Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 231 It’s time to test your healing skills again

After receiving the Pokémon, they returned to the room arranged by the organizer and carried out the training or treatment of the Pokémon on their own.

This breeding house competition also has an area similar to an ecological park for breeders to play with Pokémon.

But to be honest, when Akimoto saw his three Pokémon, he felt a little uncomfortable and blocked.

These three Pokémon are a Metapod, a Smurf, and a Squirrel.

When Akimoto released the Metapod from the Pokémon ball, there was no movement from the Metapod, and Akimoto even died because of it.

Only after Akimoto took great pains to comb its body with the power of life, it gradually became a little energetic.

This is obviously the sequelae of insufficient innate qualifications and being forced to evolve early. In this case, it can only be slightly alleviated by more and better energy supplements.

Otherwise, he could only wait for Metapod to evolve again and become Butterfree, which might not even be able to fly. Then Akimoto's score would definitely fall to the bottom.

The situation of Sakura and Scrabble was also not optimistic.

Sakura had burns of varying degrees on its body. Although it was not very obvious, Akimoto could still see that some of the burns were caused a few days ago, while others were caused in a short period of time.

This inevitably reminded Akimoto of this guy, Zoka, who deliberately burned the wounded Sakura and sent it to his hands, so that he could not treat them.

At this time, Akimoto almost knew why the general process of this competition was the same as the breeding assessment, but the time of the last stage was different.

Obviously, only three days were given, so Akimoto could not cure the status of the three Pokémon within these three days, let alone let them have a better physical condition.

Sighing, Akimoto had to deal with the problem of Scrabble again.

This lobster dragon has severe symptoms of dehydration. If it happens to other Pokémon, it can be understood, but it is very puzzling when it happens to a water-attribute Pokémon.

Akimoto didn't find anything after the first check, and this lobster soldier would not take the initiative to describe his physical problems to Akimoto, and his movements were also relatively slow.

It seems that... it seems that not only has symptoms of severe physical dehydration, but also has a certain degree of intellectual disability.

Oh, oh.

It's a bit tricky!

Akimoto can only put down the lobster soldier temporarily and simply deal with the burns of the mouth flower.

The old burns have already stabilized, and the new burns are still causing pain to the mouth flower.

Akimoto first rinsed the burns of the mouth flower with clean water over and over again, and then mixed berries into a paste and let the mouth flower take it, so that it can be absorbed faster by the mouth flower and take effect as soon as possible.

Then, mix the berry fruit, the wood seed fruit, and the long-tail fruit in a ratio of 3:3:4, and use the life force as a neutralizer to make a dressing for treating burns.

When Akimoto treated the injury of the mouth flower, there was no mouth flower at the scene, only an unknown Pokémon covered with brown paste.

If the color of the dressing was not brown, but purple, it would be like another shape of stinky mud.

Akimoto also gave himself some fun in the midst of suffering.

He did not bandage the mouth flower, but only applied the ointment he mixed himself, so as to further treat it during the day tomorrow.

In this way, he did not need to worry about the mouth flower today.

None of the remaining metal pupa and lobster soldiers were easy to deal with, and Akimoto was also a little headache.

As for using the life force to comb their bodies, the metal pupa obviously lacked nutrition and energy, which could not be supplemented by the life force.

The lobster soldier was completely unable to find any reason, which was very tricky. The life force that had always been able to play a role at any time was also at a loss this time.

When Akimoto was thinking, he also thought about whether he could use an "evolution therapy" once, just like the lamb mount in the breeding assessment before.

But the final conclusion was that he couldn't do it at all.

Because he no longer had the source of life, what he had now was the life force of Xerneas, and there was no way to make Pokémon evolve temporarily.

This was very difficult to deal with.

While thinking about countermeasures, Akimoto also configured a certain proportion of nutrient solution for the condition of the Metapod, because it was now in the pupa state, it was difficult to eat, and the body also fed back signals of indigestion.

So the only way to supplement nutrition for the Metapod was to use nutrient solution.

Although the competition only provided tree fruits for use, the rest were not allowed to be brought, and the Pokémon balls and backpack items of the breeders had to be temporarily taken away.

But Akimoto had a mobile warehouse.

It was Drogka and his friends who cheated first, so Akimoto didn't intend to follow the rules. The first thing to do was to cure these three Pokémon.

It was obvious that they had made many preparations in advance to disgust Akimoto. Except for Squirtle, the symptoms of the other two Pokémon were not common.

It took a long time to find it.

What made Akimoto most angry was Squirtle's situation.

It was obviously already burned, but Drogka and his friends deliberately made Squirtle suffer more serious burns in order to give Akimoto a greater obstacle.

It was really a disgusting and despicable method.

Fortunately, this kind of artificial burn is the easiest to treat among the three Pokémon. I believe that tomorrow, Akimoto will be able to restore the health of the scorpion.

Similarly, although the situation of the Metapod is also tricky, after some inspection and sorting, it only takes one or two days of conditioning to reach the level that Akimoto can directly use life force to treat it.

If you want to supplement the nutrition of Pokémon, the fastest and most convenient way is to feed them Moo Moo Milk.

When artificial Pokémon food is not considered, Moo Moo Milk has the highest nutritional value among all regular Pokémon foods, and it is also the easiest to absorb and convert into the Pokémon's own energy.

Although Moo Moo Milk is not provided at the competition site, Akimoto's system warehouse has it, so just take it out and use it.

With the tree fruit mixer in the room, it is easy to make a nutrient solution suitable for the current situation of the Metapod.

Can this be called cheating?

This is obviously not.

This is called getting your Pokémon back to the same starting line as other people's Pokémon.

Just when he went out to get the fruit, Akimoto saw many breeders, and the Pokémon they received were nothing more than those symptoms.

Minor scratches, bruises, and slightly more serious burns are nothing compared to the severity of the smurf.

He made nutrient solution for Metapod and dressings for the burns of the smurf, but Akimoto had no way to deal with the lobster soldier.

Anxiety is useless, Akimoto knows this very well.

He relaxed and told himself not to worry too much about whether he would lose the championship this time, and put all his thoughts on treating the three Pokémon in front of him.

Although they were all "roadblocks" arranged by Zoka to hinder Akimoto, they were not wrong.

Since they were sent to Akimoto, Akimoto would try his best to cure them.

Thinking of this, Akimoto's mentality calmed down a lot and began to return to normal.

Akimoto used another method to check the lobster soldier's symptoms. This time, he did not focus on the examination of life force, but used life force to guide the lobster soldier so that it could hear Akimoto's instructions.

The previous method was that Akimoto unilaterally examined the lobster soldier, but how could a doctor not listen to the patient's self-narration when seeing a patient?

The lobster soldier did not have the ability to self-narrate, so Akimoto used another method to guide the lobster soldier so that it could unconsciously tell what Akimoto wanted to know.

Although the words expressed by the lobster soldier in this way were still a little vague after Akimoto's induction, it finally gave Akimoto a glimmer of hope to treat the lobster soldier.

All things are difficult at the beginning. As long as we know the reason why the lobster soldier is severely dehydrated, we can start further treatment.

Akimoto had also been thinking before, whether to treat the lobster soldier's intellectual disability first or severe dehydration.

But after careful thinking, it was found that the lobster soldier's intellectual disability was likely caused by the destruction of physical functions caused by severe dehydration, which caused intellectual disability.

Although it seems a bit forced to explain, Akimoto has indeed seen this symptom. Because of the injury to the body, the brain, which seems to be the last to have problems, has problems.

"Well, it's still a bit tricky."

After Akimoto's fool-like guidance and thorough examination, he finally found the reason why the lobster soldier's body was seriously dehydrated.

It turned out that the lobster soldier inhaled too much "water" at a certain time and did not excrete it in time, causing the body function to malfunction and unable to absorb "water" for a long time, so it was seriously dehydrated.

The water here is translated from the words of the lobster soldier.

But according to Akimoto's idea, it should be that the lobster soldier wanted to use a powerful skill, but accidentally failed to control the water elemental power guided into the body, so the body's function of storing elemental power was broken.

In this way, it is almost like removing the water word of the lobster soldier, a water-type Pokémon, so that it can not only not use water-type moves, but also cannot replenish basic daily water.

Fortunately, Akimoto finally found the cause of the disease, and this problem is easy to solve.

No wonder Akimoto always felt that the consumption of life force was a bit abnormal when he used life force to check the body of the lobster soldier.

It turned out that when the life force was flowing in the body of the lobster soldier, it was absorbed by the damaged elemental force storage point.

"Have a good rest, everyone will be healthy tomorrow, and the rest is to become stronger and better."

After a good treatment, Akimoto used up the life force accumulated today and repaired more than half of the damaged elemental force storage point of the lobster soldier.

As long as the treatment is carried out tomorrow, the lobster soldier will be able to restore the normal elemental force absorption.

Similarly, depending on the situation, Metapod and Kou Daihua will be successfully treated tomorrow.


The next morning, before dawn, Akimoto was awakened by the alarm clock in the room.

After washing up in the small bathroom, Akimoto forced his eyes open and woke up Kou Daihua.

Before going to bed last night, Akimoto put both the Lobster Soldier and Metapod into the Poké Ball, leaving only the Skullflower outside.

After changing the medicine twice, the degree of healing of the burns of the Skullflower has been significantly improved. With this treatment method, it will only take about one more day to complete.

But Akimoto can't waste a day. There are only two and a half days left in the competition. If he wastes another day, he will miss the championship.

After all, no one knows whether Zoka will provide some conveniences to Akimoto in addition to cheating and giving him a Pokémon with such serious physical defects.

But there is a high probability that he will.

Akimoto knows why this guy did not participate in the breeding assessment because of "lateness". He passed the subsequent separate assessment.

To treat the mouth flower, the principle of photosynthesis is needed.

The mouth flower cannot learn complete photosynthesis, but as long as it masters part of the principle and completes a little recovery, the treatment efficiency can be greatly improved.

The treatment of life force and ointment is to treat the trauma from the outside. Akimoto needs to let the mouth flower use photosynthesis to perform self-treatment from the inside out.

This will not only effectively treat burns, but also improve the treatment efficiency of life force and ointment.

It can reduce the original one day required to treat burns to a few hours.

The reason why we chose the time before dawn, rather than at noon when the sun is the strongest, is because the sunlight in the early morning is not as strong as that at noon.

Although the effect of photosynthesis is better when the sunlight is stronger, it also requires a body that can withstand this force to convert the absorbed energy into healing energy.

Therefore, choosing the early morning when the sunlight is relatively mild is the most suitable time for Sakura.

However, there is another problem. Akimoto doesn't know whether Sakura has mastered the skills he taught him last night.

This skill was learned by Akimoto from his mount goat. He also tried to let the forest lizards learn it. Although they can't learn photosynthesis, they can also get some recovery effects.

This at least proves that the principle of photosynthesis is basically applicable to grass-type Pokémon. It depends on whether Sakura has mastered it.

In short, Sakura is already the smartest one among the three Pokémon that Akimoto has received.

The other two...

Metapoda is usually dull, and doesn't even move its eyes.

The lobster soldier was paralyzed on a daily basis. Apart from shouting "Hey, hey...", he kept opening and closing his two large claws.

No matter how you look at it, only the dumb flower who could communicate with Akimoto normally was considered smart.

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