Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 221: Taken Away by Stun (Subscription Request)

From early morning practice to noon, excluding the 10 CDs that Akimoto had prepared at the beginning, a total of 20 ordinary CDs were consumed to control the success rate to about half.

It is basically difficult to improve this success rate. Even if Akimoto wants a higher success rate, there is currently no chance.

Because it is too time-consuming, and the investment is too large, and it is basically impossible to get back the money.

There is no problem with the skill of burning ordinary discs, but due to the quality of the disc, the skills learned after using it will always be slightly inferior.

Moreover, the skill limit for burning ordinary optical discs is not high. Those who buy ordinary optical discs are often trainers who do not have the qualifications for their Pokémon and cannot learn the skills.

This kind of trainer...

Consumption power is also relatively low.

Therefore, few people regard burning skills and selling technical CDs as a way to make a fortune. At most, it is a way for those prop dealers to make money.

Because you really don’t earn as much as other props.

Usually the best-selling ones are those with advanced disc burning skills, but they are expensive and expensive to make.

Even with a frighteningly high success rate of one third, the output is not large.

All in all, unless there are some skills that are very difficult to learn and very precious, trainers who are qualified will not buy skill discs to learn skills.

So in other words, the six "Psychic Power" and three "Shadow Fist" finished skill discs produced during the practice of Gardevoir and Gengar...

In short, we can’t get back our money!

That’s all.

Akimoto didn't expect to make up for his losses by selling those skill CDs, so he simply left them alone and used them after he obtained the move trainer.

After all, ordinary disc burning skills can only be used once. Once used, the disc is consumed.

At noon, Akimoto ate a meal served by Joey Huixiang. The staff at the Pokémon Center actually ate boxed meals. It was really...

"What's wrong? Isn't it delicious?"

"It's not that it's not delicious, it's just surprising. Do you Joey eat this every day?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing Qiu Yuan's words, Joey Huexiang just smiled slightly and asked: "If you don't want to eat this, will you cook for me?"

"Hey, don't do that, it's too much trouble. I'll recommend some secret cup noodles to you, they're absolutely delicious."

Seafood noodles, pickled cabbage noodles, beef noodles, there is always one you like!

Hey hey hey...

Isn't this to repay Joey's kindness for selling him blank CDs at a low price? I just gave her one or two boxes for free.

It's true that Qiu Yuan's head was so big just now that he didn't turn around.

Ms. Joy is not as free as Qiu Yuan during lunch time. She will probably have to do work, so she basically has to deal with it. How can she have so much time to cook.

In other words, at night, the chance of working is smaller so that you can eat freshly cooked meals.

Looking at it this way, Miss Joy is really working hard.

But when Qiu Yuan turned around and saw Joey Huexiang's fat cock, he suddenly had a whim.

How about... let him learn how to cook a few dishes with Xiaoli?

This Xiaoli is a Jigglypuff, and Fat Keding is also a Jigglypuff. They should have the same talent!

Because those Jigglypuffs in the breeding house all have some talent for cooking, Qiu Yuan thinks that Jigglypuffs should also have some talent for cooking.

If it doesn't work, let Xiaoli make some special dishes that Akimoto taught him, and then make them into boxes and give them to Joey Huexiang.

It has to be better than these pieces of rice dumplings with seaweed and two mushy dishes made by who knows who.

After all, many of Qiu Yuan's contacts with Joey Jing and other matters need to trouble Joey Huixiang, so naturally those who can help her have to help.

Who knew that when Joey Huexiang heard Qiu Yuan say that he wanted to teach Fat Keding how to cook, he actually showed a very suspicious look.

"Don't look at me like that. How about you let Fat Keding try it? Maybe he has that talent?"

Qiuyuan still has confidence in Jigglypuff, a good support Pokémon, especially Jigglypuff, which was bred by the Joey family. It will definitely be easy to learn.

In fact, it’s not just the Pokémon from the circus that can learn to imitate various human behaviors. Didn’t you see that Meow Meow can speak human language, and Akimoto’s Pokémon can cook!

And there are actually not many Pokémon that can cook, but most people don't really believe that their Pokémon have the ability to learn human behavior, so they don't let them try it.

"Hmm...well, if I have time, I will let Lily go to your breeding house."

"Lily? Is that fat little dog of yours called Lily?"


Qiu Yuan was happy: "That's quite a coincidence. My fat boy's name is Xiaoli, which is one word different from him."

After lunch, Akimoto said goodbye to Joey Eka. At this time, a trainer happened to enter the Pokémon Center, and Joey Eka was needed to help treat the Pokémon.

There is nothing to do when I go home at this time, so why not just take advantage of Gardevoir and Gengar to finish all the burning exercises, strike while the iron is hot, and burn in the skills for the tasks to be completed.

The closest city to Akimoto with an independent recording studio is Baitan City. It only takes about an hour to get there by car, which is very convenient.

However, when Qiu Yuan arrived in Baitan City and found the recording room, he did not choose to directly start recording the skills required for the task.

There are generally two charging methods in the burning room, one is charging by the number of times, and the other is charging by the hour.

Akimoto chose to charge by the hour, which is 30,000 yuan per hour, which is really expensive for him, but as long as it is worth the money, it doesn't matter.

After all, the burning effect of the independent burning room is much better than the free burning room in the Pokémon Center, especially when burning high-quality discs, this performance is particularly obvious.

Akimoto first took out a few spare ordinary discs that he bought from Joy Eika at the Pokémon Center and let Gardevoir and Gengar use them for warm-up.

So he directly prepared for these discs to become waste.

After all, compared with the price of high-end discs, ordinary discs are nothing.

First, let the two Pokémon adapt to the burning environment of the independent burning room, find the right feeling, and then burn the moves that need to be burned directly on the disc.

Since the burning room has always acted as an intermediary medium, even if the disc carrying information at the other end is broken, it will not affect the Pokémon that is outputting information.

Akimoto already knew the ending of these discs.

There was no other way, the discs must be available to start the burning room.

The skills that Gardevoir needed to burn were "Magic Flash" and "Psychic Power", and the skill release method of "Psychic Power" was somewhat similar to "Telekinesis".

So it should be simpler.

In short, let Gardevoir and Gengar waste a few blank ordinary discs first, and then start burning advanced discs, so as to avoid failures caused by not adapting to the burning environment.

Fortunately, Akimoto let Gardevoir and Gengar waste a few blank discs in advance, otherwise it would be impossible to complete the burning of three skills with six discs later.

The one who made more mistakes in this burning was Gardevoir. There was no error in burning "Psychic Power" and it succeeded once, but it failed twice in a row when burning the second skill, and it was not until the third time that the burning was completed.

Akimoto almost sweated.

To be honest, I was too arrogant at the beginning, and I should have bought a few more skill discs.

However, there were not many people selling high-end discs, and they were very expensive, so Akimoto was reluctant to buy them at the beginning.

After all, he didn't know that burning a disc was so difficult at that time, and such little preparation was not enough.

Fortunately, Gengar, who Akimoto was most worried about, completed the burning of "Shadow Ball" in one go, which made Akimoto look at him with new eyes.

In the end, a skill disc was saved.

It can be clearly seen that Gardevoir's expression was a little unnatural. Akimoto was full of confidence in her, but she was the only one who failed twice in a row.

Akimoto noticed this, and before he recovered from the joy of saving a skill disc, he hurried to enlighten Gardevoir.

It is normal for Pokémon to feel guilty for not meeting the expectations of the trainer, not to mention Gardevoir, who is already sensitive.

Fortunately, she can also feel that Akimoto did not blame herself, but just felt that she made too many mistakes and failed Akimoto's expectations.

It is typical that one blames oneself, but it is also a manifestation of Pokémon's attention to the trainer's opinion.

This mission was successfully completed. I narrowly controlled the chance of getting six advanced discs, and there was one left, which could be used to burn skills in the future.

In this way, the move trainer should be in place.

It should be in place.

It's in place...

"Hey!! System! Didn't I complete the mission? Where's the reward?"

[Ding! Please submit the task yourself]

"... Your system is really... The intelligence level is too low."

From time to time, it will automatically submit tasks, and from time to time, Akimoto needs to submit tasks himself.

It's really a Buddha.

Akimoto submitted the task while walking, and finally heard a prompt from the system, and the move trainer arrived in the system warehouse.

But when Akimoto immersed his consciousness in the system warehouse, he saw nothing.

It was only at the end when he thought that there was something wrong with the system that he saw a small card.

Seeing this small card, Akimoto knew that this "move trainer" was not just a simple machine, and it was probably some kind of building prop.

It should be said that it is a building prop that includes a machine.

After reading the introduction carefully, as expected, he needed to use the card and choose a location in the breeding house to place the building.

It is an independent small room, similar to the recording room, and the move trainer is included in the room.

Pokémon skill training is to insert the disc into the corresponding slot and activate the trainer, which is considered to be the start of training.

Once the training process starts, it cannot be stopped. The current number of times must be consumed before training can be carried out.

Akimoto pinched his chin and thought.

In this case, how should the business be operated with the move trainer at that time?

If the fee is charged by skill type, what if some people's Pokémon is stupid and can't learn it until death?

Wouldn't that be a loss?

You should know that the upper limit of the number of times the same skill can be trained is 100 times, and an ordinary disc can only support 10 training times.

But if the fee is charged by the number of times, it is inevitable that some trainers will feel unbalanced.

Why is it cheaper for others to learn the same skill than me?

This situation has a great impact on the reputation of the breeding house. After all, if it really charges in this way, the charging situation will basically be public at that time.

Akimoto thought for a long time and finally decided to follow the first plan.

It is the plan with the smallest profit and is more likely to lose money, but the advantage is that it can accumulate a good reputation.

After accumulating a good reputation, when Akimoto launches advanced skill learning later, he will adopt the second plan to charge, which will reduce a lot of resistance and objections.

After thinking through these, Akimoto chose to place the move training room near several workshops after returning to the breeding house.

In this way, the only thing left is to consider which skill to use as the current main skill.

If someone advertises that they can guarantee that Pokémon can learn skills completely, Akimoto didn't believe it before, after all, it sounds fake.

Originally, Pokémon learning skills is divided into only three types.

One: Improve strength and comprehend skills by yourself through racial memory.

Two: Acquire skills through targeted teaching or training.

Three: Use skill discs.

To achieve complete learning, only the first two methods can be done.

But it is hard to say that it can guarantee that Pokémon will learn skills. After all, there are differences in qualifications between Pokémon, and there are problems with the level of comprehension.

But if it is not said in this way, then Akimoto will become a teaching skill business like some breeding houses?

Then there is no attraction.

After thinking about it, Akimoto decided to write the slogan like this. Although it will make others feel exaggerated, as long as the price is affordable enough, there will always be people coming.

As long as someone has tried it and found that the effect is really good, Akimoto can start the next plan.

Of course, there are also requirements in the selection of teaching skills.

Akimoto needs to choose one or two practical and cost-effective skills, and they must also be Pokémon with average qualifications that may not be able to learn them independently.

In this way, it will be attractive to civilian trainers who have no money to buy skill discs.

First of all, the range must be among the skills of grass, bug, and general. Pokémon with these three attributes are the most commonly used Pokémon by civilian trainers.

Naturally, Pokémon with low breeding costs and low breeding difficulties are suitable for the identity of civilian trainers.

After thinking about it, among these three types, the low-level skills that are more difficult to learn and more practical...

Grass-type Super Absorb, an advanced version of the Absorb skill, is better than Absorb in terms of power and healing effect, but it is difficult for some ordinary Grass-type Pokémon to learn this move.

General-type High-Speed ​​Star is also very good. Although it is less powerful, the super-fast trajectory speed makes this skill also have the possibility of bursting out extremely high power.

Of course, the premise is that most of the stars fired must hit.

There are actually no very suitable moves of the Bug attribute alone, but most Bug-type Pokémon can learn three powders: hypnotic powder, paralysis powder, and poison powder, which gives Akimoto more choices.

Considering that among these three dust skills, poison powder is the most practical and has a significant effect on civilian trainers or novice trainers, Akimoto chose...

All three dust skills.

A little unexpected, but not very unexpected.

Before most bug-type Pokémon evolve to their final form, they mostly use general-type and grass-type skills...

Because there are too few bug-type skills, and the easy-to-learn ones are not powerful enough, and the powerful ones are difficult to learn, and many bug-type skills have restrictions on the types of Pokémon.

This is why bug-type Pokémon are easy to cultivate, but also difficult to stand out.

Of course, there are many trainers who use bug-type Pokémon very well, but in fact, they also cannot do without the qualifications and high-intensity training of their Pokémon.

Then it is determined to prepare five skill discs, super absorption, high-speed stars, and three powders.

In fact, there is also a dust-type skill that is very useful, especially when facing fire-attribute Pokémon, which is-dust.

As the name suggests, it is to let the Pokémon sprinkle dust on the opponent's Pokémon to achieve the effect of helping combustion, so that the opponent's fire-type Pokémon will burn itself after using fire-type skills.

But this skill is also very simple, so it is not taken into consideration.

Akimoto is really a friend of the common people!

The price of the skill discs of these five skills can be found by checking online. As expected by Akimoto, the price is indeed not expensive, but it is still stressful for civilian trainers.

The most expensive of these five skills is not Super Absorption or High Speed ​​Star, but Hypnotic Powder, which is very clever.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand that although it does not have a very obvious and intuitive effect in battle, Hypnotic Powder is very effective in capturing and conquering Pokémon.

Usually, when using Hypnotic Powder in battle, it is easy for opponents to dodge in various ways, but when conquering wild Pokémon, you can use the method of secretly releasing Hypnotic Powder to make the opponent fall asleep...

Then, it is to sneak and capture the Pokémon while it is in danger.

This is the so-called operation of stunning a set and taking it away.

Although Akimoto does not like this way of conquering, it is a "good method" that most trainers will use, after all, it saves trouble, effort and money.

Of course, Pokémon conquered in this way will easily rebel and escape.

Akimoto does not advocate it, but if someone really uses this method to capture Pokémon, he has nothing to say.

As long as this method is not used to maliciously capture Pokémon and conduct illegal Pokémon transactions, there is no problem.

Anyway, the captured Pokémon can choose whether to defect at that time. Capturing just means that there is an extra layer of connection. If you really want a Pokémon to be used by the trainer, you have to get the other party's recognition in a dignified manner.

These five skill discs still appear in Baidan City. Although there are not many, they are not scarce, and the price is more expensive than buying them in other cities.

Of course, after all, it is Baidan City, a place called a city but actually a township, where there are the most civilian trainers and bug catchers.

The prices of super absorption, high-speed stars, hypnotic powder, paralysis powder, and poison powder are 22,000, 24,000, 30,000, 18,000, and 20,000 respectively.

In short, there is no price lower than 15,000. After all, the cost is there. Although it is a skill that is easy to record, the success rate is also quite touching.

For now, Qiu Yuan still needs to test the effect, so he will go to Baidan City to buy one each and find those playful boys in the town to try it out.

After returning from the Wind Bell Breeding House, he will buy skill discs based on the remaining funds.

It’s a bargain for them, giving them a few skills for free.

This chapter is 5,000, set a flag, and post another chapter of 5,000 tonight.

If I post it tonight, it means I want to make 10,000 a day.

Weak question: Is there any reward for 10,000 a day?

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