Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 208 Children from Dragon Country

In Akimoto's eyes, the battle was just like a skit, but in the eyes of the children, it was extremely fierce and exciting.

After watching for a while, Akimoto stopped watching. After returning to Hanako's house, he washed up and went to bed early.

It was not until noon the next day that he was woken up by Hanako, and Xiaomao, who looked helpless, was outside the door.

"Can't you get up earlier?"

"Hi, young master, good morning!"

Akimoto rubbed his face and stretched his body refreshed.

Last night, when he was dating Zhou Gong's daughter, he was awakened by the urge to urinate when it was the most indescribable.

So Akimoto hid in the quilt and vowed to fast forward the progress bar to the previous progress.

Then he slept until noon.

After playing in the mud, no, digging together yesterday, Xiaomao and Akimoto became much closer.

At least now Xiaomao dares to joke with Akimoto.

Akimoto was also happy about this. He didn't like anyone to be respectful to him. That was so boring.

I am just a little more handsome, talented, and have better grades than others.

It's no big deal!

Xiao Mao: I will just watch you pretend.

Today is one of the few times in Dr. Oak's autumn camp that parents can visit their children, and Dr. Oak can also take a holiday.

During this holiday, he can naturally pull Akimoto and stare at him to prevent him from being lazy.

Concentrate on doing things for yourself~

Poor Akimoto thought that Xiao Mao really said that there would be a lot of delicious snacks today, so he asked him to eat snacks.

He is still too young.

When we arrived at the institute, we found that there were more than a dozen mothers in the backyard, each pulling a blanket and throwing themselves on the ground in the backyard.

How to say it?

It was like a picnic.

Dr. Oak was wearing casual clothes and wandering around among them.

By the way, he reluctantly accepted the snacks shared by the parents.

"Is this the snack you are talking about?"

Akimoto stared at Xiao Mao with murderous eyes.

Xiao Mao was so scared that he took a few steps back, a few drops of sweat flowed on his forehead, and he waved his hands repeatedly.

"This is not my idea. You should ask grandpa. It's none of my business."

Looking at the delicious snacks placed on the blankets of the parents, Qiu Yuan turned around and left.


"Hello, sister..."

"Sister is so beautiful..."

"Sister is so beautiful without makeup!"

"If you didn't tell me, I would have thought you were Haruka's sister!"

Xiao Mao's eyebrows moved up and down, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Good guy, this can only be called a good guy.

Akimoto has done everything to eat.

It doesn't matter if he calls a woman in her twenties sister.

But even if she is in her thirties, you still call her sister.

Is the temptation of this snack so great?

Especially when he saw Haruka's mother bringing a plate of crystal clear snacks that he didn't know what it was called, Akimoto used sweet words to the extreme.

If he had been so obsessed with food when he was with other girls, he wouldn't be single now.

Xiao Mao pretended to be reserved and looked at Akimoto, complaining in his heart.

But in fact, he, who was sent by his grandfather to call Akimoto, had not eaten lunch just like Akimoto.

So after being called by Akimoto, he immediately put down all his reserve, ran to sit next to Akimoto, and called Haruka's mother "sister".

His face was extremely ugly.

But he couldn't be hungry, right?

During the conversation, Haruka's mother also learned from her daughter what happened last night, and also knew that the person who saved her daughter yesterday was Akimoto.

Of course, the smart Haruka also counted Xiao Mao's contribution.

But Akimoto's operation that made him confused happened next.

He was still happily eating this snack called Zanska, and he heard Haruka's mother asking Haruka what the name of the other boy who was rescued yesterday was.

Just as Akimoto was thinking about how Haruka would answer, he heard her open her mouth and said innocently and casually: "His name is Xiaorong, and he is my boyfriend."

Akimoto: ! ! ! ! ! !

Are children nowadays so direct?

Don't they have to wait until they are ten years old? ! ! ! !

Akimoto was even more shocked by Haruka's mother's reaction.

"Really? That's great, call him over to have snacks together!"

Akimoto: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Your face full of relief, joy and excitement as if your wish has been fulfilled is full of circles and crosses!

Isn't it said that only sons are allowed to fall in love early, and daughters are not allowed to say more than one word to boys?

Xiao Mao looked at Akimoto's shocked expression, his mouth open, and there was a half-eaten pastry in it.

It looked like what he thought.

Even Xiao Mao, a master who has been in more than a dozen relationships and doesn't even need to manage time, was extremely shocked by the conversation between Haruka and her daughter.

He and Akimoto were in sync on this point.

Haruka, the little girl, got her mother's consent, smiled happily, and ran to pull Xiaorong, who was still eating lunch with Charmander, over.

She really pulled him.

They held hands.

If the gender difference between the two was not obvious, Akimoto would have thought that Xiaorong, who was blushing, was the girl.

What does it mean to be so shy that you can't even compete with a girl!

However, Haruka's mother liked this kind of shy boy. Without saying anything, she pulled Xiaorong to her side and put all the delicious food in front of him.

She looked at Xiaorong as if he were her own son.

She probably regarded Xiaorong as her son-in-law.

The speed at which the two of them made their relationship public and met the parents of one party was so fast that Akimoto was a little unresponsive.

Then Haruka's mother chatted with Xiaorong cordially. It was mainly Haruka's mother who asked questions, and Xiaorong answered shyly with a red face.

Of course, it was the kind of red that was black and red.

The skin color of the people of Unova is really simple, and this kind of shyness with black and red is really not touching.

But it was a boy who showed this expression...

Akimoto, who had been eating snacks silently, also learned a lot from the chat.

Among them, Xiaorong's family is a single-parent family. He was raised by his mother and lived in poverty.

Even though he lived in Dragon Country since childhood, he could not get his own dragon-type Pokémon.

Even if he was recognized by other Pokémon in Dragon Country, he could not capture them.

This was determined from birth.

Akimoto didn't know what he meant by "determined from birth", and it should have something to do with the customs of Dragon Country.

But in short, Xiaorong's life was very poor and there was almost no possibility of becoming a trainer.

Because if you want to become a trainer, you must first have a lot of financial support.

The cost of purchasing the initial Pokémon, Poké Balls and some other necessary or non-essential Pokémon props, as well as Pokémon medical expenses.

These are all a large expense.

Even though Xiaorong showed extraordinary talents since childhood, it was still useless.

His mother saved up for two years and used it to register for Professor Oak's autumn camp, hoping that she could give her child a higher starting point.

She believed that Xiaorong could get a good ranking, so that he could receive the excellent three-family Pokémon from Professor Oak.

And the training effect of Professor Oak's autumn camp is also obvious to all.

However, it seems that in Akimoto's opinion, Xiao Rong does not seem to fully understand how much his mother has paid.

He only knows that saving money is not easy, but he does not understand how a single mother who is far away in the Unova region and has no background and whose savings are only enough for the registration fee can obtain the registration qualification for the autumn camp.

You know, this qualification is vying for countless people.

Hearing this, Haruka's mother felt very distressed for Xiao Rong, and she wanted to take him and his mother to live with her family immediately.

Anyway, they will be a family in the future.

It's a matter of time!

Speaking of this, we have to mention Haruka's family background.

Her mother is a top coordination trainer and has won the runner-up and third place in the finals of the gorgeous competition several times.

Ahem, she didn't win the championship purely because there were too many monsters.

Her father is also a king-level trainer and holds a considerable position in the Quartz League.

In general, Haruka's family is not short of money, at least for them, there is too much money to spend.

And the family background is not small, with the alliance behind them, it is very convenient to do anything.

Why does it feel like a novel?

The hero Xiaorong has a miserable family background since childhood. With the support of his girlfriend's family, he made a name for himself, and then returned to Dragon Town to beat up a group of old stubborn people, abolish those harmful customs, and unify Dragon Town?

Akimoto was thinking about it again.

However, unlike some novels, the heroine's family made things difficult for the hero and used what conditions to make the hero leave.

Haruka's mother was very caring for Xiaorong, almost treating him as her own son.

Even the snacks and desserts given to Akimoto and Xiaomao before were divided for Xiaorong.

Xiaorong is really a big eater.

Akimoto didn't expect that his small body could hold so much.

It was only a short while, and he ate the amount he ate in half an hour.

And it seems that his eating speed has not slowed down at all!

"Uh...are all the children in your Dragon Country so strong?"

"Ah, ah, ah?"

Xiao Rong ate another piece of cake bigger than his fist, wiped his mouth, and looked at Qiu Yuan with his dark eyes.

And made an innocent look.


"Is this... abnormal?"

"Very abnormal."

"Very abnormal."

Akimoto and Xiao Mao said in unison.

They had never seen an eight-year-old boy who could eat so much.

You said he was a little Snorlax transformed into a human, and Qiu Yuan and Xiao Mao believed it.

Aki Yuan stood up, moved closer to Xiao Rong, and took out a magnifying glass from his pocket.

Don't ask where this magnifying glass came from.

Aki Yuan, known as the human robot cat.

"Your little muscles are really strong."

"This bone shape, hiss..."

"Get up so I can see if your waist is okay, this is very important..."

Aki Yuan didn't say it, he wanted to break the dull atmosphere just now.

How come a good lunch turned out to be like a tragic story?

But he couldn't help but drive a little at the last sentence.

Fortunately, no one present drove much, even Xiao Mao, a young master who had driven countless luxury cars, didn't get in the car.

The people in the Pokémon world are still too naive.

But to be honest, Akimoto has never seen an eight-year-old boy with a physique as good as Xiaorong.

This is the real male protagonist of the novel!

Since he has no money to be a trainer, why not train himself into a human-shaped Pokémon?

This is the rhythm of continuing the legend of the super true rookie in Unova.

But since the topic has been successfully diverted, it is time to start another topic.

Everyone knows Xiaorong's life experience, but he certainly didn't say it to get sympathy from others, but simply told Haruka's mother.

Akimoto and Xiaomao have no sympathy for him, but will try their best to help him in the last few days before the end of the autumn camp and teach him some more advanced knowledge of trainers.

Sympathy is the superiority of the weak to the weak, which is a bad nature. Akimoto does not have this weird problem.

Whose life needs sympathy from others?

Skipping these topics, Akimoto can also ask Haruka's mother about some gorgeous competitions.

He didn't forget that he also had a side quest to participate in the gorgeous competition and get a place.

It just so happens that Haruka's mother is a top coordination trainer, so Akimoto can also take this opportunity to learn about the Grand Contest.

Although he had seen the Grand Contest in animations and games before, he also learned some about it online after coming to the Pokémon world.

But it is always good to ask more experienced people for advice, maybe there are many things that cannot be learned by other methods?

He could have asked Mickley for advice, but when he thought about what kind of smirk Mickley would show if he asked him about this kind of thing, Akimoto gave up the idea.

Since the two of them got to know each other after fighting, every time Mickley bought Setsuri balls from Akimoto, he would ask about his recent affairs.

In the eyes of outsiders, Akimoto must be very lucky to have such a good relationship with Mickley and to be able to communicate without any sense of distance.

In fact.

Akimoto and Mickley ridiculed each other as soon as they met.

Akimoto ridiculed Mickley for being a killer, and Mickley ridiculed Akimoto for not understanding fashion and being a country bumpkin.

Mickley learned the two special terms "Shamatte" and "Xianhonglao" from Akimoto.

For some people whose styles are more fancy than his own, but he thinks they are not beautiful at all, Mickley will lightly say "Shamatte" and then turn away gracefully.

Leaving the other party confused, thinking that Mickley was praising him.

However, when facing Akimoto, they are not graceful at all.

When the two met, it seemed that they might fight at any time, but when they exchanged money and goods, they were all smiling.

In short...

It feels a little gay?

Speaking of this, Akimoto thought of what he was going to do recently, wondering whether he should sell some more Setsuri balls to Mickley, the sucker.

In exchange for some funds to buy Pokémon eggs.

It feels that the six million given by the alliance is not enough.

If there is a little more, Akimoto can simply buy a batch of Pokémon eggs with better qualifications.

After a look, the main quest is a bit slow. I wonder if you think we should speed up the main and side quests, or do more casual things.

The main quest is to breed Pokémon, expand the scale, and advance to an intermediate breeder.

The side quest is the Grand Contest, and build a gym.

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