Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 172 Competition registration is about to end

Let’s put these aside. Akimoto was not surprised by the result.

From his third-person perspective, it was within his expectation that these three papers would cause such a sensation.

He was even a little dissatisfied that these three papers were published so late.

Maybe the official had seen these three papers a long time ago, but wanted to release them all at one time to impact people’s cognition, bring greater shock, and trigger more thinking.

What made Akimoto even happier was that he could finally participate in the Alliance Doctor Forum Competition...

I still remember that the first prize of the Doctor Forum Competition was an Alola Vulpix Pokémon Egg. Akimoto had always been thinking about this.

But now more than two months have passed. Logically, the Alola Vulpix Pokémon Egg should have hatched long ago, right?

Could it be that by then, the Alliance would go to Alola to steal a Vulpix Pokémon Egg?

Akimoto didn’t care much about this. As long as the reward was a Vulpix Pokémon Egg, it would be fine.

It's not that the ready-made eugenic Vulpix is ​​bad, but the Pokémon hatched by others are always very different from those hatched by oneself, which can be seen from the difficulty of establishing a bond.

Moreover, Vulpix is ​​a Pokémon with exceptional emotional ability. When they are still in the Pokémon egg state, they can already remember the breath of humans.

It sounds mysterious, but this is the fact.

So if you can hatch a Pokémon egg yourself, it's better to hatch it yourself.

There are three criteria for the selection of the Alliance Doctoral Dissertation Competition. The first point is to look at the number of likes under the contestant's paper, the second point is to look at the number of votes, and the third point is the most important point, the joint evaluation score of the doctors.

Just like the new college entrance examination, this thing is also calculated by a set of formulas for scoring. The number of likes accounts for the least proportion of points, which is actually the number of votes, and the joint evaluation score of the doctors is directly counted into the original score.

If the total score is 100 points, the highest score that can be divided into the number of likes is 15 points, the number of votes is 25 points, and the doctoral scores account for 60 points.

Each alliance account must be registered with real name, and only after the real name registration can they have the right to post comments and like. Each person can only like one article under each paper.

Voting is more difficult, because you have to spend money to buy a recommendation ticket for each vote...

Ten yuan per vote is not a lot, but it is not a small amount, after all, there are quite a lot of people.

Each person can only vote once for a paper, so there is no need to cheat.

Based on the average population of 12 million in each major region, the population of the six regions is 72 million.

The number of registered users of the Doctor Forum has reached 5.8 million, and there are about 3 million users who are online for more than two hours a day.

Among Akimoto's three papers, the one with the highest number of likes and votes is "Argument for the Existence of Elemental Power", and the one with the lowest number of likes and votes is "Hidden Factors in the Evolution of Eevee".

But even so, the number of likes for the paper "Ibrahimovic" has reached 320,000, and the highest number of likes for "Argument for the Existence of Elemental Power" has reached 440,000, and the number of votes has reached an astonishing 84,000!

You should know that the time of review and approval shown in Akimoto's background information is 7:20 in the morning, and now it is only more than an hour away from the successful publication of the paper!

More than an hour! Akimoto's first paper squeezed into the top ten data of the participating papers, and this is when most users have not logged into the forum.

It is foreseeable that at 6 o'clock tonight, when the forum users are at their peak, Akimoto's paper is expected to hit the top three data!

There is still a week before the registration for the doctoral dissertation competition will end, and the collection of reference data will also end. Let's see how far Akimoto's paper can reach!

Another point worth mentioning is that Akimoto can get 50% of the voting income.

According to the current data, the total number of votes for the three papers is 180,000, which means that Akimoto earned 900,000 yuan in one hour? !


Thinking of this, Akimoto's eyes suddenly lit up, and he wanted to lock himself in the room and write a hundred or eighty papers.

But to get so many votes, the most important thing is the quality of the paper. How can such a subversive topic be completed just like that?

Even if Akimoto came to this world from the perspective of an outsider, he still found that it was full of unsolved mysteries.

Happy to close the doctor forum, Akimoto looked forward to how many votes there would be in the evening, while browsing the funny stories of the sand sculpture netizens and Pokémon in the alliance forum, laughing like a 200-ton fat man in the room.

I completely forgot what I was going to do in the tree house, completely forgot…

When Serena knocked on the door and asked him to host the game, Akimoto came back to his senses.

Yes! Didn't I come here to develop a mental training plan for the mount goat? ! ? !

Wuhu, forgot!

But it doesn't matter, this can't stop Akimoto from walking out of the room with a smile on his face, leaving Serena confused.

"Let's go, what are you daydreaming about."

"Are you in a good mood?"

"Of course."


"No reason, let's go, how about you be the referee today? Let's test your ability to analyze the battle."

Hearing this, Serena's face suddenly turned bitter.


"Ah, what? The only way to become a qualified trainer is to learn to analyze battles!"

Qiu Yuan patted her head gently and said in an instructive tone.

"Just learn, what are you doing by patting people on the head..." Serena felt aggrieved.

Following the proud Qiu Yuan to the competition venue, Jigglypuffs were surrounding Gardevoir, cheering her on.

On the other hand, the Axetooth Dragon looked calm and calm.

Obviously, he knew that he was definitely going to lose this battle, so he was too nervous to be nervous.

The only way for a dragon-type Pokémon to win against a fairy or ice-type Pokémon is to fight in close combat, but when facing a Pokémon that is faster than itself, this method has no conditions at all.

It's not easy to fight Gardevoir, but she can still fly?

So what to play...

At the beginning, the level 30 Gardevoir could unilaterally defeat Axetooth, but now the level gap between the two sides has further narrowed. From the perspective of Akimoto and Axetooth, this battle is not worth fighting at all.

It can be said that the final result of this game was determined at the end of the battle between the Axetooth Dragon and the Mount Goat.

So let's just let Serena analyze the battle. Anyway, it's impossible for the Axiodon to admit defeat directly. He still has to fight as hard as he can. Just giving in like this is worse than killing him for the good-looking Axiodon. Uncomfortable.

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