Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 205 Please subscribe

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Akimoto rode on the goat and rushed to the coyote dog that had turned into a stupid dog and stayed in place without hesitation.

Then the long horns of the goat with beautiful arcs hit the weak body of the coyote dog and pushed it far away.

It always disappears directly.

The two children hiding behind the stone were stunned.

I don’t know whether to say that they are careless or what. After seeing Akimoto beat the coyote dog away, they came out from behind the stone and ran to Akimoto excitedly.

The dark-skinned boy couldn’t wait to ask: "Big brother, are you here to save us?"

Then he was slapped on the head mercilessly by Akimoto.

"Help, help, help me!" Akimoto said angrily, "Because you two are running around, I haven't digested the food I just ate."

The little boy was slapped on the head by Akimoto, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he touched his head and smiled foolishly.

Akimoto found them anyway, so he launched the fireworks rocket first.

After Akimoto sent the signal, he waited for Professor Oak and his Pokémon to come.

Of course, Akimoto also treated the Charmander.

As for what he used to treat it.

It was the small medicine bottle he took out of his trouser pocket and the fruit that Akimoto "randomly" picked.

Although he didn't bring the backpack out, the things were in the system warehouse. As long as he covered it up a little and took it out, the two children wouldn't suspect it.

It was easy to deal with a simple injury like Charmander, and Akimoto didn't spend much time to treat Charmander.

It just ran out of energy to protect the two children.

The only real injuries were scratches from the coyote dogs. Fortunately, it was not bitten.

It may be that the coyote dogs are afraid of Charmander's flames, so they dare not get too close to their vital parts.

Although this Charmander is not high-level, the coyote dogs are also low-level.

If the head is burned by the Charmander's flames, it will also cause serious injuries.

After everyone got together, they immediately set off to return to the institute.

The two children sat on the back of the mount goat, and the boy held the exhausted Charmander.

Being chased by several coyote dogs, they themselves did not have much physical strength, so Akimoto kindly let them sit on the back of the mount goat and walk by themselves.

Don't say Akimoto has no love!

This is simply a model pioneer of loving children.

Ahem, as for respecting the elderly.

Except for Grandma Sano, Akimoto has never met a serious old man.

None of them are serious.

On the way, Akimoto asked the two children what their names were.

It was learned that the boy was Xiaorong and the girl was Yaoxiang.

When talking about why they fell behind, Akimoto and Professor Oak wanted to know.

As a result, Xiao Rong blushed when he heard Akimoto ask this.

In the night, this dark-skinned boy.


The effect is comparable to Gengar's blushing.

The last time Gengar blushed, it was in the daytime at the starting point, which surprised Akimoto.

I didn't expect that Xiao Rong would accidentally replicate it now.

Interesting, interesting.

In the end, it was Haruka who said it. If Xiao Rong had the courage to tell the whole story, the autumn camp would probably be over.

She is usually bold, but she is timid at this moment.

Although Haruka is willing to talk, her face is slightly hot.

Fortunately, Akimoto did not shine the flashlight on her as if jokingly interrogating her.

Although he did shine it on Xiao Rong just now.

Double standards.

Famous double standards.

Otherwise, why is it said that Professor Oak's autumn camp has an invisible matchmaker effect.

It turns out that these two kids are a couple at such a young age.

Before they came to the autumn camp, they didn't know each other.

Just after the autumn camp started, they became boyfriend and girlfriend in just 20 days.

When Akimoto learned the news, his face was also very interesting.

Of course, he would not point a flashlight at his face that looked like he had chewed poop.

The reason why they fell behind was that Xiaorong got lost in the forest and was chased by a coyote dog in order to show off to Haruka.

Haruka is very smart and has always ranked in the top three in the performance scoring of the autumn camp.

But Xiaorong could never squeeze in.

Professor Oak has developed a scoring system for the children participating in the autumn camp, scoring according to actual operations, daily performance, knowledge mastery and other aspects.

Until the end of the autumn camp, the top three children will have a chance to choose the three starters.

Of course, they have to be ten years old.

Xiaorong is a very biased child, or in fact, he is not biased, but he just can't calm down to learn the theoretical knowledge of Pokémon.

Xiao Rong couldn't accept sitting for half a day listening to Professor Oak's lecture on the blackboard.

His favorite autumn camp activities were still going on field adventures and on-site explanations.

In several exams where he had close contact with Pokémon, Xiao Rong, who usually didn't listen to the lectures, always did his best.

Although he was basically ranked last in the written test.

This only affected the final ranking, and did not affect his future as an excellent trainer.

The reason why Professor Oak made a score ranking is just for parents to see.

He actually doesn't care about these things, so he never treats Xiaorong, who behaves very differently, equally and pays great attention to him.

Xiaorong often slips away under the pretext of going to the toilet when Professor Oak is giving a lecture, because the classes are all in Professor Oak's institute, so no one cares about him.

It was during these times that he met a wild Charmander across the fence in the yard of Professor Oak's institute.

Speaking of which, it seems that people with pure personalities are more likely to gain the favor of Pokémon.

When Xiaorong first met Charmander, he only used a piece of candy in his pocket to establish friendship with Charmander.

After that, he often skipped classes and sneaked out to play with Charmander.

This field practice activity is a good opportunity for him to play happily with Charmander.

So when he was in class the day before, he told Charmander across the fence to wait for him in the forest.

It was under this circumstance that Xiaorong, who was often scolded by Haruka for not listening to the class, specially called Haruka to go to the forest to find Charmander.

Just to show off in front of her and gain some face.

But because the meeting place agreed by Xiaorong and Charmander was only a vague approximate range, Xiaorong was not even sure whether Charmander understood it or not.

So when they met the Coyote Dog halfway, they had not found Charmander.

It was only because of the noise they made when they ran away that Charmander, who was also looking for Xiaorong, was able to meet them.

As soon as they met, they had to face three ferocious Coyote Dogs.

Until they fled to the place where Akimoto found them, Charmander, who had no way to retreat, decided to fight the Coyote Dogs head-on to protect Xiaorong.

Even relying on its reaction and physical ability, it almost succeeded in fighting three people alone.

Akimoto knew that this Charmander was only level nine, and the three Coyote Dogs were all around level twelve.

Levels cannot represent everything, but they are also basically accurate reference data.

To be able to cause such a situation, it is conceivable that Charmander, whose apparent qualification is only green, has a strong talent in reaction ability.

Because Akimoto saw that its injuries were basically just a few scratches, and losing its fighting ability was just a physical overdraft.

Charmander should have avoided all the attacks that could be avoided.

This is also what Akimoto values ​​most about it.

It’s a pity that it has established a friendship with Xiaorong, and Akimoto doesn’t want to be a villain for a Charmander.

If it’s Mewtwo or Mew, it can be considered.

Speaking of which, Haruka can trust Xiaorong so much, and follow Xiaorong to the forest without asking any reason.

Is this the power of love, or is it simply a lack of mind?

Akimoto’s strange brain circuit once again led him to some strange place.


Can’t think, can’t think, they are just children, and it’s too far to think about these.

However, after Haruka’s narration and the content added by Xiaorong and Professor Oak later, Akimoto found that this boy named Xiaorong.

He has great potential!

When Qiu Yuan saw Xiao Rong for the first time, he felt a certain affinity.

It was a bit similar to what the origin of life brought, but it was different in essence.

Xiao Rong was able to quickly establish friendship with Charmander, which was inseparable from his unique aura.

Qiu Yuan did not understand this aura.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that Xiao Rong's heart is very pure and straightforward, without messy thoughts, full of love for nature and Pokémon.

That's why he exudes this invisible aura.

People like this are the most suitable to become trainers.

After this incident, Qiu Yuan's biggest idea is-

Give Professor Oak a case instant noodles again!

Build a good relationship with Professor Oak, and it will be much easier for your friends' children to participate in camp activities in the future.

The quota has to be grabbed, and it would be much more convenient if a back door could be opened.

There are many benefits to putting this child in Professor Oak's camp activities.

Not only can he get familiar with Professor Oak, but he can also help his children find the object of his affection.

The most important thing is that Qiu Yuan took a casual look inside.

They are all trainer material!

I don't know how Professor Oak trained them, but judging from their descriptions, there are still many people whose talents are not much different from Haruka and Xiaorong.

Monster Camp?

There is something.

From this point of view, Professor Oak is not only good at research, but even if he opens a special trainer training institution, he can make a lot of money.

If he runs a Pokémon school, other schools will be in danger.

But why does Serena seem so...

stupid in comparison?

They are obviously playing love games in the camp activities, and Serena, who is even in a secret love state, is not as good as Haruka.

Akimoto thought it would be better to throw Serena in and retrain her.

On the way, he met Xiao Mao who was anxiously wandering around the town. After calling him back to the institute, Akimoto prepared to go back to Hanako's house.

Watch TV and blow the wind, then take a shower and go to bed.

But can Professor Oak make him get what he wants?

It just so happened that today, due to the matter of Xiaorong and Haruka, the lessons were not finished yet.

The last part left was to let the children command the Pokémon in the research institute to fight each other. Professor Oak did not hesitate to use Akimoto, the free laborer.

"Hey, Doctor, didn't you invite me to come as a guest? How come I'm here to work?"

Akimoto held his forehead helplessly.

"What does it matter? Hahaha, practice your abilities. You have a breeding house, and the nature is similar."

Dr. Oak laughed, not thinking that there was anything wrong with him ordering Akimoto around.

After he told Akimoto what he was going to do, he went straight to his own place in the backyard to take a shower.

By the way, he made a bowl of spicy beef noodles.

After running in the forest for so long, Dr. Oak was exhausted.

He didn't have a goat to ride, and he was afraid that Xiaorong and Haruka would get into trouble, so he didn't dare to stop and rest for a moment.

Holding the teaching plan in his hand, Akimoto frowned and squinted his eyes to read it carefully again and again.


It's very interesting.

This requires these little brats to be proficient in commanding simple battles, and the Pokémon cannot be seriously injured.

Ah, this...

There are so many requirements!

Akimoto said that he was also sweating a lot and wanted to take a shower.

So he looked at Xiaomao.

Xiaomao quickly turned his head away, but after hearing Akimoto calling his name...

He still honestly challenged this difficult task with Akimoto.

There was no way, the situation was stronger than people.

In order to pass his doctoral thesis, he risked his life to accompany the gentleman.

Akimoto took the personnel list and called out the names one by one, while Xiaomao took the Pokémon Balls selected by Professor Oak for the battle and distributed them to the group of little brats.

Many of them were captured by Xiaomao before.

At that time, Xiaomao was completely for the sake of catching. Basically, he caught every Pokémon that could be caught, but he never used them afterwards.

Over time, they simply became ordinary Pokémon used for battle in Professor Oak's camp activities.

Because they are basically in their initial form, they don't need to be trained in the backyard of Professor Oak's research institute.

Their strength is basically ordinary.

Even very poor.

So it can be used for battles with these little brats who are not trainers yet.

Otherwise, they can only eat and drink for free in the institute.

Fortunately, the food expenses of all Pokémon in Professor Oak's institute can be reimbursed.

Akimoto also wants to have the opportunity to reimburse food expenses!

If the Pokémon in the breeding house also have food reimbursement expenses, Akimoto will immediately run to the mine to live for a few days and nights.

The kind that will not stop until he catches more than a dozen Kokodoras.

Even Dragon-attributed Pokémon, Akimoto can think of a dozen.

There is no way, the reason why I don't raise so many gluttons is that I don't have money to supply food.

At present, the Pokémon in the breeding house don't eat a lot, and the cost is not much.

But if you really want to raise a group of Kokodoras...

Akimoto can go bankrupt by feeding them for a week.

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