Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 230 Things that are beneficial to physical and mental health

So in summary, the various balls made by Akimoto can meet the taste of Pokémon, most of the credit should be attributed to the life force, and a small part is his intuition about the combination of materials, so that the materials he chooses will not have a strange taste.

This is a very magical thing.

Then Akimoto called Gardevoir, Axefang Dragon and Gengar out, and asked them to try the Pokémon nutritious food made by Shiroyama and taste how it tastes.

By the way, I also tasted it myself and found that it was really good, both in terms of fragrance and taste. It surpassed my own balls.

And through the scanning of the detection ability, these different Pokémon nutritious foods did not live up to their "nutritious" name, and they were indeed rich in energy that was beneficial to Pokémon.

"How is it, the nutritious food I made, is it okay?"

Seeing that Akimoto and his Pokémon had tasted the nutritious food he made, Shiroyama couldn't wait to ask, and he was also looking forward to Akimoto giving him a good evaluation.

In the past, when he gave these nutritious foods to others, he was always questioned. Some said that his nutritious foods simply tasted like human food, or that it was just a boring work and completely useless.

Akimoto swallowed the nutritious food in his mouth, drank a sip of water, showed a very intoxicated expression on his face, and gave Shiroyama a thumbs up.

"Superb, amazing! I'll ask my Pokémon."

Akimoto then looked at the three Pokémon who were still happily tasting the delicious food on the side, and asked them which one was better than the meatballs he made.

The Axe Tooth Dragon was stunned for a moment, and without thinking, waved his arms at Akimoto, put Shiroyama's nutritious food back on the table, and then took Akimoto's Setsuri meatballs and looked at Akimoto.

Its meaning was very clear, and it was determined to be Akimoto's licking dog, no, licking dragon!

In short, Akimoto's food was delicious.

Looking at its confident look, Akimoto found it quite funny and knocked on its head: "What are you doing? Eat whatever you like, just follow your own feelings. I'm not a black-hearted master who will deduct your food."

Geng Gui: ? ? ?

Unlike Axefang Dragon, Geng Gui is a heartless person who can be said to be the leader of the last-ditch betrayal. As soon as Akimoto finished speaking, it couldn't wait to say how delicious the nutritious food in Shiroyama is, much better than meatballs, and almost as delicious as the food that is only available at the bonfire party every few days.

Akimoto is immune to this ghost guy and ignores it no matter how it exaggerates.

However, it seems that in their opinion, the nutritious food in Shiroyama tastes better than the meatballs made by Akimoto.

Because Gardevoir also said that the ones in Shiroyama are more delicious, Akimoto can completely believe what Gardevoir said.

"How about it, Shiroyama, are you interested in working with me?"

"Eh, hey?!" Shiroyama was still immersed in Gengar's ultimate exaggeration and flattery, when he suddenly heard Akimoto's words and was very surprised, "So sudden?"

"Otherwise, I will play house with you and get to know you better? Your finished product is enough to prove your value of cooperation." Akimoto picked up the wine glass and gently sipped the clear and transparent boiled water in the glass.

"But, what if I forge and use other people's finished products to deceive you?" Shiroyama was still a little hesitant, in the final analysis, it was because of his lack of confidence in himself.

On the one hand, he is very confident in his work, and on the other hand, he has been denied for a long time, which makes him lack confidence in himself.

It's quite contradictory, but it is indeed a true portrayal of Shiroyama's current psychology.

However, what Akimoto said choked Shiroyama again.

"You won't forge."

"Really, do you believe me so much!" Shiroyama was very moved, but who knew that Akimoto would say such words next.

"You're not that smart." Akimoto looked very serious and spoke clearly, but he couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

Shiroyama was speechless: "What? I was just moved for nothing."

After coughing twice, Akimoto got to the point. He would go back to participate in the competition later, so he had to discuss this matter as soon as possible.

It's impossible for Akimoto to be the only one in the breeding house forever. Even if he has the help of Pokémon, they are Pokémon after all, and they can't be completely competent for human work.

In the end, Akimoto will always have to recruit people to work in the breeding house, and there is a memory shielding door, so there is no need to worry about the secrets of the breeding house being leaked.

Now the Pokémon nutritionist in front of him who doesn't want to be a cook is a very suitable candidate.

Akimoto is responsible for adjusting the nutritional ratio in Pokémon food, and Shiroyama is responsible for adjusting their taste to the most delicious state, so that another way to make money can be opened, that is, selling Pokémon nutritious food.

The main food provided to the Pokémon in the breeding house will still be meatballs, but Pokémon can finally stop eating meatballs all day long.

The Pokémon nutritious food produced for sale will definitely not contain the same amount of life force as the meatballs, but there will be a little bit to increase the energy content.

Akimoto's idea is very good, but now there are two problems.

The first question is whether Shiroyama will agree to cooperate with him. This question is relatively easy to answer. Judging from Shiroyama's appearance, he should have been eager to change places and concentrate on making his own Pokémon nutritious food.

The second problem is more troublesome. Shiroyama has a chef father who only wants his son to inherit the cooking skills. It is difficult to convince him to let Shiroyama do what he wants.

Of course, Shiroyama could also just yo-yo, but Akimoto didn't know what the consequences would be, and he didn't have the guts to just yo-yo.

Akimoto and Shiroyama Ming said that he is the first in this breeding assessment, so Shiroyama has nothing to worry about in terms of potential, and it is impossible for Akimoto to not be able to supply the materials that Shiroyama consumes in researching the formula.

This is also one of the reasons why Chengshan intends to cooperate with Akimoto.

Akimoto is responsible for providing Shiroyama with the space and materials to make Pokémon nutritional food, and does not interfere with his personal behavior.

What Chengshan needs to put in is hard work to make a large amount of Pokémon nutritional food, which will be packaged and canned for sale.

For the two of them, such a small request was no problem at all, so they happily reached a consensus.

But the next step in the cooperation is to solve Chengshan's father, the somewhat stubborn old chef.

Akimoto didn't have any good ideas for this. He could only take one step at a time. After the breeding house competition was over, he would accompany Shiroyama to see if he could convince Shiroyama's father.

Just before leaving, Chengshan suddenly said something.

"My father will definitely agree this time. If he doesn't agree, I will ask him to agree. I don't want to be a chef, I want to be a Pokémon nutritionist! Even a Pokémon nutritionist can also be like a trainer , breeders are equally recognized and respected by people!”

Akimoto looked at Shiroyama for a moment, then smiled and pushed his shoulder and walked towards the competition venue.

"What a silly kid. He looks like a comic book hero."

Not long after returning to the competition venue, Akimoto saw the energetic young man Zhuo Ka, whose killing ability was comparable to that of Mikli, walking in his direction.

He looked left and right and found that there was no one around him, so it was indeed him.

"Stop looking, I'm here to tell you that you will lose this time!"

Zhuo Ka looked arrogant, looking down at Qiu Yuan with his head held high.

However, Qiu Yuan silently measured the distance. This guy who was a head shorter than himself raised his head and looked down. Where was he looking at?

"Are you a primary school student who has not yet graduated from Pokémon School? The level of technical skills is too low to say harsh things."


"Don't talk to the idiot, just go away and interfere with me doing my business."

Qiu Yuan turned his head, ignored this guy, and concentrated on doing business. It would be really inappropriate if he missed the opportunity to feast his eyes on him because he ignored the idiot.

Zhuo Ka was ignored by Qiu Yuan. He felt as if he had been insulted. He clenched his fists, but found that he couldn't beat Qiu Yuan, so he could only grit his teeth and leave, greeting Qiu Yuan in his heart.

As for what Qiu Yuan is talking about...

That's right.

What Qiu Yuan was talking about was the two young ladies on the other side holding batons and playing with a few tail cats.

And judging by their appearance, they are twins!

It's early December, and I'm still wearing midriff-baring short-sleeves and a pleated miniskirt, oh my god!

Qiu Yuan couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hey, hey, Qiu Yuan, what are you looking at?"

"Ah, ah?"

Suddenly being called, Qiu Yuan looked back and found Zeming walking towards him.

"Ze Ming? Shouldn't you be at the intermediate breeding house?"

Hearing this, Zeming's eyes widened. He put one hand on his chest and pointed at Qiu Yuan with the other, making a very sad expression: "You, you have seen me a long time ago, but you didn't say hello to me... I feel , there is no love between us anymore..."

Qiu Yuan: "..."

"Are you really Zeming? Aren't you a Variety Monster?"

"Replace it if it's fake!"

"You don't have any mental illness, do you? It's so abnormal, it scared me."

When would Zeming say such disgusting words with such a disgusting expression? Qiu Yuan really got goosebumps all over his body and wanted to vomit.

"What do you care about me? You, on the other hand, saw me a long time ago but didn't say hello to me. And what were you doing just now?" Zeming's expression suddenly became serious.

But Qiu Yuan didn't like him.

"What can I do? You're not blind. I'm doing business."

Zeming came closer with a big face and looked at Qiu Yuan, but Qiu Yuan didn't even move his eyebrows.

"Doing business? What business?"

“Lengthen your life and stay healthy.”

"speak English."

"Appreciating beautiful things can make people feel good, stay healthy, and delay aging. In short, it has various benefits. If you have nothing to do, you might as well sit down and quietly appreciate this pure natural beauty."

Qiu Yuan's words were as serious and serious as the scriptures recited by an old monk while sitting in meditation. If Zeming hadn't seen the smile on Qiu Yuan's face when he turned his head just now, he would have almost believed it.

You are a ghost old monk, you are an old sex critic.

"To tell you the truth, are you sure you can beat him? That guy named Zhuo Ka."

Qiu Yuan gave Ze Ming a strange look: "Why do you also know about Zhuo Ka?"

"Xiao Ye told me."

"Jiang Liye? Why did she tell you this?"

"She's more worried about you. Now she's learning breeding knowledge from her master, but she's too busy to come here. It's you, I heard that this guy knows how to use tricks. You won't overturn it, right?"

"It's impossible for the car to roll over. I'll beat that little brat."

Zeming smiled: "Aren't you a kid too? A 17-year-old kid."

"..." Qiu Yuan rolled his eyes at Zeming.

The two did not talk for long before they received a notification that the next round of the competition was about to begin and asked the players to take their positions.

Zeming returned to the venue of the intermediate breeding house, while Akimoto walked towards the gathering place.

As for the process, Akimoto was familiar with it. It was nothing more than a lottery to select Pokémon and choosing in order.


Akimoto still overestimated the shamelessness of Zoka. He thought that even if Zoka did something small, it would be in the middle of the game. Unexpectedly, he was doing something before this round of the game started.

The host on the stage read out the names of one person after another. Akimoto watched them walk up to the stage, pick three Pokémon balls from a pile, and then leave. It was not until the last seven or eight that Akimoto realized what this guy was going to do.

As expected by Akimoto, his name was the last one to be read, and when he walked onto the stage, he found that the box containing the Pokémon balls was empty, and there was not a single Pokémon ball in it.

Akimoto looked at the host holding the roll call list calmly without saying a word.

The host who looked a bit like Lada had a sinister light in his narrow eyes and smiled sinisterly.

Akimoto felt uncomfortable.

It was strange that such an ugly person could be found in the Pokémon world. It was really rare.

Especially when Akimoto heard the sharp voice of the mouse host at close range, as if a small saw was stuck in his throat, he felt a little tingling.

This feeling was like...

The guy called Xiangjianyou who met in Baichao City.

To be honest, in the Pokémon world where people are generally good-looking, it is really rare to have a person who looks like a mouse and has a sharp inverted triangle head.

"This contestant."

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

The host smiled strangely: "I'm sorry, we don't have enough Pokémon. Wait a minute, and I'll transfer three Pokémon for you."

"It's okay, everything is fine."

Akimoto behaved very calmly from beginning to end, which made the host who wanted to see Akimoto embarrassed very unhappy, but he couldn't make trouble for Akimoto, so he could only disgust Akimoto.

Everyone received the three Pokémon to be used in the subsequent competitions, only Akimoto didn't.

He stood on the stage alone, waiting for the staff to deliver the Pokémon Balls. This wait lasted for more than ten minutes. Everyone in the audience looked at Akimoto and whispered to each other.

To be honest, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

So Akimoto thought.

He wanted to find an opportunity to beat up this host to relieve his anger. It wouldn't take long. Three days later, when the breeding house competition was over, he would let Gengar beat up this host.

It would be best if he could scare him out of his psychological trauma.

Finally, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Akimoto got his three Pokémon.

Needless to say, these three Pokémon must be extremely weak, and they may also have physical defects like the previous mount lamb, or suffer from some kind of disease.

This is already foreseeable, otherwise why is it so coincidental that I am the last one, and there are no Pokémon when it comes to me?

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