Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 185 Squirtle is missing

In a daze, Qiu Yuan felt his body sink, and a muffled sound rang in his ears.

Li Li opened his eyes, but before Qiu Yuan could see clearly what happened, Yuanlu Shark pushed him hard from behind and sat up.


Just as Yuan Lusha was about to say something, Qiu Yuan, who was angry at getting out of bed, clamped his hands tightly.

"If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid today will be over!"

Seeing the angry look on Qiu Yuan's face, Yuan Lusha couldn't help but shrink his head, but then he bit the bullet and pulled Qiu Yuan out of the tent.

Qiu Yuan resisted sleepiness, rubbed his eyes and walked out of the tent.

"Kaka ka, ka ka! (Boss, boss, Squirtle is missing!)"

"What? What did you say?"

"Kakakaka!! (Squirtle and the others are gone!!)"

"I am Cao!"

Qiu Yuan opened the small tent that he had set up for Squirtle and Squirtle last night, and found that three Squirtles were missing from it.

At this time, the Yuanlu Shark was also gesticulating hurriedly and making a clicking sound.

"Kaka, kaka, kaka, kaka! (I noticed they were gone as soon as I got up. I searched everywhere, but I still couldn't find them!)"

When Qiu Yuan heard this, he thought: Something bad has happened!

Could it be that these three brothers got up for a walk in the morning and were captured by others?

It's very possible!

So Akimoto quickly searched around the area, but he really didn't find Squirtle or the others, not even the footprints they left.

There were only tracks left around last night's camp. Apart from that, there were no more Squirtle tracks on the ground.

Sudden! An idea flashed in Qiu Yuan's mind!

If there aren't any on the ground, could it be that they swam away along the stream?

If it hadn't been for Squirtle and the others who insisted on staying in a tent last night and refused to go back to the Pokmon Ball, Akimoto wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to find them now.

But now is not the time to think about this. Squirtle, who is only in his early fifth level, is very dangerous even in the outskirts of the forest.

Not only do they have to face the danger of being captured by other humans, but they also have to worry about being attacked by other Pokémon.

The longer you delay, the more likely Squirtle and the others will be harmed!

After hurriedly cleaning up, Qiu Yuan woke up Serena.

After briefly explaining what happened, he asked her to go upstream along the creek with Gardevoir, while he went downstream to look for traces of Squirtle.

The land beside the creek is generally moist, and even Squirtle can easily leave footprints, but Akimoto did not find their footprints in other directions, only a few scattered footprints found along the creek.

It can also be inferred from this that they should have swam along the creek.

However, it was not clear whether they were going upstream or downstream, so Akimoto and Serena divided their forces to find Squirtle.

"Squirtle-!! Squirtle-!!"

Along the way, Qiu Yuan rushed downstream along the stream, not daring to waste time for fear that an accident would happen if he was too late.

He ran all the way down the creek, shouting Squirtle's name loudly as he ran, but he didn't find any trace of Squirtle until his voice almost became hoarse.

Not even a shadow was seen.

The stream finally merged into a small stone stream and reached its end, but Qiu Yuan still did not find Squirtle, and there were no their footprints on the land beside the stream.

This made him almost confused.

Since arriving in the Pokémon world, this is the first time that Akimoto has appeared in such a confused state.

He didn't even know what he should do now.

Squirtle is likely to be captured by other humans who come to the forest. Even with the protection mechanism of the Pokmon Ball, they can also forcefully capture Squirtle.

It's also possible that Squirtle was eaten for breakfast by some powerful Pokémon that went to the outskirts of the forest...

Qiu Yuan felt that apart from these two possibilities, there was no other possibility.

When Squirtle was at the Akiha Nursery Ecological Park, he could recognize all the roads when he first arrived at the ecological park, and it was impossible for him to forget the road to the camp in such an obvious location.

Akimoto fell into deep self-blame. He should not have agreed to Squirtle's request to live in a tent.

If he hadn't been careless and easily believed Squirtle's promise that they wouldn't run around, they wouldn't be in danger now.

Akimoto didn't dare to think about it anymore. He could only hope that Serena would find Squirtle upstream and send a signal to him.

But things still didn't go as Akimoto wished. Instead of waiting for Serena's signal, he saw Serena coming down from the upper stream.

"Brother Akimoto hasn't been found either?!"

Serena ran to Qiu Yuan, holding her knees and gasping for air. After taking a short rest, she said anxiously.

When Akimoto heard Serena ask this question, the expectations he had retained in his heart were shattered.

He shook his head in disappointment and sighed.

"Wait!! Brother Qiuyuan, listen!"

"What are you listening to...Squirtle and the others are like this, how can they be in any mood...Huh? What is the sound?!"

Serena's words made Qiu Yuan stunned for a moment, and then he also heard something unusual.


Is it coming from the mountain stream?

"Brother Qiuyuan, come here, here!"

Serena stood by the mountain stream and waved to Akimoto.

Akimoto strode over and, together with Serena, bent down and listened carefully to the sounds coming from the mountain stream.

The more he listened, the weirder it felt. It seemed like the sound of Pokémon mixed with the sound of water, but he couldn't tell them apart.

"... Squirtle... Aba Aba... Aba... Squirtle Squirtle..."

Isn't this the voice of Squirtle?

There was another voice, and he didn't know what Pokémon it was.

Because the sound of the water was too loud, Akimoto couldn't hear what they were saying, so he couldn't judge the current situation of Squirtle. He was surprised and even more anxious.

"Hurry, hurry, let's go in."

"Hey! Wait a minute, brother Akimoto, how do we get in?"

"Let Gardevoir take you there!"

Akimoto said, and then called out Gengar, who was hiding in his shadow, and let it take him into the mountain stream.

"Wooha, wooha!! wooha!"

"Okay, okay, I'll make it up to you later. I'll give you ten meals of barbecue until you die of fullness! Stop talking, take me down quickly!"

Geng Gui was very dissatisfied with Akimoto for letting him appear in a place with so much water, but for the sake of barbecue, he made an exception and helped once!

Geng Gui used his ability to wrap Akimoto and himself through the mouth of the mountain stream. Once they entered, the space inside immediately became wider, and Gengar could fly higher without worrying about hitting the water.

Garnado also took Serena through the mountain stream in the same way.

When Gengar took Akimoto through the passage in the mountain stream and came out of the exit, the scene Akimoto saw made him dumbfounded.

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