Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 193 Nursing Nurse Jiuwei

"Big brother is right!"

"Good afternoon, big brother, the paper on elemental power is really amazing."

"Pass the big brother tea, big brother Akimoto is much better than this kind of people!"

Soon, there were hundreds of replies to Akimoto's comments, most of which were praising him.

This made Akimoto, who was originally very angry, now laugh and cry.

But it is worth noting that after Akimoto's comment for more than ten minutes, his comment was pushed to the third place.

And a familiar ID replied below:

"Why do you appear here, but don't reply to my private message?"

Akimoto looked carefully.


It turned out to be the dear "I love cup noodles" netizen again.

But why is the tone of this sentence a bit resentful?

Akimoto immediately thought of Dr. Oak with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and made such a resentful expression to him...

Almost vomited.

In the private message, he replied to Dr. Oak, saying that he was busy now and would visit Pallet Town if he had time.

After Dr. Oak got Akimoto's reply, he let him go with satisfaction.

And he told Akimoto that if he didn't go to Pallet Town, he would let Xiaozhi catch him back.

Akimoto wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This old man is too naughty.

But only Professor Oak has this mentality, and he doesn't think that research life is too boring.

After lunch.

Akimoto has been writing breeding reports on the computer at the front desk. He took a look at Serena and found that she had already started teaching the Jigglypuffs to dance.

Today Serena wore a pink dress, which perfectly blended with the pink Jigglypuffs and became a beautiful landscape in the breeding house.

If he wasn't busy, Akimoto would have wanted to put a chair next to him and watch for the whole afternoon.

But there are a lot of things to do now. When the plan of the breeding house is on track, Akimoto will have a long rest time.

By the way, Akimoto also went to see the condition of Pipi today.

There is nothing wrong with it. The fur is very smooth and soft, fluffy, and it seems to be a little fatter than when Muxi brought it.

She shouldn't mind that she has made Pipi fat, right?

Akimoto would take some time every day to check on Pipi and Kodora, but because Pipi was more delicate, he would take better care of Pipi.

It's not that he was partial to them, they were all Pokémon sent by others for foster care, so there was no partiality in their care.

It's just that compared to Kodora, Pipi was more prone to abnormal conditions and needed more careful care.

Things like combing hair and bathing were organized by Gardevoir with the Pokémon in the sea of ​​flowers.

Akimoto built a small bathhouse in each small area for the Pokémon to clean.

Among the many Pokémon, the one who disliked bathing the most was Axetooth.

So there was a scene where Akimoto drove Axetooth to the bathhouse with a clothes hanger and watched it finish its bath.

Akimoto still remembered Axetooth's angry expression.

The main reason was that Gardevoir was also there, and Akimoto called it over.

If Axe-fang doesn't listen and take a bath, you have to use some coercive means.

For example, let Gardevoir use telekinesis to throw it into the bathhouse and roll it around.

Of course, Gardevoir still won't watch Axe-fang when it's taking a bath.

Although Axe-fang doesn't usually wear clothes, it always feels a bit strange to be peeped at when taking a bath.



Akimoto shuddered.

There is nothing special about the training of Pipi and Kodora recently, but one thing is that Pipi has learned a little bit of meditation with the help of Gardevoir.

It was almost when Gardevoir took Jigglypuff and Xiaoxiannai to meditate and practice, Pipi followed and learned a little bit.

However, because it has not been fully mastered and formed a complete skill, Akimoto does not intend to include this in the fee settlement.

His fingers tapped on the keyboard flexibly, making crisp sounds, and the obsessive-compulsive disorder looked satisfied.

Akimoto suddenly received a system prompt. After the connection screen, Muxi, who was wearing light makeup and a black dress, was standing outside the door waiting, lowering her head to send a message to Akimoto on the pager.

As soon as the message was sent, Muxi saw the door open and Akimoto came out of the reception room to pick her up.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Akimoto."

"Good afternoon, go to the reception room and sit down."

Akimoto took Muxi back to the reception room, poured her a cup of hot tea, and returned to the ecological park to call Pipi.

But there was something unexpected. Pipi didn't seem to want to leave?

These days of getting along with Jigglypuff made Pipi very happy.

Although Muxi was very good to him, she was always expressionless, which made Pipi a little afraid of her.

Of course, Akimoto told it that when Muxi came to pick it up, it was still a little bit stubborn and didn't want to leave.

But in the end, Pipi followed Akimoto out of the ecological park, and said goodbye to Jigglypuff, Gardevoir and others with red eyes before leaving.

After all, Muxi didn't do anything wrong and took good care of it.

Can't we blame her for doing something wrong just because she has a cold personality?

Qiu Yuan naturally knew what Pipi was thinking, and after leading it out, he immediately explained the matter to Mu Xi.

"Ms. Mu Xi, there are a few things you need to pay attention to regarding Pipi."

"Well, what are they?"

"The first point is the most important. I have told you before, but I want to remind you more this time. Pay special attention to your expression, smile more, and don't be cold-faced. Your mood will greatly affect Pippi’s mood.”

When Qiu Yuan said this, he looked into Mu Xi's eyes.

Although those eyes were very beautiful, there was always a hazy fog in them, making it difficult for Qiu Yuan to see her true thoughts.

This extremely beautiful face always looks cold.

She didn't know what Mu Xi did for a living. Qiu Yuan only knew that she was extremely rich, so rich that money didn't even count as a number in her eyes.

But fortunately, Qiuyuan could see that her love for Pippi was not fake.

Later, Qiu Yuan gave Mu Xi some suggestions, but most of them were common sense, but some details could be easily overlooked if you don't pay attention to them.

Mu Xi also acted very modestly and patiently listened to Qiu Yuan's nagging.

Qiu Yuan didn't know whether he heard it or not.

Having said so much, Qiu Yuan had nothing to add. After taking Pipi back into the elf ball, he used a detector to check its physical information.

Then there is the regular settlement process for foster care.

While Qiu Yuan was busy, Mu Xi held Pippi and took a closer look, and found that she was indeed taking better care of her than herself.

From this point of view, the effect of the specially prepared Pokémon food should not be bad.

At least if the breeding methods were not too different, then Qiu Yuan's Mo Mian meatballs would indeed be much better than the top Pokémon food on the market.

After thinking about it, Mu Xi decided to buy ten cans of each for Pippi to eat first.

If the effect is good, I will purchase it from Qiu Yuan later.

As for what he said about his expression...

Mu Xi had no choice but to try to change.

But her character is like this, so it's still a bit difficult to do this.

After Qiuyuan listed the price list, Mu Xi just glanced at it and put down the price list, saying to Qiuyuan: "Please give me ten cans of each of the two types of Momian meatballs, thank you."

Qiu Yuan nodded and went to the warehouse to get Mo Mian meatballs.

But he still secretly smacked his tongue when he left.

The cost of breeding is not high. Even though Pippi eats Momian meatballs, the total price is only 220,000.

Ten cans of each of the two types of Momian Meatballs, that’s 1.3 million.

Including Pippi's feeding expenses, that's 1.52 million.

Looking at it this way, Qiu Yuan almost wanted to close the shop and make a fortune directly by selling meatballs.

However, the output of meatballs is so low that it is basically difficult for Qiu Yuan to make money by selling meatballs.

These twenty cans came from Qiuyuantun.

It is not difficult to gather the materials for the meatballs. What is difficult is adding the essence of the fairies and the power of life into them.

Due to Akimoto's physical condition, he cannot replenish the consumed power on his own like the mythical beasts, and can only wait for them to recover on their own.

As the number of Pokémon in the breeding house increases, the need for food increases.

Qiu Yuan uses the essence and life force of the fairies that he recovers every day to make various meatballs, and the remaining ones are slowly saved to provide to Mu Xi.

It means that Mu Xi bought Qiu Yuan's Mo Mian meatballs this time, and if she wants to buy them again in the future, she doesn't know how long she will have to wait.

After moving Mo Mian Wanzi out of the warehouse, Mu Xi paid the money, said goodbye to Qiu Yuan, and left with Pippi.

Qiu Yuan looked at the message displayed on the pager [Your account with the last number 2233 has received 1,520,000 yuan, and the balance is 4,262,030 yuan], and cleared up the table with satisfaction.

After a while, I saw Xiao Li coming out of the ecological garden in a hurry. After looking into the living room, he hurriedly jumped on the table, pulled Qiu Yuan and asked Pippi if he had left.

Naturally, Qiu Yuan could only say that Pippi was gone, and he couldn't catch up now even if he wanted to.

He saw that Mu Xi was driving a car.

How could his broken battery car catch up with him?

After hearing Qiu Yuan's words, Xiaoli suddenly felt like a deflated balloon, sitting on the table with a sad face.

Qiu Yuan took the small wreath in its hand and knew what it was going to do.

But now that Pippi is gone, I can only wait until I have the opportunity to give the garland to Pippi again.

"It's okay, it's okay. We'll meet again in the future. Just keep this wreath for now."

After touching Xiaoli's head, Qiuyuan held it in his arms. He simply stopped writing reports and watched entertainment videos with Xiaoli.

In the next few days, in addition to doing breeding summaries and writing reports in the breeding house, Akimoto took Serena to the southern forest to add map elements.

In addition to some common Pokémon, Akimoto also saw several Ultrasonic Larvae.

But just as he was about to get closer, he saw a king-level desert dragonfly.

So Akimoto could only quickly take Serena Yo-Yo, in case the desert dragonfly regarded it as an intruder, it would be over.

You must know that this desert dragonfly has cubs, and it is absolutely not allowed to approach other creatures.

Other than that, nothing special happened.

It is worth mentioning that until the last day of the essay competition, Akimoto’s essay on the power of elements had always ranked first in the competition, ranking high.

His papers "Elemental Power Phenotype" and "Hidden Factors in Eevee's Evolution" occupied the third and fifth places respectively.

Among the top five in the essay competition, Akimoto took three places.

You should know that this competition awards prizes based on the ranking of papers, which means that Akimoto can receive three prizes.

The next day, when Akimoto woke up, he learned that the competition had ended and the rankings were announced.

The first, third, and fourth place were all Akimoto's papers.

One night, Akimoto's paper "Hidden Factors of Eevee's Evolution" blew away the fourth place.

And I was also invited to attend the award ceremony of the Kanto League, and by the way, I would go to Pallet Town.

I didn't expect that this alliance paper competition would really hold an award ceremony at the Kanto League, and Akimoto couldn't find a reason to pigeon Professor Oak.

After all, I will definitely see Professor Oak at the award ceremony.

My Alola Vulpix! !

Akimoto was so excited when he thought that he could get a Pokémon egg of Ice Vulpix.


Is the breeding house going to welcome a new little cutie!

Pikachu: wdnmd Am I not cute? Or am I not new enough?

However, when it comes to Pikachu and his family, they were not used to it when they first entered the Akihabara Breeding House, but now that they have adapted, if someone asks them to move out now, they will probably be electrocuted like a Muggle.

It is so comfortable to live in the breeding house!

Especially with the cute Jigglypuff!

Akimoto has seen several Pikachus, and whenever he has time, he will run from the mountains to the sea of ​​flowers to participate in the activities of Jigglypuff sisters.

And it has happened more than once or twice, and it is almost a habit.

It would be strange if Akimoto didn't see a few Pikachus when he went to the sea of ​​flowers in the future.

This time, I have to prepare for the 31 Pokémon eggs in the incubator. Except for the Eevee eggs, the first batch of 30 Pokémon are expected to hatch in the near future.

The award ceremony will be held in three days, and Akimoto is afraid that they will not hatch by then, and he will have to go to Kanto.

So he slightly raised the temperature to see if they can hatch in these three days.

If not, Akimoto can only let Gardevoir and Glitter take care of the new Pokémon.

Ten lotus leaf boys, three cold water monkeys, two cauliflower monkeys, nine proud swallows, and six good squids.

Pokémon are relatively fragile when they are just hatched and need careful care.

In order to prevent them from hatching after he goes out and Gardevoir will not take care of them, Akimoto decided to train his Pokémon first.

Pokémon are just like human cubs when they are just hatched. They are very afraid of cold and need a relatively warm environment.

This can be controlled by air conditioning. Akimoto also told Gardevoir, Xiaoli, and Jigglypuff how to use the air conditioning.

Of course, Ninetails will definitely participate in it at that time.

After Akimoto made a decision, he called Ninetails, Jigglypuff, Gardevoir and Jigglypuff together.

These few days, the rehearsal of Jigglypuff will be suspended, and priority will be given to learning to take care of Pokémon cubs.

The most excited one about this is Ninetails. It is usually quiet, but now its eyes are full of excitement.

After seeing this scene, Akimoto thought to himself.

No wonder Jiuwei and Jigglypuff are good friends, they both have the potential to be nurses.

But Jiuwei should be more inclined to be a childcare nurse?

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