Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 219: Preparing to record moves

However, to burn skills, Akimoto first needs to prepare a few blank discs.

According to the manufacturing materials and processes, discs can be divided into four types from low to high: ordinary, advanced, super, and special discs mainly used to record change moves.

Ordinary, advanced, and super are easy to understand, and Akimoto also matched the power of the move panels he knew with most of the disc skills that can be burned.

Combined with his own cognition, it can be roughly concluded that under the corresponding material level, the skill range that the disc can burn with the highest efficiency.

The ordinary high-efficiency burning range is probably skills with power below 60, and some relatively simple change skills.

Advanced is 60 to 120, and super is 120 to 150.

In fact, all three types of discs can burn change skills, and the higher the quality, the higher the success rate of burning change skills.

But if you want to burn change skills well, it is better to use the corresponding special disc.

The material of this disc corresponds to its name, which is very special. It is a secret material developed by several large technology companies and Alliance Doctors.

Unlike the three common discs, the materials used to make special discs are the same, and there are only differences in workmanship, so they are all called special discs.

However, there are always various problems in the production process, so some special discs with poor quality will be put on the market for sale.

Although this type of special disc that can be bought on the market is a bit expensive, it can basically burn common transformation skills efficiently.

After all, if there are people who need to burn more advanced transformation skills, there is no shortage of channels to buy high-quality special discs, right?

What Akimoto is going to buy this time is a high-level blank disc.

As mentioned earlier, in addition to special discs, the most common discs on the market are ordinary discs and some inferior high-level discs.

If you want to get a better disc, Akimoto can buy it through the alliance channel, as long as he consumes his own points.

Of course, although he has no points, he can ask Dr. Oak for help.

But for now, there is no need for such a high-level disc with such good workmanship.

There is basically no problem with the high-level discs that can be bought on the market to burn three 80-power skills.

It was already past one in the afternoon when he returned to the breeding house. After sorting out the harvest in the forest, Akimoto went straight to Mingshui Town and took the train to Miare City again.

The whole process was very quick and efficient.

Because if you want to buy CDs, it is better to go to Miare City.

Although Miare City is a big city of science and business, the price of CDs is actually cheaper than other cities.

And the quality is relatively guaranteed.

Akimoto bought ten ordinary CDs, each costing 8,000 yuan, which were used to practice with Gardevoir and Gengar to familiarize themselves with the burning process.

After all, compared to a high-level CD that costs 50,000 yuan each, ten ordinary CDs with a total price of 80,000 yuan are not a big deal.

Akimoto also bought 6 high-level CDs, leaving some margin for Gardevoir and Gengar.

This cost Akimoto nearly 400,000 yuan, which made Akimoto sigh: Trainers really lose money all the way, how good it is to be a breeder.

Fortunately, I am not a full-time trainer, otherwise this little money would not be enough for daily purchase of Pokémon items.

Generally speaking, for Pokémon with medium and upper qualifications (i.e. green qualifications), the success rate of burning a skill with a high mastery and power below 60 is about 4 or 5 ordinary discs.

If it really succeeds, you can sell it back and earn a hard work fee.

Therefore, ordinary trainers will not use burning skill discs as a way to make money.

Except for those trainers with high qualifications and strong mental power Pokémon.


Akimoto is one of these people by chance.

But after this trip, two more green Pokémon eggs are missing, which makes Akimoto a bit hurt!

Now the funds that can be used to buy Pokémon eggs are 4.2 million accumulated by himself plus 6 million "research funds" awarded by the alliance, a total of 10.2 million yuan.

Having said that, Akimoto realized that he had unknowingly become a millionaire.

Excluding the 400,000 yuan spent this time, it was originally going to fall back to the millionaire, but there is still a Daigo to settle later.

If you calculate it this way, then theoretically, the funds that can be used to buy Pokémon eggs for the operation of the breeding house will be 11 million.

But you have to keep about 1 million to deal with daily needs in the breeding house and various emergencies.

In other words, Akimoto can use 10 million yuan to buy Pokémon eggs.


If the breeding center comes to collect the debt at this time and asks Akimoto to pay them 6 million, Akimoto will not pay it back~

This is the research funds issued by the alliance, how can you use it to pay the debt?

(But how can you use the research funds issued by the alliance to buy Pokémon eggs? ! !)

Small problem, small problem.

Pokémon eggs are actually part of academic research, an important component, and indispensable.

In fact, Akimoto's research does not need much financial support at all, as long as he has a computer to write academic reports and papers.

Of course, this cannot be said that Akimoto got the alliance's money for free.

After all, this money was earned by him through hard work in winning the competition, right?

Although it wasn't that hard.

The price of a Pokémon egg of a common race at the Wind Chime Breeding House is about 120,000 for a yellow-quality egg and about 200,000 for a green-quality egg.

Of course, there is also a chance for Akimoto to pick up a bargain, which depends on whether they allow Akimoto to choose the Pokémon himself.

Although the Wind Chime Breeding House divides the Pokémon eggs according to the qualifications of the parents of the Pokémon eggs, the accuracy rate is indeed quite high, but there are also some omissions and errors.

In other words, Akimoto is likely to be able to buy a green-quality Pokémon egg at a price of 120,000 when buying a yellow-quality Pokémon egg.

This also depends on how the transaction is purchased at that time.

Generally, trainers who buy Pokémon eggs at the Wind Chime Breeding House directly select the optional Pokémon egg race, and then select the price range. After payment, the staff randomly picks a Pokémon egg that meets the conditions to complete the transaction.

As for the breeders who go to the Wind Chime Breeding House, it depends on who is in charge on that day.

It is said that Oh.

The boss lady of the Wind Chime Breeding House is quite lazy. If she is in charge of the breeding house that day, she will most likely let the breeders choose the Pokémon eggs by themselves.

Because she is too lazy to look around and help others get Pokémon eggs.

Akimoto doesn't quite understand the rules of the boss and the boss lady of the Wind Chime Breeding House, so he can only rely on his luck at that time.

It's best to live next to the Wind Chime Breeding House for a few days.


It's naturally best to be able to choose by yourself.

At that time, most of the green-quality Pokémon eggs in the price range of about 120,000 in the Wind Chime Breeding House will be taken away.

Akimoto has made up his mind to live next to the Wind Chime Breeding House for a few days, and wait until the boss lady manages the Wind Chime Breeding House to buy Pokémon eggs on the day.

In this way, he can make use of his most useful gold finger at present.

After all, if the boss is personally responsible for selling Pokémon eggs, there is no way to choose by yourself, and even the race of Pokémon cannot be selected.

Akimoto only found out about this later, and it also led to a group of breeders who wanted to buy Pokémon eggs in bulk setting up tents outside the Wind Chime Breeding House whenever the boss was in charge.

Waiting for the boss lady to come online.

If he didn't consider picking up leaks, Akimoto's original plan was to buy 15 green-qualified and 60 yellow-qualified Pokémon.

Of course, this would still exceed the budget of 10 million yuan a little bit.


With ten ordinary discs and six advanced discs, Akimoto returned to the breeding house.

First he went to the incubator to look at the three Pokémon eggs brought back from the Quartz Alliance, and confirmed the status of the Eevee eggs again. They must be able to hatch before he took Jigglypuff to participate in the breeding house competition.

Then Akimoto took Gardevoir and Gengar and talked about the key points of burning skills.

But in fact, he didn't know much about this thing. He only knew that he had to record the release techniques of the moves and the way the energy operated, and simulate the release again.

Regarding skill engraving, it is not actually mentioned in the breeding knowledge given by the system.

Akimoto also spent the rest of the day to go to the Pokémon Center in Mingshui Town to talk to Joey Huixiang for a long time.

Fortunately, Mingshui Town has always been relatively peaceful, and nothing happens usually, so there are naturally few Pokémon that come to be treated for injuries.

Joey Huixiang has nothing to do in her free time, so she talked to Akimoto about skill engraving, and took Akimoto to the free engraving room in the Pokémon Center for two rounds.

Of course, this free engraving room is open to league trainers.

At least elite trainers can use it for free, which also prevents some bored ghosts from wasting resources.

After Joey Huixiang's very detailed explanation, Akimoto also learned a lot of things that can't be found on the Internet.

I feel a little relieved.

After returning, I will reorganize the language and tell Gardevoir and Gengar, who are struggling to figure out how to engrave skills, and they can go to the Pokémon Center to try to engrave the skills the next day.

Of course, the only one who really took Akimoto's words to heart was Gardevoir.

As for Gengar... He just saw Gardevoir thinking hard, and felt that it would be bad if he did nothing, so he thought briefly while dozing.

Typical slacking off.

If Gengar uses more ordinary CDs than Gardevoir for practice tomorrow, Akimoto will have to consider whether to reduce the supply of snacks for Gengar.

And he has to tell Xiaoli and Jilidan not to give snacks to Gengar privately.

Let this guy be so lazy again.

It has obviously been upgraded by two levels since returning from the forest, and there is still a lot of energy left in its body that has not been absorbed, but it still looks lazy.

It is really helpless.

The soul power of the rotten wood demon it absorbed is a medium, which has attracted the energy accumulated by Gengar's laziness for so many years. The combination of the two directly upgraded Gengar by two levels.

And it also loosened the bottleneck of the king level that has tended to be stable, so that Gengar can have the opportunity to be promoted to the king level Pokémon earlier.

But it is not competitive!

"Uhuh? (Why are you looking at me?)"

Geng Gui felt a little guilty when Akimoto stared at him like that.

Akimoto didn't reply to him, but just glared at him.

If he is so lazy, when the energy that was finally stirred up by the soul power of the rotten wood demon becomes quiet, it will be even more difficult to upgrade to the king-level Pokémon.

But Akimoto couldn't force him, so he could only use other ways to "coerce and lure" Gengar to arouse his interest in improving his strength.

This method...

Akimoto's hundred words are not as effective as Gardevoir standing next to Gengar without saying a word.

It's helpless to say.

Who is Gengar's trainer now, him or Gardevoir!


The next morning, after a little preparation, Akimoto handed the breeding house to Serena again, and he took Gardevoir and Gengar to Mingshui Town.

When they arrived at the Pokémon Center, Joy Eika, who had already made an appointment with Akimoto, was already standing outside the door waiting with a smile. Seeing Akimoto coming, she took him directly to the burning room.

Because this time it was just a training of burning moves, there was no need for a very advanced burning room, just the free burning room of the Pokémon Center would be enough.

Akimoto is going to let Gardevoir do the "telekinesis" recording training. This move is Gardevoir's signature move and is considered to be the skill with the highest proficiency.

And the skill power is not too low to achieve the training effect.

And it can also guarantee a certain success rate.

This should be the best choice at present.

Similarly, Akimoto also chose a relatively simple skill for Gengar that will not lose its training value - "Shadow Fist".

Well, it's not too simple.

However, most of Gengar's skills suitable for recording on ordinary discs are special skills of transformation, and there is no training effect for the attack skills required to be recorded by the character.

And Shadow Fist has a certain similarity with Shadow Ball in the release principle, and Gengar is also an old hand. Even if it is not used frequently, the mastery of skills should be higher than Gardevoir, right?

So Akimoto decided to use Shadow Fist.

However, as the limit power of ordinary discs that can be effectively recorded, stuck on this line, the probability of failure is much higher than Gardevoir's "telekinesis".

Everything depends on whether Gengar is serious.

If it is serious, at least the number of useless ordinary CDs should be controlled within three. Akimoto still believes in Gengar.

But if Gengar is not serious...


Then it's over. The money lost on Gengar today is the amount of snacks reduced for Gengar tomorrow.

So for the sake of snacks and Gardevoir's efforts, Gengar must be more serious this time.

Akimoto also specially let Gardevoir warn Gengar, in order to make it more serious and not waste its money in vain.

If it really doesn't work, then Akimoto will consider changing to Xiaoli.

After all, although Xiaoli's level is not very high, it has extremely high qualifications and strong mental power.

Recommend a serious novel, the front is a bit poisonous, but it is being revised, and it is also a Wanjie flow. emmm.

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