Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 178 Recent Events

"But that one is... what is Lofen... Ibuprofen? That should be the name. It was designed by that designer. You can't ask him to design one for you personally, right?"

"Puli Puli! Puli! (Why not! Humph!)"

Xiao Li stared with big eyes and pouted in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it later. I'll ask this store if they can make a copy of it."

Anyway, Xiao Li will only wear it when there are parties in the breeding house. It shouldn't be a big deal to copy it, right?

Just take it as a reference for design inspiration, anyway, it won't make money.

Thinking of this, Akimoto decided to ask the clothing customization factory if they could make a copy when he rested at night. If they could, he would buy a few pieces for Xiao Li and the others.

Poor breeding house run by Akimoto, the business income of the breeding house has always been negative...

The daily expenses can't be covered by the rewards earned from feeding Daigo and Muxi's Pokémon.

It seems that Akimoto's money all comes from those Water Stones and the Setsuri Meatballs sold to Mikri.

This won't work, I have to make money quickly!

The recent plan includes the following things.

1: Continue to dig Water Stones at Fairy Lake.

2: Breed Magikarp into Gyarados

3: Breed Ugly into Milotic

4: Participate in the Primary Breeding House Competition

5: Go to the Wind Chime Breeding Base to spend all the money on me and exchange it for ordinary Pokémon eggs

6: Hatching the batch of Pokémon eggs in the Breeding House, it is estimated that they will be successfully hatched in the next few days

7: Explore the outer area of ​​the southern forest and draw a map

At present, Akimoto can roughly sort out so much, there may be some things to do, but he can't remember them for a while.

At present, the only way to make money quickly, in addition to Akimoto selling the meatballs he made, is to go to Fairy Lake to dig Water Stones.

The main reason is that the location of Qiuye Breeding House is too remote. Akimoto didn't expect to focus on the Pokémon fostering business, so the chance of making money in this aspect is pitifully small.

Daigo was introduced by Mickley, and Muxi was deceived by the information posted by Akimoto on the breeding website.

It can't be called a lie...

But after all, you can't pin your hopes on the fostering business.

So Akimoto followed Qiao Yijing's advice. In order to avoid his boutique plan from being stillborn, he planned to go to Fengling Breeding Base in the next few days to buy a batch of ready-made Pokémon eggs for sale and to make the name of the breeding house famous.

There is only one breeding house in Chaoxiang Town, Qiuye Breeding House, but there are three in Mingshui Town alone, and one is an old breeding house with very stable customers.

If Akimoto wants to expand the influence of the breeding house, the first thing he has to face is the three breeding houses in the neighboring town.

So the quality and variety of the first batch of Pokémon eggs must be good, otherwise he will lose the first competition and fall behind in the subsequent competition.

Soon they arrived at Mingshui Town. Qiu Yuan found his small battery outside the train station, rode it and took Xiaoli back to the breeding house.

It was exactly three o'clock at this time, and there was nothing to do for the time being. He could go to the southern forest to explore, or take Serena to the Fairy Lake to play for a while.

Qiu Yuan asked Serena, but Serena told him that her parents were both on a business trip today, so it was boring at home at night, so she simply suggested going to the southern forest for a picnic.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed quite good.

Although the environment for picnicking in the southern forest and the mountain forest area of ​​the ecological park is similar, it feels good to picnic in an unfamiliar place.

The people in the clothing customization factory said that because Qiu Yuan customized clothes for Xiaoli last time, it triggered their boss's thinking, and then the factory gradually changed some other styles to the size of Jigglypuff, which also received a good response in the market.

Among the clothes that Qiu Yuan selected for Xiaoli, there happened to be one that they had modified, so Qiu Yuan bought it directly.

With Carlos's logistics speed, it is estimated that it will be delivered to Qiuye Breeding House around 7 o'clock in the evening.

When Xiaoli heard the news, she was originally a little tempted by the picnic, but immediately threw herself on the clothes on the way.

Still bringing Gardevoir to prevent various emergencies, this time Akimoto planned to take Axefang Dragon and Hanhan out to play for a while.

Ninetails and Jigglypuff haven't gone out to play for a long time, but since Vulpix evolved into Ninetails, it has become less and less willing to move around. In addition to meditation and training, it lies on the grass with eyes closed to rest.

Naturally, this picnic did not impress Ninetails.

Jigglypuff showed great curiosity about the new clothes mentioned by Xiaoli, and did not plan to go out with Akimoto.

As soon as he walked to the door, Akimoto saw three sneaky little figures out of the corner of his eye.

"Jenny Jenny!! (Run, run!!)"

"Jenny Jenny Jenny, Jenny Jenny!! (Boss Akimoto has found us!! Hurry up and yo-yo!!)"

"Jenny, Jenny Jenny, Jenny! (Hurry up, why are you two still at the door? Run!)"

When the three Squirtles saw Akimoto had found them, they were so scared that they ran around with their heads in their hands, and in a panic, the three brothers turned around and ran back and bumped into each other.

Before he had time to rub his turtle head, the big turtle saw Akimoto walking towards him.

The big turtle was so frightened that he didn't even dare to run, and shrank into his turtle shell at an astonishing speed.

The two turtles next to them saw that the big turtle was shrinking so fast, and they were afraid that they would be caught by Akimoto if they were too slow, so they also took the time to shrink into their shells.

The three brothers hid in their own shells, and no matter how Akimoto shouted, they refused to show their heads.

Just kidding, Akimoto was full of bad ideas. If they were fooled by him, they might not even have the chance to shrink into their shells!

The three Squirtle brothers felt that although they were stupid, they were definitely not stupid!

So the three of them, who firmly believed in their own ideas, shrank in their shells and did not move, and would not show their heads no matter what noises were made outside.

Suddenly, they felt that they were being lifted up, and the fragile little heart of the big turtle trembled, and then they thought that they were shrinking in the shell, so they comforted themselves.

He can't do anything to me, he can't do anything to me, he can't do anything to me...

The big turtle and the second turtle were lifted up and shaken rhythmically in the air. The third turtle was in the shell, and he felt that he was thrown into the sky like a ball, and then thrown into the sky again after being caught.

Akimoto helplessly looked at the silly round land shark who was having a lot of fun with the turtle shell on his head.

It's a pity that you don't play football with your juggling skills, comrade Hanhan.


Hanhan looked at Akimoto and grinned.

"Kakaka? (Do you want to play too?)"

Akimoto: "... No, play by yourself..."

Just don't juggle Kame to death.

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