing.

Akimoto was still wondering if the server of the Doctor Forum was broken or something went wrong, causing the backend message on his side to go wrong.

But when he opened the message list, he found all the positive reviews.

Pikosi from Kancha: "You are awesome, I can't think of anything to say, let's vote first!"

new Treasure Island Love Story: "Wow, thank you so much, my Eevee has never been able to evolve until I read your paper and found that there is hope! Come on, great! I've voted for you!"

Little Fairy: "Are you still in need of a bed warmer? Do you think I can do it? (Picture.jpg)."

Dr. Oak (official certification): "Brother, steady! Publish three top-quality papers at once! Awesome!"

Akimoto read all the way, all of them were good reviews, and several famous doctors appeared, among which Dr. Oak was the representative one.

In fact, when Akimoto's three papers were released and the major doctors had not yet commented, there were far more people who criticized Akimoto for making up stories than those who praised him.

The quality of people in the Pokémon world is still relatively high. Even if they think Akimoto is making up stories to attract attention, they don't say bad things, but just show their attitude and try their best to find loopholes in the papers that can be refuted.

But after searching for loopholes for a long time, they found that they were not even sure of the loopholes they found... let alone convince others of their views.

So when the major doctors came out to express their praise, the wind direction in the comment area was one-sidedly positive.

Almost all the people from all major regions of the alliance who often hang out in the doctoral forum have read Akimoto's three papers, and positive comments account for 95% of the number of comments!

This level of comments is almost only available to the top famous Pokémon doctoral dissertations, and Akimoto, who was an ordinary person who was unknown before publishing the paper, can reach this level, which can fully explain one situation!

That is-Akimoto's paper is so significant that even Pokémon doctors and shorts boys have to read it patiently.

It can be said that this is a truly epoch-making paper theory!

If technological products that can physically prove these theories can be developed in the future, the Pokémon world will enter a new era, and the current theoretical system will even be greatly changed because of Akimoto's paper!

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