Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 179 Is turtle soup delicious?

"Okay, put them down."

Hearing Akimoto's words, the Axe-toothed Dragon picked up the first and second turtles in both hands and threw them.

Hanhan mischievously threw the third turtle high up, and then kicked it in the air, kicking it next to the first and second turtles.

"Jenny, enny! (It hurts so much!)"

The muffled voice of the third turtle came from the turtle shell.

After that, it waited for a while, but found that there was no movement outside. I don't know where it got the courage, and slowly poked its head out.

Before it poked its head out completely, just when it felt a little light, it saw the big face of the round land shark blocking it.


The startled third turtle swung his fist completely subconsciously and hammered the defenseless round land shark away.

And because the round land shark was round, it rolled on the ground for several rounds before stopping.

This time, after realizing what he had just done, the third turtle dared not come out and hid in the turtle shell tightly.

Akimoto walked over speechlessly, squatted down, pinched the tail of the turtle shell, and shook it.

"If you three don't come out, I will never take you out to play again."

The three Squirtles remained unmoved, with a look of "evil spirit, don't confuse me with your evil words."

"Are you coming out?"

Akimoto warned again.

The Squirtles were indifferent again.

This made Akimoto angry, and he knocked on the shells of the three Squirtles one by one, and then called Axetooth and Hanhan and they left without looking back.

Hearing the increasingly quiet footsteps, the three Squirtles were a little panicked.

What's the situation outside now?

Did Boss Akimoto and the others really leave?

What should we do then?

After struggling for a long time, the turtle was the first to stick his head out and saw Akimoto's back in the distance at a glance.

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny!"

Hurry up and call the remaining two brothers out, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with Boss Akimoto!

It seems that they are still outside. If they get lost, they will never be able to eat delicious meatballs again!

After hearing what Turtle Big said, Turtle Second and Turtle Third were shocked, and they quickly came out of their shells and ran towards Akimoto.

But Turtle Big and Turtle Second ran away, but Turtle Third was miserable.

It turned out that the petty round land shark had not left, but stood behind Turtle Third waiting for it to come out.

The moment Turtle Third poked his head out, Round Land Shark immediately seized the opportunity and punched Turtle Third into a stupid turtle.

"Jie, Jenny..."

Turtle Third only felt a flash in front of his eyes, dizzy, and then fainted.

"Kaka, Kakaka~"

The round land shark, who had just avenged the arrow attack, was in a very good mood. He dragged the unconscious Kame-san with one hand and chased after Akimoto with a cheerful step.


"Brother Akimoto, where should we find a campsite?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, just look around first. We are not going to camp outside. We are just having a cookout. There is no need to be so particular." Akimoto looked back and then said, "Just ask Pikachu to find a place near a water source."

"Oh, let's decide on a campsite as soon as possible so that we can prepare more."

"Then let's find a campsite first."


Squirtle had just caught up and had not spoken when Akimoto gave him a slap on the face.

"Little brat, if you still want to sneak out next time, I will make you into turtle soup!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

After hearing what Akimoto said, Kame-da and Kame-er were so scared that they shook their heads repeatedly and promised that this situation would not happen again in the future.

Even the turtle who had woken up and pretended to be unconscious shuddered with fear.

Just when he was going out, Akimoto saw the three brothers who wanted to take the opportunity to sneak out to play.

Thinking that the Squirtles had been living in the breeding house since they were born, but it was changed from the White Tide Breeding House to the Akiba Breeding House, Akimoto brought them to the southern forest.

But these three guys have been shrinking in their shells, making Akimoto seem like a fierce and evil master, which made him very angry.

It must be cured!

As if sensing Akimoto's thoughts, the round land shark grinned at the Squirtles, revealing a row of sharp teeth.

Thinking of what Akimoto said just now, that they would make them into turtle soup, and then seeing the sharp teeth of the round land shark, the Squirtles' mentality suddenly collapsed.

Wo wo wo, they are still very young! ! Don't be made into turtle soup! !

"If you don't want to be stewed, just be obedient."

Akimoto rolled his eyes and then ignored them.

Pikachu stayed on Serena's shoulder, watching curiously, and then received the task.

Pikachu, who has always lived in the southern forest, is at least familiar with the outer area.

Except for the residences of some powerful Pokémon with bad personalities, the outer areas of the forest are basically Pikachu's activity areas.

Find a place near a water source and with open terrain, simple and easy.

"Pika Pikachu. (Leave it to me.)"

Pikachu patted his chest, then jumped off Serena's shoulder, looked at the surrounding environment, and had a rough coordinate in his mind.

Akimoto and Serena followed Pikachu all the way, passing through countless bushes, and finally came to a very ideal place.

The open and flat grassland, next to a small stream, and some beautiful flowers dotted.

Don't poke!

Akimoto nodded with great satisfaction, and then issued a new task to the three Squirtle brothers who had already jumped into the river to have fun.

"You three, go find some firewood nearby, do you hear me?"

"Jie, Jenny... Jenny!!"

Squirtle wanted to complain, but after receiving Akimoto's sharp eyes, he swallowed it back and accepted the task loudly.

Akimoto was satisfied. The three boys finally obeyed for once.

"Then I'll go find some fruits nearby."

"Yeah, you go, just let Axetooth follow you. Don't go too far. If you encounter any situation, remember to use the fireworks rocket."

Akimoto nodded and asked Axetooth to follow Serena. He took advantage of the fact that there were still two hours before sunset to draw a map near the picnic temporary camp.

Suddenly, I felt like the little girl looking for Eevee in the Evergreen Forest. They were both a little confused girls, but Serena was more mature than Yumo.

Akimoto released Gardevoir and asked her to eliminate the safety hazards in front, while he carefully searched for the traces of Pokémon, recorded them into the three-dimensional blueprint, and built a three-dimensional map model.

However, Akimoto seemed to have forgotten that he did not assign tasks to the round land shark.

As a result, in the next two hours, all the small Pokémon near the camp suffered.

The efficiency of the round land shark in finding Pokémon is higher than that of Akimoto. It can find one accurately, and they are all the kind that are easy to bully.

The playful round land shark dragged every Pokémon it found to fight, relying on the rogue dragon's rage to defeat one wild Pokémon after another.

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