Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 207 Xiaorong's mental breakdown

As a result, the effect of the tour was achieved, and it also played a role in promoting the learning of Pokémon knowledge.

But who brought this effect...

Saki didn't know.

But Akimoto knew it very well.

After waiting for Professor Oak to come back, Akimoto quickly threw away the board and ran to the side to rest.

The juice just made was not cold anymore.

There is such a kind of people in the world. No matter what the weather is, whether it is scorching sun or ice and snow, they have to drink any drink cold.

Akimoto is such a person.

It happened that when Professor Oak came, it was Xiaorong's turn to practice the battle. It was also time for Akimoto and others to see the tacit understanding between Xiaorong and Charmander.

The girl who fought against Xiaorong was a very cute girl with a red face, like a porcelain doll.

But no one can ignore her fighting ability just because she looks so cute.

This fighting ability means that she is very capable as a trainer, and similarly, her fighting ability in the literal sense is also very strong.

Xiao Rong was beaten up by this cute girl who looked like a porcelain doll because he mistakenly entered the girls' dormitory of the autumn camp.

His face was bruised.

If he hadn't been rescued by Haruka who arrived in time, it's not certain whether Xiao Rong would still exist.

In fact, for every child who enters the autumn camp, Professor Oak will make assignments for them on the first day based on their harmony with the Pokémon in the institute.

In the next few dozen days in the autumn camp, they will spend a lot of time with their favorite Pokémon and cultivate their tacit understanding.

Like Xiao Rong, in addition to the Charmander he met, he also got along well with a Colored Butterfly.

This Colored Butterfly was discovered by Xiao Mao accidentally once. It happened that he had not been to Kalos at that time, so he captured the Colored Butterfly.

But he never used it afterwards.

Xiao Rong originally regarded the Colored Butterfly as his autumn camp partner, but after meeting Charmander, he spent more time on Charmander.

But he didn't just ignore the Colorful Butterfly. Xiao Rong did much better than Xiao Mao in this regard.

He would bring the Colorful Butterfly to play and train with Charmander, taking care of its mood.

The girl who fought against him was named Siqi, from Kalos.

Her partner was a two-month-old Caracara, which was three levels higher than Charmander in terms of level, and had reached level 12.

Its strength level just reached the relatively powerful skill in the early stage of learning - Headbutt.

In this case, Charmander was in a very dangerous situation.

Akimoto had just finished reading Caracara's information when the battle began.

Siqi's command style was quite different from her appearance. At the beginning, she let Caracara rush straight towards Charmander, which seemed to have no plan.

Recklessness is the best plan.

But in fact, as long as you think about it a little, you can understand that Caracara's biggest advantage against Charmander is that it has the opportunity to withstand Charmander's spark attack.

You should know that although the fire elemental force attack will not reduce the damage caused to ground-type Pokémon, it cannot achieve the effect of instantaneous explosion in reality.

The power of fire-type moves cannot be shown in a short period of time, which gives ground-type Pokémon a chance to resist.

As long as Caracara gets close, Charmander cannot release sparks, which is equivalent to wasting a powerful skill in the early stage.

Because once Charmander releases sparks, it will definitely take a certain amount of time to charge up according to its strength level.

Although Caracara's reaction ability cannot avoid the sparks released at close range, it can completely withstand this attack and give a fatal blow before Charmander returns.

Both are young Pokémon, and their bodies are very fragile, but Caracara's defense is much stronger than Charmander in the early stage.

Why did the three coyote dogs not dare to bite Charmander with their teeth when fighting Charmander? The reason is that they are afraid of being attacked on the head by Charmander's sparks.

But it has no effect on Caracara.

If Charmander attacks its body, it can also resist it.

It would be even better if Charmander attacked its head.

Caracalla's skull helmet can help it resist some damage. Fire damage is usually caused by high temperature, but the skull helmet can provide an effect of isolating temperature.

Although it cannot be 100% isolated, the heat after transmission is not enough to cause damage to Caracalla.

After so much, it seems that Caracalla just obeyed Siqi's command and rushed towards Charmander very recklessly.

But there are many details to consider.

However, those naive little brats, although they usually behave very smart, can be seen from here the gap between them and the children with the top scores of Professor Oak.

Akimoto only saw the thoughtful look on the faces of a few children, and the rest of the children looked as if it was natural, as if rushing was Siqi's usual style.

Xiao Mao and Professor Oak also saw this, so they looked forward to how Xiao Rong would respond.

The battle venue was not large, only the size of a basketball court. Even if Charmander avoided the battle, it would eventually be caught up by Caracalla.

Xiao Rong didn't seem to want to avoid the fight, and neither did Charmander. Both the man and the Pokémon looked very serious and determined, full of fighting spirit.

Since they couldn't avoid it, why not fight head-on?

Even if the attribute is restrained, with similar strength levels, Caracara can't learn powerful ground skills.

The only mud throw is not very powerful.

Close-range combat will not give Caracara the opportunity to use mud throw.

Xiaorong knows the idea of ​​Siqi, the cute violent girl, and wants to use Caracara's advantage in early defense to fight Charmander in close combat.

But in terms of reaction speed, his Charmander is not inferior to any Pokémon present.

Gengar is not present.

Even if the damage caused by the attack is low, as long as Charmander can dodge Caracara's attack, it can directly consume the opponent to lose combat ability.

When the two Pokémon fought head-on, Charmander did not disappoint Xiaorong.

Caracara had already hidden a head hammer according to Siqi's obscure instructions and waited for the opportunity to launch it, but Charmander, who was found to be in a wrong situation, dodged it.

Then Charmander used all his strength to hit Caracara's head directly.

The hardest part of Caracara's body is its head, which can withstand many physical attacks because of the protection of the skull helmet.

Siqi saw that Caracara had no time to dodge Charmander's attack, so she quickly asked Caracara to use his head to withstand the attack.

There were still some problems in the cooperation between Charmander and Xiaorong.

Xiaorong's original idea was to let Charmander attack as a bluff, because he guessed that the opponent would definitely use his head to take the attack.

As long as Siqi's order was as Xiaorong guessed, he could let Charmander take this opportunity to attack Caracara's back neck.

But Charmander mistakenly thought that Xiaorong asked it to attack with all its strength, resulting in no strength to control its body after the attack was blocked.

In this situation, Caracara, according to Siqi's daily training, gave Charmander a heavy blow to his abdomen.

Although the bone stick in its hand was not a prop of the Caracara family, it was just a harder bone stick bought by Siqi for it.

But hitting Charmander's fragile and soft abdomen can also cause great damage.

At least after this blow, Charmander couldn't stand up.

This battle ended very quickly, so quickly that Xiaorong was not ready to accept this result.

He was stunned for a while before he came to his senses, and hurried to Charmander's side, picked it up, and asked Professor Oak for help in treatment.

The fighting style of the two little guys was really fierce. Even Akimoto couldn't imagine that the two of them would let the Pokémon attack with all their strength when fighting.

After this stick, even Akimoto felt a dull pain in his abdomen.

During the period when Charmander was receiving treatment, Xiaorong was still a little dazed.

In the first battle with Charmander, he lost to the little witch Siqi so cleanly, which made Xiaorong a little unacceptable.

Seeing him like that, Akimoto moved the stool next to him, sat down, and turned Xiaorong's head towards himself.

"Hey, little brat, what are you thinking about? You're in a trance."

Xiaorong was stunned, just looking at Akimoto, and didn't say anything.

"Not answering is very impolite." Akimoto knocked on his head, but Xiaorong lowered his head again as soon as he let go.

Akimoto smiled and dunked Xiaorong's head again like a basketball, and put his hand on his head, forcing him to look at himself.

"Are you unwilling to lose?"

"Yeah... Yeah..."

Xiaorong whimpered with his mouth open, and then nodded.

However, because his head was held by Akimoto, it became an unsuccessful nod.

"It's normal to be unwilling to lose. As for you, if you are like this, if you break up, will you be ruined?"

"I, I won't break up."

Xiaorong seemed to ignore Akimoto's meaning and stabbed Akimoto in the back.

It stabbed Akimoto to the point of chilling his heart.

Good guy, you won't break up?

Is it confidence in Haruka or confidence in yourself?

A word floated through Akimoto's mind.

I came to enlighten you, but why was I fed a mouthful of dog food in the back?

This is not what Qiu Yuan wants.

"Ahem, what I mean is, look at it more openly. For example... instead of being in a daze here, why don't you think about where you lost?"

Being in a daze and not knowing what to do after failure is a sign of weakness.

If you want to be a strong person, you have to emulate the qualities of the strong.

You can withstand failure, and after failure, you don't blame others or feel lost, but think seriously about the reasons for failure and find mistakes from yourself.

The most important thing is not to always look for the reasons for failure from others.

This is the quality of a strong person, or a person who can become a strong person.

Fortunately, Xiaorong can still be saved.

After hearing Qiu Yuan's words, he quickly reacted, his eyes changed from being blank to thinking, and his brows wrinkled.

Qiu Yuan looked at his serious look and smiled to himself.

I didn't expect that there would be a day when I could enlighten others and tell them the truth.

It feels pretty good.

When Qiu Yuan finished drinking the juice, Xiaorong was still in deep thought.

"How is it, have you thought it through? Tell me if you have?"

"I... I was too impatient. I didn't judge Charmander's comprehension ability accurately and gave the wrong command."

"Well, is there anything else?"

Akimoto nodded, showing some approval.

Not stupid.

Maybe it was just because he lost the first time he took Charmander to battle, and he couldn't accept it and couldn't recover.

Under Akimoto's casual guidance, he quickly found the reason for the failure.

It was indeed as Xiaorong said, he misjudged the comprehension ability of Charmander.

No matter how high a trainer's command ability is, it is useless if the Pokémon's comprehension ability is not enough.

As for the current Charmander, its mind is not very mature. Although it has a fast reaction speed, its comprehension ability is not enough.

It can't fully understand Xiaorong's instructions, so it mistakenly used its full strength.

This is not a problem with Charmander, it is simply a problem with Xiaorong.

Xiaorong's command is indeed very suitable for the situation at the time, but it is also the most unrealistic.

If it is a Charmeleon, then Xiaorong's command will be very successful.

As a trainer, you must be very clear about the comprehension ability of your Pokémon, so as to formulate different command plans for each of your Pokémon.

If it is a Pokémon with excellent thinking ability, like Gardevoir, some complex and difficult commands are no problem.

But for Charmander, it is better to be as concise and straightforward as possible.

After understanding this point, Xiaorong felt much better, at least he would not be trapped in the negative emotions brought by failure.

However, Qiu Yuan asked again, "Are there any more?" Xiaorong frowned again.

Is there anything else he hasn't found?

No, right?

But if there is nothing, this brother wouldn't say this, right?

So there is still something?

Qiu Yuan watched Xiaorong's brows frowning and relaxing, frowning and relaxing, and found it quite funny.

How come the little guy has more inner drama than me.

Then Qiu Yuan patted Xiaorong's head, got up and moved the stool, and went to watch the funny battles of other little brats.

After Xiaorong thought of a lot of messes and found almost all the mistakes he could think of, he found that Qiu Yuan was gone.

And in his hand, there was an empty paper cup that had been filled with juice...

When did this paper cup come to his hand?

And you said you would listen to my analysis of the reasons for failure, where is he? ? ?

Xiaorong was stunned by Qiu Yuanxiu.

Did he analyze it in vain just now?

Qiu Yuan didn't know that because of his casual words, Xiaorong almost found faults and finally doubted whether he was suitable to be a trainer.


Sin, sin, accidentally almost ruined a future little king.

And he also put the empty paper cup into Xiaorong's hand.

Qiu Yuan sat on the chair and looked at the stars in the night sky.

Very comfortable.

Then he thought of Xiaorong.

"This child is still in a daze, so serious. I stuffed the paper cup into his hand without feeling it. He is really a very good child."

"What are you talking about?"

"Ahaha, nothing, the stars are very beautiful today."

Qiu Yuan laughed, leaving Xiao Mao confused.

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