Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 220 Special Treatment

Joey Eika took Gardevoir into the room on the east side of the second floor of the Pokémon Center. The simple layout of the room made Gardevoir curious.

Where is the recorder that I will use later?

Gardevoir blinked her beautiful eyes and looked around the room. After a while, she saw the tiny sensors evenly distributed on the walls and the ground of the room.

When Akimoto taught her yesterday, he told her that in the recording room, the energy fluctuations in the air would be received by the sensors and recorded into the skill disc.

The general principle is to use the sensors to sense the energy fluctuations when the Pokémon uses skills, and mechanically record these fluctuations into the disc.

As for what this energy fluctuation is composed of and what the frequency of the fluctuation is, no one has yet come to a conclusion.

However, I believe that after Akimoto's subsequent paper is published, this problem can be easily solved.

In addition to recording the energy fluctuation value by the sensor, the Pokémon needs to simulate the moves, that is, wear a device like a VR device, and then use imagination to supplement and improve the guidance method of the skills.

Combining the two, the recording of a skill is completed.

The use of skill discs also relies on these two steps to enable other Pokémon to directly learn skills through skill discs.

The way Pokémon learn skills through skill discs is different from burning skills.

To learn the skills of skill discs, you need to put the Pokémon into the Pokémon ball, place it in a special skill learning device, and then insert the skill disc you need to learn.

It is equivalent to moving the "learning room" of skills into the space inside the Pokémon ball, and transmitting the skills burned in the disc to the Pokémon through the skill learning device.

After all, not every Pokémon is Rotom and Porygon, which can read human technological products.

The next step is the process of burning Gardevoir's "telekinesis" moves. Akimoto told Gardevoir not to be nervous, try to concentrate on burning, don't think about other things, and don't worry too much.

This can make skill burning more effective.

But even though Gardevoir successfully advanced to purple after the incident with Xerneas, and its own strength is also master-level, the first burning still failed.

According to the data obtained by the equipment from the first finished disc burned, Joey Eika found that the data of energy fluctuations did not match the guidance route of Gardevoir's skills.

In this way, this skill disc became a waste.

8,000 yuan, has been wasted.

Gardevoir also blushed for the first time in a long time, as if she was embarrassed by her failure.

But she couldn't be blamed for this. There are always various variables in the burning process. It may be the same in the energy fluctuation link, but it will be different in the guidance route link.

This is normal, and no one laughed at her.

Akimoto and Gardevoir summarized the reasons for the failure just now, and prepared to take advantage of the familiarity left by the previous attempt to see if the next time could succeed.

Gardevoir is worthy of her name. With the experience of the first failure, she determined the energy fluctuation and guidance route of the move at the beginning, so that she would not change her mind and make mistakes during the next burning.

The second time of burning, Gardevoir successfully completed the task.

However, the completion degree is not perfect.

Since the first time was "overexerting", Gardevoir chose a more precise control the second time, and in order to prevent mistakes, she also reduced the amplitude of the energy fluctuation accordingly.

In this way, although the energy fluctuation perfectly matches the guidance route, the power of the move is much smaller.

The skill of "telekinesis" does not require Gardevoir to describe it in detail, but only needs to be roughly burned so that other Pokémon can learn the attack method of this move through the skill disc.

To be honest, "telekinesis" can be a skill or a special ability, which is a kind of superpower.

The skill disc naturally burns skills, not special abilities. If you want Pokémon to master special abilities, there is really no good way at present.

Although Gardevoir's burning was successful this time, according to the comparison of data, it is about one-fifth lower than the power of the "telekinesis" move that is generally burned.

It can be regarded as a defective product.

With the experience of this semi-successful experience, the next time you only need to increase the amplitude slightly to make the skill power a little higher, it will be considered a real success.

All this was a natural outcome. Even Akimoto did not expect that Gardevoir could control the consumption within three ordinary discs and complete the burning of "telekinesis".

It should be attributed to Gardevoir's extremely high mental strength, which gave her a very strong control ability and could easily realize the ideas in her mind.

Although Gengar's ability to control mental power is not as good as Gardevoir, it is not much worse.

Based on Gardevoir's performance, Akimoto estimated that Gengar could complete the burning within the consumption of five ordinary discs.

After all, considering that Shadow Fist is more powerful and the burning difficulty is a little greater than telekinesis, Akimoto gave an estimate of five discs.

But in fact...

Genggui is usually not diligent in training, and he was pulled at the critical moment.

He destroyed four ordinary discs of Akimoto in a row, and there was no sign of success.

It's not that the energy fluctuation amplitude is too different from the guidance route, causing the disc to shatter.

It's that the energy fluctuation amplitude is too small, and the disc is wasted.

Anyway, Akimoto's heart was in a knot.

Who can stand this?

Although Gardevoir consumed three discs, she succeeded in one perfectly, and the other one had flaws, but it was still usable.

What about Gengar?

Akimoto's 32,000 was directly wasted, and he couldn't get it back.

Gengar came out of the room again and met Akimoto's death gaze. He smiled awkwardly, and his two ghost ears drooped.

Then he met Gardevoir's plain eyes again. Although it was plain, Gengar somehow read the deep meaning in Gardevoir's eyes, and his heart trembled immediately.

Damn, I really need to be more serious!

If I jump again, the efforts of these dozens of days will be in vain!

Sure enough, Gengar's real trainer is not Akimoto, but Gardevoir.

Only Gardevoir can cure it.

How to deal with Gengar: Gardevoir\u003eSnacks\u003ePigsy\u003eAkimoto

Looking at this, Akimoto was embarrassed.

"Don't hang around outside, go in quickly. If you don't succeed this time, I'll deduct three days of snacks from you!"

Akimoto got angry when he saw it's careless look, and quickly pushed it in and closed the door.

Gardevoir looked at Akimoto's anxious expression and couldn't help laughing.

It's rare to see Akimoto's helpless and anxious look.

Finally, perhaps thanks to Gardevoir, Gengar finally successfully recorded a "Shadow Fist".

But because it was too anxious this time, the recorded "Shadow Fist" inexplicably showed a big deviation when compared with other data.

In other words...

Genggui accidentally recorded the skill "Shadow Fist" into a weird one...

Akimoto was almost dizzy.

Another skill disc was consumed.

At most, Akimoto still has two skill discs left. If these two Gengar cannot complete the task, he will cut down all its snacks for this month.


"You failed again this time, and you will be deducted from your snacks for three days."

Speaking of course, you must do it. Just now, if you fail this time, you will deduct three days of Gengar's snacks, and you will deduct them.

Let's see if it dares to mess around.

Under the double blow of Gardevoir and snacks, Gengar has to be very alert and seize the last two chances.

If it fails, not only will the goddess' impression of it be worse, but it will also have to eat less snacks for a month! !

Missing three days of snacks makes Gengar very sad.

Finally, the ninth blank ordinary disc!

Gengar once again missed it!

"Wooha, wooha... (Look at me, I will be nervous...)"

Gengar made a wronged look and lowered his head.

Akimoto didn't buy it. He was speechless. As long as the last skill disc was wasted by it, a month of snacks would be deducted.

It would be useless for Gengar to ask Xiaoli for mercy.

Originally, there were 10 ordinary discs, and Gengar and Gardevoir were given five opportunities to practice each.

In Akimoto's opinion, although Gengar's subtle control over spiritual power was not as good as Gardevoir, he was at least a senior quasi-king, and his mastery of moves must be much higher than Gardevoir.

Originally, Gardevoir should have been given more opportunities, but Gardevoir succeeded in three times, or even two times.

And this guy Gengar...

At least he used up 6 opportunities, and Akimoto didn't see a glimmer of hope for success.

He even doubted whether he had found the wrong Pokémon, and should have found Xiaoli in the first place.

I don't know if Gengar heard what Akimoto said in his heart, but this time he succeeded in burning!

There was no deviation in energy fluctuations and guidance routes, and there was no discrepancy in the later data comparison, which was considered a perfect burning.

Akimoto's expression could be compared to the "ohohohoh" emoticon pack.

Poor Akimoto, in his mind, seven successes should be very easy for Gengar.

But I didn't expect him to be so excited now.

He was completely tortured by Gengar.

After watching Akimoto's excitement, Joey Eika had a look of doubting life again. The huge difference made her cover her mouth and chuckle, and then took out the burned skill disc and handed it to him.

"Congratulations, you can successfully burn skills with Pokémon for the first time. And the completeness and power of the moves are not much different from the standard values ​​of each skill."

Akimoto didn't understand how the Pokémon Center got the "data" for comparison, nor did he know how they defined the standard of "power".

But anyway, Gengar, this careless guy, finally successfully burned a skill disc.

After Gardevoir finished burning three times, Akimoto thought that Gengar could also control it to complete within a small number of times, and the rest could be repeated.

But obviously he thought too much.

With Gengar's success rate, it would definitely lose a lot if it was directly asked to burn advanced discs.

Akimoto had to buy a few more ordinary discs at the Pokémon Center and let Gardevoir and Gengar continue to practice a few more times.

Although the price of the discs in the Pokémon Center is only a little bit higher than that in Miare City, their quality...

I can only say that they are definitely open to the most ordinary trainers. They can't feel the subtle difference, but Akimoto can.

Anyway, I can't go to Miare City again now, right?

The reason why I didn't buy more discs before was that Akimoto had to control costs and couldn't use up too much of the budget for buying Pokémon eggs.

Second, even if he succeeded, he would definitely not be able to use the move trainer before he went to the Wind Chime Breeding House.

Unexpectedly, Gengar did this to him...

Cut off the firewood from the bottom of the pot and cripple the real damage!

The ordinary discs in the Pokémon Center are only 500 yuan more expensive, and they are mass-produced directly from the production line. Basically, they can be said to be entry-level ordinary discs.

Those who buy them are all for training.


Joey Eika told him that he could sell it to him at the purchase price of 6,500...

Why does it sound more and more like a secret transaction, two profiteers?

One of them is a very beautiful female profiteer.


As for why Joey Eika was able to decide to sell the props of the Pokémon Center to Akimoto at the purchase price...

Joey Eika told him that Joey in each region has an initial operating fund for the Pokémon Center, which is equivalent to the initial operating fund for Akimoto's breeding house.

This fund does not include the decoration of the Pokémon Center.

The identity of the workers in the Pokémon Center is basically like that of volunteers. You can't make money just by working in the Pokémon Center.

Fairies are also people, and so are Joey!

People need to eat!

So in addition to the Alliance Store, each region also has a prop store inside the Pokémon Center.

The local Joey purchases goods through family channels, sells them in the Pokémon Center, and gives a portion of the proceeds to the family, which is considered his salary.

So for Joey Eika, the more people come to the Pokémon Center for treatment every day, the more people will buy props!

As for why the purchase price is sold to Akimoto ordinary CDs, Joey Eika did not make any cryptic remarks.

First, her relationship with Akimoto is indeed quite good, and the two are friends; second, Akimoto is a person that Joey Jing is optimistic about, so Joey Eika naturally has to treat Akimoto specially.

Of course, there is no special service.

Even if the Pokémon has successfully burned skills, there may be problems when burning the same skill again, resulting in failure.

In the following repeated practice, even if Gardevoir and Gengar paid more attention, there were still many failures.

The frequency of failures became lower and lower as the proficiency increased. In the end, Gardevoir was finally able to control the success-failure ratio to 1:1, and Gengar was 1:2.

This is also very good. At least in this way, Akimoto dared to burn the skill disc.

Otherwise, it would succeed once in seven chances like Gengar. Akimoto was afraid that six advanced discs would not last until it succeeded.

Before, watching Gengar burn moves was like watching a gambling game.

A completely luck player.

I have become a mature title party (covering my face). Merry Christmas, all single book friends~!

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