Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 196 Nairis and Hitti

The two chatted all the way and soon arrived at the Quartz Alliance.

As soon as they got out of the train station, they went straight to the hotel arranged by the alliance.

Naturally, they went to the hotel to have a good rest.

How could it be a strange thing.

To stay in the hotel here, you only need to show your identity card and let the front desk lady verify your identity, and you can stay for free.

Of course, it is limited to the people arranged by the alliance. At other times, even if you come here as a doctor, you need to pay.

It’s just that the discount is equivalent to free.

In terms of face, it is still necessary to reflect the courtesy of the alliance to the guests of large-scale events.

Akimoto lay on the soft and white big bed in the hotel, closed his eyes comfortably, and stretched a big lazy waist.

When chatting with Nylis just now, it was basically Nylis who expressed her views enthusiastically, and Akimoto couldn’t get a word in.

Perhaps because Nylis was too talented, few people dared to contact her normally, so she rarely had such an opportunity to talk about her ideas.

Just happened to meet Akimoto, a person who was more powerful than her (that’s what she thought).

So there was a scene where Nellis talked nonstop for more than two hours on the train.

Akimoto admired some of her ideas, which were very advanced and advanced, but he still lacked the ability to realize them.

And there were many ideas that even Akimoto found very amazing, and after careful consideration, they were still feasible.

Among them was a general research direction that Nellis envisioned based on the abilities brought by her own superpowers.

She hoped to combine Akimoto's research results to retain the elemental power of the superpower system in the machine as the basic energy for the operation of the machine.

And this machine, like a superpower with telepathy, can connect Pokémon and humans together, so that there is no obstacle to communication between the two.

Simply put, it is a translator.

However, this translator does not need to compile a huge language system, but can directly use the power of the superpower system to transmit the language of Pokémon combined with the thoughts in the mind to humans.

Of course, this method of retaining the free elemental power in nature was provided by Akimoto.

The task of utilizing the psychic elemental power to give the machine a translation function was completed by Nyris.

This was the most meaningful result that the two had reached after discussing for more than two hours on the train.

However, Akimoto summarized it.

Even if such a machine could be manufactured in the end, it would be difficult to popularize it on a large scale.

Its positioning could only be academic supplies or top luxury goods.

Because the quality requirements for the retained psychic elemental power to meet the needs of telepathy are very high.

Akimoto can now complete the retention of elemental power, but the high-quality elemental power has not yet reached the conditions.

Even Gardevoir, which has psychic attributes and extremely huge mental power, has only tried to condense yellow psychic elemental power liquid.

And it is extremely unstable.

According to Akimoto's estimation, if the aspects he is responsible for are to meet the requirements, the following two points must be achieved.

The first is that psychic elemental power of blue quality or above is required.

The second is that the expression of elemental power needs to be changed into solid, so that it has high stability.

From this point of view, it seems that the cost of elemental power alone starts at one million.

Add to that the equipment development and production costs of Nylis.

A finished machine costs at least two million.

After sleeping until three o'clock in the morning of the next day, Akimoto woke up dazedly to check the time and found that he had slept for a whole day.

Before he could move, his stomach started to growl, making a sound that embarrassed Akimoto.

Fortunately, he was the only one in the room.

The rumbling sound of his hungry stomach was really loud.

Akimoto took out some food from the system warehouse and checked his pager to see if there were any messages he missed yesterday.

Professor Oak sent seven or eight messages asking if he had caught the plane. The latest message was at eight o'clock last night, asking if he had come to the Quartz Alliance. The award ceremony would start tomorrow afternoon.

"You are so persistent, Dr. Oak. Are you so worried that I won't come? You are so enthusiastic."

After replying to Dr. Oak, Akimoto, who was in tears and laughter, covered his still empty stomach and looked out the window.

At this time, the light yellow lights were on both sides of the road, and the long woven wooden chairs looked quiet and beautiful under the lights.

But it seemed that there was a lonely person sitting on the chair in a daze?

Akimoto leaned on the window curiously and took a closer look.

It turned out to be Nyris?

What was she doing down there so early?

It was not clear what Nyris was doing, but Akimoto still planned to go downstairs to see her.

Just as Nyris was sitting on the bench in a daze, she suddenly felt someone sitting next to her, and then a cup of steaming hot coffee was handed to her.

When she glanced sideways, it was Akimoto who had not appeared for a whole day.

"Thank you, but I don't really like coffee."

"Ahaha? Really? I thought people who do research love coffee."

Nairis took a sip of the coffee and said, "You have a weird prejudice. Who told you that people who do research like coffee?"

This surprised Akimoto, and he waved his hand in front of her.

"I say, this is not like you, it's too normal."

This sentence is not what the previous Nairis would say.

"Am I usually very abnormal?"

"Very abnormal."

Akimoto was sure.

So Nairis made an expression that made Akimoto feel that she was possessed by another body - rolling her eyes.

Oh my god! Nairis was possessed by another body!

Is possession popular in the Pokémon world? ! !

Akimoto showed a horrified expression.

Finally, Nairis couldn't hold it back, and looked at Akimoto, this funny guy, and laughed.

"Pupu, what is possession?"

"You used superpowers again, it's a foul." Akimoto was dissatisfied.

"I just want to know what you were thinking just now."

Nairis quickly returned to her expressionless look, and said in a light tone.

"Possession..." Akimoto paused, "Possession means that when a person is unhappy, there will be a mysterious power that will instantly restore her health and cheer her up."

"I'm not unhappy."

If it were another girl who said the same sentence, Akimoto would understand it as - I'm very unhappy.

But when it came out of Nairis's mouth, this sentence that has been given rich meaning by girls for a long time suddenly returned to its essence.

She said she was not unhappy, and she really was not unhappy.

In this regard, Akimoto felt that getting along with Nairis was the most comfortable.

Although Nairis sometimes asked very stupid questions that did not fit her position as a genius female doctor.

But there was no need to beat around the bush when chatting with her, just say whatever you wanted.

So Akimoto continued to ask her why she appeared here so early in the morning.

But Nairis did not answer him, but glanced at the coffee in Akimoto's hand.

"It's very cold here, if you don't drink it, it will get cold."

Akimoto looked at Nairis's cup of coffee again, and it had been drunk.

"Are you a bellowing whale? You drink so fast!"

"What does bellowing whale mean?"

Nairis was puzzled.

So Akimoto spent more than ten minutes discussing with Nairis what "bellowing whale" means. Finally, Nairis insisted:

"Then I want to be a wind chime."


Just when Akimoto thought that in such a quiet night, under the warm light of light yellow, Nairis was going to tell a touching story.

She said: "Because there are many wind chimes near my home."

"...Yes, yes, that's okay..."


Sure enough, Nairis can't be expected to say anything touching. Her mind is normal except when she is doing research. The rest of the time is straighter than the horizon.

"So why did you get up so early and appear here?"

"Hiti wants to feel the breath outside, so I'm here."

"Who is Hiti?"

"It's me!"

Akimoto looked at Nairis with a strange expression.

When did she learn to joke?

But then, a virtual spirit floated out of Nellis' body, and finally stabilized and turned into a beautiful girl with a long ponytail.

"Hehehe, I am Hitie! How about it! Are you surprised?"

Hitie flew around Akimoto, trying to find a hint of surprise on Akimoto's face.

But she was disappointed after all. Akimoto was as steady as an old dog, and his eyelids didn't even move.

"It's so boring, why don't you react at all, just like little Nellis."

"So, what's going on?"

Akimoto was naturally surprised, but he didn't show it, because he fell into thinking when Hitie appeared.

It feels like Nellis has always been a two-person combat mode!

And why can Hitie, a human soul, exist so clearly that Akimoto can even see her delicate facial features.

And those slender legs.

Of course, Hitie was wearing clothes, a loose short-sleeved shirt and a pleated skirt.

This is not scientific at all!

But isn't it a bit inappropriate for Akimoto to try to talk about science in front of the soul?

He once shared Gengar's perspective with its help and saw the soul of a person who had just died, but that was a very faint, almost transparent soul.

How could it compare to Hitie's pale blue and clear soul.

If there is a clarity comparison between souls.

Then the soul that Akimoto and Gengar had seen before was mosaic-level.

And Hitie's soul was 4K ultra-clear.

There is no comparison.

Nylis also roughly guessed that the reason why Akimoto was not surprised must be that he must have seen a soul before.

So she told Akimoto the story of Hitie.

Originally, Nylis was just an ordinary academic genius and had no superpowers at all.

No one in their family had ever awakened superpowers, so naturally she couldn't awaken superpowers out of thin air.

Everything started from the summer vacation when Nylis was eight years old.

During the summer vacation when she was eight years old, Nairis started her study plan early as usual, sitting in a window seat, listening to the sound of wind chimes coming from the yard.

But then, she saw Hitti flying in from the window.

The soul body cannot be exposed to the sun for a long time, because the elemental power affected by the sun at this time will fluctuate greatly, which will disrupt the stability of the soul body.

Hiti naturally had to follow the characteristics of the soul body, so after entering Nellis's room, she immediately drew the curtains and made the room dark.

Artificial light sources actually have no effect on soul bodies, but they will make them uncomfortable, so Hiti did not turn on the lights.

After doing all this on her own, Hiti remembered that there was someone like Nellis in the room.

However, she did not see a trace of surprise on the face of an eight-year-old girl.

"Aren't you afraid of me? I'm a ghost!"

Hiti approached Nellis and made a face at her, but all she got was Nellis's curious answer.

"So this is what ghosts look like?"

And Nellis took the initiative to reach out and touch Hiti, but Hiti dodged it.

Then Hiti was angry and threatened Nellis for half an hour, but still couldn't make Nellis show any expression other than curiosity.

Finally, helpless Hiti had to tell Nellis about her own affairs.

Because if she still wanted to stay in this world, she had to rely on Nellis's help.

There is no such thing as the underworld in the Pokémon world. There is only a ruined world ruled by Giratina.

Whether it is Pokémon or humans, after death, a soul body with consciousness will be produced.

Soul bodies are generally very fragile and difficult to maintain for a long time.

The free elemental forces in nature are always fluctuating, and they will slowly disturb the stability of the soul body and finally make the soul body disappear completely.

It is also possible that the soul body will be assimilated by the ghost elemental force and finally become a new ghost Pokémon.

Or before the first two possibilities happen, the soul body can enter the Gate of Destruction by coincidence and reach Giratina's ruined world.

There is only a single ghost elemental force, and there is no elemental force fluctuation. The soul body can exist forever in the appearance before death.

In addition to the above three situations, if you want the soul body to retain its appearance before death and continue to exist in the Pokémon world, there is only the method of Hitti.

Attach to the same kind with strong mental power, form a parasitic relationship, and rely on the mental power and life force of the attached person to maintain the existence of the soul body.

And Nellis is just an ordinary human with extremely strong mental power.

Hitti was a very powerful superpower person before her death. She died in an accident. She relied on her own ability to maintain the stability of her soul body and finally found Nellis who was suitable for her to attach to.

In fact, it is not impossible to attach to other people, but if the mental power of the person being attached is not strong enough, a lot of life force will be consumed to maintain the existence of the soul body.

In this case, the person being attached will die in a short time.

Although Hitti did not want to disappear just like that, she did not want to kill others in exchange for her short-term existence.

Fortunately, she met Nellis, who had extremely strong mental power.

After Hitti's death, her superpowers were greatly weakened because she had no physical body to carry the power of superpower elements.

When she attached to Nellis's body, she could use Nellis's body to carry the power of superpower elements, which was equivalent to directly giving Nellis a new superpower and allowing Nellis's mental power to increase significantly again.

The price is that Nellis's life span may be reduced by more than ten years.

However, compared to the result of attaching to other people and causing their death, this is already the best solution.

This is the last part of the book recommendation. I will not recommend the book anymore.

I looked up and saw the sword fairy driving the long sword to kill the Western dragon in seconds. I looked down and saw the goblins driving the Gundam to chase the Alien Queen. I turned around and saw the Angel King Kaisha killing a little demon with one sword... Am I crazy or is the world crazy?

After accepting the setting, Le Xingye suddenly felt that it seemed pretty good to play in the dungeon in the other world

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