Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 232 Zhuo Ka's Little Bean

"Yes! That's it, use force!"

"No, no, use leaves!!"

"Use leaves, leaves!!"

Early in the morning, just after six o'clock, in the ecological park provided by the breeding competition, an extremely anxious voice was heard.

Akimoto could only look at the stupid look of the mouth-slow flower and worry about it, and kept directing it to do the right action.

Obviously, this is a level 22 mouth-slow flower, but it still lacks some understanding, and it can't respond to Akimoto's instructions in the first time.

Akimoto asked it to use leaves for photosynthesis, but this guy stupidly used photosynthesis to concentrate energy on the head.

What kind of awkward operation is this? !

Akimoto was dumbfounded and shouted at the top of his voice. The mouth-slow flower just woke up from a dream and concentrated the energy on the leaves again.

Obviously, the mouth-slow flower had to use force in the whole process, but Akimoto was still sweating in the end.

What a thing.

However, although the process was tortuous, the result was still good.

Although it wasted a little energy, the smurf also successfully used semi-finished photosynthesis. Through the healing ability of photosynthesis from the inside to the outside, together with the life force and ointment, the effect of 1+2\u003e3 was achieved.

Akimoto let the smurf stay outside for a while and bask in the sun, and he went back to the room to prepare breakfast for them.

The same nutrient solution was prepared for the metal pupae and the lobster soldiers. The smurf ate the short mustard balls made by Akimoto, which were much better than the nutrient solution.

When everyone got up and took the Pokémon to stroll in the ecological park, Akimoto had the opportunity to observe their respective cultivation progress.

According to the status of the Pokémon under the breeders that Akimoto saw, compared with their status yesterday, it can be roughly deduced what status they can cultivate Pokémon to by the end.

The cultivation ability of most breeders has been reflected at this moment. According to Akimoto's observation, among the more than 80 junior breeders participating in the competition, at least 40 to 50 are lucky.

Judging from the status of the Pokémon they received yesterday afternoon and what they observed this morning, there is basically no change.

Although the cultivation of Pokémon is not something that can be completed overnight, the Pokémon provided for this breeding house competition will have some defects or injuries, and the change in status is very obvious.

Akimoto can easily see that the status of most Pokémon has not changed much, and only a very small number of people’s cultivation measures for Pokémon are effective.

It’s not that the various cultivation measures taken by others for Pokémon have no effect, but the effect is not very good and the effect is slow.

The disadvantage of slow effect is naturally that they can’t cope with this competition, so Akimoto can basically say that they are here to play soy sauce and be spectators for others.

I don’t know what kind of mentality they have to be so thick-skinned to mix in the competition.

Because the situation of Metapod and Squirrel is not suitable for too much outdoor activities, Akimoto only brought Koubei out to let it adjust its physical condition as soon as possible.

The difference between grass-type Pokémon and other Pokémon is the speed of recovery after injury. They recover very quickly and can be active without any recuperation time after treatment.

So Akimoto is also racing against time to train and cultivate Sakura. First of all, the best way is to let it master new skills, so that it can score the most points.

The second is to improve Sakura's physical abilities in all aspects.

These two can be done at the same time. What Akimoto has to do is to let Sakura master poison powder.

Yes, it is poison powder.

Sakura has not mastered this skill.

It is obviously already level 22, but Sakura still has not mastered this skill that is most suitable and useful for it. It is really not right.

Sakura's attack method is relatively simple, and a very fixed set is to use various skills with additional effects to reduce the opponent's status and restrict actions, and then defeat the opponent with a frontal close attack when the opponent is in a low state.

The reason for doing this is that Sakura's attack power and special attack ability are relatively strong, but its body is fragile.

So the poison powder skill is a great improvement for Sakura.

Why most trainers don't like to fight against Bug-type and Grass-type Pokémon is because they can basically master one or two dust skills to a certain extent.

And dust skills are all status-related. Not to mention how much restrictions they can impose on opponents during battle, the recovery work after the battle alone can give many trainers a headache.

Of course, flying-type and fire-type trainers are exceptions.

The Pokémon they use, flying-type can directly blow the dust back, and fire-type can directly burn the dust with fire, and they can cause high damage to them with a backhand.

Akimoto also has some understanding of the skill of poison powder, and knows a little about its release method. I believe that as long as he guides Sakura, it can also learn it.

Dust skills are basically through attracting elemental power, absorbing the elemental power into the body for transformation, and spraying it out into powder. The effects of the powder are different, and the names of the skills are different.

To master poison powder, you must first master the skill of absorbing elemental power into the body and converting it into powder. This is not a problem for Sakura who has already mastered hypnotic powder.

The question is how to control the attributes and absorb pure poison elemental power into the body.

Most Pokémon master skills by improving their strength. They master corresponding skills after their racial memory awakens. They generally do not know how to actively absorb elemental power to form skills.

So this is a difficult point.

The way Akimoto squatted on the grass and thought about how to teach the skill of the Poison Powder of the Mouth-stupid Flower was seen by someone as a decadent performance after getting a "waste" Pokémon.

Not far away, Zhuo Ka looked at Akimoto squatting on the ground without saying a word, and smiled smugly.

He walked in front of Akimoto with a proud look, and the shadow he cast covered the grass in front of Akimoto.

Akimoto looked up.

This idiot again.

Then Akimoto lowered his head and thought about his own things.

"Hey! What's your attitude?!"

Zhuo Ka was unhappy. You, a guy who is destined to be defeated by me, dare to ignore me?

But Akimoto really ignored him and ignored him no matter how he called him.

"Damn it!" Zhuo Ka gnashed his teeth and looked at Akimoto. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the smurf next to him and laughed triumphantly, "This is the Pokémon you got. It's really a healthy and strong little guy."


Before he finished speaking, Zhuo Ka kicked the smurf, and kicked the wound that had not yet fully recovered.

The smurf fell to the ground and screamed in pain, covering the place where he was kicked, and looked at Zhuo Ka timidly.

Akimoto stood up and looked coldly at this guy who jumped in front of him like a clown all day long.

It's okay to arrange that the Pokémon he got have serious injuries and defects one by one, and it's okay to disgust him all day long, but now he dares to attack the smurf!

It's really unbearable.

Zhuo Ka felt a chill on his back when he was stared at by Akimoto, but he didn't want to show any timidity in front of Akimoto, so he forced a sarcastic smile and said word by word: "Are you angry? But what can I do? Come and hit me? Come on?"

"I'm afraid I really don't dare to hit you? Damn it!"

Akimoto was about to lose control, but in the end he considered a lot and couldn't do it. If he did, he would agree with Zhuo Ka's wishes.

There was a referee not far away staring at Akimoto. Once he hit Zhuo Ka, he would be disqualified immediately.

It was Zhuo Ka who started it first, but Akimoto couldn't do anything. Even if Akimoto went to find the referee, he would definitely be told that there was no evidence and give up.

Akimoto picked up the lying Kou Dai Hua and walked towards his room with it.

Zhuo Ka just laughed sarcastically, watching Akimoto's leaving figure, and shouted loudly: "You are a coward! Why do you get the first place? You can't be the first if you meet me!"

Akimoto ignored him, quietly returned to the room, closed the door, and helped Kou Daihua to supplement the treatment.


Akimoto did not go out all day, locked himself in the room, and treated the three Pokémon.

After a whole day of treatment, the injuries of the three Pokémon were finally healed.

Moreover, the lobster soldiers can also start to absorb water on their own and can eat the algae balls.

Only the Metapod did not have the balls with the corresponding attributes made by Akimoto, but as Akimoto's all-purpose balls, Setsuri balls came in handy at this time.

At night, when everyone was asleep, a black shadow ran out of Akimoto's room.

It stayed outside the door for a while, then floated to the eaves, covered the surveillance cameras along the way with a few pieces of black cloth, and then flew back to Akimoto's room.

"Is it done?"

"Hehehe, wooha, woo~ha~"

Geng Gui laughed and rubbed his hands together, and couldn't wait any longer.

Akimoto confirmed with Gengar again, and after making sure that all the cameras outside were covered, he nodded to Gengar.

After receiving the order, Gengar laughed even more happily.

Finally, there was fun!

Gengar released ghost energy and wrapped Akimoto inside. After one person and one ghost went out, they walked slowly to the end of the corridor along the wall.

After a while, Akimoto and Gengar came to the last room.

Akimoto looked up and confirmed that this was Zhuo Ka's room with the help of the bright moonlight, and then let Gengar go through the wall and open the door from the inside.

"Oh, you know how to enjoy yourself, Zhuo Ka."

After entering the room, Akimoto looked around.

They were all the same contestants, but Zhuo Ka's room was obviously much better than the other contestants' rooms. He even enjoyed himself to participate in a competition. He was really a real rubbish person.

Would Akimoto endure the anger he suffered during the day?

Not taking action at that time does not mean that he will never take action.

Without the referee, it is time for Akimoto to punish the rubbish person Zhuo Ka.

"Geng Gui, soundproof."

"Woo Ha, Woo Ha!"

After receiving the order, Gengar clasped his hands together and rubbed them gently. A ball of invisible energy emanated from the palms of his hands, and then formed a barrier to cover the room.

This is a soundproof ability that Gengar has mastered. It is often used by it to trick the Pokémon in the breeding house, but it was discovered by Akimoto and no longer used.

Now it has a place to use again.

It was late at night and the surveillance cameras along the way were covered by black cloth by Gengar, so Akimoto didn't have to worry about being discovered tomorrow.

Even if Zhuo Ka knew that he did it, what would it matter? Anyway, there was no evidence.

Akimoto touched Zhuoka's room and saw Zhuoka sleeping soundly. There were three Pokmon balls and several cans of special Pokémon food on his table.

No need to think about it, these cans of special Pokémon food must have been brought in by him using his connections.

Never mind him, beat him first and then talk.

Damn it, Qiu Yuan endured it really hard during the day, and now he can finally take revenge.

Zhuo Ka was immersed in sleep when he was punched in the face and then kicked twice.

Qiu Yuan felt that it was not enough, so he stepped down hard.

As a result, Zhuo Ka screamed, and then he stared hard, as if he wanted to pop his eyes out. Akiyuan was so frightened that he quickly punched him with his backhand and knocked him unconscious.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh."

"What's wrong?"

"Uh-huh-u-ha-u-ha, hehe."

Gengar began to gesture with his hands, first clasping his palms together, and then clasping his fingers together, leaving only his index and middle fingers aligned...

This...is going to take a thousand years to kill!

Akimoto gave it a strange look.

If I remember correctly, Akimoto only showed this look with his hands one night when he was bored, and shouted a few words "Ninja Technique! Secret Art! Thousand Years of Killing!".

Was he actually learned from Gengar?

And is it going to test the knife on Zhuo Ka?


Gengar asked Qiu Yuan for permission again.

"up to you."


Gengar was particularly obedient today. He even knew how to apply to Qiu Yuan before doing anything. It seemed that he was very satisfied with this action.

It could be seen that its hand kept this shape, gesticulating towards Zhuo Ka for a long time, and finally smiled and pointed at the position of Zhuo Ka's bright little anus.

Qiu Yuan swears that he has never used Thousand Year Kill on anyone!

It can only be said that this mystery has special magic power, and everyone can find the correct striking position without any guidance.

It can also include Gengar.

As Gengar said "Hey", the Millennium Killing started!




The whole process can be summarized with these onomatopoeias.

Looking at Zhuo Ka who was knocked unconscious again, Qiu Yuan said to Gengar: "Gengar, go ahead and hypnotize him."


Gengar used serious hypnosis. It was not meant to fool people. It did not require any props at all, and it did not require the hypnotized person to stare at the hypnotist all the time.

All it takes is powerful force to flow directly into Zhuo Ka's mind to control his autonomous consciousness.

While Gengar completed the hypnosis, Qiu Yuan also laid out all the tools.

A desk lamp and a video camera.

Looking at Zhuo Ka who had already sat up, he turned on the camera and faced him, and then said: "Stand up."

Zhuo Ka stood up obediently, but the next scene was a bit jarring.

Qiu Yuan looked at Zhuo Ka's little penis and said faintly: "Put on your pants."

How old are you to sleep naked? Why don't you show off your face?

And this is too small, right?

After Zhuo Ka put on his pants, Qiu Yuan coughed and said to him, "What's your name?"


"What's your grandfather's name?"

"Zhuo Ji."

"What kind of person is your grandfather?"

"My grandfather is very generous and always gives me a lot of money. He has two young wives, but the money he gives them is not as much as he gives me..."

Qiu Yuan's head was covered with black lines.

"Where did your grandfather get his money?"

"My grandfather is the veteran of the alliance... He can make money from many places... all the hotels in Miare City... and..."

If you don’t ask, you won’t know. If you ask, you will be shocked.

Emotional Zhuo Ka's grandfather Zhuo Ji is a huge corrupt official, he is simply a big worm in the alliance.

This is much more greedy than Qiu Yuan imagined!

No wonder he wanted to force the Joey family to hand over their family breeding technology. It seemed to be for his own benefit. As long as the Joey family handed over their technology, he could make a lot of profits from it.

It was worth the trip today.

If Zhuo Ka hadn't deliberately come to disgust Qiu Yuan during the day, Qiu Yuan would not have come up with the idea of ​​beating him up at night.

This can be said to be deserved.

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