Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 195 Chapter 195 Nairis:

As Akimoto expected, none of the Pokémon eggs in the incubator hatched within three days.

According to his observation, the hatching date of that batch of Pokémon eggs was roughly within two to four days after he left.

With Serena watching the shop in the breeding house, Akimoto did not need to close the shop as before.

If someone wanted to apply for foster care services, Serena could also do it independently, and Akimoto had already taught her the operating procedures of the service system.

But it seems that apart from this, Akimoto's breeding house has no other business to do.

This time, Akimoto plans to bring his mount goat, Axetooth Dragon and Gengar, and of course a frog and forest lizard to deal with some emergencies.

Of course, if Akimoto does not go to some dangerous places, the probability of an emergency is very small.

But he may also encounter the Rocket Team who is causing trouble.

After all, there will definitely be many academic talents at the award ceremony of the doctoral thesis competition.

As long as the Rocket Team kidnaps one or two people in the chaos, it will make a lot of money.

Akimoto may also be one of the kidnapping targets of the Rocket Team, so he must be careful.

Bring Gengar with you. If there is any emergency, you can let it take you away.

Or he can just hide in the alliance the whole time and nothing will happen.

"Then I'm leaving. You guys stay quiet and call me if you have anything."

"Puli puli~"


Akimoto said goodbye to the Pokémon. After Serena finished breakfast and came to the breeding house, he rode the battery car to Mingshui Town.

He still took the train and set off for Miare City.

For the award ceremony of the alliance essay competition, special planes were arranged in the central cities of various regions.

Akimoto was going to Miare Airport, took the plane arranged by the alliance, and then flew all the way to Kanto.

Fortunately, Akimoto was not late. When he arrived at the airport, the plane had not taken off yet.

But what he didn't know was that this Carlos special plane was about to take off, but in order to show their respect for Akimoto, they waited for Akimoto for a while.

After getting on the plane and taking his seat under the guidance of the beautiful stewardess, Akimoto tilted his head slightly and looked at the people next to him.

Most of the people sitting on this plane are middle-aged, and there are also two elderly people with gray hair.

Apart from Akimoto, there is only one young person like him, a girl wearing round-framed glasses and holding a book in her hand.

The Alliance Paper Competition is open to all non-doctoral people, with the purpose of discovering geniuses in the academic world.

But in fact, many people have spent more than ten or twenty years, painstakingly studying topics, polishing a paper, and participating in one paper competition after another.

They cannot be considered geniuses with talent, but geniuses with hard work.

However, it seems that the girl sitting on the right side of Akimoto seems to be a genius with both talent and hard work.

Akimoto unconsciously looked at the girl next to him and was in a daze. Such a straightforward performance, even if she has been immersed in books, she also noticed a little strangeness.

The girl raised her head and adjusted her glasses.

"Um, what's up?"

Hearing this gentle and graceful voice, Akimoto did not come back to his senses immediately, but was stunned for a moment before realizing that his appearance just now could easily be misunderstood.

In fact, he was in a daze just now because he thought of what Professor Oak said when he chatted with him yesterday. The food in the Quartz Alliance was very good.

It was so good that even Professor Oak felt that the cup noodles were tasteless.

Naturally, Akimoto, a foodie, was looking forward to it so much that he started thinking about food as soon as he got on the plane and was in a daze.

Quickly wiping away the drool from the corner of his mouth, Akimoto sat down awkwardly.

"Sorry, sorry, nothing happened, I was just in a daze."

"Well, it's okay. If there's nothing to do, I'll read a book."


Seeing the girl lowered her head to read again, Akimoto breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that you have to adjust your posture before you daze!

Otherwise, it's easy to be misunderstood as having some weird thoughts!

But why is this girl's hair silver-white?

Akimoto thought strangely.

Logically speaking, she would not spend time dressing up as she is so devoted to books and academics.

She would not dye her hair silver-white.

And judging from her outfit, she was wearing a plain white robe, no jewelry, and thick glasses blocking her clear eyes.

And just when she looked up, Akimoto saw that there was no trace of makeup on her face.

This is a typical female doctoral student!

Akimoto stretched his neck slightly and glanced at the book she was reading.

"Kalos History - Kingdom Story"

Then Akimoto was stunned.

He had read this book, but he couldn't finish it at all.

The text throughout the book is very profound and obscure, and there are 700 pages of thick paper, which is really a headache.

There are also various ancient Pokémon characters, which is even more troublesome for Akimoto, who knows nothing about ancient characters.

Akimoto originally wanted to learn about the historical events of Kalos after passing the starting place.

But after finding this book, he couldn't finish it at all.

Seeing the girl immersed in the book seriously, Akimoto felt admiration.

For some reason, Akimoto felt that the girl's paper should have a very high title.

There were more than a dozen people on the plane who attended the award ceremony. The middle-aged and elderly people seemed to know each other and chatted together.

And Akimoto, the newbie, couldn't join their conversation, and he didn't dare to disturb the girl next to him who was reading.

So the chatty Akimoto had to flip through his pager to see what was happening on the Internet.

Coincidentally, when Akimoto turned on his pager, Serena suddenly sent him a message.

Genius girl Serena: [Brother Akimoto, two lotus leaf boys have just hatched, and they are in good condition! ]

Akimoto was a little surprised. He didn't expect that two lotus leaf boys would hatch just after he left.

This is really a coincidence.

Angry old Qiu: [Look at their incubators. I marked how many days it would take to hatch? 】

Genius girl Serena: [You predicted a day and a half, that's not up to par, brother]

Grumpy Old Qiu: [……]

Grumpy Old Qiu: [Then I guess there will be seven or eight more Pokémon hatching today. You guys have worked hard. I'll come back and prepare a feast for you]

Genius girl Serena: [Got it! I'm waiting for the feast]

Turn off the communication software.

Judging from the two Pokémon that have just hatched, Akimoto's predicted hatching time has to be moved forward a little.

Then the day after tomorrow at the latest, all 30 Pokémon eggs in the hatching room will be hatched.

By then, the only thing left is the Eevee egg left by the Eevee couple.

Regarding the evolution of the Eevee couple, it needs to be postponed a little.

Akimoto currently has 4 million, which he has to invest in the purchase of Pokémon eggs to be sold.

And he still owes the breeding center 6 million. He bought that batch of Pokémon eggs on credit.

Speaking of which, if Akimoto obtains a doctorate certificate, will there be any discounts or something?

Let the debt burden be reduced a little?

There is no doubt that Akimoto is dreaming.

The plane flew safely all the way and finally arrived in Jinhuang City in the early morning of the next day.

And Akimoto and his friends need to change trains to go to Quartz Alliance to attend the award ceremony one day later.

Of course, everyone can also move freely first and take the train to Quartz Alliance later.

However, Akimoto has no reason to stay in Jinhuangshi, so he should go to the hotel arranged by Quartz Alliance to have a comfortable sleep.

When he woke up, the award ceremony that was supposed to start also started.

The main reason is that although the alliance arranged a special plane, the seats do not have a reclining function, and the distance between the adjacent seats is also small.

Akimoto can't sleep well at all.

After all, there is a window on the left, and the experience of sleeping against it is extremely bad.

It is very uncomfortable to sleep lying down. I want to lean on the right side, and there is another girl I don't know next to me.

So during this nearly one-day flight, Akimoto struggled between half asleep and half awake.

The Golden City train station is very close to the airport. When Akimoto arrived at the train station, a train bound for the Quartz Union would arrive in 10 minutes.

When Akimoto got on the train, he suddenly found that the girl with short silver hair was sitting next to him again.

Akimoto's expression was very rich.

Sister, there are so many seats next to you, why do you have to sit next to me? Can't I take a nap?

Akimoto burst into tears. He wanted to take two seats by himself and lie down to rest.

After all, basically no one will come to the train at this time.

The trains in the Pokémon world are all fully automatic 24 hours a day, so Akimoto can only get on the train to the Quartz Union in the early morning.

Just when Akimoto was about to get up and change his seat, the girl sitting on the outside suddenly spoke.

"It is against the rules for one person to lie down and occupy two seats."

"Huh?" Akimoto was confused and looked around. There was only him and the girl. "Are you talking to me?"


"How did you know I was going to do this?"

Akimoto was shocked.

"Because I am a superpower."

The girl closed the book, looked into Akimoto's eyes, and said lightly.

Akimoto suddenly realized that it was no wonder that his inner complaints were heard.


He suddenly realized something.

Wasn't it possible that all the complaints he made about her on the plane were heard?

"Yeah, I know everything."

The girl nodded gently, and then said slowly: "The clothes are rustic, she doesn't know how to put on makeup, her facial features are beautiful... and there is a genius female doctor? Thank you for praising me for my beauty."


Akimoto scratched his head awkwardly.

What's going on? Damn it, don't say it out!


"..." Akimoto sat down and said sincerely, "Can you stop using your superpowers? I feel uncomfortable."

"Really? Why do you feel uncomfortable? But I won't use my superpowers for now." The girl showed a puzzled expression, as if she couldn't understand it.

This made Akimoto suddenly realize something. It seemed that the girl in front of him with superpowers was not familiar with the ways of the world.

It seemed like...

The girl in Jinhuang City who was also very proficient in superpowers.

However, her personality was not bad, but she lacked emotional intelligence.

Akimoto simply chatted with the girl and didn't care about the more than two hours of sleep.

After the girl stopped using superpowers, Akimoto felt less uncomfortable when getting along with her.

The feeling of having your thoughts and thoughts spied on really made people very uncomfortable.

From the conversation, Akimoto learned that the girl's name was Nellis, and she was a genius girl from a very famous academic family in Carlos.

Because of the awakening of superpowers, her mental power was much larger than that of ordinary people, and her memory was naturally superior.

Under such conditions, combined with her brain that was already very sensitive to academic knowledge, she had surpassed many elders in the family when she was twelve years old.

This year, she was fifteen years old, and won the second place in the paper competition through a research paper on the power of superpower Pokémon.

Originally, a month ago, her paper was still ranked first.

But until Akimoto's paper was published, it rushed to the top ten at a speed that surprised and even shocked others, and then it was unstoppable and surpassed Nellis's paper in one fell swoop.

She was very interested in Akimoto's three papers.

She even felt that if she had not published it much longer than Akimoto and had accumulated a lot of support, she might have ranked third.

Akimoto coughed twice.

It was really embarrassing to be praised in front of others.

And most importantly, Nairis didn't think she was praising Akimoto by saying this, but thought it was just a normal comment.


Silly and cute?

Akimoto thought silently.

Suddenly Nairis said something that shocked Akimoto so much that he even crossed his arms subconsciously.

"I like you very much."

"You, don't do it, we just met."

"Can't I like you just after we met?"

"... Theoretically, yes."

"Yes, then is there any problem with me liking you?"

"No problem..." Akimoto wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead, "But what do you like about me?"

"You smell good, I like it, so I like you."

"What kind of logic is this!!"

Akimoto was ashamed and angry.

Isn't it because I'm handsome? Why is it this reason!

And you don't like me at all!

You just like the smell of my shower gel!

However, Nairis really doesn't like the smell of Akimoto's shower gel.

A superpower can be regarded as someone who has acquired the ability to drive superpower elemental power, and can be said to be the same as Akimoto, who drives fairy elements and life force.

She can feel the rich elemental breath coming from Akimoto, which is very mysterious and comfortable, and very attractive to her.

So what she coveted was the breath of Akimoto's fairy origin and life force.

Akimoto understood this genius female doctor and superpower. She knew nothing about other ways of doing things except academics.

However, at present, her superpower seems to be highly awakened.

Because Akimoto learned how to control breath from Xerneas, when he was in human society, he would actively close the elemental breath in his body.

But I didn't expect that Nylis still felt it.

Although superpowers are indeed outstanding in perception, Akimoto can be sure that Nylis's awakening level is very high.

Even if she can't compare with Nancy, she can beat many superpowers.

{"text":"","voiceFid":"","CWVID":"0","bookRecommds":{"cbids":[17939374908533ason":"This is a great Tokyo novel by a big guy! Go ahead, buddy, I highly recommend it! "}}

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