Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 206 Can water spray out of your head?

"Uh... everyone, please find a seat and sit down. Registration will start soon. Those who have registered their names will go to Xiaomao to receive their Pokémon."

Akimoto is not good at dealing with little brats, especially those who are eight or nine years old.

They are not as ignorant as younger children, and will not obey without thinking. They are more naughty and difficult to discipline.

It is really troublesome to get along with human children.

Pokémon are much cuter.

Like now, it is very troublesome to drive the group of children who are chasing Pokémon around in the yard together.

Especially since Professor Oak is not here, Akimoto and Xiaomao alone can't control them at all.

Fortunately, Xiaorong appeared at this time.

Although Xiaorong's grades are not ranked high, his ability to be familiar with Pokémon without attending classes has won the admiration of many friends.

He is the king of the children participating in the autumn camp.

And this time he actually brought back a Charmander, which attracted the envy of many friends.

Charmander is a very rare Pokémon, which has the maximum appeal to boys!

However, for Akimoto, Charmander is also very attractive, but it is not as attractive as the cute pink things.

The most important thing is that Professor Oak can only choose one from the six starter Pokémon as a reward for the top three children in the autumn camp.

The six starter Pokémon are the starter Pokémon of Kanto and Unova, and Charmander is the most attractive to these boys.

Although Squirtle and Bulbasaur are also very powerful, after they evolve...

Why do they feel ugly?

For girls, Viper and Otter are very good Pokémon.

Of course, this also requires the opportunity to get rewards.

Although everyone envied Xiaorong for getting along well with Pokémon even though he didn't listen to the class, they would feel a little more balanced when they thought that he would definitely not get any rewards because his grades were so bad.

As a result, he came up with this and told you that he didn't care about it, but he already had it? !

So the group of little brats regarded Xiaorong as the boss.

Most of the Pokémon that Professor Oak prepared for these children were Pokémon that Xiao Mao had never used before.

For example, weak Pokémon such as Pidgeot, Walker, and Rattata.

Xiao Rong was allowed to play Charmander by Professor Oak before he left.

After treatment and rest, Charmander has almost recovered its strength.

Akimoto thinks that the reason why Professor Oak asked them to command Pokémon to fight is to let them get familiar with the feeling of fighting in advance.

It is mainly to prevent them from not knowing how to command the battle correctly after becoming trainers in the future.

This leads to various accidents caused by improper command of their initial Pokémon.

Many new trainers are full of expectations and confidence when they first start, but usually the first battle ends in failure.

The reason is that they have not practiced much and have no experience in fighting against wild Pokémon.

Or they find that wild Pokémon don’t fight with your Pokémon at all, and they rush up to beat the trainer directly.

Or they just can't keep up with the pace of the Pokémon battle, and they are so flustered that they don't even know how to command in the end.

These are all very common mistakes.

The solution is nothing more than strengthening the psychological quality of the trainer and making up for it with more battle training.

But the difference between the sparring-style battles between trainers and the battles in the wild is actually very large, so in the later stage of their training, Professor Oak will personally take them to the wild to fight Pokémon.

In fact, it is almost the same as Akimoto teaching Serena, but Professor Oak is more patient.

Yes, if you have to take care of so many naughty little brats, you really can't be competent without patience.

Akimoto is the referee, and Xiao Mao is responsible for the rescue work to prevent any accidents during the battle.

The first battle made Akimoto look at these "little genius" trainers with new eyes.

Another new look.

It's really eye-catching, and you have to look at them with new eyes.

It's one thing to listen to Xiao Rong and Professor Oak, and it's another thing to actually watch them fight in person.

Before leaving, Professor Oak told Akimoto not to worry too much about them, because the Pokémon assigned to them were all Pokémon that they usually got along well with.

At least there was a little tacit understanding.

Akimoto really believed it.

What was the result?

The two little boys in the first battle, one named Xinyuan and the other named Changjie Yong, commanded the walking grass and the small rock respectively.

Akimoto looked at them all, and those two Pokémon were at the most basic level of strength, and most of them only knew two or three skills.

One was collision, slapping, etc.

In fact, it was not a skill, just the simplest use of strength.

Instinctively concentrate the strength in your body on a certain part, and then use that part to attack the enemy.

The power is just so-so, and it is still very useful against weak Pokémon of the same strength level.

The second and third are the most basic skills composed of the power of various elements, such as sparks, water guns, vine whips, etc.

But what Akimoto didn't expect the most was that when they were commanding, they actually used the wrong skills?

Two Pokémon were fighting face to face, and the boy named Xinyuan actually asked Zou Zou Cao to use Sweet Fragrance?

You should know that skills like this usually involve a process of guiding the elemental force.

The lower the strength and the lower the skill proficiency of the Pokémon, the slower the guiding speed.

Correspondingly, the longer the opponent's reaction time is.

So the walking grass, which originally had a slight advantage in attributes, directly received the interrupt command and knocked it away with a single blow.

But the situation reversed again, and something unexpected happened to Akimoto again.

Originally, Akimoto thought that he could seize the opportunity to interrupt the opponent's skills, and the boy named Changjie Yong was quite smart.

In the end, he didn't know to make a last hit?

Akimoto clearly saw that the little Geodude could use the skill of falling rocks.

The skill of falling rocks sounds good, but its power is just average, the most basic.

The rock-type Pokémon uses the most basic elemental force to attach to small stones, and then throws them out, which can add some damage.

Although this kind of damage will be weakened by the attributes even if it is physical, the real attack will have a certain amount of damage.

In the end, he just didn't make a last hit?

Akimoto was dumbfounded.


How did Professor Oak teach?

Akimoto couldn't help but interrupt their battle and teach these two idiots a lesson.

But interrupting the battle in the middle is very rude, and Akimoto has to respect the two "trainers".

Resisting the urge, Akimoto didn't interrupt them and let them continue to fight.

The torturous battle was really uncomfortable.

In comparison, the battle of the king level that Akimoto saw for the first time was much more comfortable. The connection of skills and the conception of each step were very pleasing to the eye.

The most important thing is that the dragon king Dorasena is very beautiful!

Of course, the king is the king, and the brat is the brat.

You can't expect too much, right?

Isn't this embarrassing the kid?

Adjusted his mentality and let himself not get too involved in the battle, just watch TV.

Now Akimoto is much better.

At least there is no idea of ​​kicking the two brats away and then commanding the two Pokémon to fight each other.

It's theoretically feasible.

The subsequent battles were still very funny. Akimoto found that when he changed his mindset and watched their games again, he not only did not have the idea of ​​beating them up, but he could not help laughing anyway.

After watching three or four groups of battles in a row, Akimoto felt that they had contracted his laughter for a month.

In particular, there were several people who did not understand the Pokémon they were using at all, and commanded the Pokémon to use skills that they did not know at all.

To be honest, it was outrageous.

And the funniest thing was that a boy named Hiroko actually commanded the bell sprout to use a water gun? ? ?

Akimoto almost spit out the orange in his mouth, but fortunately he quickly closed his mouth to prevent it from spitting it out, but he almost choked to death when he forced it to swallow.

What a good guy.

There are also examples of grass-type Pokémon using water-type skills, and there are even fire-type Pokémon that can use the water-type skill "hot water".

But isn't it too outrageous to let a bell sprout use a water gun?

Do you think the head of the bell sprout is a faucet that can spray water?

Theoretically, the trumpet sprout can actually learn the skill of water gun.

Right, its head does look a bit like a faucet.

And the grass-type Pokémon's affinity for water elemental power is not bad.

But the problem is, this is a level 9 trumpet sprout!

What is he thinking!

To reach that level, he must have evolved, right?

Akimoto was madly complaining about these little brats in his heart, and he was happy alone.

Although Xiao Mao also felt that their battle was eye-catching, he didn't get so many points.

It can only be said that Akimoto's inner drama is too rich.

It's hard to wait for this autumn camp, and Haruka, who was in the top three, will play.

Akimoto is still looking forward to the performance of this little girl. After all, she is in the top three, and it won't be found out.

In addition to solid basic knowledge, she should also have some experience in actual combat.

At least she won't make mistakes in the Force skill.

Akimoto doesn't want to laugh anymore, because his stomach hurts a little from laughing.

Fortunately, Haruka did not disappoint Akimoto. Although her command was a little weak, she had already had preliminary combat operations.

To judge whether a trainer is strong and successful, in addition to looking at the strength of his Pokémon, it is also necessary to look at his command ability.

The two most basic abilities of a trainer are training and command.

The ability to train is shown by the strength of Pokémon, while command is judged by the battle process.

The most basic pursuit of command is to make Pokémon obey the trainer's orders and release skills correctly.

This is the most basic and the lowest requirement for new trainers.

Otherwise, your Pokémon will not understand what you are talking about at all, and will not even know what skills to use and where to use them.

What kind of trainer is that?

It is much better to go home and farm.

The second is to pursue victory in battle, command Pokémon to defeat opponents and win.

This is the first step for a trainer to gradually become stronger.

But to judge whether a trainer's command ability is strong, in addition to whether he can command Pokémon to win the battle, it also depends on how he commands.

The most obvious way to judge is to see how much the Pokémon commanded by the trainer consumes in a battle of equal strength.

Including the consumption of physical strength and the severity of injuries.

The third point is usually just introduced to elite trainers. If you want to achieve this in most battles, you have to be a higher-level trainer.

And Akimoto actually saw the prototype of this in an eight-year-old girl, which is rare.

Haruka is commanding a Starfish, while her opponent is commanding a Walking Grass.

In terms of attributes, Haruka is at a big disadvantage, because the fighting method of Pokémon like Starfish is basically long-range special attacks.

Although its body is also relatively hard, if the gem on its chest is hit, it will be life-threatening.

Although the body is hard, the gem on the chest is very fragile.

This also means that Starfish and Gem Starfish will not attack at close range.

Unless there is absolute certainty, or the opponent has been controlled by superpowers.

But now this Starfish cannot use superpowers because it is too weak.

Haruka is very smart to let Starfish fight in a roundabout way. Even if the water gun skill does not cause much damage to Walking Grass, the substantial water flow impact will always consume some of the opponent's physical strength.

The boy who was fighting against her seemed a little anxious. Seeing that his side had an advantage in attributes, he was eager to defeat Haruka to show his strength.

Often, in a battle between trainers, the balance of victory begins to tilt when one side changes its mentality.

Haruka commanded Starfish to fight and retreat. Although fighting on land is more restrictive for Starfish, it can be seen that Haruka and Starfish have experienced a lot of tacit training.

Jumping on land to avoid the attack of the walking grass, and even avoiding a hidden dissolving liquid of the opponent.

Finally, when seeing that the physical strength of the walking grass was gradually exhausted, Haruka seized the opportunity and commanded Starfish to use hardening and collision to knock the walking grass unconscious.

This can only be regarded as the most basic tactics, and many people know it.

But there are very few new trainers who can use it skillfully in battle, because this requires appropriate changes in tactics according to actual conditions.

Haruka can do this at the age of eight, which is much better than Xiaozhi who started on the road at the age of ten.

Speaking of which, even dumber than Xiaozhi...



Akimoto recalled that when he saw a low-level serpentine bear in the forest, he asked Serena to command Squirtle to try to fight.

As a result, she always thought about those high-end fighting methods, and her fantasy was greater than reality, so Squirtle was defeated by the opponent before releasing any skills.

I don’t know what Serena learned during the one month in Professor Oak’s summer camp.

Akimoto guessed that Saqi just asked Serena to attend a summer camp to relax and treat it as a trip or something?

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