Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 239: Peerless Carving Skills! Crown of God!

Akimoto returned to the warehouse, put the Pokémon eggs he bought from the Wind Chime Breeding House into the incubator, and set it to heat preservation mode.

The incubator comes with two modes. One is the incubation mode, which consumes battery power and automatically adjusts the temperature to a temperature suitable for incubation.

The second is the heat preservation mode, which can keep the Pokémon eggs alive during the incubation period, but will not hatch so quickly.

Pokémon eggs sold in breeding houses are usually placed in the heat preservation mode during the incubation period, or placed in the heat preservation compartment of the incubation room.

The Pokmon eggs brought back from the Wind Chime Breeding House were all carefully selected by Akimoto. Basically, he selected the best Pokmon eggs that Hiroyuki Sanada had brought out.

The detection skill cannot detect the gender of a Pokémon in its egg form, but it can accurately detect its aptitude, so if Hironobu Sanada knew that Akimoto had such a bug-like ability, he would definitely cry out that he was in trouble.

"Eh? Brother Akimoto, what kind of Pokémon egg is this?"

Serena watched Akimoto busy in front of the display cabinet and pointed to the Pokémon eggs placed on the first row of the cabinet.

Akimoto stood on the ladder and looked down. It turned out that Serena was referring to the brown egg with black stripes.

"That's the egg of a black-eyed crocodile. It's not suitable for a beautiful little girl like you."

"Hehe. I like her beauty, but not for little girls."

"Then prove it to me. You also said that you are not a little girl and you can't even command Pokémon to fight."

Akimoto put the last egg in place, climbed down the ladder, and smiled at Serena.

Serena pouted her lips angrily and said in a low voice, "Then I'm just a little nervous. You'll definitely be able to give me another chance."

"I'll take you out to play in a few days. I'll see how you behave then. Let's go and eat." Qiu Yuan straightened Serena's hat and went to eat together.

While eating, Serena suddenly slapped her head.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to tell you, but Dora laid eggs. I put the eggs in the incubation room."

"Is it a cocoa egg or a Yaya egg?"

When Serena was asked this question, she bit her chopsticks in confusion, blinked her eyes cutely and said, "How do you tell which one is a cocoa Dora egg or a Yaya egg?"

Akimoto looked at Serena for several seconds, then smiled.

"Didn't you do your homework? It's easy to tell the difference between cocoa Dora eggs and Yaya eggs. The silver ones are cocoa Dora eggs and the green ones are Yaya eggs."

Serena also giggled: "Hey hehe... That's it... That seems to be Ya Ya Dan."

Suddenly Akimoto's face straightened up and he said: "Serena!"

"What, what's wrong?" Serena was startled.

"Go back and memorize the Pokmon Egg Appearance Chart. I'll take a test on you the day after tomorrow. If you can't answer the question, I won't take you out to play."

"...Well, I have to carry something again..." Serena said gloomily.

"Porphyry, porphyry, porphyry."

Xiaoli suddenly jumped over and jumped into Serena's arms, tickling her and making Serena laugh uncontrollably.

In the evening, Qiu Yuan took the best part of the horns produced by the sun coral and went to visit Grandma Sano.

I have been very busy recently, so I haven't gone to see Grandma Sano for a long time. Normally, Serena would take Jigglypuff and Quanquan Yuan to play with Grandma Sano.

As soon as she arrived at the door of Sano's house, she saw her decorating the low fence of the yard with a flower vine.

"It's Xiaoqiu. The breeding house has been very busy recently, right?"

"It's a bit busy, but fortunately, the work will be over soon, and there will be some leisure time."

Qiu Yuan stepped forward and helped Sano wrap the flower vines around the fence. Huan Yuan Yuan, who followed him, started playing on the fence, swaying like a single-plank bridge.

After a while, all the small wooden railings were decorated with beautiful flower vines, which looked exquisite and beautiful, with a breath of life.

The flowers in Chaoxiang Town seem to always be so bright and beautiful. Even though it has been winter for a while, they don't look tired like the flowers in other places.

Perhaps just like the moral of Chaoxiang Town, this is the place where flowers begin to bloom, full of hopes and dreams, and the beginning of everything.

"Grandma, I brought you some gadgets, just enough to relieve your boredom."

Akimoto took the sun coral horn out of the basket and placed it carefully on the table.

After more than a month of producing horns from ten sun corals, only three fist-sized coral horns were finally selected.

Akimoto spent several afternoons observing the process of changing horns in sun corals, and discovered a very interesting phenomenon.

The horns of sun corals usually fall off naturally after a period of time, and then grow back very quickly.

They will gather in one place before the horns fall off, carefully visit the fallen horns in a certain pattern, and connect the lower end of the horns, which is the end closest to the head before falling off, to each other.

The sun corals generally used for handicrafts are all pink or purple-pink opaque corals, but Akimoto discovered that if there are many sun corals living in groups, they can produce top-grade corals that are as exquisite and beautiful as pink glass. .

The reason why Akimoto says it looks like pink glass rather than pink crystal is because the coral horn collected from the bottom of Sun Coral Cape is mainly crystal pink, but there are also colorful colors flowing in it, which is very beautiful and moving but not monotonous.

It's a pity that after more than a month, there is only a small piece of glazed coral horns and three slightly larger pieces of light pink solid color coral horns.

Qiu Yuan should not waste these things anymore. The best destination for them would be to carve them into exquisite works of art for Grandma Sano.

Sano gently picked up the piece of glazed coral horn, turned it slowly, and squinted his eyes to carefully observe every color of the coral horn.

What was completely different from the slowness of her movements was the speed with which she conceived in her mind. She quickly sketched out the appearance of a brand new piece of art based on the shape and color of this piece of glazed coral horn.

Once you have an idea, get ready to take action without saying a word.

Sano got up and walked quickly to the place where she usually kept her tools, rummaged around and took out a delicate and small pointed carving knife with exquisite patterns carved on it.

Akimoto looked at Sano who was about to start carving in surprise and said, "Grandma, can I just use this knife? Don't you need other tools?"

When he saw other people carving in the past, they were all a lot of weird-shaped knives that he couldn't understand at all. But here in Sano, there was only a pointed carving knife.

Sano turned on the work desk lamp, installed the condenser film, rinsed the knife head with water, and said with a smile: "I will just use this knife. If you are interested, you can also take a look. I will use this knife." I have been using it for more than 50 years and I can’t get used to using anything else.”

The knife head washed by water exudes a cold light under the gathered lights, as if it can bring a calm state of concentration to the wielder.

Moreover, Akimoto also keenly noticed that after the knife was washed by water, it was not scrubbed, and there was not even a drop of water left. Even the image reflected by the light on it did not change its curvature.

It was already eight o'clock, and Sano did not turn on the big lights in the room, only a small desk lamp lit up on the table.

The light-condensing film next to it focuses the light on the glazed coral horn, making the soft and mist-like colors flow in the coral horn, like a spiritual treasure.

The surroundings are completely dark, with only one spot of light left on the table. This environment makes it easy for people to enter a state of concentrated calmness and maximize all skills.

This state also consumes a lot of physical strength. Qiu Yuan was a little worried about whether Sano could hold on. After all, she was already very old.

There was only the sound of two people breathing in the air, and even the lively and lively Circle Yuan Yuan watched without blinking as Sano's wrinkled and dexterous hands manipulated the carving knife, circling around like a miniature swimming dragon. Glazed coral corners fly.

Akimoto couldn't even feel the passage of time. This state was really magical. He was completely led into this state by Sano.

Before he even reacted, Sano had already split a slightly irregular-shaped coral horn into several short horns with graceful and handsome arcs.

After doing all this, Sano took a deep breath.

Sure enough, I am getting old, I am tired after only carving for such a while.

"Grandma, can you still carve? Why don't you take a rest first."

Qiu Yuan said with concern.

But Sano raised his head and smiled and said: "It's okay, it's finished. Don't blink next time."


Although Akimoto didn't understand what Sano meant, he still stared at the short corners on the table.

As if by magic, even though Akimoto had concentrated all his thoughts, he could not see clearly the traces of Sano's hand. In almost a few seconds, all the short horns were pieced together to form a main body pink , a crystal-clear horned crown with colorful clouds flowing through it.

"This, this? I..."

Qiu Yuan was so shocked that he couldn't help but curse. He didn't know what words to find to describe his shock.

Just that piece of glazed coral horn?

Irregularly shaped Cape Coral?

What is this now?

Akimoto seemed to see the beautiful horns on Xerneas' head. They were really similar. If it weren't for the size limitation, Akimoto would have thought that Xerneas's horns had fallen off.

The most damning thing is that there's not even a bit of crumbs on the table!

With Sano's peerless carving skills, there is no trace of scraps left in the carving process, and all the materials, whether they are elongated or small pieces, are connected by Sano using a special technique. He stood up and made the base of the crown at the base of this pair of horns.

"It's pretty good. It seems that although I'm old, my skills are still there."

Sano looked at the work of art carved by her own hands with a smile, her eyes full of joy and memories.


Akimoto thought he had seen it wrong, but when he looked again, he found that Sano seemed to be really remembering something.

Involuntarily, Qiu Yuan had an idea that he thought was absurd, but was indeed the most likely.

Sarno, may well have seen Xerneas in person.

Combined with her own special abilities and the history of Chaoxiang Town, it is not difficult to conclude that Sano has met Xerneas.

But the strange thing is that the time Xerneas slept does not match Sano's age at all!

Could it be that Sano is a humanoid Pokémon that has lived for hundreds of years?

That's not possible. Akimoto cast the detection skill on Sano, and it was indeed a human.

It was really unbelievable.

Seeing Akimoto's tangled expression, Sano thought that she had just recalled something and made Akimoto misunderstand.

"Xiao Qiu? Xiao Qiu?"

"Ah, ah, it's okay, hehehe..."

Akimoto scratched his head and giggled.

"Take this thing back, I'll keep the remaining three pieces of coral horns, and I'll carve them when I have nothing to do in the future." Sano found a piece of soft foam to wrap the horn crown and put it back in the basket brought by Akimoto. "I still couldn't help it. That piece is too beautiful, but it made me tired."

"This, this is carved by you, I originally gave it to you."

Although the horn crown is indeed very beautiful, Akimoto's original intention was to give the glass coral horn to Sano, why is Sano giving it back to him now?

It was useless for him to hold it. He was worried about putting it on the front desk of the breeding house, and it was easy for the Pokémon to knock it over.

"It's okay, just think of it as a gift for your opening."

Sano smiled and put the handle of the basket in Akimoto's hand, then turned around to clean up the table.

Akimoto knew that since Sano said so, she would definitely not want the Horned Crown anymore. Her stubborn character, according to Saki, was very similar to her deceased partner.

However, Akimoto accepted this exquisite and unique work of art, and he couldn't just call it "Horned Crown" all the time, that would be too cheap, and it should be named by the creator.

"Name... I'm not very good at naming. Hmm..." Sano thought for a while, and then said, "Just call it the Crown of God."

"Crown of God..."

Akimoto was stunned.

Crown of God?

Is it really as he guessed?

Finally, Akimoto decided not to make random guesses. No matter what Sano's origins were, she was the kind and kind but a little stubborn grandma Sano.

Akimoto couldn't ask his guess out loud.

"Well, it's called the Crown of God."

It was getting late, and Sano wanted to rest, so Akimoto took Quanquan Yuanyuan and the Crown of God back to the breeding house.

But before going to bed, Akimoto was still thinking about what Sano said when he came out of Sano's house.

"It will bring you good luck. It's a blessing from grandma."

It was incredible that Sano could carve the glass coral horn into this shape.

And the important thing is that when Akimoto saw the Crown of God without any trace of connection, he wanted to try to take it down, but found that it was useless.

Not only were the joints tightly connected without any traces, but even the crown seat made of scraps was seamless, as if it was carved from a piece of oversized glass coral horn.

Akimoto was stunned.

And when he carefully placed the Crown of God on the base he bought from the system store, he felt a special energy surging in the Crown of God.

That breath must be the power of the fairy origin.

Not only that, when Akimoto got up the next morning, he found that Gengar, Togepi, and Jigglypuff were all gathered under the ancient tree.

Akimoto, who had just got up and went downstairs, was shocked and thought something had happened in the breeding house.

Seeing Akimoto coming downstairs, Gengar flew over with a serious face.

"What's wrong, Gengar, what are you doing here so early in the morning?"

Although Akimoto was still confused, he vaguely understood a little.

A closer look revealed that all the Pokémon present were Pokémon from the starting place, and the energy breath of the fairy origin was also found on the Crown of God brought back from Sano yesterday...

But can they feel this breath from such a distance?

"Wooha, wooha, wooha wooha!"

"Puh puh! Puh!"

"Wait a minute, just talk, Gengar, you talk."

Akimoto rubbed his temples. It was a headache to hear their different frequencies of voices when he got up early in the morning.

After Akimoto spoke, the other Pokémon stopped talking and let Gengar speak.

According to Gengar, it felt a trace of the breath of the fairy essence last night, which was exactly the same as the breath of Xerneas.

However, considering that Akimoto also had a part of the fairy essence given by Xerneas, Gengar thought it was an illusion that night.

But unexpectedly, the next morning, Jigglypuff and Togepi all felt something strange.

So Gengar and the others gathered under the ancient tree early in the morning, waiting for Akimoto to come out to see what was going on.

Because after careful identification, Gengar could feel that the breath of the fairy essence was very pure. Although it was not much different from Akimoto's fairy essence breath that was tainted with the breath of life force, Gengar could clearly distinguish it.

When Akimoto listened to Gengar's words completely, he knew what Gengar and the others were worried about.

It turned out that the reason why Gengar and the others were so anxious was that they were afraid that the fairy essence that was lost after Xerneas was seriously injured might be used by bad people. After all, it was the fairy essence, even if only a part of it was broken, it still had very powerful energy.

Akimoto: Why didn't I find how powerful the energy was? It felt like I didn't use as much as life force.

But he couldn't say that. After all, Gengar was also a loyal believer of Xerneas, and he still had to give face to the fairy essence.

After discussing with Gengar for a while, although Akimoto said that Grandma Sano was not a bad person, Gengar still wanted to confirm it.

There was no choice. At noon, Akimoto brought a few dishes to Sano's house to eat with her, and Gengar hid in Akimoto's shadow.

Sano also asked Akimoto to go back to the breeding house and deal with everything.

After returning.

"What did you observe?"


Geng Gui floated out of Akimoto's shadow and fell into thought, as if recalling something.

"Wuhawuha, wuha... wuhaha, wuha. (She gave me a very familiar feeling, but I don't remember who she is... Maybe I forgot something when I was asleep.)"

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