Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 201 Three Pokémon Eggs

When Qiu Yuan said this, the audience burst into laughter. Even Qiao Yijing, who was sitting in the audience, covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing.

The man who asked the question blushed, was so ashamed and angry, and trembled anxiously. He raised his hand and pointed at Qiu Yuan: "How can you say such vulgar words!"

"I will be vulgar to anyone who is vulgar to me. I am kind and generous. Although what you said is very bad, I still kindly remind you to go to the hospital for a check-up as soon as possible."

Qiu Yuan replied nonchalantly.

Like the man who asked the question, there are many people whose brains are stiffened by piles of research all day long, and they often have a more straightforward personality.

It's not a bad thing to have a bad temper. As long as you have achievements, there will always be people who are patient enough to tolerate your bad temper.

But those who are neither high nor low, have not accomplished anything, and have a bad temper.

Then they really deserve to be scolded.

Don't you see that Nairis always has a cold face to people from the same family, but there are still countless people who want to squeeze next to her tirelessly.

Akimoto also had the opportunity to communicate with Nairis because the breath of life force was related to her own situation.

The man who asked the question finally couldn't stand the ridicule of the crowd after being retorted by Akimoto without using a dirty word, and ran away with his head down like a defeated ostrich.

The people who asked questions next became more careful, even if they had some complaints about Akimoto's first place, they were more careful in their words.

There are many people who hate Akimoto, but there are also many people who admire Akimoto, especially when Akimoto's age was exposed.

People with simple hearts and no evil thoughts will only admire and admire Akimoto more after knowing Akimoto's age, instead of maliciously speculating about things that are fictitious.

It can only be said that people are of different levels, from the spiritual point of view.

Akimoto is naturally not a good person. He holds grudges very much, and he can't bear it for a while. He has to take revenge.

Even if he wants to talk for a while, he has to speak freely first.

However, he will not maliciously speculate on others because of a little jealousy. Not to mention what he speculated, even if he really speculated the truth, what effect would it have?

So he never does such a cerebral thing.

Most of the people who spoke later asked questions related to Akimoto's thesis, and of course some people asked who Akimoto learned from.

Akimoto naturally said that he was self-taught. Even if that person couldn't accept this answer, there was nothing he could do.

If you ask, he is a genius. Self-taught people can beat you.

Of course, geniuses are also difficult to deal with.

That is the acceptance speech.

I believe that Akimoto will never think of participating in various ceremonies and activities in the future.

Even if someone helps him write the manuscript of the acceptance speech, he will not go.

After 20 minutes of questioning, Akimoto was finally able to step down as an audience.

In order to show their importance to Akimoto, the organizers of the alliance gave him the opportunity to appear at such a large event and specially arranged a long time.

But it seems that it didn't suit Akimoto's wishes?

Akimoto returned to his seat and was about to drink a sip of water when Nairis stood up and said something to him.

"Have a good rest, it will be you later. By the way, give me back the manuscript."

Akimoto almost spit out a mouthful of water.


It will be him later.

And he will come twice in a row!

Only the authors of the top five papers can have a question-and-answer session, and only questions related to that paper can be asked during the question-and-answer session.

Usually, it is always like this.

It's just that everyone is more interested in Akimoto, this freak who suddenly appeared, so they asked a lot of questions.

Just now, everyone asked about the paper "Argument for the Existence of Elemental Power", and later there will be questions about "Elemental Power Phenotype" and "Hidden Factors of Eevee Evolution".

He turned his head to look at Professor Oak, and Professor Oak just smiled and looked at Akimoto without saying anything.

Okay, I swear I will never attend any award ceremony again.

This time, he was unprepared. Akimoto admitted defeat and quickly took a break to recover his voice. He would have to deal with questions from hundreds of people later.

It is said that Nairis is a frequent guest at the award ceremony of thesis competition. She is much more skilled in dealing with such scenes than Akimoto.

She was not nervous at all. She was graceful and clear in her speech of acceptance, which was much better than Akimoto's procrastination and intermittent speech.

When answering questions, the people in the audience were much more friendly than those who asked Akimoto.

That's right, she is a talented girl who has been famous for a long time. Everyone is almost used to seeing her at every award ceremony of thesis competition.

So naturally, there would be no opinions in their hearts.

And although Nairis doesn't dress up much, and the black-framed glasses also have the meaning of lowering her appearance, her facial features are still very beautiful.

Naturally, everyone is more accepting of Nairis than Akimoto.

So what kind of weird prejudice is this?

Akimoto burst into tears.

He thought that if someone asked the kind of questions that made him uncomfortable later, he must fight back.

In fact, the acceptance speeches and question-and-answer sessions are nothing more than paving the way for "prospective doctors" like Akimoto to become doctors.

After all, to become a real doctor, you must have enough fame.

If a researcher submits a doctoral application to the alliance, and none of his papers have entered the top ten, then he is basically the same as the doctor in Akimoto's research group.

He can only become a more senior researcher.

Receive better pay and do harder things.

But at any rate, the reward was quite generous.

This move by the alliance is undoubtedly an opportunity for the winners to increase their exposure and make some impression on everyone, so that no one even knows their names when they produce any results in the future.

If you look at it from the perspective of starting point, the alliance's initiatives are undoubtedly very successful.

Because there were hundreds of people present, basically all of them were already deeply impressed by Qiu Yuan.

Not to mention that there will be two consecutive awards from Akimoto later.

With the end of Nailisi's elegant and standard etiquette, it meant that Akimoto was about to take the stage again.

Fortunately, I have some experience on stage this time, so I won't be as panicked as I was dozens of minutes ago.

Everyone was too lazy to listen to Qiu Yuan talk about all the Buddhas in the sky again, and Qiu Yuan didn't want to talk about it, so the people on the stage and the people in the audience reached a subtle tacit understanding and defaulted to fast forwarding to the question session.

What's interesting is that most of the people who are interested in the elemental power phenotype are male researchers. When it came to the question and answer session on the paper about Ibrahimovic, the quiet female researchers suddenly became interested.

The same question that was asked repeatedly in different sentences was to ask Akimoto. It is impossible for Ibrahimovic to evolve into other forms besides the known form.

Everyone seems to be very interested in this, but they don't pay much attention to the theory that the essence of elemental power helps Ibrahimovic evolve.

Obviously the most important part of Akimoto's third paper is to condense the power of elements to influence the evolution of Eevee, replacing other unique environments or props.

In Akimoto's conjecture, he also thought that Eevee could be affected by other elements and evolve into a new form of Eevee.

But even though Akimoto uses the power of life to massage the circles almost every day, he still doesn't see any tendency for them to evolve into "Eevee of Life".

So Akimoto guessed that it was a problem with the evolutionary factor in Ibrahimovic.

However, this theory has not even experienced preliminary verification, so Akimoto naturally cannot just say it.

One can only deal with the past vaguely.

After finally dealing with the "enthusiastic" people in the audience, Qiu Yuan finally received his reward.

Obviously the three rewards are given out at the same time, why do you have to let Qiu Yuan come on stage in separate stages?

Qiu Yuan had the idea of ​​making malicious speculations.

But it's just a thought.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Qiu Yuan came to the award ceremony just for this reward.

"Hello, kid, I think your paper is very good. If you have time, you should come to my institute to take a look!"

An old gentleman with a long white beard and meticulously dressed walked up to Qiu Yuan, smiled and patted his shoulder.

But because he was older and a little hunched, he could barely reach Qiu Yuan's shoulders.

Fortunately, even though Qiu Yuan was aware of the other party's intention, he bent slightly to avoid embarrassing the other party.

"Thank you, grandpa, I will go."

"Hey kid, do you know who I am and where I live? How will you come then? Don't talk to me about those big words!"

The old gentleman suddenly changed his expression and said to Qiu Yuan with a straight face.

This almost scared Qiu Yuan, thinking he was really angry.

"Okay, okay, let me introduce you. This is Dr. Denosa, Dr. Buratano's teacher. His research institute is in Baitan City."

After hearing this, Qiu Yuan turned his head and looked at the person next to him, and found that it was Qiu Jing.

"Aunt Jing? Why are you here too? Are you preparing for that..."

"I'm here, why can't I come." Joy Jing said with a smile, and then looked at Dr. Denosa, "Doctor, don't scare him. If you really scare him, why don't you visit me in the future? manage?"

"Ouyou, that's not possible, then you must come to my institute! Let me tell you quietly, if you come, I will give you a big gift!"

Dr. Denosa's temperament looks like that of an old naughty boy with a particularly young mentality.

He said he told Qiu Yuan quietly, but in fact he didn't even put down the microphone, and almost everyone in the audience heard what he said.

For a time, Qiu Yuan gained a lot of hatred.

Although Akimoto, a newcomer in the academic world, did not know Dr. Denosa, everyone here was very familiar with Dr. Denosa.

One of his biggest characteristics is to care for newcomers. Almost every newcomer he invited later became a famous doctor in the alliance.

His disciple, Dr. Bratano, became another representative figure in the Carlos academic world.

These alone can't actually make the people in the audience jealous. At most, they can only be envious for a while.

But the problem is that they are super generous!

Dr. Denosa and Dr. Bratano both study super evolution, and they have countless super evolution stones on hand.

Basically, every new person who is invited to the institute as a guest can receive a key stone and several super evolution stones as "basic research materials."

Look, is this what people say?

The total value of a key stone and several super evolution stones is several million, and this is just "basic" "research material".

He is rich and generous, no wonder so many people in the audience are red-eyed.

But Qiu Yuan just smiled stupidly, not knowing how to be blessed despite being blessed.

What he was thinking was:

Although you are older and more senior, why do I have to go when you ask me to go?

Fortunately, Dr. Denosa had no intention of talking nonsense with Akimoto anymore and asked the etiquette lady nearby to distribute the reward to Akimoto.

Three research funds worth 2 million each, a certificate of qualification for studying at the Alliance Research Institute, and a beautiful white ice Vulpix Pokémon egg.

And Akimoto was more curious about what his reward was.

In addition to the announced rewards, Nellis also received an unannounced reward - a top-quality Moonstone.

It's just that the shape of the Moonstone is slightly flawed, but the quality is also top-quality.

If placed in the appraisal institute of Daigo's family, it is also a precious item of the fourth-level treasure.

Nellis, the second place, has such a generous hidden reward, and Akimoto is even more looking forward to what his reward will be.

The facts did not disappoint him.

Akimoto's fourth place reward is a Pokémon egg that is almost a doll, and the hidden reward is a first-level treasure Leaf Stone.

Although the quality is not as good as Nellis's Moonstone, what Akimoto is most satisfied with is its type.

Originally, Akimoto planned to take Circle to the plain forest to find the mysterious moss stone evolution, but now with the Leaf Stone, it is naturally what he wants.

Even if you are not in the Alola and Galar regions, you can use the Leaf Stone to evolve Eevee into Leafeon. Akimoto has confirmed this.

It's just that there was no news about the Leaf Stone at that time, and some of them were of poor quality.

The reward for the third place is a Pokémon egg of the Wall Doll, and the hidden reward is a level 1 treasure Fire Stone.

Akimoto was already very satisfied.

It was not until the fifth place person received the reward that Akimoto discovered it.

Except for the reward for the first place, the physical rewards for the top five are all auxiliary Pokémon eggs.

Nelis's Love Butler, Akimoto's Almost Doll and Wall Doll, and the fifth place Baby Ding.

This reward is considered a happy one for everyone.

Of course, people after the fifth place will not get Pokémon egg rewards.

Akimoto is naturally satisfied. Originally, he only planned to take away the Alola Ice Vulpix Pokémon egg, but he didn't expect to get the Pokémon eggs of Almost Doll and Wall Doll in the end.

One is the pink angel that Akimoto has always been thinking about.

One is the Ultimate Housekeeping Pokémon Magic Wall Doll.

Both are very much to Akimoto's liking.

What happened next had nothing to do with Akimoto, but Dr. Denosa called Akimoto over again.

Akimoto also met Dr. Blatano, who was middle-aged but still looked like a handsome young man.

To be honest, Akimoto also wanted to grow a sexy and coquettish stubble.

But it didn't seem to match his face, and there was always a weird sense of funny.

After being laughed at by Serena once, Akimoto didn't want to grow a beard.

Dr. Denosa was always surrounded by a group of big guys and a group of new researchers who were eager to get his advice.

Akimoto didn't feel anything about this, so he didn't act as purposeful as they did.

People always feel disgusted with things that appear frequently, and feel happy with things that are different from them.

So this is why big guys always like new people who are a little more reserved.

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