Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 186: Round Shark Pool Party Limited Skin

After passing through the mountain stream, Qiu Yuan saw a very wide lake. The clear water was like a mirror, reflecting those small figures.

Squirtle, who had made Qiu Yuan look for him anxiously all morning, also appeared in front of Qiu Yuan at this moment.

But it was different from what Akimoto predicted.

At this time, Squirtle was not in danger at all. Instead, he was very happy playing on the lake!

Together with several lotus leaf boys, Squirtle stepped on their lotus leaves and played surfing on the lake.

This made Qiu Yuan breathe a sigh of relief, and the veins on his forehead popped out involuntarily.

Damn little things, it’s a shame that I was so worried about you, but it turned out that you were so happy that you didn’t want to go back to the camp at all!

Squirtle was playing happily when he suddenly turned around and saw Qiu Yuan being hung in the air by Gengar.

"Jenny Jenny~!"

"Jenny, Jenny? Jenny, Jenny!"

The three Squirtles looked at Qiu Yuan one after another, and then shouted to Qiu Yuan in surprise, asking him to come and play too.

But it's a pity that Qiu Yuan's mood at this moment is really about to explode!

Let Gengar fly over with him, Qiu Yuan flew to the three Squirtles, gave them an iron fist of love one by one, and knocked them away from the head of Lotus Leaf Boy.

Squirtle fell into the water and covered his head in pain. He still couldn't figure out the situation and screamed in grievance.

When Qiu Yuan heard this, he laughed angrily.

"Are you still aggrieved? Do you know how long I have been looking for you this morning? Do you know how worried I am about you, fearing that you will be captured by others or injured by other Pokémon?"

"Damn it! You still dare to be wronged? Starting from today, you three little guys will swim 10,000 meters for me every day!"


"Jenny Jenny!!!"

Hearing Qiu Yuan's words, Squirtle was stunned.

Swim 10,000 meters every day!

Is this what people say?

"Come here, everyone!"

After the angry Qiu Yuan said a word, he asked Geng Gui to fly to the shore with him.

Serena and Gardevoir then followed to the shore, looking at Squirtle swimming towards the shore at an extremely slow speed with sympathetic eyes, trying to delay the time of death.

Regardless of whether Squirtle will be stewed into a pot of turtle soup today, he will at least shed his skin.

"What did you promise me last night? Did you promise that you would not run around and stay in the camp honestly?"

"As soon as the Round Land Shark woke up this morning, you were nowhere to be seen. I was so scared that I quickly searched for you near the camp several times! I was worried that something might happen to you, so I ran all the way down the creek!"

"It turns out you three were having so much fun here and didn't even think about going back to the camp?!"

Facing the angry Qiu Yuan, Squirtle and the others could only lower their heads, not daring to say anything out loud, for fear that if they said the wrong thing, they would become a pot of delicious turtle soup the next second.


No one dared to look at Qiu Yuan in his angry state.

After scolding the three little things heartily, Qiu Yuan finally let go of some of the anger in his heart, but he was still very unhappy. Seeing the three of them made his fists itch.

It happened that Guoda raised his head to take a peek at Qiu Yuan's current state. When he saw his fists clenched slightly, he was immediately frightened so that his body trembled and his head shrank.

Brother, don’t kill the nest!

"Okay, okay, Brother Qiuyuan, they don't know that doing this will make you worry. Just pay attention next time. You must not have the heart to beat them!"

Seeing that Qiu Yuan's anger was almost gone, Serena quickly came out to smooth things over. After saying this to Qiu Yuan, she quickly asked Squirtle to apologize to Qiu Yuan and admit his mistake.

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny..."

"Jenny Jenny..."

"Jenny Jenny, Jenny Jenny..."

Qiu Yuan felt guilty when he saw the guilty expressions on their faces.

But he still said: "How do I know if you really admit your mistakes? I can forgive you this time, but there will never be a next time! And you can swim no less than 10,000 meters a day. I will let the croaking frog supervise you." you."

Initially, Squirtle and the others were very happy when they heard Qiu Yuan say that he had forgiven himself this time, but after hearing the following words, their little faces fell again.

Or...do you want to swim 10,000 meters...?

The lotus leaf boys who had just played with Squirtle and the others were floating on the water on the shore curiously, looking at Qiu Yuan.

Qiu Yuan naturally noticed these little blue things, but he didn't have time to pay attention to them just now, so he took a closer look now.

Out of habit, Qiu Yuan subconsciously released the probing technique on them one by one, but the results he got were a bit beyond his expectation.

There are five lotus leaf boys in total, and two of them have yellow qualifications.

This actually surprised Qiu Yuan.

Pokémon such as Lotus Leaf Boy have always been widely distributed and have very good abilities when they grow up, but why don't trainers like to tame wild Lotus Leaf Boy?

Because they live in groups, their breeding behavior is irregular, resulting in that from generation to generation, most of the wild lotus leaf boys are not very good.

It takes a lot of effort to cultivate a lotus leaf boy with poor qualifications, and if you want to improve the lotus hat boy's qualifications through evolution in the later stage, the quality of the evolution stones required must not be low.

Therefore, if people want to raise a lotus leaf boy, most people will buy it from a breeding house, and the price is not very expensive.

Only some people who really can't afford Pokémon will go to the wild to capture Lotus Leaf Boy.

Of course, if you are lucky, you can meet a lotus leaf boy with yellow qualifications, and even green qualifications are not impossible.

Judging from the living habits of Lotus Ye Boys, there must be at least thirty Lotus Ye Boys living in such a large lake.

Sure enough, when Qiu Yuan concentrated a trace of life force on an unknown tree species on the ground and threw it into the lake, a large green lotus leaf emerged from the water.

At a rough glance, there were at least forty Lotus Leaf Boys, not counting the five that had already appeared.

"Abba, Abba, Abba..."

"Chaba Chaba..."

The slightly different cries of each lotus leaf boy rang out. They looked at Qiu Yuan and Serena on the shore curiously, and then happily jumped onto the lake shore.

Serena was startled by the dense lotus leaf boy, and hurriedly hid behind Qiu Yuan, unable to help but tremble.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, they are not malicious."

"But, but, this is too much..."

"This is normal, so you should read more books. Lotus Leaf Boys often live in large groups."

While Qiu Yuan protected Serena, he did not forget to speak to her.

"I'm a reader, okay! It's really not mentioned in the book, so you can't blame me!"

"Okay, okay, I don't blame you, but they seem to want to play with you."

"You want to play with me?" Serena was stunned for a moment and said stupidly, "But I can't swim."

Akimoto: "...Why do you have to know how to swim before we can play together?"


The lotus leaf boy who walked ashore surrounded Squirtle and the Round Shark, chattering something, and then carried them into the water.

There were also two lotus leaf boys who wanted to ask Qiu Yuan and Serena to join them, but after looking at Qiu Yuan's tall figure, they were a little scared and did not get closer.

Squirtle pretended to struggle and tried to run out of the lotus leaf boy, but everything was seen through by Akimoto.

"Go and play if you want, but when you get home, the punishment will remain the same!"

"Jenny Jenny... (Okay...)"

Similarly, the round land shark is also struggling, but it is really struggling!

"Kaka, kaka!! Kaka!! (Let me go, let me go!! I don't want to go into the water!!)"

Just after following Qiu Yuan and being suspended by Gengar and flying across the water, Yuanlu Shark was already feeling very uncomfortable. Now he has to be carried into the water by these lotus leaf boys, which makes him very scared!

The round land shark is a land shark!

Not a water shark!

Without Squirtle as a swimming ring, I would have drowned!

Qiu Yuan originally wanted to take action to bring back the round land shark, but after seeing its performance next, Qiu Yuan stopped.

The round land shark was carried by several lotus leaf boys and swam happily on the water, just like sitting on a row of rafts. It was so happy.

Except for some splashes, it didn't get too much water, which allowed it to relax a little and start challenging some difficult moves.

The lotus leaf boy dived his whole body into the water, leaving only the lotus leaves on his head floating on the surface.

Round Shark and Squirtle began to happily jump back and forth on Lotus Leaf Boy's lotus leaves, so happy.

"Oh, by the way! Our backpacks and tents haven't been packed yet!"

Serena suddenly remembered this matter and quickly said to Qiu Yuan.

"Yes, but it's okay. I'll just go back and clean up now. You wait here. I haven't explored this area yet, so I'll do some activities around here later."

"Hmm, then be careful!"

"Gengar, let's go."

Qiu Yuan called Gengar, but he hid in Qiu Yuan's shadow and pretended to be deaf and mute, making no sound.

"If you don't come out, the barbecue will be forfeited."

"Uhaha!! Uhahaha!! (No!! How can the promise be voided!!)"

"Isn't this not over yet? Come on, come on, stop the ink stains."


Gengar once again succumbed to Qiu Yuan's temptation of barbecue.

Hengchihengchi reluctantly took Qiuyuan with him, and after flying under the mountain stream again, Gengar got into Qiuyuan's shadow again.

Akimoto shook his head and smiled, and then trotted back to the camp. After packing up the tent and other things, he put Serena and his backpack on his back and returned to the mountain stream.

The Tool Ghost was summoned again, flying with Qiu Yuan over the mountain stream and back to the previous shore.

"Here, your backpack."

Akimoto handed Serena's small gray-white backpack to her, then put down his own backpack and took out a small swimming ring and a pair of small swimming goggles.

"Wow, Brother Qiuyuan, your backpack really has everything! It's like a small warehouse."

"Ahaha, it's really big. I can't even use up all the space inside."

"But why do you use such a pink backpack? A cute girl like me always wears gray and white backpacks."

"Ah this..."

Qiu Yuan choked.

"Hehehe, could it be the gift from Brother Qiuyuan's girlfriend?"

"Go on, don't keep guessing about these things. It's nothing."


Serena prolonged her voice with some meaning, and then looked at Qiu Yuan narrowly.

But Qiu Yuan doesn't intend to ignore her anymore. The more he ignores her, the more excited she becomes.

Calling back the round land shark that was having a good time, Qiu Yuan put the swimming ring on its round belly before it could react, and then helped it put on its swimming goggles.

This set of things is also pink and tender. I originally bought it for Xiaoli, but later Xiaoli was very repelled by swimming due to her experience in Fairy Lake, so she didn't use it.

Just enough to use for the round land shark that can't swim.

At this stage, the round land shark is about the same size as Xiaoli, but in a month or two, it should be far larger than Xiaoli.

For now, the swimming ring can no longer adapt to the round land shark's round belly, and it is tight.

"Okay! Let's go play."

Satisfied, Qiuyuan helped Yuanlusha adjust the tightness of the goggle strap, then clapped his hands and threw it into the water.

The round land shark was so frightened that it danced in the air, and then fell heavily into the water, making a huge splash.

After swallowing two gulps of water, the round land shark grimaced and paddled its short limbs in the water.

But then he discovered he could swim!


Yuanlusha's exclusive skill - Sichuan Opera Face Changing, was activated again, and his expression suddenly changed from a bitter expression to a happy one.

Its round body became very nimble in the water, and later it actually competed with Lotus Leaf Boy in swimming.

This wave, this wave is the round land shark pool party limited skin.

Under Serena's envious eyes, Akimoto took out two folding deck chairs from his backpack.

"What are you looking at me for? If you don't sit down, I will take it back."

Serena pursed her lips.

"Why would a girl give you such a good backpack? Why don't I? My backpack is only a little big, and I use it to hold tents and bedding..."


"You want it?"


Serena's eyes lit up.

"If you want it, just find a good best friend or find a girlfriend to give it to you."


"What are you, what do you, a little brat, want with such a big backpack? Do you plan to fit a house into it?"

Qiu Yuan rolled his eyes, then lay down on the recliner, put on his sunglasses, and fell in love with no one.

I was woken up by a round land shark early this morning. I didn't sleep well, so I just need to catch up on some sleep now.

I slept until eleven o'clock, then got up to cook, and continued to explore the map after dinner.

I will try to improve the map content a little more this afternoon. It is best to make a distribution map of Pokémon in this large lake.

Akimoto is playing a big game of chess.

He saw a very cool prop in the system store called a mobile software designated design card. After using it, you can design software with designated functions. It is very easy to use.

When Akimoto completes the map of the southern forest, he will use this prop to design an exclusive software. Only by downloading this software can you see the map created by Akimoto, and you can also view the prequel of the Beginner's Guide for free.

As for the sequel...

Akimoto is not a philanthropist, right?

If you want to see it, just pay some money and you can see it.

In the future, some breeding house information can also be viewed on this software. If Akimoto's plan is not flawless, it can even be made into a software version of the breeding network.


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