Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 187 Anxious Pikachu (Subscribe)

Serena stared at the Squirtle, Lily Leaf Boy and Round Land Shark playing on the lake, and inexplicably thought of a boy who always had a sunny smile.

How great it would be if I could go out and travel with him in the future and play happily with Pokémon.

Although Brother Akimoto is very careful, his personality...

I don’t know if Serena mentioned Akimoto in her heart and he sensed it.

Akimoto yawned, took off his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes.

"Heh... What time is it, Serena?"

"Ten thirty."

"So early?"

Akimoto stood up and walked a few steps, stretched his waist, and then put his hands on his waist and looked at Squirtle and the others.

Never cook before mealtime, this is Akimoto's rule.

It wasn't long before noon, so Akimoto simply had nothing to do, and began to check the qualification information of the Lily Leaf Boys that emerged from the water one by one.

After looking at it several times, Akimoto was sure that this was still just an ordinary Lily Leaf Boy tribe.

Among the five lotus leaf boys that I saw for the first time, there were two with yellow qualifications, which was just a coincidence.

The twenty or so that emerged from the water are already half of the population, but there are still only five lotus leaf boys with yellow qualifications.

The rest are all white qualifications.

Akimoto did not plan to subdue them. Although there is a plan to take the civilian route, there are only five lotus leaf boys that can be used, which does not have a big impact on the plan.

When they really need to be used, it is estimated that Akimoto can already start his boutique route.

Although Akimoto does not need to spend much time on breeding work, the energy consumption is also quite large.

After all, he also needs to observe the information status of each Pokémon periodically, and then formulate a subsequent growth plan.

Any abnormal problems need to be solved in time.

If he really wants to subdue all the Pokémon he meets, I believe he can't take care of them.

Pokémon with poor qualifications will have weaker constitutions and a higher chance of disease.

Therefore, Akimoto would not have the idea of ​​conquering wherever he went. He needed to be very excited and within the scope of his energy.

Unlike a certain Mao, who conquered purely for the sake of conquering.

That kind of collection-based conquering concept was also one of the reasons why he eventually failed at the hands of an unknown person.

Although Xiaozhi was a little silly, his mentality was still very correct.

At noon, he simply made a portion of egg fried rice for Serena to eat, which attracted her praise.

In fact, Serena brought a lunch box yesterday, which was a rice ball made by herself. The taste was not bad, but it was not particularly delicious.

But it happened to be used at noon today. The seaweed was torn apart, and the rice in the rice ball was added with an egg from the Jiggly Egg. The taste of the fried rice was simply indescribable.

This also made Squirtle and Round Shark, who were chewing meatballs on the side, feel that the meatballs in their hands were tasteless.

"Hurry up and eat your food. Pay attention to your image!"

Akimoto finished eating and then knocked on their four round bald heads.

Don't mention it, it's quite fun. Akimoto is addicted to knocking.

Squirtle and the others looked at Akimoto aggrievedly, then looked at the meatballs in their hands, and decided to turn their grief and anger into appetite.

After finishing lunch, Akimoto was ready to continue his journey. If he stayed here and did nothing, he would not be able to complete the mission of the southern forest.

"I'm leaving. Go and say goodbye to your friends."

Squirtle touched his bald head and didn't know what to do.

It seems very sentimental to say goodbye.

We Squirtle should be cool. It's embarrassing to do such sentimental things.

But in the end, the round land shark who joined later pulled Squirtle and the others to say goodbye to the lotus leaf boy.

By the way, he also took out all the four meatballs and shared them with the lotus leaf boy.




"Chaba, Chaba-Chaba."


After parting with the Lotus Leaf Boy, Akimoto took Serena and walked towards the low woods near the lake.

In areas like this, there are usually no medium or large Pokémon.

Akimoto was exploring the way ahead when he suddenly heard Serena's cry from behind.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Pikachu, it ran into the bushes next to it!"

Serena replied anxiously.

She didn't know what was going on. Pikachu, who was lying quietly in her arms, suddenly broke free from her arms and jumped into the bushes.

Serena didn't dare to follow alone, so she quickly pulled Akimoto to follow.

The two passed through the bushes and saw the back of Pikachu running fast, so they sped up.

As for Squirtle and Shark, they were collected into Pokémon Balls by Akimoto.

I was afraid that they would run around again and lose track of them, and Akimoto would have to go to great lengths to find them.

Pikachu ran faster than Akimoto and Serena, and soon they would lose sight of Pikachu. Akimoto quickly released Gardevoir and asked her to help fly over with him and Serena.

When Akimoto and Serena caught up with Pikachu, it had already stopped under several tall trees, looking up at the trees with a vigilant look on its face.

"Pika, Pikachu, Pika Pika!"

Pikachu waited for a while, but no one responded to it, which made it feel that something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Pikachu? Is there something wrong with you running so fast? I almost didn't catch up with you."

Serena hugged Pikachu and said worriedly.

Pikachu showed a guilty expression and whispered, saying that he didn't mean it, but was just anxious for a moment.

Although Serena didn't understand what Pikachu said, she also understood its meaning from its expression and actions.

Serena gently touched Pikachu's head to calm it down first.

"Don't worry, we can help you if there is anything."

"So what happened? You are so anxious."

Akimoto is more concerned about this point. Some things are hard to say. Pokémon are much more sensitive to danger than humans.

Even Gardevoir, who just came out not long ago, felt that something was wrong. There was a smell nearby that she didn't like.


There are many large spider webs on the branches!

"Pika Pika, Pika, Pikachu... Pika Pika..."

Pikachu said to Akimoto and Serena, his face was very solemn, and he kept making gestures to match his expression.

After hearing what it said, Akimoto looked up and saw the dense spider webs on the tree branches, and each one was very large.

Akimoto quickly thought of several spider Pokémon that might be distributed in the southern forest, and the spider web was in this form...


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