It is unknown how long it will take for Magikarp to evolve into Gyarados. Their levels have reached the evolution level, but because of the problem of the evolution factor structure, the more stable the evolution factor, the harder it is to evolve.

In comparison, Eevee, whose evolution factor structure is very loose, is particularly prone to evolution due to other factors.

Letting go of Magikarp struggling on the shore, Akimoto threw it back into the spring.

Walking and walking, I arrived at Ninetail's home again. It seems that I haven't seen Ninetail go out recently. I don't know what it has been doing in the cave.

Akimoto slowly walked to the cave where Ninetail lived, but found that Ninetail was not in it.

What's going on?

Akimoto, puzzled, had to wander around in the forest and go to Chandler's house.

But this look was a bit beyond Akimoto's expectations.

I saw Axetooth, Kodora, Ninetail and Chandler all crowded in its small nest. I don't know what they are studying. Axetooth and Kodora both have nervous expressions on their faces.


Akimoto knocked on the cave wall and walked over.

"What are you doing? Are you doing something?"

Seeing Akimoto coming over, Ninetales made room for him, and he could see the whole situation in the cave.

Not only was there the Pokémon he saw at first sight, but also the Explosive Monkey and two forest lizards.

However, they were standing too deep, so Akimoto didn't see them at first sight.

This made Akimoto interested. He wanted to see what this group of Pokémon living in the mountains and forests were doing together.

"Lai Lai Yi, Lai Yi Yi."

Jilin waved his hand, then pointed at Kodora's belly and looked at Axe Tooth Dragon.

Akimoto's face was puzzled at first, then his expression became very interesting, and finally he looked at Axe Tooth Dragon strangely.

Axe Tooth Dragon met Akimoto's eyes and turned away awkwardly.

At this moment, Akimoto only wanted to say to Axe Tooth Dragon.

Good guy, you know how to play, it's okay to make her pregnant.

Kodora has lived in the breeding house for so long, staying with Axetooth every day, and finally sparks have been created.

But this is it...

Isn't it too late to create sparks?

Calculating the days, Daigo should come back to take Kodora away, right?

Akimoto silently calculated, according to the breeding theory of the system, the baby in Kodora's stomach should be 70% likely to be a little tooth.

The remaining 30% is Kokodora.

But it doesn't matter, with Daigo's personality, if he knew that Kodora was pregnant, he would probably still find it troublesome and let Akimoto continue to take care of her.

In his heart, digging stones is more important than anything else.

Of course, there is also the capture of rare Pokémon.

I just don't know if he succeeded in the end when he went into the forest last time to capture Smelly.

"Is it because of this that you all gathered together?"


Chandler and other Pokémon nodded.

Ninetail even said, "Isn't this important?"

"Ahem. Important, definitely important."

The last time the Eevee couple gave birth, they said that it seemed that Jigglypuff and Ninetail were helping.

Wow, sisters of gynecologists in the breeding house?

Ninetail seems to like playing with little brats.

Usually it is very quiet and cold, but when Little Fairy and Baby Ding go to find it, it will turn into a friendly ambassador to the world.

It is estimated that after the batch of Pokémon eggs in the breeding house are hatched, Ninetail will be busy.

Busy playing with Jigglypuff and more than 30 little guys.

The breeding house should be lively by then.

"Then you continue, I'll take a walk."

Akimoto, who had just walked out of the cave, suddenly had a pager ring.

At the same time, there were several messages from the alliance communication software.

Pick up the phone first.

"Hello, hello, this is Akiba Breeding House. Who are you?"

Because the other party's number was not marked, Akimoto asked politely first.

However, the other party did not seem to be polite to him. From the sound of his voice, he seemed very anxious.

"Boss Akimoto, is that you? I am Daigo. I am still in the southern forest. My plan has changed. It will probably take more than ten days before I can come out. Can you continue to take care of Kokodora? You may have to pay for the feeding fee first, and I will make up for it when I come back."

"Ah, it's Mr. Daigo. There is no problem taking care of Kokodora, but there is one thing. It has evolved into Kodora."

"That's great, but now is not the time to talk about these. My situation is more urgent. I will leave Kodora to you."

"Okay. Do you need me to ask the alliance for help?"

Akimoto listened to the buzzing sound on the other end of the phone, which was intermittent. It was probably because the signal was not very good.

Although I don't know where Daigo is now, he can find a place with a phone signal in the southern forest.

But I asked by the way. After all, he is also an important figure in the alliance. It would be bad if something really happened.

"Thank you, but it's okay, I can handle it myself. I'll hang up first!"

"Okay, bye."

The pager beeps, Daigo has hung up.

Add Daigo's number to the address book and make a note.

Akimoto thought as he opened the alliance communication software.

Did Daigo open a mine in the southern forest or something?

It will take more than ten days?

Are the ideas of geniuses really incomprehensible to ordinary people?

Open the BB software, which is the communication software of the alliance.

Muxi's avatar flashed, and there was a red dot next to it, reminding Qiu Yuan that there was an unread message from her.

Qiu Yuan clicked it and took a casual look.

Muxi: [Mr. Qiu Yuan]

Muxi: [I will come to the breeding house this afternoon]

Muxi: [Take Pipi away]

Muxi: [Please calculate the fee for me]

Muxi: [Thank you]

It could have been said in one sentence, but Miss Muxi used five sentences.

Qiu Yuan silently complained: Is this the way young people chat? Am I old because I always like to send a whole paragraph?

Qiu Lao Ren: [Okay, let me know when you come to the breeding house in the afternoon. By the way, do you need my special fairy Pokémon food? ]

After Qiu Yuan replied to her message, he waited.

Because from the time the other party sent the message to Qiu Yuan's reply, it took about three minutes.

But Qiu Yuan was wrong. It was not until he went around the ecological park that Mu Xi replied to him.

Qiu Yuan: "..."

Big sister, your reaction arc is two kilometers long?

Mu Xi: [What is there]

Mu Xi: [Are there any special effects]

Qiu Lao Ren: [It can promote Pipi's physical growth, and has some effects of maintaining an optimistic mentality. The most important thing is that it can maintain the hair's luster and cleanliness, which is better than the Pokémon things on the market]

Mu Xi: [Okay]

Mu Xi: [Please prepare ten for me]

After reading it, Qiu Yuan secretly said a rich woman, and then replied to the two kinds of Jasmine Balls it prepared.

The first one is the Jasmine Balls with added life force, the quality is green, and it has a good effect on the physical development of Pokémon.

The external price is 50,000 per can.

The second one is the Jasmine Balls with added fairy essence, the quality is dark green, and it has a better beauty effect on Pokémon. At the same time, it has a good effect on enhancing the elemental sensitivity of fairy Pokémon.

The external price is 80,000 per can.

As for what Qiu Yuan used for his Pokémon in the breeding house, it was the Momo Balls that added both life force and fairy essence, and the effect was naturally very good.

However, this kind of ball naturally cannot be sold outside, because the effect is too good, Qiu Yuan does not sell it.

After listening to Qiu Yuan's introduction, Mu Xi was originally prepared to buy ten cans each, but then she thought of seeing the breeding effect of Pipi with her own eyes before making a decision.

Mu Xi: [Then I will talk about it when I get to the breeding house]

Qiu Lao Ren: [Okay. ]

After agreeing to meet with Mu Xi in the afternoon, Qiu Yuan started to prepare a few more Momo Balls.

Back to the workshop, he used the remaining time to make a few Momo Balls, and also bought several tons of iron for Kodora and put them in the system warehouse.

After that, he delivered the tons of iron to Kodora, and it was almost noon.

This meal was prepared for Xiaoli and Jilidan to show their skills and let Serena taste their cooking skills.

After preparing the ingredients for Xiaoli and Jili Egg, Akimoto sat in front of the computer desk and logged into the Doctor Forum.

It had only been two days since he logged into the forum, and Akimoto's backstage messages were flooded again. Akimoto was overwhelmed by the various rewards and encouragements from netizens.

Among them, Akimoto's ID looked familiar, and there was a doctor certification sign behind it.

Akimoto took a closer look at his avatar and suddenly realized.

This person called "I love cup noodles the most", isn't he Professor Oak?

He actually rewarded him with 200,000 forum coins? !

Isn't it said that Professor Oak is very stingy.

Back to the message list, as expected, Professor Oak sent Akimoto a private message.

The general content is that he wants Akimoto to go to Pallet Town to discuss some topics with him. Professor Oak is very interested in the elemental power that Akimoto is studying.

But it also depends on Akimoto's schedule. Recently, he has a lot of things to do. He has to prepare for the breeding house competition and go to the Wind Chime Breeding House to buy a batch of Pokémon eggs.

But if the award ceremony for this League Doctoral Dissertation Contest is held in Kanto, then Akimoto can go to Pallet Town while he is in Kanto.

He also wants to see what kind of dragons and tigers are hidden in Pallet Town.

To see if it is really a champion town, where anyone he meets on the street may be a top-level trainer.

Of course, Akimoto definitely didn't think that he could meet Aunt Hanako by going to Professor Oak's house.

But I am really curious about what the immortal goddess Aunt Hanako looks like!

While browsing the forum, Akimoto found an article called "Pokémon Growth Promotion Technology".

However, this article was not liked on the homepage, but was pushed to the forum homepage by the extremely high number of comments.

Compared with the hundreds of thousands of comments under this article, the number of likes of just over three hundred is pitiful.

Akimoto clicked on it and the first comment that caught his eye was posted by Professor Sora.

The general content is to criticize the author of this article for using crooked means and destroying academic atmosphere, which is extremely shameless, and also stated that he has submitted a punishment application to the alliance to severely punish this person.

His sharp words are completely different from the image of Dr. Soraki who only cares about publishing academic papers. Instead, he is a bit like a...

cultured... big troll?

Akimoto is a little curious about what the person who wrote this article did to make Dr. Soraki, who does not care about anything else except doing research, so angry.

After reading it from beginning to end, Akimoto's expression became serious.

After reading it, he also wanted to curse.

Akimoto even seriously suspected that the person who wrote this article was a member of an evil organization, who was specifically publishing the order and atmosphere of the academic community.

If this was not the case, no one with a brain would publish this article.

The content of the article is roughly that through a new technology, powerful energy is used to stimulate the growth factor of Pokémon, change the structural sequence of the growth factor, and allow Pokémon to grow rapidly.

Theoretically, a newborn coyote can reach the evolution level within three days after experiencing energy stimulation.

They can even stimulate the evolution factor, forcibly disperse the structure of the evolution factor, and allow Pokémon to evolve quickly.

In theory, this idea is indeed beneficial for many Pokémon that are difficult to evolve to achieve the goal of evolution.

However, the words between the lines of the article reveal a strong sense of madness and cruelty.

Although the author of the article did not mention the side effects of this technology, who in the doctoral forum is a complete academic idiot?

Anyone with a normal brain can think that the side effects of this technology must be extremely harmful. It is very likely that the Pokémon that has been used with this technology will die in a short time.

This is undoubtedly a very cruel act of forcing the growth of seedlings and completely disregarding the life and death of Pokémon.

No wonder even Dr. Souki was so angry. If Akimoto knew who the other party was, he would definitely take Gengar to chop him up overnight.

There are also wise people in the comment area who see that this is probably a conspiracy by the evil organization to disrupt the order of the forum.

But it is strange that this article has been published for a whole day, and there is still no official forum to deal with it. It has been hanging high, causing large-scale discussion.

I believe that many people have read this article at this time and have become interested in the technology mentioned in it.

For those who do not have the energy and money to cultivate Pokémon, this evil way happens to be the most convenient and cost-effective method.

Akimoto was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, the Doctor Forum is not directly managed by the Alliance. It was actually established by a group of research students at the beginning. Later, many doctors settled in and gradually developed into an authoritative Doctor Forum.

In order to respect their achievements, the Alliance still retained their daily management rights, but only said that they were included in the Alliance's network monitoring.

Now it seems that some of the administrators of the forum may have been bribed by the evil organization.

It is not normal for such an article that is harmful but not beneficial to be posted for a day without any treatment.

Even when the doctors reported to the forum, they received feedback such as "the paper belongs to normal academic exchange content, and it has been verified that there is no violation."

Everyone was angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Since the Alliance has no direct management rights, the Alliance has no way.

This incident also made the Alliance pay much attention to the management of major non-Alliance official forums.

It also led to the fact that any website and forum with more than 10,000 active users must be directly managed by the Alliance.

To avoid this situation from happening again.

Akimoto was also annoyed when he saw it, so he commented that everyone should not go astray and pay attention to the serious side effects of this technology.

Soon, Akimoto, the rising star of the forum, was rescued.

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