Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 200 People in Chaoxiang Town call him Qiu Duidui

Quartz Union.

In the cafeteria.

Akimoto carried an iron plate and walked around in front of each window, looking at the dishes inside. The color and style alone made him hungry.

There was even green onion duck meat available, although it was only artificially cultivated.

However, it was also specially cultivated green onion duck meat, and it tasted much better than the mass-cultivated ones on the market.

When Akimoto finally weighed the amount of rice and the dishes, Dr. Oak almost finished eating and left.

Even Nairis chewed slowly and ate most of it.

"So the first five places in our competition this time, you two took four, right? And you are all from the Kalos region, which is really strange, it is rare in the past."

After Dr. Oak finished his meal, he saw that Akimoto had not finished yet, so he chatted casually.

When he was preparing for the award ceremony, he saw the list of the top 100 winners of this paper.

There were a total of 101 winning papers, and 2 of them had the same ranking.

There are 95 winners in total, and of course there are also cases like Akimoto where one person takes up multiple prizes.

This time the rewards are set in four major levels.

The first to fifth place papers are in one major level, and the rewards decrease from the first to the fifth.

The sixth to the tenth are a pair again, but the quality of the rewards is the same.

In addition, the remaining two major levels are the eleventh to the twentieth, and the twenty-first to the hundredth.

Akimoto won the first, third, and fourth place by himself, and can be said to be the biggest winner this time.

From the rewards announced by the alliance, this time he can get a total of 6 million research start-up funds and an Alola Vulpix Pokémon egg, and of course a qualification to study in the alliance research institutes of various regions for half a year.

As for whether there will be unannounced rewards, we will have to wait until the award ceremony opens at 2 pm to see.

This Professor Oak is not clear.

After all, he is only presenting awards, not giving out awards.

What surprised him most was the number of Carlos winners in this year's paper competition.

In previous years, the two regional alliances with the least number of winners were Carlos and Unova, and they basically fought over each other.

Even the winners of Carlos were basically from the academic family of Nellis.

But this year, inexplicably, Carlos alone took nearly 40 places, and the number of winners reached 37.

It directly swept all of Kanto.

Akimoto was eating, and heard Professor Oak talking to himself. He swallowed a few times, and then approached with a mysterious look.

"I'm from Kanto."

Professor Oak looked at Akimoto, who was eating meat with big mouthfuls, with a constipated look on his face, and he didn't know what to say in his heart.

Aren't you a good Kalos person? How did you become a Kanto person?

"Hey, you are not a staff member of the alliance, how do you know that I must be a Kalos person?"

Akimoto said: Professor Oak is just a doctor who does research, what does he know about household registration surveys?

"Then why did you go so far to live in Carlos?"

"Because this year's breeder assessment is held in Carlos, so I just stayed in Carlos. Anyway, the scenery near my home is really amazing."

Akimoto finished the last chicken leg, wiped his mouth, and then said: "You can also come to Carlos when you are free. There is unlimited supply of cup noodles."

Dr. Oak's eyelids twitched.

Why do I always feel tired when I get along with Akimoto?

Am I too old?

After dinner, Dr. Oak took Akimoto and Nairis into the venue and sat down, waiting for the opening of the award ceremony.

In fact, there are more than a dozen winners of the Tachi family this time, but Nairis did not choose to sit with them.

Neris and them usually don't have much communication, at most they only have contact during the family's routine academic exchange meeting.

In terms of closeness, they are from the same family and may not be as familiar as Akimoto, who has just known each other for two days.

Of course, Xiaomao also sat with Akimoto.

This time, Xiao Mao came to the alliance to report his research progress to his grandfather, Dr. Oak, and he was also one of the winners of this event.

Xiao Mao's research on fossil cleaning discovered a new cleaning method from a special perspective, which has a very significant effect when cleaning very small fossils.

The probability of damaging the fossil body during the cleaning process will be much smaller.

Akimoto was also bored when he looked through the paper rankings and saw the paper of this coquettish man named "Master Mao".

The rigid and formal style of argumentation and the coquettish Xiao Mao were completely incompatible.

Before Akimoto met Xiao Mao, he specially checked whether this Xiao Mao was the same Xiao Mao.

The difference was so big that it was unacceptable.

It seems that all opening ceremonies, no matter what the event itself is, must arrange some performances.

This has almost become a fixed way of thinking. Even the opening ceremony of the award ceremony of the academic paper competition has a warm-up performance.

Although the few young ladies dancing on the stage have nothing to do with serious academic papers, it's all good-looking.

Akimoto had nothing to do, so he just rested his chin on his hand and watched the performance with great interest. He didn't even notice when Professor Oak sat next to him.

"Stop watching. It's about to start. Have you prepared your acceptance speech?"

Nelise took out a small manuscript from her bag and waved it in front of Akimoto.

That was her acceptance speech. Since she won the second place, she had to prepare a longer one.

It was just a formality. Even in the Pokémon world, it was impossible to avoid these tedious things.

Nylis didn't think it was too much trouble. After all, it was a leisure period, and doing anything was not a waste of time.

But this question stumped Akimoto.

His smiling face disappeared all of a sudden, and he became stiff. He slowly turned his head and his eyes fell on the manuscript in Nylis's hand.

"Well, acceptance speech?... I didn't prepare it..."

"So? You have three of the top five. You have to go on stage three times, and you can't say the same thing twice."

"Huh? Can't you give out all my awards at once?"

Akimoto laughed bitterly.

What the hell is this?

Who the hell can do this?

"Well...can you do me a favor? Let me see how you wrote it..."

"Sure, you can't memorize it anyway, you'll be the first one to go on stage."

After hearing what Nairis said, Akimoto hurriedly checked the time.

It was already 1:50!

That means, including the time the alliance leader will spend talking, Akimoto still has half an hour to prepare his acceptance speech!

"Why didn't anyone remind me to prepare this thing!!"

"Because everyone knows to do this."

Xiao Mao said this in a very normal tone, which was enough to seriously hurt Akimoto.

Young man!

What a good knife!

Akimoto didn't have time to spit blood, so he quickly scanned Nairis's manuscript several times, and then roughly cooked up a framework in his mind.

As we all know, all acceptance speeches start with thanking various people from all over the world.

Akimoto was so nervous that he even thought of Marx who was far away in heaven.

He is indeed a man who always influences the red boy.

He can emit the light of thought even in a different world.

Just as Akimoto was nervously trying to finish his manuscript in time, a leader had already come on stage to give a speech.

Amidst applause, the leader's last words fell, and then the beautiful host read out the lines.

"Now, please welcome the most outstanding and amazing young researcher in this paper competition! I believe everyone knows his name, right?"

The host kept it a secret and deliberately didn't say Akimoto's name.

At this time, the video of Akimoto captured by the camera was projected on the big screen behind her.

Hundreds of people at the scene saw Akimoto, who lowered his head and kept talking, like a Gengar.

"Is this person Akimoto? He looks a little silly."

"What's going on? Can such a little brat write a paper that wins first place?"

"I don't understand the situation, or does he not understand the situation..."

"It's okay. The credibility of the alliance is still very high. He can win first place at such a young age. I believe that a very great doctor will appear in the near future."

There was a lot of discussion off the court, but the most attention was still on Akimoto's age.

Akimoto did not release his own photo in the doctoral forum. His personal information is kept secret except for his ID, profile picture and address.

This also led to some people who specifically looked at Akimoto's personal information to think that he was a well-qualified researcher who also worked part-time in the breeding house.

But it was really unexpected that the person who wrote such an amazing paper was a teenager who looked like he was only 16 or 17 years old?

It was only when Xiao Mao kept poking Akimoto's shoulder that he realized that he was going to go on stage.

When he looked up, he saw himself on the big screen with a confused face. Akimoto hurriedly lowered his head and grabbed Nylis's manuscript and rushed to the stage.

He didn't even hear Nylis calling him from behind.

In fact, the immaturity of Akimoto's writing can be seen between the lines of his paper.

However, since Akimoto's paper is theoretical, it does not need to elaborate every argument in detail, so everyone guessed that this point was ignored.

Fortunately, Akimoto's seat was in the first row, and the distance to the stage was very short, so the road did not seem so long.

"Hello, I didn't expect that the champion of our essay contest would be such a young handsome guy!"

"Ahem, um, hello, you are also very handsome... No, I mean you are also very good-looking..."

Akimoto has not recovered from his acceptance speech yet, and in response to the host's greeting, he made a top-notch move.

This made those who had doubts about Akimoto's age even more suspicious.

Is this person named Akimoto reliable?

The host was also shocked by Akimoto's unexpected words, and then her years of hosting experience made her quickly come out to smooth things over.

After a lot of talking, the host brought Akimoto back to the scene.

Instead of the foreign sky.

"Then the introduction of Akimoto ends here. I believe everyone still has a lot of questions to ask this talented boy. The next time is for Akimoto!"

The host took the lead in applauding, gave the speaking position to Akimoto, and stepped aside to the side of the stage, smiling at Akimoto.

In fact, he had already prepared to rush out to save the situation at the speed of a 100-meter race the moment Akimoto messed up.

It's really not easy to be a host these days.

If you're not careful, your gender will be wrong.

At this time, Akimoto on the stage was holding Nylis's script, thinking for a while, and decided to just go for it. Whether he lived or died depended on his performance on the spot.

"Hello, leaders and guests... uh cough... that... first of all, I want to thank my parents, the leaders of the alliance, and all the like-minded people on the forum..."

Without further ado, here is a list of names!

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. Although they were used to talking about the length of the time, it was the first time they saw someone as good at talking as Akimoto.

It took three or four minutes just to read the list of thanks.

At the end, he even thanked the staff at the train station and the beautiful flight attendant...

On one side of the leadership seat.

A beautiful woman who was dressed simply but revealed her nobility in the details covered her mouth and said something to the woman in office uniform next to her.

"Hey, Xiaojing, is this the little genius you said who can compare with Mikoli?"

"I didn't expect him to be so good at talking. I guess he wasn't prepared."

Today, Qiao Yijing also came to the alliance to attend the award ceremony on behalf of the Qiaoyi family, but she just came out to witness it, which was nothing.

And the woman next to her was her good friend Wada Caizhi.

Qiao Yijing was born in Carlos, while Wada Caizhi was a native of Kanto.

Her status is no lower than that of Qiao Yijing. She is already a high-ranking inspector general of the alliance, and she manages many prosecutors of the Junsha clan.

The last time they met and chatted, Qiao Yijing complained to Wada Caizhi about the alliance breeding house competition.

Speaking of the latter, it is natural to mention Akimoto, the backer she has high hopes for.

Unfortunately, Akimoto doesn't seem to be very competitive, which makes Qiao Yijing lose face in front of her bestie.

But this can't be blamed on Akimoto. Who told him that he had to prepare a speech for an award ceremony?

In his opinion, it's just like passing the breeder assessment, just take the award and leave.

Who knew it was so fancy.

Fortunately, Akimoto's water time growth method worked, and everyone was not prepared to listen to his nonsense.

At the instruction of a leader, the host lady walked to Akimoto and told him to enter the question-and-answer session later.

This made Akimoto end his awkward and awkward acceptance speech.

Otherwise, he would have thanked even the Queen Mother.

Before Akimoto could catch his breath, the host lady just announced that everyone could ask Akimoto questions, and countless people raised their hands high in the audience.

I think many people saw that Akimoto was so young and thought that he had taken some backdoor and used his backstage connections to write the paper.

He was just not convinced in his heart.

Although Akimoto is not good at dealing with official things like acceptance speeches, don't forget that he is the man known as Qiu Duidui in Chaoxiang Town!

"Hello Akimoto! I want to ask, you won the first place, are you really not guilty at all?"

"Why should I feel guilty? I'm fine. I'm only seventeen years old. You should pay attention to your health. Don't say you feel guilty. With this amount of hair, you should be quite weak, right?"

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